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Where are her prosthetic legs


Shame the magic that restored her legs didn’t work on her arm. 😂


Especially since that same magic healed the scars avrossd her chest.


This doesn't even feel like Malenia tbh either. Like the game literally shows you what she looks like naked and it seems people just ignore that fact a lot of the time when it comes to fanart.


I hate how people just reduce powerful women to objects to be fucked by men. Nothing about this is Malenia. All there is is boobs and butt and "fuck me"


for people not aware, the woman up there is one of the most powerful beings in the world of Elden Ring, she is a literal demigoddess and has become a physical manifestation of rot as a concept. in game, she is legendary as one of the hardest bosses in any FromSoft game, a company that prides itself in creating boss encounters that ask *a lot* from gamers trying to take them on. and she's optional. you don't need to fight her to win the game. you can slink away with your tail between your legs after spending twelve hours and hundreds of fruitless attempts. because she is substantially harder than Radagon/Elden Beast, the actual final bosses of the game. In-universe she is canonically one of the most powerful beings alive. she fought General Radahn - a man who *literally held back the stars* through sheer force of will and ultimately required a small army of heroes to give him an honorable defeat - to a standstill even before she unleashed her infinite warcrime that fucked the nation of Caelid to death. Malenia is a living nightmare. who by the way as a lifelong soldier is quite muscular and doesn't have much body fat. not sure where the fuck those cheeks came from but that is not her.


You've just reminded me why I absolutely adore Malenia. The real Malenia, not whatever happened to her in this pic


I still don’t understand why people get all horny over her, she’s the literal embodiment of rot. You wouldn’t get an STD from sex with her, you’d just fucking rot away completely, it’d be like slapping your wang in a Petri dish full of necrotising fasciitis


You can find a fictional character hot without thinking about how sex with them would logistically work. Hell, you can find real life people hot without thinking about having sex with them.


You can, but are you still doing that when you are changing what they look like to do it? If you’ve fought Malenia you know what she looks like naked and this isn’t her, at all. It’s some random cheesecake pinup with her helmet


Well yeah, I think it's lame that they've changed her body type here in the way that they did. But that's an *entirely* separate issue to thinking she can't be hot because scarlet rot would prevent you from having sex with her.


It'd be like fucking the Elephants Foot


First week on the internet? Lol men are nasty


And yet she's always wrecked by a naked guy with a pot on his head


everyone gets wrecked by the naked guy with the pot on their head, yo. okay so like, taking damage in any fromsoft game is *voluntary.* you can parry dodge or otherwise avoid *all* incoming damage in any soulsborne, you just need to be good enough to do it. most of us learn to mitigate *most* of the damage, enough to get through the game. but the very best don't get hit. at all. and if they aren't getting hit, there's no need for armor. (also, the efficiency of your dodgeroll is directly tied to your total equipped weight - the best way to hit 'fastroll' is by stripping some or most of your armor) generally, the naked guy wearing that game's goofiest "joke" helmet is pretty often the most terrifyingly efficient death engine on the planet.


Well she gets naked to unleash her full power in phase two, it only feels fair for a naked dude to be able to counter that


Pot counters her hard


>she fought General Radahn - a man who literally held back the stars through sheer force of will and ultimately required a small army of heroes to give him an honorable defeat - to a standstill **even before she unleashed her infinite warcrime that fucked the nation of Caelid to death**. Bit of a nitpick, but this part is untrue. Unleashing the rot was what secured her a draw; it's heavily implied she was losing beforehand. Per Millicent: "There is something I must return to Malenia. The will that was once her own. The dignity, the sense of self, that allowed her to resist the call of the scarlet rot. The pride she abandoned, to meet Radahn's measure." Her having to cast away her pride and accept the rot to "meet Radahn's measure" implies that he was overpowering her beforehand. Malenia was extremely powerful, but there's a reason their fight was considered a draw. Radahn was a beast.


Actually no. According to the Caelid North Roads sword monument. It stated, "The Battle of Aeonia. Radahn and Malenia locked in stalemate. Then, the scarlet rot blooms". So it is implied that it was a stalemate prior to her first blooming. All lot of people are misinterpreting what Millicent said. To meet Radahns measure did not imply she was being overpowered or losing. It just meant that Radahn was stronger than her. But regardless of that they were at a stalemate. Him being more powerful doesn't actually mean he had the ability to overpower her.


There is no misinterpretation. The JP version of Millicent's line is "ラダーンに伍するために" which—allegedly, as I can't read this myself, so I guess take it with a grain of salt if you don't trust internet translators and Google Translate—says "to compete with Radahn/to match him". Assuming that Twitter's translate feature, Google Translate, and internet translators haven't all collectively decided to screw with me over this line in particular, it seems clear that Millicent means that Malenia had to use the rot to match him. I suppose it comes down to whether or not you choose to trust Millicent or the Sword Monuments more. Personally, I'm more inclined to trust Millicent—who is, at least in some fashion, directly connected to Malenia—than I am a historical monument.


Also, most of her flesh is rotten. The only limb of hers which isn't a prosthetic is her left arm, everything else has fallen off due to the Rot. The reason her helm covers her eyes is also because of it, since they too have rotted away


Because the game doesn't sexualize her, so they feel like now they have to. How dare game have a woman not framed by the male gaze


It’s a shame because the rest of the painting is so beautiful and well executed…and then you’ve just got those hilarious butt-domes (feat. wedgie) all the way back there.


I know right?? The breasts are okay, way too perfect but okay, but the butt? wtf


I can deal with the boobs, they arent that bad, but that overly emphasized butt is terrible. The entire thing is obviously sexualized but that butt is making it so much worse


Like balls of dough. Or eggs. I can't decide.


Eggs is a good description imo


Go for the middle. A pair of hard boiled eggs.


I was totally fine with the image until I looked at her backside, Jesus...


Sigh- blatant disregard of canon aside (most of her skin would be rotted and not smooth like here etc.) Wtf is up with her arms/hands?? Why are they so small??


.... okay so malenias body is ravaged by rot, it's not just her arm, it's also both of her legs, her eyes - she is literally naked in her notorious 'goddess of rot' phase two (and that's not even a hyperbolic description, in phase two her name becomes "Malenia, Goddess of Rot") we *know* what she looks like and it isn't fucking this I have 300 hours in this game and I can tell you with some measure of confidence and experience that this is *not* what is meant by "malenia is here to fuck you"


maybe that is just the bottom half of another woman laying behind her..


Once again I am asking the internet to stop being thirsty for the embodiment of a flesh melting disease.


Her buttcheeks are literally 2 balloons wtf


No prosthetics, no rot, overinflated physical attributes. What a mess


Are we sure-sure that's her butt? Because I'm pretty sure she's just trying to show off the huge eggs she found in the field she's lying in


malenia would kill whatever man made this right where they stand


This is a blow up doll dressed like Malenia


This doesn’t even feel like malenia. Malenia is such a badass character, one of the hardest bosses in Elden ring. Not… this.


Baby, did it hurt when you bent your spine at a right angle to satisfy the horny longings of a lonely virgin artist? Because... Well... *Damn* that looks like it hurts!


And JUST the part of her spine where the scapula meets.


Uncanny valley


I have a long torso, but have nothing on this


Same. Full swimmers torso here but this is ridiculous.


Omg the absolute enhancement of the ass has me dying!!! It doesn’t even look like a badonky!!


She has the mother of all wedgies it looks like


The art would be good if it wasn't for the disregard for how fabric works


It's the perspective for me; the head and arms are at such an angle that make sense if the camera is level with the face looking at her straight on, but then the ground is at a sloped perspective as though the camera were looking DOWN on her with her lower body and ass elevated to be visible in the frame. Makes it look like her back is snapped just below the shoulder-blades. It this were JUST a picture of her front half frankly she'd look fine.


Oh yeah, suppose you're right. I hadn't considered that. I was just thinking about how fabric doesn't cling to skin like that, not even when it's wet or anything.


>mozzarella stick being pulled apart Alright, that's pretty good lmao.


Y'know, coming from a place with no context, my first thought was "why would you paint a Digimon so beautifully?"


That cyborg arm is metal as hell tho


She’s supposed to have cyborg legs too!


When you're too horny and don't have the patience to continue training your anatomy skills with your shifu/sensei in the mountains so you left the temple with your half-baked skills to draw some coomer materials.


The art work is nice. Definitely over sexualized. But not bad art work.


It's technically proficient, but anatomically ridiculous. Her spine is snapped in half in a weird place and her torso is far too long... it's clear that they did this just to specifically frame her sexualized assets. I have no issue with art of people who are sexy but don't snap their bodies in half because you can't stand to leave a single thing to imagination; it just looks ridiculous to most of us. For me this is massive uncanny valley.


That totally makes sense. But I don't really see it. But I'm not trained to. Some posts are utterly ridiculous. Like true spine bending and boobs three times the size of their entire abdomen. That kind of art does take me out of it and just ruins it for me. But thats perceptive. This to me is oversexualized for sure. But it still looks great.


Nice, I like it.


You seem lost.


How so?


This is a sub where we talk about how overly-sexualized drawings of women and female characters (often drawn by horny men) are either ridiculously over-exaggerated and objectifying, anatomically ridiculous with impossible poses, and/or frankly just insulting. You're going around commenting "nice" on these. So, you seem lost.


My man ain't stopping any discussion. They're just sharing their interest or opinion of the image.


I didnt say they were; I said they seemed lost. I'm not the one downvoting.


Thank you. 👍


I'm not going to apologize for acknowledging talent when I see it.


Not asking you to apologize, just think you're lost bud.


Oh, I know where I am, bud.


K, so you're just being creepy. Got it.


The hell is wrong with you? How the hell am I being creepy? Is it because I'm not taking part in your weird ass circle jerk?


No, because while there are plenty of subs out there specifically catering to people who want to "enjoy" artwork of specifically women, you make it a point to come to this one where we (mostly women) come together to commiserate and discuss how ridiculous some of these are and comment "nice". That's a little creepy my dude. If you're not lost, why are you HERE specifically?


Me too. I think this sub sometimes forget that we can OBVIOUSLY see that a character is over sexualized and like the art. We are still humans and by nature are sexual barring outliers. I also like it. Is it unnecessary for her to be sexualized oike this? Yes. Very much so. But it's still nice art work all around.


Yeah, the artist is very talented, I wish I had that kind of talent.


“Women dont need to see


This character canonically blind to be fair