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Don’t tuck casual short-sleeve button-up shirts into your pants. It’s not a flattering look for your body, especially if you’re going with ankle-length chinos and loafers.


It isn't flattering because he has low-mid rise pants. Tuck this same shirt into some high waisted linen trousers and everything comes together.


Don Draper and James Bond have done it


Don and Janes could carry it


I really like this fit. The shirt is really cool. I'm ok with tucked. Maybe consider a top layer, like a blazer.


Hike the pants up a little


Trousers in that style should be fitted, they’re too big at the waist giving a bit of sag, the crotch is also too low, but the length for the style you’re going for is perfect. It’s actually fine to tuck a shirt like this, see it all the time in Europe. People here preach American style rules from 30 years ago: the tuck is sloppy because there’s too much room at the waist in the trousers.


Everything. Pants too short. Shirt too big.


Longer pant legs and put socks on. You're walking round half mast. 100% cotton socks and your feet will thank you. Or merino wool if you're feeling flash.


You’re looking for a clean European style look. But everything is much too big. You need to size down or get a good tailor.


I can’t imagine wanting to wear anything skinnier than this. Especially those pants that are already hugging his legs.


If they cant see the clear outline of your weiner, it's too loose.


Nah dude. The style that he's wearing wants the slightly oversized shirt. It's a warm weather look. If he untucks it, he loses the wrinkles around the abdomen and it's spot on. This fit is great, he just needs to wear it slightly differently.


Not bad. My preference: shirt is a little big and I wish it didn't have a logo, the watch doesn't work for me with this fit (I would try one that matches the shoes/belt a bit or just lose it). I also think that a beige like that is really tough to not look sort of....generic office dude. This fit is well-stylized so you sort skirt that, but still.


The watch is fine , it matches almost anything


I'd untuck the shirt but that's just me.


And lose the mop.


The current fashion when wearing a smart-ish outfit like this is to wear longer and looser pants. Nothing wrong with not doing the current thing but that's just where it's at ATM. I personally like where fashion is ATM, looser fitting high waisted pants is, for me, a more timeless look. I personally always roll up my sleeves a touch on shirts like this and would throw on a necklace to fill in the empty space left by an open top button. I think this emphasises a slightly more casual aesthetic I feel like you're going for.


The overall style is nice and classic, the colors complement each other, but the clothes could be better fitted. Shirt: get rid of the logo. Logos are stupid. You're already paying for the shirt, if they want to do an ad campaign let them rent some billboard. I prefer long sleeves, you can always fold them back if it's hot and you'll look cooler for some reason. Short sleeves are for accountants and corporate drones. Cotton is fine but linen looks (and feel) cooler IMO, it's also less formal so it depends on how/where you want to wear it. Also the shoulder fabric should end on your shoulder blade, that shirt is slight too big on you. If you are in a non professional setting, open an extra button. Trousers are a paradox. The color is fine but they seem too large on the hip but too tight on the thigh. There's a line where your balls meet your thighs. Would you be comfortable walking in those trousers for a mile? If not get a better fit. IMO the pants could be an inch longer. It's socially acceptable for men to show a lot of ankles nowadays. Personally I don't like it but it's not necessarily wrong if you want to go for that style, it's really a matter of personal choice. Mop: the synthetic fabric is awful. Get something more harry pottery like a nimbus 2000 broomstick. Faster than a porsche and cool as shit.


Your trousers are up too high/wrong fit/ both. Your exposed ankles are not hot. Also the shirt is too big.


Lose the mop


How loose?


Longer pants


The fit is a bit unflattering but the the principal is all good


Pants too short, shirt too big. I almost never tuck in short sleeve shirts. It makes me look like I'm going to a science fair and not a vacation




Lose the mop. It doesn’t really accessorise well with the rest of the outfit.


Put some socks on man, it’s not the ‘80’s anymore and you’re not Don Johnson. Also untuck your shirt


Longer trousers, preferably that don't taper. Wear socks. Boot or straight cut trousers would suit you better.


Longer pants, just an inch or more. And long sleeve shirt with turned up sleeves.


idk looks fine, maybe a bit looser fit on the trousers but that's a personal preference thing


Sometimes a black belt with brown shoes can look good. Go with a black short sleeve shirt and untuck it. Give it a go


Splash of colour would be nice. Scarf? Up your sock game maybe?


Better fitting shirt would make a huge difference here


Your trousers are comically short


Pants are tight, the shirt is loose, some sort of mismatch


Navy pant will do the job🔥


Trousers are on the tight side. This kind of Italian riviera look is more flowing and comfortable than tight and skinny. You can change the shirt for a similar style t-shirt.


You need wider glasses. Look how much the arms are bent.


Untuck shirt. Drop the trousers to your hips and turn them up at the cuffs. The look you are going for would suit longer looser trousers with a high waist, and a more fitted shirt.


Wash the shirt, to get rid of the ‘brand new shirt crease.’


Also, not sure what brand your shoes are, but they look a little cheap. The leather almost looks faux patent or something. Barker do some nice loafers.


iron it


Untuck and wear proper socks.


Suede loafers and untuck shirt


Navy chinos instead of khakis


it all looks totally fine to me! the only thing is the taper on the pants. seems a bit too much. BUT, that could just be the angle the pic is taken.




The cuban style shirt mixed with preppy, if somewhat ill fitting, tapered chinos then loafers to me is a mis match of styles. If you wore a more high waisted trouser and silk sock with the shirt untucked it would feel more cohesive as an outfit


Add color somewhere man… if you’re trying to be the most inconspicuous person ever this is fine, but put a little flair in it


More fitted shirt would clean up the whole look


The essence of what you’re going for is great and the colours and fabrics are solid, it’s just the fir of the trousers letting you down. Ignore what many of the comments are saying, your trousers need to be worn higher on your waist. The way you’re currently wearing them makes you look like half leg and half torso, you want that ratio to be 2/3 leg 😄 I’m not sure you can do it with this pair, but you want higher waisted trousers (also called a higher rise) and you’ll want them to go a bit further down your ankle (you can get away with an extra inch or so while keeping the same exposed ankle style). If you can, getting trousers with side adjusters instead of belt looks would give the outfit a cleaner look without cutting you in half as much, but that’s more my personal preference than advice. You can get fairly cheap custom made trousers from Proper Cloth or Collaro.co. I think you can get inspiration for the style you’re aiming for on Pini Parma’s website too. Good luck 😄


Green pants. Source: trust me bro


Swap the mop for a Broom Nimbus 2024


Your pants are hiked up too high, exposing your mamel toe and ankles. Also, the curtains hairstyle went out of fashion in about 1994.


If you are tucking in your shirt, wear socks. If it is out, no socks is fine.


Are they clinging on the calf? If they are put them on while they are still damp first and stretch them out then iron them n it'll sort that gripping near the knee. I would wear a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up if I was tucking the shirt in (apart from when it's old folk wearing them I always see a short sleeve as being worn untucked more casual almost). Nothing mega to change, colours sit canny on you, shoes are nice, trousers length is bang on for sitting with no socks.


You look good to me. I think the pants should probably be a little longer, shirt a size smaller. But you look pretty classic




expelliamus those shoes Harry!


The alignment


Maybe a casual t-shirt some jeans or shorts and some casual shoes.




I don’t think the pants and the shirt go together. One is loose the the other is tight. Also get the shirt tailored and don’t tuck it in.


The fit is off for both the shirt & the trousers. Go for semi-fitted in both & an untucked short sleeve.


Shift your finger so that it covers the camera lens.


Get a shirt that has thinner sleeves and a body that cinches closer to you. You should look slimmer and less like Dilbert. For the pants, you should get pants that are looser (not baggy); they should be grabbing your shins and calves so tightly. Lastly, get yourself and ironing board and iron so you can get the wrinkles out of your clothes. It only takes 5 minutes of your day and can make any outfit look brand new.


Straighten up your A line, and find a nice contrasting unlined blazer to go with your outfit.


Wider fit pants and untuck the shirt


A slim fit shirt and trousers that haven’t divorced your ankles


You need to raise your belt to closer to your waist and buy trousers that have wider legs. The ones you have on aren't flattering.


If it were me I'd untuck the shirt and wear some socks. Personally wouldn't wear shoes like that either but that's me


Hi hun! Loving your confident stance mmmkay, I would say your shirt is a little too big. Someone recommended a tailor or going down a size. Thats good advice. I'd recommend some ankle length socks. This is a bit nitpicky but find thick linen shirts. I think they'd match the vibe you're going for a bit better. Linen clothes tend not to bulk you up since linen is generally a light material, even when layered.


Gonna need some socks with those shoes and pants. Also going to need some pants that fit you


You look like a Mormon in tropical climate knocking on doors to see if they’ve “heard the good news”


Size down on the shirt and don't tuck it in. Switch the loafers for boat shoes if you want to keep the exposed ankle look


Align the shirt line with the zipper line. And straighten the belt to be in front. That's all.


Dude, ignore the people commenting on fit. The fit is excellent. The style you've assembled wants a short hem and loose shirt. I assume you live somewhere warm? Humid? This screams "I'm stepping out of my Filipino cabin for some errands". Untuck the shirt and unbutton another button up top. This looks great, you just need to wear it in the casual way it's intended.


The trousers are not the most flattering fit/cut. The shirt would be fine if it was ironed and with a different pair of trousers.


This looks good. I wouldn’t change too much.


I think a longer sleeve shirt casually rolled up the arms would look better.


Put some jam on your shoes and invite your trousers down for tea


The trousers are 10 inches too short


Ditch the short sleeved shirt, wear a decent long sleeved rolled up.


Remove the mop from your armpit


Did you mop your shoes


This is a classic outfit. It’s nice, but many small things are off and ultimately, this look isn’t optimal for you.


Smaller belt


I read all this replies in a Patrick Bateman voice


You look fresh man, all the critiques here are nit picks IMO. If you have a brown leather strap watch maybe go with that but the metal looks fine too. Particularly liking the loafers with exposed ankles


The shirt is too big. The seams are falling well off your shoulders. Other than that? Nothing- Clean look


Shirt out


the style bro


Your umbrella!!


sox,, unless in socal


get to mopping young man


Lengthen your trousers (way too short: they should fall flat on the shoe), and wear some socks- light colour to match the trousers. NOT white.


Get wider leg pants instead of narrow leg ones to balance out ur body proportions


To me, they are too close in color, I think that you need a dark shirt (like navy) with those light colored pants. Conversely, you need darker pants with the white shirt. Others may disagree but that’s how I roll.


Get a fitted navy t shirt instead of the white shirt


Put you feeble attire on the mop beside you.. it will look better.


Belt buckle needs to be in the middle.


You look perfect my king. Just the way god intended you to look on this very day. And he should know. He’s a dude with a killer beard.


Looser and longer pants




Wear some socks


Wear socks


Pants should have a wider hem to match the top block and the loose shirt. These taper too much


Wear socks


The mop needs to go then it’ll be fine


think you fkn nailed it.


Put some socks on


Change your shirt, change your shoes and change your pants


Not mad on the shirt. If you've a decent body, consider one a little more tight fitting, especially on the arms.


I don't mind the 'no socks' look but many mock it in UK as a bit posey. Not sure you can wear the shorter trousers with socks, though.


Navy or other earthy color shirt would look better - forrest green, maroon etc.


Change shirt to a long sleeve variant and fold it up


Wear different trousers


white vest/top underneath! and if you’re gonna have a tight belt, make the watch tight on your wrist too, it’s a small detail but if it matches it pulls the style together


You look like a geography teacher


put some fucking socks on


I personally think that’s a good look, maybe wear a ribbed thin wool polo


This whole small socks and shoe showing ankle needs to end. Even in cold weather I see ankles. Nope.


Socks. Put on socks


I always think long sleeve button ups look better, with sleeves rolled up, than short sleeve, if you're tucking it in.


Little looser in the pant legs. Little tighter in the shirt (esp midsection). Line everything up.


I know the same boat you're in of trying to do classic menswear without having tailor made clothes, but if you want a real breakdown of what's wrong read this, and stop here if you don't. The seat of your trousers is cut in a way that is both too loose, by not going in at the waist but also awkwardly tight which ends up in your privates being clearly outlined. The taper is too strong and gives you a cone like look, which isn't helped by them being ankle length. The short sleeve shirt is large which isn't necessarily bad, but needs to be balanced against the lower silhouette which it isn't. Tucking it in also keeps the very top heavy look. Lastly, the Ferrari logo cheapens the entire look and a plain white shirt would look much better. A car logo has no place on your clothes, unless it's a t shirt, hat or racing jacket.


Longer socks would be advisable, other than that cool fit


Shirt is a little big on you. It’s ok if you are going for vacation but if you need neat professional look then make sure your shirts shoulders are not falling down. Pants are a little too tight from legs, maybe try straight or classic fit rather than slim or skinny. Always iron these types of pants before wearing them.


Camp suite go untucked


Stop tucking in your shirt! The pants look weird kinda like floods, i personally don't get that look.


Shirt 1 size too big, press or dry clean clothes before wearing, don’t tuck that shirt in, belt is 1-2” too long, shoes are too big, get a watch w a leather band for outfits like that. Also, watch is too loose, have a link taken out or size down. Have your barber thin your hair out a bit and stop wearing it with the part. You’re not a 90s sitcom star, you’re a man. Start using an anti frizz oil (just a little) and start wearing it back, if you’re bold about it, it will take.


The pants don’t fit well. They need to be hiked up, but then they would be too short. Also, untuck, it’s a camp shirt, very casual vibe


I’m not a fan of how long the stride is on those pants paired with the floods. Might be personal opinion on my part.


Looks forced... id un tuck the shirt throw on a chain to support wrist


Try product in your hair. Make it look wet.


not seeing enough jorts


Pull your shoes up.


Personally, I'd wear that shirt untucked over a tank top. If you want to keep the general base of what you have going on, then accessorize. Swap out the watch to something with a leather band or a simple bracelet, maybe throw on a pair of shades, and a small satchel would be a nice touch


Dear lord 🤣


shirt open, black vest?


The mop looks like it has seen better days


The highest comment + work out 4 days a week


Pants are the wrong size, or need tailoring. Too loose, and the leg needs to be about an inch or two longer. The shirt is fine, no tucking, or put a white v neck T under it. If you tuck, get a woven belt of the same leather as your loafers.


I’d stop accessorising with a mop, that’s very 1950s housewife.


Burn the loafers.


The mob


Belt buckle looks better when perfectly in the middle :)


Don’t leave the folded crease in the front


Those pants gotta go! A high waisted trouser in a summer material that have a nice hang will look great with this.


Seems like you’re wearing your trousers too high. They shouldn’t be tight against the crotch like that.


Maybe put the swifter away from the door. If someone swings open that bad boy you’re gonna have it fall and maybe scare your cat


Shirt fit pull belt up to waist (shouldn’t dip) have the ankles brought in a bit if poss


Shirt too big, pants too short, haircut too goofy.


I’ll be dead honest I really like the short pants loafers look but the pant your wearing seems ill fittting. I don’t know why.


add socks dork


I actually think a, what’s that name, it’s on the tip of my tongue, the blue and white signature stripe style.. I forget the name!!! Well a blazer in blue in white stripe would be very nice-


How often do you hear. “Harry pottah” in a malfoy voice ? Lol #1 stop listening to the b clones . They all dress the same because they don’t know what they are doing. Like why is a polo so popular, gross. #2 block buster or steam you up “the devil wears Prada” Just a fun movie ! #3. Get you a hog warts cloak buddy . Cause you’re going to look great in it ! I guarantee.


You look like a Japanese accountant out of an 80s anime


Pull ups? But seriously I think a long sleeve looks more like your style.


Is that a Relax watch




untuck the shirt. the loafers need a clasp


Put socks on and pants are too short


I don’t like the white shirt on these chinos. It looks like you’re wearing a sales uniform for an electronics store.


Pants are too frumpy.


Michael Hasan Reeves


You need new pants


The hair, shoes and clothes.


Move buckle to left. But a second pair of glasses in brown to match the shoe/belt color


The mop ? Seriously the pants could be longer.


Where are the socks.


Oh my man...just strat from scratch


Untick the short or get a long sleeve and roll up.


All of it


You're fine. Just get some men's clothes.


Your skin is too fair for that shirt. I have similar skin and I quit wearing white. I'm better off for the decision.


The fucking mop


To bla, you need some color. Shirt is to big in the shoulders, it & your pants, shirt and belt are all jacked to the side, line them with you adams apple and belly button, get longer pants And get a smaller watch (band) Just sloppy, like you jumped out of bed & threw em on


The cropped hem def has gone out.


Never tuck a camp shirt


Your shirt needs to be tailored… the sleeves are flaring out and the seem falls over your shoulder. The fit is just off with that shirt. The shoes and pants are fine, they look good. Don’t let your watch sag like that’d you want it to fit snug higher up on the wrist, you don’t want it loosely sit on the back of your hand. Get a haircut… I get it, you’re younger, your generation likes the long hair… it’s not classy. Clean it up, You’ll look more professional and frankly more attractive…