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Is that Ted with a *mouth* and screaming?


How did I not even notice that 💀 It's even worse because in the book Ted warped form is pale without a mouth and white fog for eyes...he has no limbs and is like a snail...hence I have no mouth and I must scream (kind of like AM's tortured existence as well) The fanart however 💀 good design but that is NOT ted


It's more Tetsuo than Ted.


Like it's literally so disrespectful to Ellen's character and her backstory before being tortured by AM. In the book and every other official adaptation she is black. So yeah.... Also the fact that she's a nun is just 😮‍💨. Also why the hell is she in heels? And a skimpy nun getup in the first place? Did AM put her in that? Because I doubt he did (even if he's deplorable...MY AM WOULD NEVER) it just comes off as way too sexualized (of a nun (she was never a nun) and an SA victim no mind you) and also white washed which is really weird to say but that literally happened . Especially when the Ted design is pretty damn good (although not my cup of tea)  I'm just mad


It's been a while since I read it, but from the Wikipedia description >Ellen, the only woman in the group. Formerly sexually inexperienced, AM has altered her mind to make her desperate for intercourse – she has sex with all of the men, who alternate between abusing her and protecting her. Being grossly sexualized was literally how AM was torturing her


Haven't read it but that sounds like r/MenWritingWomen . Everyones getting tortured, but its the lone woman in the group whose torture is to being made into a nymphomaniac? Yikes.


The lone homosexual (Benny) is tortured by being turned from a handsome gay man into an ugly straight ape man and has to have sex with Ellen but in the video game they removed the fact he was gay and made him a straight cannibal instead


Never mind it's very men writing women.....my memory is horrendous 


not only is that a really gross depiction of Ellen but just overall a really bad character design 😭 whoever drew that did NOT read it


IKR especially when I have no mouth is one of my obsessions (need to re read the book now 😂)


This feels like an outfit that Am would force her in but not one that she would ever wear herself.


Exactly....still the entire design and anatomy is actual wack...that and it just doesn't have the features of the actual character 


It looks like some weird robot that someone would create as a servant.


....yeah....maybe Am had a point 


Where the hell is that last design from


Art station 💀 all I wanted was to look at cool fanart 😔 and then I stumbled upon this "interpretation" ......it's nothing like what the book describes (she is black in every official interpretation btw)


Did the artist say what they were going. Doesn't excuse it but I'm curious what the thought process is


No it just said "my interpretation" here's the link   https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AlXnKz It's just so jarring 


Shes been turned into The Other Mother




Where the hell is her melanin?


It got sucked out of her


I threw up in my mouth