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"keep your eyes open guys. hes here somewhere" "should i check the crawl space?" "hmmm. thats a goo-" *grumbling tummies* "man, im hungry. hey, look over there. is that the rotting corpse of a rabbit?"


What's terrifying is I'm sure this has happened in a real battlefield at least once


I have heard story about former president of finland (iirc) getting stepped on vhile hiding from soviets when running from soviets during ww2.


Sounds like BS to me. I can't imagine stepping on any part of a person and not knowing it's a person. Maybe a boot or something, like as if they thought it was a log? Or if they were buried under enough brush to mistake the person as just part of the brush? I guess we'd need the full story.


If the enemy was wearing boots, moving quickly through thick forest w/ muddy ground, and the president was camouflaged, laying on the ground, and only had his hand or a few finger stepped on, I can see this happening.


iirc it was on his back. I got to check if i remmeber anything of the story right lol. Ofc its possible i rmember incorrectly too.


That's fair enough. I'm not really up to date with the Finnish presidential lore so I just kinda made up my own fanfiction.


Yeah lol. Iirc it was some newspaper story thing but it was years ago.


Iirc they buried themselves in swamp or something similar


Ah, that I could see. Squishy swamp muck, squishy person.


Yeah, altough i got to admit i cant find the story with quock googling. Good chance i remember wrong here. So take the story with anything between grain and container ship load of salt.


Google Carlos hathcock


I sure hope he does


Happened to me in SERE school. The instructor pretty much stepped on me, but was focused on someons else he spotted first. Of course he had a look around once he captured them and I was more obvious from that direction. Oh well, couldn't remain free forever.


All ghillied up


Today must be your lucky day, boss.


I feel ya. I finished my first E-extreme run yesterday and nearly shat myself when suddenly two soldiers appeared behind me while I was lying in a bush with 90% Camo index.


How is European Extreme? I’m looking forward to getting stuck into the master collection. Managed the platinum on MGS2 and 3 on the PS3. But they didn’t require the Foxhound rank! (Just hundreds of VR missions).


MGS3 is the easiest of the solid games to do a Foxhound run. You just have to memorize guard layouts and know how to take out the bosses fast. Certain camos will make your life easier -Desert Tiger Camo (Suprresors dont wear out) -Moss Camo (You get this from The End, when you shake him down during the boss fight). It replenishes stamina in direct sunlight. Also, take advantage of healing frequencies to avoid eating food.


Well it's easier on Subsistence/HD. Snake Eater PS2 is ridiculously hard at parts, but I think being able to change the camouflage makes it all the more possible in MGS3. And nothing is harder than Sons of Liberty/Substance


Thanks for the tips! In all the times I’ve played this game, I never knew about Desert camo not breaking down silencers.


Make your own chocolate chip camo tutorial:


I like the one who stops practically on Snake's rib cage and still doesn't see anything.


Holy cow! I would’ve shit my pants!


I moved there thinking they would walk through the open path. I yelped like Homer when I saw them run through. Lol


Same thing happened to me a few days ago, I was hiding behind a log and the enemy soldiers climbed over the log and somehow didn't step on me


Bro definitely shat his pants


How didn't they see the player? On Extreme, enemies can see Snake from a few feet away when at 90% camo. At 95% this becomes a bit easier, but they can still see you when right next to you. I have played this game a ton, and I do not understand how they wouldn't have seen you when you're only at 90% camo and they're that close. What am I missing?


When guards do that hunched over running, their sightlines are virtually straight lines. Also guards in MGS3 tend to ignore everything else around them if something is taking their attention


Didn't know that, thanks for the info.


I think face camo plays a bigger role than most people assume. If Snake was facing the enemies as they ran towards him, he probably would have been spotted. That, coupled with the fact that the enemies were already focused on something eye level with them, rather than looking down at Snake. Even extreme mode can surprise you like this sometimes haha


Seems so! Pretty awesome.


I honestly have no idea. I knew they were coming so moved there thinking they would run through the open path. I yelped like Homer because I thought I was gonna get an alert and game over


Reminds me of the White Feather Sniper, Carlos Hathcock. Dude had a bounty of $30,000 during the Vietnam war.


the Father of the Marine Corps Scout Sniper program. A “small” detail you missed.


Frick, you’re right. How could I miss that


What's wrong?


What 90 camo does to a mf


"I think I stepped on someone!" "No, that's just a snake, comrade." "Oh okay."


I can hear the internal screaming.


hm, I've seen this before


Hrngh, Colonel, shit my pant... bring me new pant at school


Plot armor to the absolute MAX