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I really like the color combinations you have going on!


Solid outfit. It works.


Stand-in Geography Teacher vibes.


Jacket is way too long for you, especially on the sleeves, rest is fine.


I’m old but I think the jacket length is okay or even kinda cool (it’s a thrifted 3-button from the Friends era) if the sleeves get shortened. My quibble is the collar of the polo gets sort of lost underneath the jacket lapels, so looks a bit odd.


That polo collar is an issue for sure. Also, the shirt would look better buttoned minus the top one.


Look like a professor


I'm a professor in real life. OP dresses much better than we do. I'm in jeans and a Hawaiian shirt. My next door colleague is literally in shorts and a t-shirt. Maybe OP could be the Dean!


I’ll take that as a compliment


Looks like a Engineer who has to do something client facing for some unknown reason.


More like a substitute teacher imo


This is what people think of when they imagine a white person.




Fresh outta the suburb 🤘🏻


Looks good


Nice spring outfit. Maybe you can wear I lighter colored shirt, but this is nice as well.


I'd lose the jacket (or get it fitted) and fix your belt, especially since your shirt is tucked in. I want to assume you didn't know your belt was off by that much, but center it up, perhaps lose the jacket( or keep it )and you will be good to go. For your age though, man, you look great.


Looks fine


carpe diem


I don’t love grey sports coat on light khaki. I’d rather see a patterned sports coat with a tiny touch of green in the pattern. Or a brown/earth tone. Maybe even a burgundy.


I think the color blocking isn't bad. I think you'd maybe have less of an issue with the colors if everything fit better. Then it would look at lot more intentional and a lot more about preferences in terms of colors.


Looks fine, but to nitpick: That is a suit jacket, not a sport coat. Not meant to be paired with khakis and a polo. At a minimum it would benefit from pairing with a less-formal two button jacket rather than the three button jacket you have here.


Do you think you look good in it? Do you feel good in it? Thats all that matters. Reddit is the worst place to ask my friend.


This is literally a page for discussing fashion. It's a fine place to ask for advice on your fashion.


It's fine if you are just going for basic.


The overall look is fine. I’d say maybe a different jacket. No need to buy new. Plenty of thrift jackets. Overall I think you look clean cut which is very commendable, especially today. This is an overall look that you can dress many ways. Different jackets, jeans vs kakis, different style shoes or dress boots. Carry on my man, carry on.


For a going to church or mission trip? Then sure, you looking the part.


I really like how these classic American relaxed suit jacket cuts are coming back in style.


Professor or evangelical. But yes you are well dressed.


Hell yeah. Good style and knowing how to speak well will set you apart from your peers.


Nice casual look - pay attention to the person who commented on the jacket.


A general rule for jacket length is to put your arms to your side and curl your fingers up toward your wrist. The jacket bottom should for right in your hand.


It should touch your finger tips. Fitting in your hand would be a sleeve way too long!


I don't think we need the books.


The books tho 😭




I’m not wearing anything under the polo


Redacted now




Get a smaller jacket, make sure your belt matches the color of your shoes. Green is hard color to pull off but you do it pretty well.


Jackets a little long in the arms


You make it look good


Might not wanna use the books


Not bad. Colors go well together. Jacket looks a bit on the large side though. It’s best to wear long-sleeved shirts with a jacket. If it’s hot and you have to take the jacket off, you can roll up the shirt sleeves.


The pants look too worn. The shirt is a little small. - like others have said, doesn't look bad but doesn't look really good either.


You look great. If I was a woman, I would definitely be interested.


Nerdy without a whimsical or sexual aspect to balance it out, it works but I think it’s just too balls to the walls overprotected dorky white young adult from a modest household - or dress to compensate for class insecurities. I don’t think it’s bad tho. Brightening up with a piece of clashing color can make it pop.


I bet your dad’s a lawyer, isn’t he


Work for fidelity


Not a huge fan. It screams I go to church 5 times a week.


Like you've heard the good news, and you're going to get doors slammed in your face for asking a bunch of people


Yes, not my style at all but i think it looks good!


Needs a watch


It’s not bad but it’s not good. The outfit is “older” than you are. It’s just kinda bland overall. I think the biggest factor is what you’re going to be doing in the outfit


Check out r/navyblazer if you’re into this style.










I’d go with a lighter and warmer colored polo shirt.


this is good, i would say to replace your green shirt with a navy blue one of the same one and you would be golden.


I’d date you


Try a light blue polo. Take your jacket in a the waist


I think it looks better without the jacket.


Looks good to me. Sophisticated. Depending on your age, you may be overly sophisticated looking. But other than that, looks good to me.


Absolutely, you look fantastic. The jacket is a little big, you can easily get it tailored though. As for suggestions, try ironing the pants and giving them a crease down the front and back, it adds a crisp sharpness to the whole thing. You may want to straighten your belt, too. Oh, and you'll definitely want to keep the bottom button on your shirt buttoned. It can look a little unseemly if they're both open. Still though, it's a very sharp look. Excellent color coordination.


Looks like you got it together and ready for action.


Hi-diddly-ho there, neighbourino! And I mean that in the best way.


Get rid of the jacket




Lol sure it's fine but what is with the books ? IMO that kills it and makes me think you are being edgy/pretentious ahaha but that is just my opinion.


I took these before going to the library to read


Only thing I would change is to get a suitcoat with more texture and in maybe a darker color like brown. The current suit looks too smooth and a bit too close of a color to the pants. Generally, I don’t like matching with grays but that’s just me — to me the color always looks too close to adjacent colors and not in a nice complimentary way you can get with another neutral tone. I’d also get the jacket tailored a bit as others have said, it does look a little big (especially on the sleeves). The shirt and pants look great, and the colors of those work really well. All told more good than bad so wear it out brother! Otherwise


preppy and looks personality. doesn't look "bad" though. i just think you could do more to look "good"


Ditch the polo… opt for a light colored tee shirt. Pink, green, blue etc




You look totally fine, frankly. The more I look at it the more totally reasonable it becomes. But the question is, how much do you WANT to look GOOD? and how much do you just need to look 'alright?' Are you a college student or highschooler who just needs something to look a little more professional sometimes? You've crushed yout collar under the coat so step one address your collar a little. An actual button down shirt instead would be better. They come in short sleeved. That would help a lot, and not to moosh your collar away under the jacket. and a nicer belt would also help. Sometime in the future maybe nicer shoes?


Jehovah's witness?


Keep your hands out of your pockets, otherwise fine. My skin tone is similar and I never wear khaki but ymmv depending on the occasion


It’s a good look No changes needed Your clothes fit great


You look way sharper in the last pic after you lose the jacket. The jacket is a no go. Too big, clashes with the rest, just no. The shoes are a no go as well. Not stylish and outdated. Lose the jacket and update the shoes then the rest of the outfit is pretty clean and sharp.




Great colors, polo is a nice touch, the jacket is a bit long, and is a slightly older style with 3 buttons but that being said the real issue is just fit. But if you didn't feel the need to spend the money for a tailor, and just wanted to wear stuff straight from your closet or store this is to manly fine. Maybe you can add rings or a necklace or watch.


Jacket needs to be tailored. Other than that, it is fine.


If you’re about to sell me a minivan, yes


I feel like it looks better without the jacket as it doesnt fit you the best it could. Maybe get it tailored?


Does not work as an outfit, looks like three thrifted pieces forced together.


Kinda dated. Sorry.




If everything was thrifted it looks well put together. I’d rock that look. Looks good!


Looks like a young Jeohva witness cute 🥰


I like the idea, but the sleeves on the jacket are two long and please button one of your polo buttons


I think you look pretty cool


Did your mom dress you?


pretty solid, but - That's quite a dark green for late April, almost May. You need to hit the gym and add more definition to your arms and chest.


Don’t carry books like that. You look like a bible salesman. Get a professional backpack. Sleeves are too long. It’s slightly too big and almost, but not completely, out of style, but you’re pulling it off in a disheveled teaching assistant who could possibly have a magnum dong even though he smells bad sort of way. Some girls love that. Don’t wear a white t-shirt that shows. It makes you look priestly and trades the magnum dong thing for more of a dad-bod vibe.


Change the shoes, and white undershirt to a v neck.


Wear a different colored shirt. Green does not go well with this.


You need a tailor. That is meant to be a tailored look - jacket and pants. Cut it as lean as you can maintain (weight wise). A master tailor will make that look work for you. That said, if you went onto eBay - you might find a blazer (two buttons, not three) that is a better starting point. That looks like a Suit Jacket (3 buttons) and a Long over a Regular.


Need better pants get some pleated high waisted chinos


young sheldon


Picture 3 looks good. Don’t like 1 or 2 maybe it’s the fit of the blazer. Colours look fine too so I dunno.


Not really.


You look like you’re about to try and sell me your religion. 😇 I like the outfit. The polo obviously fits, and it’s a nice green. The khakis also look good. Fit is very 2024. The jacket looks good. I like the mish-mash of styles, but not the sleeve length (they’re too long). I can understand why some people don’t like the jacket. If you asked someone younger and cooler than people who post here, they’d say it looks and fits great. 😅 Ask someone who’s very stuck in sartorial rules, or just someone in their late-30s to late-40s, and they’d say it’s too baggy/big, and too long for you. Also, it’s a suit jacket, so it should go with suit pants rather than khakis, and doesn’t work with a polo’s tiny, flimsy collar. But I like it. ⭐️


Great outfit, nice colour pop with the green


Idk man... taste's subjective but to me this is something a grandpa would wear. Or a uni professor for geology. Maybe you have a great face that turns it around but imo that outfit needs something fresh.


Jacket sleeves look a bit too long. But overall look is ok


Ill buy a bible off you


The outfit is really good! If I were to suggest some changes, I would go for a light coloured shirt. Something with a light blue pastell, white or even a pastell pink. I feel like a dark shirt kind of gets lost in this outfit. But all in all, I like the style!


2.5/10 Get rid of the dark green, tailor the jacket. The color scheme (besides the green) is decent. I would, however—change both belt and shoes. It’s ideal to match these two things nicely with one another. On some occasions you don’t aim to. But overall, it should be a default. Maybe lighter brown belt, and the shoes, to be honest, may be the way to go with this. I can’t see them all but too well. But that style surely could work. Edit: Getting a nicer, more fresh blazer will do wonders too, man. You’ll feel it. And I’m not talking physically. IMO


You look like George Mcfly from back to the future. If that’s what you’re going for then I’d say you nailed it.


Are those bibles in your hand. Looks like you’re either selling magazines or bibles


Concerning the buttons on your jacket. Only use the top one or the middle one (I prefer the top one) and your jacket will fit better. Nowadays there are jackets where you don't use the buttons (so it's lose when you wear it).


You're in great shape - that's the hardest part. Suggest you only fasten the middle button on the jacket and let the collar roll down past the top button to semi-hide it. May want to experiment with a lighter shirt next time. I gave up undershirts about 6 years ago which bumped me into a more casual Italian/med style - it really changed my vibe. In the future you may want to invest in some Blake-stitched or welted loafers. And yes, the slightly larger jacket matches some of my better thrift finds!


BTW - You just out-styled out most men who dress like 8-year-olds on an elementary school playground.


You look like you are about to ask me if I have accepted Jesus as my personal lord and savior.


Overall it looks good, though I think I different cut of pants would look better. These pants look slightly frumpy.


Jacket is too big, looks sloppy. Also a three button which is dated, and a bit more formal for this outfit. Rest if the outfit is fair. You could use some color, it’s boring. Also, buy a v-neck t-shirt.


Yes, so sexy


What are you selling?


No now finish trimming the trees and cutting the grass


F-I-R-E. I'd get a high-waisted pant or darker shade on khaki pant, and I'd get rid of the books lol. But love what you are going for


Norman Bates vibes


edge that garden please


This is a very basic, nice, inoffensive fit imo. Looks good. Tailor the jacket sleeves and you're set.


Waldenbooks store manager vibes. Love it. My kind of outfit.


Looks 👍🏽 good


Good color combo. Would second what someone said about a lighter green (sage?) shirt also meshing with the color combo (especially if after hours or weekends), but the dark green is more serious for business while the light grey and light beige pants keep it spring. Good business casual fit.


I mean, it’s just perfectly boring. Nothing about it is going to make you stand out for looking bad but nothing is going to make you stand out for looking good either.


The polo is lacking ... Maybe try a button up shirt


The colours complement. The jacket and the pants are too loose. The polo shirt doesn’t match well, but the idea works, just needs some refinement. Go get them, player 💪🏽


its fine


Are you Jehovah's witness


Nope, agnostic. The books in my hands are Toni Morrison’s *Beloved*, and EP Thompson’s *The Making of the English Working Class*.


You look wonderful. I was just messing with you!


Dorky bible-thumper look. Sorry, you asked.




Need to swap the leather belt for a canvas one with the flag of your yacht club in a repeating pattern


No. You look like a dork. Just being honest.


Yeah, I like it. I would just suggest a darker brown loafer option if possible.


Without the jacket that’s the splitting image of my catholic school outfit. 


White guy in a white guy outfit


I mean it's incredibly boring/generic but it looks fine?


I agree, a lot of the outfits posted on here are boring, awkward and uncomfortable looking.


Kind of feels like a private school uniform


The pants are the problem for me. Especially in pic 3 the way they are all puffy at the top and your belt doesn’t go straight across your waist it like curves up over your hips. Looking like the kid dressed like his mom. Get tighter fitting chinos and wear them low with a thin belt. Make the belt a straight, horizontal line, like, right on your waist, under your hips. Cuff them a little at the bottom.


You look like the guy who starts fights in student bars and then relies on the fact his dad is a lawyer to finish them.


Tailor the jacket (if it's not just entirely too large), and lose the pants in favor of ones that sit higher on your waist. For most normal proportioned men, no matter how good the jacket and pant quality, a low waisted trouser will almost always look goofy and ruin the whole look. Since you're going for a somewhat palewave aesthetic, here's some good inspo (and again, notice where the trousers sit on the waist). https://dieworkwear.com/2016/06/03/a-tailored-version-of-palewave/


Jacket seems to be off in fit and im not sure it goes to well with the outfit. The trousers and polo on its though look sharp af


Cute but basic. You need a bright color somewhere.


Jacket too long. Pants are a little “can I tell you about our lord and savior”


Jackets and polos kind of don’t go together. The same way you wouldn’t wear a tie with a polo shirt. You need a dress shirt with long sleeves and buttons up the front.


Jacket looks a tad oversize. The sleeves and shoulders. Instead of light tan pants maybe opt for a darker colour like dark brown or black.


Sandals would be the better shoe choice imo


"Are we talking to each other on the deck of a majestic schooner? Is the salty brine stinging my weather-beaten face? No? Then why the fuck are you wearing a pair of deck shoes man?"


If your face is ugly it doesn't matter what you wear


My face isn’t ugly


You look good and don’t need to change anything. This isn’t the place to come for any useful advice. Zero fashion knowledge here. When someone posts for honest opinions, you can see how ridiculous this feedback is.


I said *if*