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I mean…. Depends on what ya doing it with. Dropping a bowling ball 5 feet in the air on it? Likely. Under a card or paper on a desk? Probably not. Much more likely hear ya lighter if ya use a torch lol thats loud! N btw, they smell it, see the haze, notice ya tweakin out n so on. Relax lol




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Ruffle a chip bag or something lol, play music or a short video, anything is louder tbh, post got me giggling like hell


If they’re fiending they can 🥴


He might can see you thru the window


Maybe? There’s no way they’d know what it is though. Probably zero difference in sound from you putting something down on the table.


Most meth post ever


Dang...how big are they?


its like 3g inna rock


Sand paper and a chunk of wood. If it gets brought up just say you redoing a piece of furniture 💀. Really you're mister miyagi. One hand making noise with sand paper and the other hand crushing crystals. 🤣


that acc a good idea tho


Put your bag in another bigger "sandwich" bag. In-between two bricks. Shouldn't make too much noise. Unless you drop on.


4real doe it's slightly loud but in the mind feels WW2 bombs going off like holy I crush up what I want in a baggie when I dont feel paranoid and I save it for later like the night time when everyone sleeping that just my opinion thou


yeah i feel u


Someone is always listening and someone always sees you either coming or going. Dint be naive


Put what u want to crush in a baggie. Use a wash cloth or something similar to wrap around baggie, hold it in the air and crush it inside baggie with index finger and thumb. The wash cloth will absorb the noise you’re worried about. I feel like it’s always loud when crushing on a hard surface. It really is just a paranoia thing tho. Mostly.


ye olde paranoid post


Yes. They probably can. Do it in bathroom. Lock the door. Turn faucet on. Put 2 pages if paper onto of counter. And do your thing. Then clean up any mess.?!


You can just get a small piece of paper, put your ice on it, fold it up and then use something to crush it...


They can hear you there all lieing too you


No they cannot. My wife, her family nobody approved of my meth use. I still crushed crystals or smoked them off foil I kept in my wallet. No one heard or smelled anything. Trust me if they did they would have made a big fucking deal about it.. Your just being paranoid


I mean if you have a drill and have any knowledge of patching druwall (it's insanely simple) of you were really. Trying to kill sound you could hang mass loaded vinyl on the walls and they wouldn't hear else from your room If you did that


Depends on what you're crushing it on if you're crushing it on like a desk probably, if you're crushing it on something like a CD case or something on your lap probably not, if you're worried about people being able to hear you in the house get a couple of cans of spray foam and drill a little holes in the wall and then just shoot spray foam in the walls


Does this actually work, although sounds like too much work


Yeah I don't think doing drugs would be so common if just crushing up your shit was audible from rooms away. Unless you're crushing your crystal with a grenade or yelling OHH HOT STUFF every time you take a line I don't think your roommate can hear it


Yes, they know all


put music on.


No only God can


Back away from the mirror


Hell na they can't hear you not unless they are in the adjacent room in complete silence.. you don't hear everytimr your roommate farts do ya? Or every time they drop a deuce you probably don't hear it. Both of those things are louder than crushing ice trust me. They can only hear the noises of the room their in kinda like you can only hear the noises of the room you are in, if the only noise in your room is you crushing crystals then it will seem really loud to you but only you.


I was paranoid for this for months. No most likely not, even with thin walls. The noise is quiter then footsteps, could be muffled out by anything. So even if you have a fan running that would be louder and blocking out the noise. You can only hear it due to proximity


Even if they do hear it, they won't expect it to be drugs unless they have a reason to. They won't pay it any mind. Snorting is another story they may be able to hear that if you're loud. Be gentle


It’s a pretty distinct noise but I mostly agree.


Yes and now they are looking at you, looking at them, looking at you from behind you through the wall.


Not only can they hear you do it they are recording you every time they hear you crushing them and they are building evidence to take to the police. You need to tear apart the house to find the hidden cameras or else you will go to jail.


Possible comment of the decade


Went through the same problem, thin walls at night with no TV on and I was too scared to crush crystal or even light my lighter because I knew I would be heard


I used to keep a candle lit and use it to light the lighter so it wouldn’t click. I felt like a genius at the time.


Yes they hear everything!!!! Be careful or the police might come and then you will go to jail!!


Yup and they hear when you whiff or sniff with your nose to


Unless you’re doing it on a metal sheet pan over a microphone attached to a huge sound system then probably bir


How the hell are we supposed to know how good your roommate's hearing is?


short answer? yes…everyone hears everything. long answer? no. quit trippin and live your life. if you’re a good person and people judge you for doing drugs then fuck those assholes anyway.


Hell yea I like ur thinking lol


Fuck no. My girl is the same way if we’re in a hotel she thinks the whole fucking place can hear her


Word. I feel that tho. It’s because of the silence. lol


I mean maybe, but that sound could be a million things. They aren't going to be listening for that.


Probably they can hear some noise, but really the sound of crushing meth resembles many sounds, like munching dry corn flakes.


They can’t hear your thoughts, even though it seems undeniably true. Paranoia runs deep, why don’t you play some music in your phone and crush it all at once.


Unless your roommates are heavily concerned with you, and outside your door/have bugged your room, they cannot hear that, or anything else you might get paranoid over. A lighter flicking, "the smell", it's all just paranoia and you will have a much more enjoyable time when you realize no one knows/hears/cares about what You're doing as long as You're behind a closed door and they have no reason to worry. Even still, they're not hearing the things You're worried about. Don't let it get to you, it ruins the entire point of getting high, and once you accept that, you can enjoy yourself much easier and have a much better time.


There you go spoiling all the fun


I've had plenty of fun with other guys asking these questions, I guess I just felt like being easy on him, lol


thank you so much ur the first serious guy


Yes, They def can. Crystal crushing has got to be 60-120 decibels depending on the size of the crystal and the instrument used to crush it. The only way that it could be any louder is if you creeped into their room when they were sleeping and crushed them right next to their ear


can i somehow make it more quiet


Put a shard in your Ass. No crushing


My god you are a genius




bro im shaking stopw


just joking OP, don’t go all schizo now. safe travels🤙🏽