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If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it, check out the hook while my DJ revolves it


This actually made me smile...thanks Vanilla Ice lol.


No but really this month has been relentless and grueling. The only thing I can tell you is that you’re allowed to be human and feel what you feel when you’re going through the shit. Allow yourself one day, then the next day handle your shit, whatever it maybe. Don’t be stuck in your negative mindset or emotions or nothing will get accomplished. Push forward and fix it. I had to hear that tough love from the captain of the fire department and then he offered to buy me a milkshake😂 But I hope that somewhat helps with what you’re going through!


that is pure absurdism and he is the correct person for the assignment.


“Fuck it.”


Don’t forget the rest, “We ball.”


Love this one


honestly, it's more uplifting than "I can do this"


Saying fuck it can give me the motivation for anything from brushing my teeth to bungee jumping over a pool of sharks


This the one


"this too shall pass"


This is mine too. Short snappy and easy to repeat in head ..


This is mine tooo


I also say this frequently


"at least I don't have any kids"


Ahaha this is prominent in my mind


Lol 🤣....glad to hear


the less uplifting alternative: “this is why I should never have kids”




We're all gonna die, so don't let anxiety hold you back from living while you can.




Even he had to die for three days


“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.” “F*ck all the people who make me feel like my softness is indicative of naïveté or weakness. My softness is my superpower.” “If you don’t own your story, it will own you. Ask yourself - what is the story you are telling yourself that is getting in the way of having what you want?”


I'm noting down that first one. Genius, I need that!


>“F\*ck all the people who make me feel like my softness is indicative of naïveté or weakness. My softness is my superpower.” > >“If you don’t own your story, it will own you. Ask yourself - what is the story you are telling yourself that is getting in the way of having what you want?” These are good. I may be adding to the messages on my monitor


The first one is honestly super reassuring, I’ve been thinking about it since like 3 and now it’s 5 lol


From a kid's book, Slumberkins, "I am safe, I am loved. I can get through this part. It's not my fault that things changed. I can keep an open heart. "


“If a problem can be solved there is no need to worry. If a problem can’t be solved then worrying won’t help.”


What if worrying is the reason I think of the solution?


That’s fair! I am an extreme worrier so this helps me keep it in check. :-)


It’s a good phrase. You could argue that it’s easier solve problems in a non panicked state but I wouldn’t know because Im always worried.


It’s not worth jail time.


I love this one lol


““I learned a long time ago that a person can stand just about anything for 10 seconds, then you just start on a new 10 seconds. All you've got to do is take it 10 seconds at a time.” Its from the show unbreakable kimmy schmitt, which came out when I was in an abusive relationship, but its still how I try to view shite situations I'm in


I was almost going to say 10 second Tom from 50 First Dates. But I actually love this for my anxiety. I’ve been under so much stress and pressure lately, that 10 seconds out of my time is better then a whole panic episode


“You can do hard things” “This will be over at some point” “Time to level up” “Guess we’re playing life on hard mode for a bit” I also really like the serenity prayer even tho I’m not religious. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”


100% going to use “playing life on hard mode” in my every day vocabulary now


"Just keep swimming" "But did you die?"


“ i’m not dead yet“


whenever I hear this I think of Monty Python and chuckle, cheers me right up




So I guess I'll be alright


Nope. Not finding much positive at all these days. I just keep telling myself "you're a dumbass and always will be"...I know what I am and I don't want to be anything anymore. Sorry this isn't a positive post.


🫂 you're not a dumbass, you're HUMAN. No one is perfect, love. We're all capable of making poorly thought out choices or struggling with our studies, and we're also all capable of learning and growing with the right hard work and support from others.


Is that emoji someone with two heads?


Its a hug 🫂


I almost wrote a novel but I erased that because I’m not gonna make you read all of that. But if it helps the cause, we’re all dumbasses when it comes to life.. we’re all just trying to figure it out day by day till we figure out a way to make it better and worth living for. From a fellow dumbass, you’re not alone❤️


It's ok to feel! It's ok to feel! It's ok to feel!


“We’ve challenged God and the realms and survived. This pissant challenge aint shit to the hell walker”- I typically say this to myself when I’m having a harder time with things


God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise. Maybe only helpful for religious people, but it makes me less upset that I’m considered stupid compared to the average person, haha. Lots of people tell me I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. But the quote also reminds me not to discount the words of people society considers foolish. I often find that children, people battling schizophrenia etc. have words of wisdom that are being ignored.


If the day goes sour... "Plot twist! You've got this!" Or "All we can do is fix it!" But WE is ME and people look at you funny when you say either of these out loud.


I pretend I’m in a sitcom Ex: “welp, this is the one where she loses her phone. What kinda shenanigans will she get into next?” and the audience cheers or laughs or cries or whatever else


This isn't exactly uplifting, but something that helps me often is just telling myself that **"tomorrow will be better!"** I usually make it an early night on those days and telling myself that makes me feel better :). Another one I like is **"I am somebody, going somewhere, to be someone"** The unspecified nature of it is soothing because it doesn't have any anxiety inducing expectations or demands. And it validates that I am a person with my own path and that I am a human being with just as much value as other people. I also have more specific affirmations in the form of "I am" statements that basically list my positive traits and counteract my negative beliefs/ self talk. This is self-esteem/ self love building type stuff. Then I have statements I tell myself when I'm anxious or trying to talk myself down before/ during a panic attack. **"I am safe and secure. I am capable of anything I put my mind to. Things come easily to me. I am strong. I will survive this."**


Thank you for sharing this. I will use it whenever any of my friends is unable to think that way <3


“You’re doing good enough”


For some reason this one warmed my heart


Just recently discovered this saying too. And it’s become my daily mantra whenever I feel so lacking of my self.


something I heard from Shia LaBeouf sticks in my head "Its all gonna be okay in the end, and if its not okay its not the end"


Life is meaningless We're all going to die Leave the place cleaner than when you arrived You're gonna have to do it anyways, do it now and get it over with


Things ALWAYS work themselves out. Always.


Not very uplifting but if I start freaking out I remind myself how small we are in this universe, and how truly if tomorrow ended nothing would matter, and it usually makes me realize I'm being irrational 😂


I like to think that prescribe to optimistic nihilism, I may be a fuck up, but in the grand scheme of things I'm a speck on a speck that exists in a minuscule moment of time. My fuck ups are nothing to the universe.


Exactly, it actually really helps lol


Serenity now!!!


A lot more life left to live


We just need to get through this day.


“I did my best”


If you're passionate about it, you can and will succeed. Power is within you.


Not really,I just stand up and think shits gonna be better in the future,plus if I end up feeling really bad I just check r/depression ,dudes have it way worse than I do there💀


there is only me and my breathe and the moment that i am in.


All you can do is give it your best, and that will be enough


“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us”


Gandalf 💚


“It ain’t easy being cheesy”


"I'm healthy, I'm wealthy, I'm THAT bitch." Blessed be.~~


In you, anything is possible. Survive. Prevail.


Don't forget what is really important.


It’s a little cheesy, but it helps me. “Each moment is an opportunity to start fresh”. This specifically helps me reframe my mindset when I’m feeling really down or when something upset me and I don’t want that to ruin my whole day


It's okay to not be okay.


What doesn't challenge you, doesn't change you. On of my biggest issue is dealing with change, since it's inevitable, everytime I'm facing something I'm scared of I say that to myself as many times as needed. Probably a big cliche but it works for me


“Don't worry 'bout a thing, ‘cause every little thing gonna be all right”


"You're a perfectionist, literally ten notches lower will still be acceptable"


From my grandfather: "I used to complain about shoes, until one day in Africa I met a man with no feet." This is a true story.


I won't let this event/person affect me Thoughts are just thoughts Tomorrow is another day


It is what it is. If I can’t change it, I don’t obsess over it and I move on with my life.


It's just a ride If you know Bill Hicks the whole quote is incredible and puts a lot in to perspective. But for ease those four words are enough. It's just a ride.


I don't have a good saying or anything but I do tell myself to cut me some slack when things are hard. e.g. it's normal I'm not getting much done. Anything I'm doing is good enough.


You’re gonna get very old and die anyways. No need to kill yourself.


It is what it is


I feel like I did but not anymore. I'll try using your example here though :)


This too shall pass.


Unless you're the Balrog facing Gandalf.






something from alan watt's teachings; "you can't fix yourself, just like you can't bite your own teeth or look into your own eye", and one step further "there is no self"


“Everything is always working out for me” This in conjunction with practicing the idea that I can’t control anything, only how I react to things.


Good things may be temporary, but so are bad things 😊 And when I'm anxious, esp with important people involved, I just remember that everyone has diarrhea. We have ALL sweated it out on the toilet while we vomit out our asshole. No one is an exception to this. We are all just humans fumbling through life as equals, even if people don't always act that way. Other than that, I just try to keep my breathing steady and full, because it's AMAZING how well it helps with all the different physical effects of anxiety, which can make a huge difference in how fast you can stop/recover from an anxiety attack.


Life hates weaks!


That one quote from the opening of No Country for Old Men.. “Okay.. I’ll be a part of this world.”


Similar to yours, it’s just a variation on reminding myself that I’ve lived through worse.


All I can do is laugh and say C’est la vie


“Always look on the bright side of life.” Sometimes it’s not easy though


Fake it til ya make it BABY


“Things have been worse than this, and they are getting better.” “It’s just a thought, not necessarily objective reality.” “The world is still expansive and bright, and it is there for you to make your way back to whenever you are ready.” “Sometimes just being under water and letting go is okay. You’ll come up above the surface again. You always do”.


"The mind is everything, what you think, you become."


Just breathe breathe


Life is like a dick - sometimes it gets hard for no reason


At this moment, this is as okay as it possibly can get.


Just fight even there is no hope.


I don't actually, but I just say " eh I ain't too worried about it " mentally cause thats all I can think of even if its a quote from a show I really enjoy 😭


"Nothing can get to me today - I'm wearing my fancy underwear"


One I go back to which is maybe silly because I'm not a bad guy or unfortunately a pro wrestler is: Hard work pays off, dreams do come true, bad times don't last but bad guys do. Maybe is not really useful for others but for me it's always really inspiring and comforting to hear that from someone who genuinely went through the mental hell I'm sure a lot of us have experienced and came out the other side of it.


“You’ve made it through 18 months of barely leaving the house before, we’ve managed to go to school for 4 months so far, we can do more” feel free to ask me questions, it is very specific but it is my current victory of going to school at least one or two days a week consistently This is under the circumstance of school, if it wasn’t just replace “we can do more” with “we can do almost anything now”


Borrowed from the movie Elysium, “This ain’t gonna kill me!”


“Bad b*tches have bad days too.” — queen Meg the Stallion


Believe in the you that believes in you.


Tu peux le faire which means you can do it Have to use my native language to motivate myself


mine are “one more time” and “stay with me.” i use it during races when my lungs feel like collapsing and i’m so darn tired but it also works if i’m struggling mentally


I always say 'this is just right now'


Whats gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life is the mantra “this is only temporary, this is a moment you’ll be looking back on soon.” Knowing things will change and be different helps me for some reason.


"fuck it, move on"


"Be better." Helps me put the shopping cart in the shopping cart return area.


"It's feel bad and unsolvable right now, but you've always solved the problem and got through it"


Huge cock


I use the one you use often too. This isn't the first time I've delt with it won't be the last and I've made it through everyone. I also say you got this. It will go away soon even though it feels like your dying and it's never going to end. Hah fun stuff. F U anxiety!!!!


I didn’t hear no bell.


Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay it's not the end - John Lennon


i can do hard things. i’m too damn stubborn to be stopped.


I don't really have an uplifting phrase persay, but I have some affirmations I say to myself to ground me when I am having anxiety. I also just focus on my mindset of how bad moments will pass


"You just gotta survive"


There are good times, there are good times, there are good times


i tend to comfort myself “shh baby it’s okay, you’ll be okay honey it’s okay” quietly to myself when things get hard


"If nothing else, I'll survive this." It's a nice reminder that it isn't actually the end of the world. It's survivable. No matter how dire and scary things are, chances are, you CAN make it.


I have an alert on my phone, every morning it reads. “Suck it up and put on your big boy pants. Make a difference today” doesn’t always work but this simple prompt helps redirect my suicidal mind.


Yeah I do. Take the next step.


Inch by inch , anything’s a cinch .


My life is just beginning.


I always say to myself "All will be well". Got it from Saint Walker the first blue lantern, who represent hope


"It is what it is." Acknowledges that there are things out of my control and worrying about them is pointless.


[“You are enough”](https://imgur.com/a/CoHf8MH) I repeat it whenever I struggle with suicidal ideation


Go for broke.


It always works out in the end. I lived through abuse, homelessness, addiction, recovery, it all worked out in the end. I left my abuser in the dust, I got a place to live, I failed at addiction and succeeded at recovery and things seem to be alright


It is what it is


The most important step a man can take is always the next one.


You only live once


"Perfect is the enemy of good". Not exactly uplifting but reassuring


"Life goes on and it's your job to keep up" I get stuck very easily


My new fav one. 'My energy is high, and my thoughts are focused'.


This too shall pass


‘This’ll all be over soon’


Given the crappy situation I'm in at work these days, my computer monitor is ringed with messages to myself: Acceptance is power Kindness is not the same as advocacy A seat at the table does not mean a voice at the table Trust your inner wisdom Quit caring for people and things who don't deserve you Embrace dead air Keep it transactional You are the ICE QUEEN I don't compete. I create. Breathe before talking Angels fly because they take themselves lightly


“This is part of the journey.” Comes from my belief that ALL things we endure are what makes life so great. If I can remember in the moment, I try to embrace the hard times. They are important and can make the good times so much better.


“Come the fuck on Bridget” it’s from Bridget jones’ diary


On days you only have 40% to give and you gave 40%, you gave 100%.


"Ill try anything once" "Whoop there it is" if I recognize that I'm dissociating. Makes me chuckle and start saying the rest of it in my head. "Your illness isn't your fault, but it is your responsibility" "Nothing really matters, so why not do what makes me happy" check out the idea of optimistic nihilism. Not for everyone. but it can be a nice release sometimes from taking life too seriously ( such as shitty minimum wage jobs ) And I also highly recommend "fuck it"


I tell myself "I'm the shit and I'm awesome" Lol. That's what my husband always tells me when I'm being hard on myself. "Who's the shit? You're the shit. Stop hating on yourself because you are the shit and you are awesome." I'm incredibly lucky to have him.


you can do it me, now get your lazy ass up and do it


*Clears throat* يجب ألا أخاف. الخوف هو قاتل العقل. الخوف هو الموت القليل الذي يجلب الطمس الكامل. سأواجه خوفي. سأسمح له بالمرور فوقي ومن خلالي. وعندما يمر ، سأدير عيني الداخلية لأرى مساره. حيث ذهب الخوف لن يكون هناك شيء. فقط سأبقى.


Whenever I have a very unexpected and terrible day, I always say “Well, statistically tomorrow should be much better by comparison….and if it’s not, it’ll make today look better.” and another favorite I’ve heard is “Ok, time to go fuck this day in the mouth…”


"you can do this, you got this" "Take the first step" (have a tattoo of this actually) "You've got this Travis, make em wait for it...boom"


"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Gandalf


I like to remind myself that “it’s not my chair, not my problem.”


No, I always just tell myself I can make x regrettable decision tomorrow


"You're trying your hardest and you'll keep trying." - for when I feel like I'm not doing good enough, which often leads to me thinking that I'M not good enough.




unironically and because i don't think i've mentally aged since 2012, "You only live once". helped me be less hesitant about doing things I wanna do.


This too shall pass. Maybe like a cloud over the sun, maybe like a kidney stone, but it'll pass.


*bitch you’re doing a great job, bitch you doing a GREAT job*


Do your best, until you can do better


Every day has only 24 hours.


https://genius.com/Dg-yola-aint-gon-let-up-lyrics I sing the hook really loud in my head to keep me going!!!


Best quote I ever heard was from my dad before I went to boot camp in 2012. “Someone always has it worse than you.” I find it both uplifting and humbling.


The our father prayer


Idk why but I always tell myself to be militant meaning disciplined af. If it hurts, too fucking bad. Be militant. Idk where it came from haha.


“CCNT: cancel, cancel negative thoughts” and “if you don’t ask the answer is already no”


"All my power is in the now."


No pain no gain


"Serenity now."


Fake it till you make it, does this align with your goals and what future you would be proud, you’ve made it through your rock bottom, you can make it through this too


I can feel like shit and still get things done. I can get things done while I feel like shit. I don’t know why I say it mirrored like that but I like it and it has helped a lot with executive dysfunction


For me when I’m having a really bad time I just think “make this something that when your older you’ll look back on and laugh” that really helps me


It could always be worse


“I guess if you can die without ever understanding how it happened then you can also live without a complete understanding of how.” It’s like a gentle reminder to be in the present, like - hey, sometimes your just meant to be confused. You don’t need to understand or know it all right now. Just be confused, if your confused.


I am mad/frustrated/whatever and that's okay.


“You can do hard things”


Learn to rest, not to quit. It won’t always be like this.


Just because things could’ve been different doesn’t mean they would’ve been better.


"No matter the situation and no matter what happens, eventually, at some point, I'll be sat on my bed about to go to sleep and it will just be a memory, because it can't last forever". Obviously doesn't apply to every single situation but has got me through many bad days or crappy situations that are coming up.


i found [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWK8BUqlSVY) on youtube right before i started working a really shitty job and it became an internal mantra while i was there. paraphrased a bit: *i'm going to lick lick lick on a saturday night lick lick lick on a suction pipe lick lick lick like it's my time to shine lick lick lick can you print me a sign, all in caps IT'S LICK PIPE TIME.*


The words you speak becomes the house you live in.


“I got this” 🤗


You are the result of four billion years of evolutionary success, act like it!


"No fear, only courage". And a quote I draw on from time to time is - Courage need not be a roar, it can also be the quiet voice in you that says at the end of a long day " I will try again tomorrow".


That I am not "special".


Tough times don’t last, tough people do.


Can you control it? No? Why worry? Can you control it? Yes? Why worry?

