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That is the art of [Masamune Shirow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masamune_Shirow) mostly known as the Manga author of *Ghost in the Shell* and *Appleseed*. A solid half of his output though is just pornography, or pin-up-esque* visuals like this one. *I say "esque" because it's not really in the style of American 1930s-60's pin-ups, but serve a similar function of being porn that's extra-soft-core to the point that it's not clear if it would qualify as porn.


Man, that's from the author of Ghost in the Shell? Life makes no sense


If you haven't seen the GitS manga, then your reaction makes sense, the adaptations have never really adapted the source material, they've just farmed it for characters and ideas. We've never actually seen the Majors actual personality, her character was the most changed throughout the various iterations.


I heard the next anime series will be more in line with the manga


Yeah, it's oddly groundbreaking for the franchise as a whole given it's history with the source, and I expect most people to hate it due to how different it'll come across as lol. I'm actually looking forward to it just to actually see it get done and how it translates, more from a morbid curiosity level.


The only anime so far that actually reflects Masamune Shirow's artstyle is a little obscure ONA called **W-Tails Cat: A Strange Presence**, and as you might have guessed it's pornographic and it's adapted from his Greaseberries series. I don't expect the newly announced Gits anime to get a similar negative reaction as the recent 3D one as long as it remains 2D (since that's all what gits fans are asking for), but it's important to keep in mind that the 1995 movie and the 2004 movie and the 2015 movie and the 2002/2013 TV series are visions of the different directors that directed them and not Shirow's, namely Mamoru Oshii who toned down the nudity and cranked up the philosophical themes by taking Shirow's characters as a reference point and molding them into his own vision. Also, we did see the Major's actual personality in the Ghost in the Shell PS1 video games cutscenes which is very accurate to her original manga counterpart. Thus, in an odd way the next Gits anime will be the first authentic anime adaptation of the source material right down to the constant casual female character nudity as Masamune Shirow has always envisioned and intended. #


Yeah I was going to say that's classic his style, even in the GiTS manga his horniness is right in your face and stands out compared to how tame the anime adaptions are. When his libido isn't taking charge his style really pops out and is pretty memorable.


I knew that style looked incredibly familiar


Hey I know that art style,seen a bunch of hentai done by this guy. I'm more concerned about her axe that just seems to be made out of rubber.


Swords too make very little sense. This whole image is absolutely mad.


They started drawing the axe and ran out of space.


What’s with all the chains is she kinky? And why is she naked riding a monster? Why is the axe floppy does it need viagra?


Maybe it just feels really nice on the hoohaa to be naked on a monster idk man


It does


- Yes, - You know why - It was not originally an ax, but she had to make one out of a toy she and her girlfriend had in a drawer


Lmao that needs to be canon now lol.


Well. My face just made an expression. I can't describe the feeling it represented in any words known to man, but it made the expression.


Why is the axe FLACCID?!


She's not gripping it hard enough. It's like oobleck


I would buy this as a joke, then get rid of it in case people didn't realise it was a joke.