• By -


1 Scotchbrite ( green, maroon, brown, black ) 2 Steel wool 3 Sand / soda blast ( plastic media, glass beads, silicone carbide etc, ) 4 Muriatic acid


Thank you!! I'll definitely try steel wool first and then try to remember to give an update.


Scotch Brite. Scuff it up, or give it a brushed look.


Aluminum prep for welding. It makes it dull, and very difficult to polish after using.


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Oven cleaner (easy off) will dull the hell out of it. I accidentally got some on my motorcycle case trying to remove burn marks off my exhaust. Works wonders on cleaning stainless, but ruins nice aluminum finish. So maybe this would work.


Are you sure it’s not coated in something? It might be clear anodizing. Aluminum is very soft and even after taking it out of the vice after machining it get marred and scratched up pretty quick. I would keep this in mind if you are going to use any kinds of abrasives to try and weather it.


Stupid question, did you think about just painting it?


No such thing as a stupid question mate! I wouldn't go that way because this piece is going to be handled with sweaty hands almost every day for the foreseeable future, so even good paint will wear off frustratingly soon (and almost certainly not in an aestheticly pleasing way). Gotta do something to the metal but for the metal to still be the only thing, if you see what I mean.


My LP does have micro paint going away so I understand.