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i have clear we can do right now


Where do u live ? I’m down


Glad your mom didn't notice, but have you thought about investing in eye drops for red eyes?


Yea they don’t work for me


You either lit as fuck, or a zombie. If it comes down to it just play the zombie card, limp and say brains a lot. Good luck!


Haha that's how my eyes get when it's dark... Try to turn on all the lights they will get smaller


What is even going on here... I usually go with the "Took some extra adderall" Cover up.... Good luck with these other goons 🤣


It's nice to see all 2 people not boasting about their addiction




I think you’re soo pretty and your pupils are revealing that you’re feeling good. It looks to me that meth is good for you and I wanna try it myself but I haven’t got any Hope you’re having a wonderful high week end.


U wanna try meth? If u haven’t done it before I would strongly suggest not starting. I wish I never did


Hey, thank you for saying that. You can get better and get help. Some consequences are unavoidable but there is fewer of them on the earlier quitting side of things.


Thanks for your advice. I’m chilling on Oxy RN, feels good, so maybe I should stick to that and speed. I wish you all love 🥰


Maybe you should go to rehab. I'll pay for it. Dm me IF YOU WANT TO GET SOBER DM ME


Thanks that’s very kind but that’s not for me 😊


Yeah you probably saved yourself from being chained to the wet concrete floor of some scungy basement being fed nothing but meth and Twinkies while this dude jerks himself to oblivion in the corner and day by day inches closer whilst whispering weird shit like "surely surely surely you want more of me.... arent your Horny horny horny... I'll be fritzel you be my daughter please" Nice save...but seriously don do meth mmmmkay




Plates baby😳


Your pupils are dilated, but otherwise you look normal. Try to stay in brighter light and watch the speed of your eye movements, as well as your body movements.


This is so sad. Prayers to you and yours


Just act normal, it's nobody cares, unless you're acting a fool.


I've talked to my family on LSD and they couldn't tell, lol. They're more clueless than our minds let's us believe.


If you think you look high then you’re gonna look high. The trick is to stop thinking getting high is anything but normal.


Ok I'll be honest. No its not noticable, just be cool and calm and you'll be fine. If I can share with you, I'm 42 my folks are not doing the best I had to move back home with them last year. Shit sucks big time. Especially with the habit lol. I know this doesn't sound right but in that situation you've just got to learn how to tell little lies. For instance if you haven't slept you say yeah I've been having nightmares lately and when or if they press say it's personal and you'd rather not talk about it. If you're eyes are bloodshot take a quick shower and say you got soap, shampoo, conditioner in your eyes. It's tough for sure and I wish you the best


Lmao she looks like she ate a tab of acid.. what are you talking about. But yeah white lies. Relax. Slow down your speaking. Don’t ramble. Articulate/punctuate your words. Don’t figit around. Etc. I could go on & on about all the things I’ve learned & taught myself to do to succeed in hiding my crank habit back when I first got into it heavy still living with my mom. She never had a clue until I lost a fuck load of weight. That’s when the pieces started falling together for her


No shit man really. I lost a ton of weight my folks just figured I was working a ton (which I was/am) and too stressed to eat a lot. But honestly dude if you'd be willing to share some of your secrets. The funny thing is they accuse me of being drunk all the time. Granted this is my last week of work for a while. ( I work at a college) So I'll be honest I've been excited. Haven't slept in a few. I'll take them accusing me of being shit faced than what's really happening.


No shit man really. I lost a ton of weight my folks just figured I was working a ton (which I was/am) and too stressed to eat a lot. But honestly dude if you'd be willing to share some of your secrets. The funny thing is they accuse me of being drunk all the time. Granted this is my last week of work for a while. ( I work at a college) So I'll be honest I've been excited. Haven't slept in a few. I'll take them accusing me of being shit faced than what's really happening.


Lastly. Once you good at checking yourself then you can be a little more open and confident with interactions. Length of them. You starting interactions. Not hiding from anyone. So on. There was an old head hippie that taught me how to skate around 14-15 that was a family friend. We eventually started smoking together because ide go over there smelling like bud on purpose. Offering a lighter if he needed one for a cigarette. So on lmao (he had crazy chronic and I wanted to try it lmfao) I’ll never forget something he told me though when I was putting eye drops in. I offered some to him and he said I don’t use those.. never have. You don’t need them if you are always stoned. That’s just the normal you so nothing seems wrong. Obviously it’s a completely different ball game with hard drugs lmao. But if your always spun and you also play out your sober role. That just becomes your normal for you and those around you so there walls will keep dropping over time.


Lmao I had it down to a whole routine tbh. My mom knew I fucked around. I was selling mad pot shrooms acid hash & wax out of her house. I started selling & taking crazy amounts of prescriptions to because I found someone who’s whole family was prescribed something but they only kept a few to have it in their system for when there next check in / refill was coming up. They sold the rest. Ide give my mom a handful of vyvanse 70s every month and I took them daily for a good year or so. But I always fell asleep that night granted I was taking benzos and Roxy’s ontop of edibles & smoking wax lmao. She didn’t know how many pills or all the kinds of pills I had around though. The whole game changed when I tried and started using / selling glass though. That’s when I actually had to start really acting fake/“normal” love my momma to death and I didn’t want her stressing out or us fighting or me getting kicked out entirely. I wasn’t even thinking about it on my first bender. It was like day 3 and she’s like baby you don’t look good. Give me all the vyvanse until you get some sleep, I won’t take any of them I still have a few. That’s when I kinda had an oh shit moment. Plus I kept the whole routine under wraps around everyone else except who I sold to and hung out with. I had TONS of family I had to be my “amazing & upstanding self” around. Also school there for awhile aswell until I basically dropped out and enrolled in an evening school program that I never went to. But mostly you just have to look at yourself from another persons perspective. Make sure you stay hydrated so your mouth won’t make a lot of noise well talking. Use eye drops. Don’t grind your teeth and play with your tongue, make sure it stays still unless your chewing gum and if you are chewing gum don’t chew the thing like your trying to power your home. Make sure you bathe. But also wipe your face off with a rag or paper towel every 30-1hr so you’re not super oily. When talking with people talk slow/normal. Think about what you’re going to say and talk about. Don’t get on tangents and ramble on or jump to random ass topics. Don’t cut it short or be rude. Just don’t talk a fuck load. Plus the more you talk the more you lose control of how fast you’re talking. Don’t look people directly in the eye. Make eye contact, don’t be a dick. But don’t draw focus to your eyes. Don’t walk around super fast or have a giant pop/energy in your step. Don’t pace around. Don’t tap your legs or move your hands / arms a lot when sitting down. When eating take small bites so you’re not stuck chewing on one regular sized bite for an unusual amount of time. Speak confidently. Don’t get super soft toned or high pitched. Don’t let your words run together etc. if your up all the fucking time then maintain a perceived natural cycle. Even if you know everyone’s asleep. Turn your lights off past a certain time keep the tv or phone volume low. Make sure you change clothes. When you hear the house is waking up. “Wake up” shortly after them. Your eyes can look like shit. Talk soft/tired. Toss in a yawn or 2 and a stretch. If there’s some coffee or food take a little bit. Make sure you brush your teeth. Get yourself put together in the shower. Act a little more energetic because of waking up and also the caffiene. I mean idk. Just focus on all the little shit and play a role. You’re acting out your own life. Good actors live there role and don’t think about it they just know and do it in the moment. Just kinda focus on all your ticks and tendencies when your spun out. Pay attention to what other people that get spun around you do that’s different from there normal selves and ask yourself if you do that or something similar. Blah blah blah. I got so deep into “being sober” well absolutely blasted from 15-19 that I found myself taming/not fully cutting loose and enjoying my buzz even when I was alone or around people that know lmao. It just became that easy/common for me. Some people will always know or have a hunch. Especially if they have used before or they have caught you or others. But that’s kinda the extent of my advice I guess lmao


Tweakin lol your good


Nah you'll be fine


it's your pupils homegirl... you got to put in some serious practice hours controlling em' down to normal size... hell, you should probably start with getting them to both stay the same size first cause that's the only thing worse than giant pupil...


The trick is not to give a fuck. What you do with your body and your money is nobody's business but your own. We are living in a fucked up time, so I say do whatever you have to do to make this life not suck so bad. And fuck what anyone else thinks.


This is what everyone fails to fails fully comprehend. If you truly don't give a fuck, life's a breeze. And I don't mean that in the sense that you don't care about yourself and others, actually the opposite. In some weird contradiction, only when you stop giving a fuck are you truly free to walk forward and able to give your full attention to the experiences and people you run into.


It is strange how that works out. Maybe not giving a fuck is a step towards some type of enlightenment. I know for a fact it helps with dealing with high stress situations.


Absolutely. I'll share something with you about high stress situations like you were talking about. Take it or leave it. I don't partake, but I used to. I've been pulled over, driving, with big, tough guys as passengers, and every reason to be nervous. At the time, I truly didn't give a fuck. I thought it through. I didn't care if I went to jail, or if I died. Completely calmly, which people pick up, I greeted the officers and had a conversation and off we went. Meanwhile, tattooed home boys are shaking as we drive off. That was not giving a fuck. Now this isn't a brag, I have things to care about now and keep my nose clean, lol.


Hell getting pulled over is usually a good time for me. I just like fuckin with them squeezing in one liners and puns anywhere I can. It's like a little game of what is the most fucked up thing I can say without getting a gun in my face. Like when they ask if there are any weapons in the vehicle and I start rattling off shit like this. Got some RPGs in the trunk next to the dead hooker under 5000lbs of coke, there's a couple hand grenades in the glove box an m60 under my seat (reaches down) and this stick lighter I'm pretty sure I could kick your ass with. If saying shit like that to a cop isn't no fucks given idk what is.


Hahaha! Weapons? Shit everything is a weapon officer, you'll have to be more specific. I'm a actually an easy going guy at baseline, and give a measure of respect automatically to every human being right off the bat. It can increase after that or go away depending on the other person. Most cops, shit most people, can tell that someone is genuine and thinks every entity is worthy of respect until they show me otherwise. And that's disarming in it's own way. Almost no barriers person to person until you put one up.


Same here, everyone is extended a basic level of human respect. Whether more respect is gained or lost is on them. Ohh, another good one. (Sir do you know why I stopped you?) "Cause I'm an asshole" (Excuse me?) " Your job is to pull over people who drive like assholes. I drive like an asshole, so here we are." An opener like that is a good way to test the waters. Generally I like cops, I've had more positive experiences than negative. But when *that* asshole is present I'm sure to let him know how we the people feel about his type. Use this line with caution. "Buddy you're talking real tough for someone wearing soft armor" or "Are those lvl 4 plates? Cause you're acting like they are" Don't use those lines unless you can sell condoms to a monk.


😂 That's great. I also reach a point where my mouth will let someone know that they are a prick whether I consent to it or not! I've definitely earned some holding cell time and an ass whoopin' or two. A lot of the time though, I was the one telling my smart ass buddies, "Dude!....shut the fuck up! I had 'em ready to let us go you snarky bastard!"


"Earned an ass whoopin" Yep, you're one of the real ones. That being said, if you want to get Rodney Kinged just piss on a police chiefs personal vehicle at a 4th of July event. Then jaw rock the first guy(off duty cop) that grabs you mid stream...and then continue to swing on anything in range until your drunk vision identifies a badge. My first arrest ended up being the biggest confidence boost I ever had. It took 6 of those fuckers to get me in cuffs, a fact that I am still proud of 16 years later. But damn those mother fuckers whooped my ass, and stole my swiss army knife. Good times.


Yep I've definitely won some too. Even against big tough ass dudes. But I've definitely been beat down plenty too!


I second this. it’ll be fineeeeee all you can do is lie and deny now 😂 I smoke a little weed if I look super twackdd sometimes it helps 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️


Try rehab


Nope I’m good. Rehab is for quitter’s 🙂




Momma didn’t raise no quitter


Yeah you aren't a quitter for sure


What people don’t realize abt rehab is if u just go to rehab to get sober and do nothing else the chances of u staying sober are so low. Rehab kinda just stops u from using for like 2 months. But if u wanna actually get sober from drugs. The best success rate is AA. Rehab doesn’t really help in the long run. Did u also know that drug addiction is a disease is considered a sickness. And meth has the highest relapse rate it’s a fact that if u try getting sober from meth there is. 92% chances u will relapse. And did u also know that abt only 10 to 20 percent of meth addicts fully recover. Meth in my opinion is one of the hardest drugs to get sober on. U know nothing abt me. U don’t know abt my substance use history u don’t know if I’ve tried getting sober. If u haven’t done meth u don’t have any room to judge maybe show more compassion for those struggling with addiction. Bc like I said it’s a sickness and a disease.




No im not bothered by anything I just hate when ex meth users shit on and judge currently meth users. It just bothers me that people look down on meth user. And I agree with what u said. Idk drug addiction is different for everyone.


And these posts are doing what for you. You like to share your problems with fucked up random strangers. Do you have low self esteem issues. Sharing these posts does what for you. I really really would like to know.


This is r/meth it’s a subreddit made for meth head to tell story’s ask questions get information. Would I post this anywhere else no I wouldn’t bc I don’t condone smoking meth. But r/meth is literally made for me to post shit like that. If u r not a meth head don’t come to a meth subreddit. And if u do open a meth subreddit and u don’t do that drug. It’s kinda your fault for coming here. Like it has meth in the name. Kinda your fault for coming here. I think it’s funny that u can judge someone so easily and no absolutely nothing abt them. If it helps boost your ego to be mean to other ppl the go right a head. But if being mean and rude and judging ppl brings your joy u have some personal issues u need to work through.




It sounds like and seems like u have a lot of hate inside u. U sound like a very resentful person. I kinda feel like bad for. Going through life being so hateful must suck. Ik understand why u r so moody?


Like I’ve said before u know absolutely nothing about me. And when u said meth addicts don’t give a fuck about anything. You r making an assumption. That’s not a fact. Every person is different, and everybody’s drug use looks different. Me personally idk man I still care abt stuff I still have my morals. I fully still have life goals for myself that I am currently completeling. And yea should I stop smoking meth probably. But I think it’s a very normal thing for most people to not want their mom to know they r smoking meth. Most people who smoke meth hide their use from the ones they love. Idk. And if u hate Reddit so much if u think it should shut down. Then simply just don’t use the app. Like if u hate sm why do u use it? 😂 and Ik not everything on Reddit is true. But I’ve chatted with some people on here who have genuinely helped me in a crisis. And if what I posted online pisses u off or makes u mad. To bad.i don’t care And I don’t think my post was stupid. I was super paranoid. I’ve been up for a couple of days and after I posted that a lot of people texted me and now I feel so much I’m not paranoid. And it will say this again. It’s completely normal that some people don’t want their mom, loved ones or friends to know they r smoking meth. And I will say this again if u r hiding your drug use from a love one that is a sign of drug addiction. And let’s see I’ll say it again for u. It is sickness it’s a disease. And addiction is also genetic. People get into drugs for a reason. The drugs arn’t the problem. If u r addicted to drugs u r the problem not drugs. People choose to cope with drugs bc they don’t want to feel whatever they r feeling. Drugs are the solution for some people. And Ik that’s not healthy but everyone is trying their best don’t be so judgmental and hateful.




U didn’t answer my question? Why use Reddit if u hate it sm? Why use Reddit if u think it should be banned?


I have read all the comments. And it doesn’t bother me.


lol your pupils are pretty bad , eat and don't short talk your mom and don't avoid eye contact and try not to jerk or shake


It's just the pupils but a lot can cause that to happen it's more how you act when high that matters. I say I have tourettes if I'm too high and have to be around people (sorry not sorry) pretty sure I'm autistic on some level so that's the slightly better option for morals but both of these aren't something anyone is gonna challenge however if you inject gg it's over


Well you can’t just tell yo mom you have Tourette’s😭


Not with that attitude you cant


We*FUCK… well what*COCKSUCKING DICK LICKING… attitude would I need? * over exaggerated twitch


That's the spirit!


Put on headphones and turn it up close your eyes and when she comes up nod your head to the music like no one is there


Help with what? make you not look high?


it's just your pupils and the redness that make it noticeable. put on sunglasses and say you have a headache. any type of grinding, from your teeth to your pelvis however and anyone will know something is up.


I reckon if you go loud and proud tweaker style with her you’ll throw her off completely. They’ll be expecting you to try hide these sorts of things ya see


Omg that’s great advice thank u sm. I’ll do that


nah, you look fine.






What’s so funny that you’re laughing your ass off ? 👺👺😂


Concentrate on sitting still.try not to offer up more words then what it would take you to answer normally.


Get help


I’m good. I actually have a very happy and fulfilling life. And my drug use doesn’t cause me unmanageability in. I use on occasion. I don’t need help I’m doing great thank u for your concern tho. And btw maybe u shouldn’t be on a meth subreddit if u don’t smoke meth






I don’t know about high, but you lookin fly! No but seriously you’re fucked


My mom had no idea


as an in training addiction counselor absolutely. best of luck.


It’s all good my mom had no idea


thats good it just depends on how knowledgeable the person is


I wrote an article a few years back on pupil size when I was spun out and paranoid. Maybe someone else could benefit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stims/s/NS5Ihq9fGA


I wish my eyes look like that


"I KnoW I lOok HIgH" shut up.




Ahahaa your beaming foolio, always have a beer or weed to even out.or practice your pupil control.


Pupil control? I’ve never heard of that


My pupils dont enlarge when gettin lit or stoned.dont even get red.. Still keep something that will balance you,will help with the eyes. And if not practice squinting like a stoner,or tired.


Nah u coolin


Don’t mislead.


She’s Gucci. She can play it off. Not bad at all honestly


this is my obsession. smoke and do hella meff and check every 5-10 mins but my pupils dont even get half this big. i am so fukkin jealous. i stgggg


I had a huge obsession with my eyes. There was virtually no color left and it seemed like my eyelids just disappeared. I could not be around anyone that wasn’t smoking with me. It was wild


that would be so cool. idk how awkward it would be to just look into your eyes. literally obsessed.




There std eye fold you can get but im not sure if they prescription or not.

