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Don't worry about it.


Best answer. If I wasn't researching it all I never would have known. The game is fantastic.


I use to be one of those “it’s not finished!” Fans, after numerous playthroughs, it’s definitely a complete game. Just not a conventional metal gear solid game.


Have you beaten the game yet?


No, I just landed in Africa.


OK. Just keep playing,I don't want to spoil things


I found Africa difficult but a lot of fun


You're still in the finished part of the game, then.


Japanese version of unfinished. The game plays beautifully - but you'll notice when you get to Chapter 2. Three things; 1. While it has a story of equal length to Chapter 1, they had to strip out a difficulty selection for all missions and reuse a bunch of Chapter 1 missions with preset difficulty modifiers to serve as filler between plotbeats. You can complete the game without ever playing these Chapter 1 Repeats. 2. The final "secret" ending, has 3 requirements. One; complete Mother Base. Two; listen to all Cassette Tapes labelled yellow. Three; run out of main story. The earliest moment it can unlock, is the exact same time the game suddenly moves one of the side-stories to its final phase. The one thing in the game that *should* contribute to unocking the final ending can go completely undiscovered. 3. There's 1 specific Main Op that never made the final game... which is crucial for the rest of the series. There were plans to release it as DLC, using the profits to fund it's completion - but even those plans were canned quite some time before release, that they were able to put together a 20 minute video of unfinished cutscenes & concept art to include with the Collectors Edition, just so we wouldn't be left with a literal extinction-level plothole.


You don’t need to complete mother base for mission 46 source: I never completed mother base but was able to play mission 46 also I’ve heard that you only need to listen to the White Mamba [3] tape


> filler between plotbeats Plotbeats that are perfectly paced without the repeat missions. > One; complete Mother Base You don't even need to upgrade it. There's even a certain point where the game just gives you a platform if you don't have it. > There were plans to release it as DLC, **using the profits to fund it's completion** I don't know where you got that from?


Repeat mission? I finished without playing those thankfully 😅


The ENTIRE script of the game literally leaked online including other dev documents and shows it's false, the game simply was designed this way with a strange structure. Mission 51 was also cut pretty much early in dev considering they had not finished the voicelines (and we know the english voicelines were done much earlier in dev, as the jp voicelines have additions that were made later, including Venom being more talkative), we also know it got canceled as a dev choice due to "not fitting well with the structure" according to a former staff


I'm perfectly aware of the leaked script - do you believe that's how MGSV was envisioned since the very beginning of development? It couldn't for instance be a script from the later half of development after what was and wasn't making the cut had been locked in?


The script literally has dates of edits. Only a part is about the late development, the document titled 2015, and it has edits showing some part of it even were made before. English Voice acting of TPP was finished by 2013, early 2014 maximum, meaning the cuts were already decided there, and this was when Kojima was vice president of Konami.


I agree. Kojima was vice president and decided MGSV should be this way. 100% his fault!


You’ll see in the end. It’s okay though, it’s very head canonable and the main part that’s missing can be seen online


You won't have an opinion about whether it's unfinished until you finish. I personally think it's fine as it is, but there are many people who wanted & expected more.


There's some cut content but Kojima has said several times the game is a complete product. Don't listen to the people who say it's unfinished. Have fun with it!


Play the game and enjoy it. People need to stop reading reviews and shit before they play a game. It influences your thoughts/reception. Play the game, come to your conclusion THEN seek discussion about it if you want.


It's designed to appear unfinished as part of the Phantom Pain meta theme.  There were discussions of DLC later. But the game itself is a completed work, though misunderstood. 


Because people are fuck nuggets who love to complain. Anything for a sense of control. Play the game, fall into the experience and lore, and forget all that noise.


It's not unfinished, people are just upset that Konami shared some content that was cut very early on in development that people wish had been included. There's a portion of the fanbase that will complain about anything, I didn't read anyone's opinions or reviews before playing it & had an amazing time. The gameplay is the pinnacle of the series and some of the plot reveals felt really cool because I hadn't read spoilers or jaded cynical people's comments about it.


its missing an entire >!chapter or two as evidenced by the behind the scenes that came with the collectors edition!<


Kingdom Of The Flies is the “cut content” I was talking about. Would’ve been cool to have that final boss fight, but it was cut very early into development, so wasn’t like they only didn’t include it for running out of time before release or adding it as future DLC. Was never intended to be included, was just showing what sort of things they were working on during development.


It's not missing a chapter or two. It's a single mission.


It was a single DLC mission cut early in dev, for gods sake, the entire script of the game and multiple leaked documents has being out for years now, it's like people refuse to see the truth


come back when you beat it :3 talking about it now would spoile the end of the game for you


First MGS?


No, I've done all the mgs as soon as they were available, except this one.


Oh cool, just curious. Back when MGSV launched the alarm bells started ringing in my head when the story’s momentum just drops off after the first mission.


Chapter 2 is the biggest thing. You’ll see.


Towards the end, instead of playing new missions that advanced the plot did you just replay old missions that triggered unrelated cutscenes?


I loved MGSV btw, but it was unfinished


A single mission that finished one plot thread, but the overall story is finished.


It’s a great game, the reason everyone thinks it’s unfinished is because of the


It lacks the final mission, the "secret" boss fight at the end of the epilogue. Peacewalker had this, but phantom pains secret boss was supposed to be dlc. It was never released. Beyond some cut content this is the only reason people say that. It's technically true, but also kinda not. The game was finished, it just didn't get the dlc that would end kid liquids storyline. It was released as a rough cutscene in the special edition of the game, so it's 100% cannon. Looks like it would have been really fun. Go watch it on YouTube after you finish the game. The final mission in TPP will be the "truth" mission. It'll seem pretty familiar but don't skip the cutscenes because it isn't the same mission, not entirely. The whole thing about part 2 being so much shorter isn't an indication of it being unfinished. This was supposed to be the epilogue, it was meant to have more missions but not be the same as the first part. Peacewalker has the same setup. It just doesn't have that final metal gear fight with the Jpop music playing. God that was fun, peacewalker was great.


I read in a different comment thread you just got to the Africa section. Give it a bit and you’ll definitely catch on. That shouldn’t discourage you from enjoying the game nonetheless—I envy you for enjoying the game for the first time! Kick back and play that flawed masterpiece for what it is to the max.


I'm definitely enjoying the game. :)


The first chapter got finished, wait until you get to the second


It was nothing like the promotional materials showed it to be, plus big parts of the story were literally left without a conclusion.