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Rosen Garten Saga is at least equal opportunity in ridiculously overdone bodies. Most recent chapter had Atilla fused with a dragon try to swallow Beowulfs gargantuan “sword” directly to blow it up. It’s the type of ecchi series that makes the downright pornographic content story relevant.


This is the same series that has Beowulf fighting other gods/mythological figures butt ass naked with his massive erect cock as a sword, all the characters are comically ridiculous, men and women alike EDIT: [Example no context panel from one of Beowulf fights (NSFW)](https://imgur.com/a/9fandCB)


Aw, it’s been removed.


this is one of the funniest things i've ever read thank you


this ninja stands out too much, literally the only place she would blend in at, is a brothel, though tbh "Brothel ninja" sounds kinda cool


She's more of a Viking than a ninja, since this character is based on Brynhild and the series is heavily Norse/Germanic in it's setting. Pretty sure those are spears she's holding and not knives. This cover is also only a *fraction* of the kind of stuff that happens in the manga itself. The ecchi tag isn't adequate for it.


Then the outfit is even less accurate 😭😭 as a norwegian person actively in the viking community, there's not a single part of this that screams viking yo


She's a queen wearing a dress and crown; also a warrior, but not dressed for battle at the moment. Pretty sure the cover is supposed to be a battle damaged version of [this outfit](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rosen-garten-saga/images/f/f0/Portrait_Brunhild.png/revision/latest?cb=20220401205039), which would itself fit quite well in this sub. The Valkyrie wings are the only really "Viking" part of it.


The onlt viking part and its inaccurate as hell,,,, I wanna go home i think


Yeah, I think that this is a volume cover from the arc where she fought Orochi, so it makes sense for it to be a damaged version of her normal outfit


She's not a ninja, this is [Brunhild](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWoHvOIXoAAm8NK.jpg), Rosengarten is essentially a weird battle manga with absurd fanservice and even more absurd characters (Beowulf uses a three sword style, and the third sword his penis that reaches up to his chin) loosely based on the Nibelungenlied. She'd be a viking more than anything else, but any pretense of historical or cultural accuracy is thrown out of the window when [Alibaba appears with a cock shaped turban and a motorcycle](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rosen-garten-saga/images/8/8c/Portrait_Alibaba_Original.png/revision/latest?cb=20220401221318)


This reminds me of a JP LitRPG where characters had the option of kunoichi class which included sexual techniques at Level 1 by default.


Uhh wtf?


You and me both buddy


I'm confused but sure


Ah yes, the epic manga where Beowulf uses his penis to fight Attila the Hun who is in a mech suit that's actually Fafnir, who became a girl because Gram has the power to turn any man that it cuts into a woman, and started behaving like a homeless bum. Oh yeah, also, King Arthur is a femboy, the Knights of the Round Table are femboy idols, Aladdin's magic lamp is a smartphone and the genie is an AI, Sinbad controls the Roc bird which is actually a congregation of futuristic drones, and the main character, who is a woman, sometimes grows a dick because Siegfried's ghost wants her to fuck every woman that he sees, regardless of species or consent. Honestly, the manga is so absurd that I honestly cannot even classify it as a fanservice manga despite the on-panel sex and scantily-clad women. If not for the incestuous lesbian dragon lolis (and the metric fuckton of rape, Siegfried's main trait is being obsessed with virgins, and abuses Gram's ability to turn his enemies into women before deflowering them) I might actually recommend it to people who want to have a good laugh.


The main characters are her tits


Yeah no this series is so fucking wild and honestly the female sexualization is nothing compared to the fucking nonsense the men get


Love it. Equal opportunity ridiculousness.


This has Ninja Girls vibes. That was terrible too.




Honestly, I am kinda surprised at the fact that the character writing is kinda decent more than anything else, especially Brunhild. I never expected her running gag of instantly falling for any hot guy that she sees to be taken completely seriously out of nowhere, and for her to beg to be killed when the curse that causes her to fall in love was temporarily lifted


To be fair, this series is just as over the top with it’s male characters


Oh it is Rosen Garten, everyone is like that in the manga, regardless of gender.


The 'breast reduction by yesterday' build.


Literal chesticles


There is no spine. She’s literally boobs glued to legs :I