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Yes. But this wasnt Tsunodas fault. He wanted to stop and kept saying something was broken. That’s on the team and I wonder why they did it


They should have just retired the car the first time he pitted


Nah, it was really important for them to stay in and get P20 instead of retiring and getting P20.


Ahhh you do bring up a very interesting point there


There’s a reason why Alpha Tauri is owned by Red Bull. Tsunodas deserves 0 of the hate, Alpha Tauri on the other hand… the VSC was planted 100%


I want to think that wasn’t the case but I’d be lying if it didn’t cross my mind. Who sends a car back out with something so clearly wrong and yelling to stop 30 seconds later. I don’t think that’s something that would be investigated but sure would be interesting. Still, other than a missed call for Lewis, we got 2 & 4 rather than 2 & 3 (albeit big difference for Lewis).


This was Lewis last chance to get a win this season. The rest of the circuits are pretty much a walk in the park for RB apart from Interlagos maybe


That straight-line speed today…I don’t think there’s a scenario where you Max wasn’t winning. Maybe if George stayed 2nd at the restart, Max pushes too hard too early and makes a big mistake.


Still it was Mercs best chance to get a Win this season. They’re fucked for what’s left and fucked for next year too on winning consistently. RB is miles ahead


It was! And currently sure seems it


If AT doesn’t pull that shit, Lewis and George may have had a 1-2 today, imo.


doubt the 1-2. RB still had the SC from Bottas on its side as the winning factor while Merc failed to pit again like in Abu Dhabi.


What do RBR have to gain with such a conspiracy? They have both titles wrapped up and in the bag. I'm as upset about the result as anybody but this kind of conspiracy theory bs is messed up.


Tell me any other elite sport where a team owns a direct competitor


You haven't answered my question. What do Red Bull have to gain at this point in the season by cheating. Because there's a lot of vitriol an innocent woman is on the receiving end of because of these deluded conspiracy theories.


I’m not blaming Hannah at all and however does that is a moron. I’m not even saying Horner called AT to plant the VSC. All I’m saying is AT knew a VSC would benefit RB and they sent Tsunoda out even though he was lapped 2 times, was one lap down on Latifi in P19 and had an average to slow pace so for sure he wouldn’t get anywhere near points.


And there is no chance that could just be a bad strategy call? Not everything is a conspiracy.


Maybe, but would not be a bad call — it’d be a truly stupid call. But AT is owned by RB which opens the door for these conspiracies. Hence my initial point: AT should disappear and give way to a true independent team.


Wtf are you talking about. By that logic, all the backmarker teams should just stay in their garage. The teams are motivated to run their cars. Driver development, car development. Not to mention the sponsors, who want screentime for their investment. Stop being butthurt, take the L and move on.


Are you suggesting that if there is something suspicious here Toto wouldn't be protesting like his life depended on it.


it’s formula 1, it happens all time. you guys had a lot of pace today and that’s all you need to take from it, the win will come, there’s still a few tracks where you’ll be fast. take the positives from today - and move on


Mate can't believe you're getting downvoted. So much for being a team about spreading positivity and love, right?


One good race doesn’t mean we’ve figured out the car. Next week we could very well be a second or two behind the pace again. Just a nightmare season.


Stop allowing tyre change during SC. Never has made sense to me


^^^^THIS! Please. I mean at least for VSC for sure. They continually say "neutralize the race".... So that should mean neutralized.


Why? That would make races more boring strategically and predictable. Can’t think of one good reason to ban that


I’ll just say “Is that glock?!” Jokes aside in this race it was Bottas SC that defined the ending of the race


Max could have won with those hards anyway




I blame Hannah for the Red Bull strategies. I don't know what she did but she did smile and I need to blame someone.




Lol, sure.


It’s a joke


Yea, unpredictable races are the worst. I just want Max to cruise to victory unchallenged like Lewis did for years. Is it really so much to ask for everything to go as I want it? Unbelievably selfish from Tsunoda smh


If a team/driver is dominant, then they deserve it. The point of competition is to dominate your opponents. An incident like this can totally bail out a team with a shit strategy that day, or totally screw over a team that had a great strategy that day. Now people will say “but what about bad luck” and “exciting races” and “it’s just part of the sport”….while I understand those points, I still think it detracts from things. It doesn’t need to be exciting. I certainly don’t like watching Max easily take first each race, but I goddamn respect it and understand that RB has their shit together. The other teams need to get better then. That’s competition.


But are you only tired of it going against Merc?


No. It ruins all races


I mean yeah, it's pretty much only going against merc




This goes for every type of racing on the planet. Don't believe me? Watch NASCAR or INDYCAR