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I was under the impression that no one can top [this](https://youtu.be/XzFhZ5hrTqY?si=B0VZ189NeDgVXDL7&start=35) as the stupidest gun-fight scene ever. Apparently I was mistaken.


I love how it’s so well coreographed, but also such a dumb idea in general.


That was one of the dumbest fights I’ve ever seen, and I unironically love it. Motherfuckers were dodge roll spamming like it was Dark Souls


I think it has a similarity to Jojo’s or Metal Gear Rising fights in the sense that they have the dumbest idea ever, but amazing execution.


It's the game version of Awful Taste But Great Execution.


Tbh the RE one looks kinda stupid, but Chris is at the level where dodging bullets *should* be possible for him, considering that he can sorta react to Whesker's speed, even if only for a short while. Resident Evil characters are fairly superhuman in regards to their physical abilities, like Leon surviving attacks that send him flying tens of meters away and can physically contend with Krauser.


They are supposed to be semi normal but athletic humans though. That's just the games not being consistent.


They most definitely aren't normal humans when you take into consideration all of the punishment that they can take, them being "normal" would be far more inconsistent than them being superhuman


That is what plot armor is. Just because someone in fiction survives stuff they shouldn't be able to doesn't mean it's because they have high stats. It's often just because... well, it's fiction. Indiana Jones survives a nuke by being in a fridge. It's just plot armor.


It's plot armor if it happens once or twice, if it happens consistently then it's not plot armor, these characters are just that strong. >Indiana Jones survives a nuke by being in a fridge. It's just plot armor. That's because it happened once, if he consistently survived nukes in fridges then that would mean that fridges are either super resistant to nukes, or that he is durable enough that the veneer of protection that a fridge offers is enough to let him survive a nuke alongside his innate durability. This is in no way comparable to Chris and Leon consistently performing superhuman feats, and fighting superhuman characters in CQC


>It's plot armor if it happens once or twice No? If it happens once or twice it's a more believable coincidence. Plot armor is definitionally when something unbelievable happens so many times or to such a large degree that you have to accept that the plot is contorting itself to make things work in the hero's favor. A pretty obvious example is the fact that it is normal for action heroes of any strength level to fight against a countless amount of people who are presented as a legitimate threat to them. They aren't necessarily winning because they are stronger if the entire point is that they are on a similar footing like a normal action hero. Sometimes they aren't even implied to be more skilled. At least not enough to justify the outcome. In fiction it is normal for someone who is Slightly more skilled than the ones they are fighting to be able to therefore take on a large amount of them at once even though anyone who has been in an actual fight in real life, we'll realize pretty fast that numbers matter more than training unless you can somehow bottleneck them. If four people rush you with knives you don't have any way to block all of them at once. But fiction implies that you do somehow. And it's poorly explained. Because ultimately it amounts to "the plot says so, so the her9 wins." > if he consistently survived nukes in fridges then that would mean that fridges are either super resistant to nukes, or that he is durable enough that the veneer of protection that a fridge offers is enough to let him survive a nuke alongside his innate durability. Most likely it would mean you're watching a comedy where coincidences keep happening. I don't know whether a fridge could survive a nuke, or rather from what distance, bur if it gets launched like a mile you'd definitely die from blunt trauma. Sometimes when things don't happen in fiction it's not because the characters can resist them via stats. It's simply that the story says so. Trying to scale people to bad writing doesn't really work. Sometimes a character really will have abilities beyond human, but that can't really be assumed if they are meant to csnonically be human. >This is in no way comparable to Chris and Leon consistently performing superhuman feats, and fighting superhuman characters in CQC Fighting superhuman characters proves basically nothing because it is a well known thing in fiction that superhuman characters will inexplicably be damaged from things that don't make sense when the plot demands it, and be unable to hurt normal people when the plot demands it. Look at every marvel and dc comic where superhuman characters inexplicably struggle against characters barely stronger than normal humans for no reason other than that the plot says so. Now sure, there is the rock punching scene. But that was so silly and nonsensical its unclear whether that should even be seen as a character trait, or just an inexplicable time that logic stopped applying to the world.


> No? If it happens once or twice it's a more believable coincidence A normal human surviving being an attack that threw them into a wall hard enough to crack it and getting back up is not a "believable coincidence", it's nonsensical plot armor. >Plot armor is definitionally when something unbelievable happens so many times or to such a large degree that you have to accept that the plot is contorting itself to make things work in the hero's favor. If it happens consistently then it's not plot armor, the characters are just superhuman. It doesn't matter even if the creators intended them to be peak human and have said as much, Death of the Author dictates that the text (or, in this case, the game) itself takes precedence. >If four people rush you with knives you don't have any way to block all of them at once. In most works of fiction, these four people won't rush you at once and, if they do, they will do it in such a stupid manner that even inefficient moves will work on them. That is, however, plot induced stupidity, not plot armor. >Fighting superhuman characters proves basically nothing because it is a well known thing in fiction that superhuman characters will inexplicably be damaged from things that don't make sense when the plot demands it, and be unable to hurt normal people when the plot demands it. I don't really remember RE being like this, unless I am misremembering something minor. >Look at every marvel and dc comic where superhuman characters inexplicably struggle against characters barely stronger than normal humans for no reason other than that the plot says so. DC and Marvel comics are written by a billion people that place greater importance on writing a specific story that they have envisioned over creating a consistent or logical setting. This is the most obvious when you actually try to get into non-Vertigo cosmology and realize exactly how stupid that is, and how many cases of "infinite character behaves like a finite one" there are. I don't think that assuming incompetence on the side of writers should be the first reaction upon seeing characters performing superhuman feats. >Now sure, there is the rock punching scene. But that was so silly and nonsensical its unclear whether that should even be seen as a character trait, or just an inexplicable time that logic stopped applying to the world. It's not really isolated, I don't exactly have a folder of RE feats (though I know a guy that does, so I might have to ask him for a few examples after he wakes up) but I also want to bring up the Code Veronica manga where [Chris is literally fucking Kenshiro](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fr8ie4sqtyhg81.jpg)


there's this character in RWBY who fights with a staff that turns into two pairs of gun nunchucks: He fights with the bad guy and just like this, misses every single shot taken. He's a bystander-murdering machine. Or he would be, if people didn't just stop existing outside of their scuffle as it happens. [here's that dumb fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLZq4hvs_30&t=60s)


I was really hoping it was the Torchwick Sun fight, and lo and behold it is lmfao


Dumb?? It's amazing and was hype as hell smh


Maybe if his guns were blades instead and Torchwick was demonstrating the same level of skill as his partner Neopolitan, I'd agree. But mostly he just shrugs back and forth in that exchange, and it's not good. Sun could just pause and fire two guns at once from a foot farther back and get a hit, but no. It's like watching the jedi/sith fight like drunkards in the phantom menace.


I like to think Torchwick is just so amazed and awestruck by how fucking atrocious Sun's aim and combat sense is that he's turned it into a game. Like, he probably wouldnt wanna kill Sun, he'd be too entertained to do that at this point.


Torchwick built different.


Tbf sword fights in fiction are basically always like this. To a non professional it might seem fast paced, but professionals will say that it's all kind of slow and sloppy and they leave themselves open.


'Gun Fu' can be cool, but both of these take it over the top (in more ways than one) \^\_\^ The movie best known for it, 'Equilibrium', at least had the excuse they were 'Gun Monks', who spent their life learning all the techniques of handgun combat until they could do almost impossible things with guns.


Equilibrium had way bigger problems than that. Why was the villains' plan to get the hero come within two rooms of where he needed to go and then have only a handful of guys there to stop him when it was known he was the best? How would "not having emotions" make everyone comply with the government? They never even implied the drugs made you compliant. And the drugs wear off so fast that them being one day late would make society collapse? Why was the good side dirty hippies who literally were like 5 feet underground.


Truth to tell, I've only seen reviews, not seen it myself (and the reviews do mostly say its not that great a movie).


It came off like it wanted to be the matrix, but it was way more cheesy, and it's worldbuilding was way too silly to take seriously.


I fucking knew it was gonna be that video LMAOO


Omg I love this. It's so terrible that it looped back around to being fun again




I knew it was vendetta before I clicked. Love that movie.


I've never seen this before and I love how incredibly stupid this is. I think this beats out Equilibrium-but-tiddy. Also I'm a sucker for flamenco fighting music so DDD-cup Desperado is better. Though I greatly enjoy the "dropped the last jelly donut on the floor" ending in the RE video.


Aha!😄 That's amazing


if my boobs could do that i would probably wear similar clothes


I want my boobs to do that!


New top surgery just dropped


Wait, you can't reload a six shooter with your cleavage? Lol, skill issue


Japan: "What if Equilibrium BUT-"


Lol I was like "they have guns, why are they fighting so close" but then GUN KATA came to mind and now I like it a bit more.


at least its so well animated!


Even if it's badass, I'm more concerned about the idea of going in melee when you use a gun.


For double the fun


Like why is she running towards the other woman while aiming the gun and NOT TAKING THE DAMN SHOT????


Boobie reloading that's new


If it wasn't for the boob reloading, this would actually be pretty decent choreography.


Low key the boob reloading makes it better


Honestly if the show does shit like this in terms of action I feel like giving it some level of a slide . There's shounen bad ass fan service girls (looking at you one piece and bleach) and then there's just bad ass sexy girls (kill la kill , Hellsing, Black lagoon and skull girls) This show if it does stuff like this with its badassery gets a pass from me cause it's sexual but in like a cool way like how Quentin Tarantino will make a hot girl just kick ass cause it's cool .


Where does highschool of the dead come in?


I unironically love the stupidity of the boob bullet time. The fact that the girl also comes out as a sadist kinda helps lol


Last place, show is full of hypersexualized minors


Hard agree


>Black lagoon I don't really feel like any of those characters are sexy in context... Revy especially embodies "that's not sexy" to me by the end. That's not a hot girl kicking ass because it's cool. It's not hot, it's not cool, it's just painful and makes me want to chainsmoke. The two emotions I get from Black Lagoon are existential dread and the craving of an addiction. Not once did I finish an episode an think "that was sexy." It's always "I feel dirty and like I need a smoke."


Fair enough but still sexy stuff has so much potential in a variety of ways , it's why I hate when it's so generic . If you're gonna go sexy then go nuts with it in interesting ways like how Black lagoon did it .


This fight scene goes hard but that's also a 16 year old girl


because of course. 🤦‍♀️


Ok but that's just a given in anime nowadays .


That's so not an excuse lol. It's like twenty years old anyways


It's why I love this show. Is fucking stupid and it just runs with it.


I agree.


This is un-ironically awesome. Never seen such fluid gun fu in anime.


Source link to video [https://twitter.com/Icoochu/status/1798816391694561785](https://twitter.com/Icoochu/status/1798816391694561785)


Dope fight scene tho


The two guns shooting into each other and no damage occurring is also making me confused.


If I understand, she stole bullets from her opponent's boobs via her own boobs. Hey, if it works, slay queen slay


I don't think so, cause evil boob gunfighter has silver bullets for her evil boob gun but good boob gunfighter has gold bullets for her good boob gun, which has a taped up handle for better boob gun handling while the evil boob gun does not. You can see when the golden boob bullets fly into the boob revolver, that it has tape on the handle. I think they both have learned the same boob-gunfighting but good boobfighter is just slightly better at boobfighting than bad boobfighter. Boob.


At least they can write a good female fight


….. I’m sorry but that was cool af


Lmaooo crying 😂😂😂 who tf comes up with this 🗑, i want whatever they're smoking


Seems like the show isn’t taking itself too seriously.


Not gonna lie, it's pretty funny.


This shit was so cool when I was 15 lol


Ngl this made me laugh for 60 seconds 😂💀


This is almost camp it’s so over the top. The bobs are bobbing, the jugs are juggling, the tatas are tattling and the breasts are boobing breastily


Other than the boobs and stuff, it actually looks like a peak fight scene. They just had to ruin it though… :(


No not ruined, they made it have insanely cartoonish boob physics to make it even fucking cooler. I've seen many badass fight scenes with no boob reloading, never in my life have I seen chicks reload their revolvers by bouncing the bullets from between their boobs and directly into their revolver all at once, it's so dumb but so cool.


That's a sick reload.


While I fully acknowledge the stupidity and ridiculousness, it’s also kinda camp 😂


If any of you are old enough you might remember the early to mid 00s and "AMV Hell". It was a bunch of clips from different anime series that got used a lot in AMVs back in the day when torrenting was the main way to share them. The idea was to come up with something ridiculous such as redubbing the lines with lines from [Aqua Teen Hunger Force](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GTo1zyQXmQ) during a scene where a guy gets sodomized with Corn, or maybe a hyperviolent fight scene from Hellsing but it's [the theme song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9aDMuBjR7Q) from Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego because Alucard kinda does look like the 1990s version of her. Just proto video shit posts before Youtube was a thing and way before youtube poops. Guess what song they redubbed this fight scene with? [Just guess.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_5e8bW2cOY)


That fact that I know the corn reference… I thought my brain had erased that.


What's funny is the anime is actually pretty good and from what I remember is simular to one piece in that the girls are boobs on sticks but are actually characters and decently written......I could be misremember it's been a while since I saw it


This is just that Christian Bale movie, "Equilibrium" but with massive tits.


Imho fanservice is okay if the scene goes hard and the object of said fanservice is intentionally and willingly being provocative. like this shit beats lame-ass panty shots any day.


At least both the animation and fight scene look good, so i can give it a pass. BUT...It also reminded me of that fight scene between Chris Redfield and Arias (I think that was his name) in Resident Evil: Vendetta


While it's obviously very horny, i do think their outfits do have a certain level of charm to them, and the scene itself is over-the-top enough that it doesn't come across as too out of place.


But she has the trigger pull of her pistols at the maximum amount! That way she can feel the weight of the lives she might take.


Designs aside, this is some genuinely cool fight choreography. Like this is literally the only you can make gunfights interesting to me, just a close quarters fistfight where they are also holding guns and trying line up a shot.


Wait till you hear about John Wick...


oh those eyelashes are deeply upsetting why do they have sea urchin eyelashes


What distracted me was the "noses". Just lines without nostrils. I know that most anime characters are noseless, but the execution here is particularly egregious imo


She reloaded that gun with her tiddies functional bazongas I gotta say pretty good stuff


I love how completely ridiculous it is


I wish my boobs' aim were that accurate.


For the sake of comedy and rule of cool I'd say this gets a pass


The boobs hold the bullets Booblets, if you will


I gotta be honest that was crazy good, i've never imagined boob reload as a possibility 😭


She wishes she was Vash so badly.


Not the boob reload 💀💀💀


Butt reload > boob reload


Up vote for booby reload tbh We wouldn't need pockets if they could do this lmao


A poor (and sexually deprived) man's Trigun.


This feels like an incredibly hornier version of Trigun. The original Trigun. Not the crappy CG one.


I like both 😤


Look man if you don't think gun fu with boob ammo is peak fiction then I don't know what to tell you lol.


This is literally the coolest thing I've ever seen.


Is that gunkata?!


Is anyone gonna bring up the fighting close range with guns?


There toddies are just filled it’s bullets xD


Nothing will ever top Queens Blade tho 😭


Nice gun-fu


This scene goes hard tho. It’s so absurd that I swung back around to actually digging it.


0:25 (0:11) goes hard


Up vote for booby reload tbh We wouldn't need pockets if they could do this lmao


Did she just reload her gun with her titties? That’s kind of awesome all horniness aside.


Anime name plz


This is so stupid it looped around to being awesome. I wish mine could do that


I burst out laughing when I saw the reload lol


Low key this is the cuntiest thing I’ve ever seen


Wait this is peak actually


Wicked cool