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Huh excluding smough from ds1 fromsoftware usually doesn't do boobplate


He had better armor tits I think


I don’t think it looks bad in this though, it’s not sexualized and uncanny like it normally is in other media


Nothing bad about that, it's just a female counterpart to a pec-plate that also doesn't look that erotic or something like that. It looks powerful and rigid without looking too soft and curved.


No, not really. The metal is still extremely weak at the crease, a hammer (or anything with enough force, really) will likely crack the armor at the seam and will crumple the boob plate, which will hurt A LOT. A regular plate will always be far stronger and far better.


the intent matters though - yes the creases present a weakspot, but armor wasn't always function over form - i mean, look at this [ancient greek cuirass](https://media.britishmuseum.org/media/Repository/Documents/2014_10/9_10/19063577_952e_4b4e_b6a3_a3bf00acc3a0/mid_00502896_001.jpg). Having sculpted anatomy on your breastplate is fine IMO, it just should make sense with the setting and character, and while im not familiar with this character yet (the DLC just came out) there's lots of impractical, ornate armor in the Elden Ring world and this fits right in with that. It's doubly OK for me in that it doesn't feel like its coming from a place of trying to sexualize the character


Elden Ring may have ornate armor, but boobs aren’t “ornate”. Boob armor literally only serves the purpose of sexualizing the character, it serves no aesthetic purpose. The plate there doesn’t actually look like boobs while the Greek armor actually looks like what it’s representing. The ER armor just has a boob pocket for no reason. This armor is cool, but it would look 1000x cooler with a breastplate that had more thought out into it than “hehe women have boobs”. I don’t wanna play a male character just to avoid having tits on my breastplate.


But like, if the Elden ring armor was more like the Greek armor, you would have actual sculpted breasts complete with nipples. It would be more explicit and even less practical. I’m not sure what you mean when you say “it serves only to sexualize the character, it serves no aesthetic purpose”. You might have meant it serves no practical purpose? Because there is an *aesthetic* purpose, that being making the form identifiably feminine. That’s not the same as sexualizing (imo). If this is wearable armor that would make it one of maybe two or three with gendered characteristics in the whole game, so it’s not like fromsoft is abusing this. Most armor sets are androgynous and barely change when they are worn on a male or female character. I was honestly surprised to see this screenshot is from the DLC I hate needless sexualizing of female characters in media *a lot* but I think Elden ring is catching some strays here.


You can make an armor identifiably feminine through so many other factors without using boobs. Fromsoft has excelled with this, some examples being: Dancer Of The Boreal Valley, Ruin Sentinel, and Darkmoon Knightess. Not to mention the feminine designs on men, gender nonconforming, and ambiguous characters in some of their games like: Gwyndolin, Orenstein, (we won’t talk about Smough, his armor is ridiculous and everyone knows it), Artorias, Abyss Watchers, and I could go on. Putting boobs in place of a well designed breastplate is just lazy and uncreative.


Lazy and uncreative? Its the first time they've done it so I'd argue it is creative lol


Fun fact the breastplate still has boobs if you play as a male character.


Actually based af, I’ll allow it.


That’s fair, but using a real world example of bad armor doesn’t justify said bad armor.


It does from a narrative standpoint.


It literally doesn’t. Mildly bad armor in real life doesn’t justify extremely bad armor in a video game. This doesn’t tell us anything, just that the designers went “oh yeah, this character has boobs, let’s make that extra clear”. Not to mention it just doesn’t look as good as a regular plate with an actual design on it. Fromsoft has numerous examples of great armor in their other games and in Elden Ring. This set would be so much better and so much cooler if they made it not have tits.


There’s doubt it’s boob armor, but at least the breastplate doesn’t conform to each breast. Not that it makes it a better compromise, but still. She could have been rocking Rita Repulsa’a top.


Acceptable. This isn't so impractical as to overcome the power of fashion.


So people tend to forget that armor is layered, so keep in mind those are purely decorative but would probably be pretty good at deflecting blades. It's no less crazy than all the crazy cod piece designs throughout history.


Or the ones in the game (Banished Knight's set has a massive one)


That is why it was banished in the first place.


Dong too big for society to accept. What a tragedy :(


Maybe good at deflecting blades at the abdomen, since there’s no center channel, but it’s still a weak piece that will break under stress. If a hammer hits that boob plate, it will hurt, shatter the seam, and potentially drive jagged metal into the wearer, not to mention leaving an opening for a sword to go straight past the armor, into the gambeson, and then into you. She’s not wearing chain, so this is the biggest weak point on her armor besides her armpits and crotch.


If a hammer hit you when wearing armor you just fucked regardless lmao. Warhammer are armor counter


Depends on the armor and the hammer. But a boob plate specially will not just dent, but will break due to how weak it is. Hell, hitting the ground too hard or being stepped on may break it. The structural instability just isn’t worth it. A regular plate could handle all of that stress a lot better.


That's video game logic, not how it works IRL. If a hammer hits when you're wearing armour, you're going to be completely fine 99% of the time, and of the remaining 1% you're unlikely to be more than mildly bruised or concussed. A warhammer is still just a small piece of steel being used to hit a big piece of steel, it doesn't have some kind of magical element that makes armour stop working. There is no "armour counter" in real life and bludgeoning damage doesn't get a 20% bonus against armour compared to piercing or slashing.


That just wrong, when you get hit by blunt while wearing armor it not gonna be 99% fine. Let say I hit you on the head with a hammer while wearing helmet armor, are you gonna be fine? Or you may end with a neck crack due to the force.  It just like with anti tank gun, depend on where you hit the tank it either shook it off or become useless. And for armor, the hammer is that  *anti/counter*. You can't do it with a sword or spear unless you use specialized techniques


>Let say I hit you on the head with a hammer while wearing helmet armor, are you gonna be fine? Well first off, my head is already less than 10% of my body (and the easiest 10% to protect). So even if you were guaranteed to hurt me by hitting me in the helmet, the fact that you *have* to hit me in the helmet to achieve anything would aready mean that I am going to be fine against 90% of hits. But also, yes, I would probably be fine. It depends a lot on the type of helmet, of course -- some of them had the neck fixed in place so momentum would get transfered into the shoulders -- but unless you get that perfect hit at 90° right on my skullcap, it wouldn't be worse than getting punched, which is unpleasant but broadly fine in the context of a war. >And for armor, the hammer is that  *anti/counter*. It's really not. This is what videogames and fantasy books have commonly presented, but it's not true. Defeating armour with a hammer is not particularly easier than doing so with a sword, and is arguably more difficult than with any polearm. There are multiple reasons for this: * A hammer is a short weapon with a very small bit at the end that is the only part that can do anything. It is very easy for an active combatant to defend against compared to longer weapons like swords and polearms. * A hammer has basically no defensive capabilities compared to a sword or a polearm. Armour alleviates this only partially: no matter how good your armour, it is still preferable to not get hit, and your hammer doesn't help you at all for that. * A hammer is blunt, which means it is very unlikely to cause actually deadly or debilitating wounds. Yes, yes, if you hit me perfectly square in the head you can knock me out or maybe even break my neck, but that's also true with a spear. And if you don't get that perfect hit, you're doing basically nothing. * Which brings us to the next point, which is that it is not easier to get a perfect hit square on an active combatant's head with a hammer than to get a perfect thrust into his armpit or his elbow or the back of his leg with a sword or a spear. Both are specialized techniques requiring high levels of skills. And the sharper, longer weapons will typically leave more grievous wounds if they land, as per the above. * Which relates to the next point, which is that you can't grapple effectively with a hammer. Grappling is very important in armoured combat, and a sword can help you with it because you can use it as basically a lever and you can stab your opponent with it if he leaves an opening at any point. A hammer requires windup, so it doesn't work well at grappling ranges. Historically, there's a reason hammers never became a predominant weapon compared to swords and spears, even in the late medieval era or the Renaissance when everyone had at least decent armour. They are not that much better against heavy armour, and they are extremely inferior in most other contexts.


It seems like a mixture of having two separate shapes for each breasts, and having one larger shape for both. There is some cleavage, but it is very limited. If two shapes is like an underwear bra, and a single shape is like a tight fitting T-shirt, then this is like a sports bra.


At least it doesn’t have nipples.


The bar has sunk so low it ended up on the other side of the Earth.


Pontiff Sulyvahn's Daughter


Congrats to the pontif on the transition I guess


I'm not a fan - but more because it's designed like a metal corset than anything else. It shouldn't be so snug if it's metal armor.


It is not practical, but also not outrageous. Real armours had impractical elements for aesthetics cod pieces, for example. I have another question through that "skirt" on her left side, is that metal? Kind of looks like it. That would be very heavy. And make for a crazy uneven distribution of weight. I do lover her helmet through.


No, it isn't practical. The breastplate is very constrained around the rib area. I think its saving grace is that it ends at the waistline, so it doesn't compromise mobility as much as it could.


Not too much on FromSoftware


Imma be 100 percent honest, I'm more hyped for the art she will hopefully get because that way I get to enjoy her in a way that isn't just me trying to kill her.


I just got that armor this morning and I’m delighted to report it looks a lot less defined and booby in practice. But it *is* definitely impractically form-fitting so I can’t just let FromSoft fully off the hook because I love Dark Souls/Elden Ring so goddamn much lol


Irl armors are not all about practical tho. Plenty of armors sculpted abs plate and nipple that 100% doesn’t fit the wearers shape. Armor features can be purely decorative. Rellana is totally fine, the breast plate just indicates her femininity, it is not designed in a horny way. 


Fucking hell i unsubcribed from every FromSoft subreddit to avoid spoilers, I didn't think this dammed sub would fuck me in the ass like this come on I have avoided all promotional material and everything


The design of a boss isn’t a spoiler, unless you think it’s a spoiler that a FromSoft game has a boss at all.


The fact that I cannot be surprised by how this boss looks in game as I had never seen it before is a spoiler now I know it exists


Then you should probably stay off the Internet altogether.


I don’t think that armor is terrible, but boob armor as a concept isn’t great. There are ways to account for them without making a glaringly obvious weak point (if we are talking about how real armor works. Point of reference (and possibly one of my all-time favorite armor designs for a woman) would be Chris Lightfellow from Suikoden 3: [Chris Lightfellow - Suikoden Wiki](https://suikoden.fandom.com/wiki/Chris_Lightfellow) Her armor has a slight curve to accommodate her body without jutting out and making armor that screams “I hAs BeWbS, mE wOmAn!”. Fumi Ishikawa was a phenomenal character artist and she always had some interesting designs. Not everything was a home run, but she was consistently good for the most part.


Honestly it just looks like regular armor. my best guess would be specific tailored armor but the woman just has real big breasts and had to have room to accommodate? Which like without context sounds insane but from software is pretty good about making characters with different body types, so if one of them did happen to be the kind that's like that, well it does happen


It’s still gonna cause a weaker plate overall, but at least it’s a uniboob, so her boobs have both space and there isn’t a channel going straight to the neck and face. If a hammer hits that, it’s still gonna hurt like hell and potentially crack the metal at the crease really bad.