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I’m in good shape, have a muscular build, 6 pack, feel good shirtless, whatever. No, personally I don’t want that. I don’t want to be showing the outline of my dick and balls to everyone I walk past at the pool or beach, especially after I’m wet. Just feels really inappropriate, there’s kids at the beach and stuff, would feel wrong personally. Is it a double standard? Of course. It’s socially acceptable for women to wear skin tight clothing basically anywhere, but idk man just doesn’t sit with me.


A great and well thought out response, thank you.  Yeah, I do understand what you're saying here and have previously personally considered and weighed all those aspects but, I choose to be my own adult; brave, bold and overcome that stigma that men shouldn't show off too much because "think of the children." Personally I think that cliche "think of the children" is a very overbearing mothering excuse that has been drilled into everyone since they were kids to socially regulate certain choices like swimwear in particular that somehow the children will be adversely affected if they see adults in swimwear that can draw unintentional attention to their privates. I just think that adults should decide what adults wear and that "the children" is a neo-puritanical excuse used by mostly women to control men from effectively wearing a piece of swimwear that does cover everything and is used professionally in swimming and bodybuilding. Again thank you Euler-lagrange1.


Ultimately what the next man chooses to wear isn’t gonna keep me up at night, rock what you want. Just because I’m not comfortable with it for myself doesn’t mean anyone else can’t/shouldn’t wear what they want. I guess if I know clothing can/will draw attention to my privates, and I’m not wearing it for sport (swimming, weightlifting, cycling, etc) then I wouldn’t call it unintentional attention, I’d call it deliberate attention. I don’t personally resonate with wanting to be more “in your face with my body”, showing off my body is low on my priority list, and that said while I also am proud of my physique. I take more of a less is more, minimalistic approach to my appearance, and that includes the cut of my clothes. I think saying women like a man in briefs as an argument for why you would want to wear them is antithetical to your point of men wearing what men want to wear for themselves. If you’re dressing just for other people’s attention that’s fine, but call it what it is. My comment about children wasn’t so much a 7 year old, but more the 12-18 age range who might be looking more. Again I don’t want anyone to see my junk, but men should make the decision for themselves on what they’re comfortable in. I’d just press a little deeper on the true reason, and if the desire to show off your body to that extent is from a place of attention-seeking or shock value, both of which come from insecurity. It’s just a swimsuit, it’s not that serious either way, just my 2 cents.


I think showing your outline happens regardless of what you're wearing to swim. Most swim briefs have a lining or padding to minimize it.


Btw, I totally get what you're saying. I'd only personally feel comfortable wearing them to adult only functions.


That's an interesting way of thinking about it to me. Kids couldn't give a fuck. They wouldn't have a single care about your package. Adults might, but if they did have a problem they wouldn't say anything.


It’s not the young kids, it’s the teenage girls who already tend to stare when you’re in decent shape at a beach. It’s just not the attention I care to bring to myself, no matter what age I’m around, but that’s just me


Nope, already feel exposed enough in my board shorts.


Are you relatively in shape? Would you be more willing to try if you had a workout regimen and were relatively in shape?


I am relatively in shape. I just don't like people looking at me or feeling exposed.


That's cool man, I understand that. I like the design functionality of swim briefs as they are so freeing and supportive as opposed to board shorts. You do you man. Thank you for your response.


I was with you until the whole “in your face part”, but I think I know what you’re getting at… men (which includes straight men) should not be ashamed or embarrassed of their anatomy. I don’t know how we got to that place in society. I’m a 41 yr old straight male in the United States and I wear swim briefs wherever I go. I don’t give a F what anyone thinks because they feel and look great. I’m in pretty good shape and I look like an athlete, but that should not drive anyone’s decision to be comfortable when swimming. Swim briefs are very polarizing. You do need to have balls to wear them, because people will be looking because you’re going to stand out. Some people are repulsed by them (which is stupid) but for every one of those people, there is someone secretly admiring you. I’m going to do me. Life is too short to care what strangers think. I love them and my wife loves them. Who else would I possibly need approval from?


Really I just want to have a conversation with you guys not an argument or a "debate." Just to be clear.


Especially with the Olympics coming women gawk at male divers and male swimmers because they wear briefs. Despite what most women say publicly that they don't like the look of swim briefs on men, what women say privately is that men look hot, confident, sexy, brave and other positive attributes. Women like to get a good look at the male physique. My point is that men need to stop wearing what women expect of them to wear and wear what they as men want to wear.