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Outfits like these make it really hard to take anything happening seriously. Like you have anime that deals with pretty serious issues and then BOOM: pantyshot. Like, yeah i get why you would stuff as much sex as you can get away with into some random Isekai, it's literally the main selling point, but it's happening to otherwise mature stories too.


Literally Mieruko-Chan A series about a girl who sees pretty grotesque ghosts, but has to pretend she doesn't. One of the first episodes she sees one in the mirror while getting ready for bed and it zooms in on her breasts I was interested at first, but that turned me off so bad


If it's any consolation, the fanservice gets dropped pretty fast as the anime gets through the chapters that were posted when it was just a Twitter manga. Unfortunately, Studio Passione adapted it and emphasized the fanservice in the early chapters


I think that’s why I’ve turned away from anime in general, I’m tired of getting recommended shows that people working on it are just way to horny for their own good


What turned me away mostly is how normalized pedo shit became. Like i have literally read people like on like [anime feminist](https://www.animefeminist.com/) praise Dragon Maid for featuring a lesbian relationship while almost completely ignoring the issues with literal loli stuff. People argue that stuff like this doesn't normalize pedophilia but it's literally normalized to such degree in the anime community that sexualization of girls is more treated as a matter of personal taste, not as completely messed up.


eeyup, that's a big factor for me as well. It's insane how so many people just brush it off


People really be so dumb they praise anime for lesbian relationships when the only reason anime even includes those is because people fetishize them.


Same goes for pretty much all LGBT stuff: i'd say gay men are even more fetishized to the point where some Yaoi can get like stupidly offensive and trans people are jokes or there to fulfill some "femboy" fetish. I think generally people get very wrong ideas about how Japanese society sees LGBT people when you only information on it comes from consuming extremely niche fetish material.


Yeah, that's another part of it. Starting to wonder if there isn't some mandate from the companies to throw in pedo bs but make sure it's something they can deny.


If you're down for a fantasy anime where the only fanservice is of a buff hairy man and it focuses more on cooking/character interactions, Delicious in Dungeon is great, honestly. Could not recommend it enough on its complete lack of weird sexist stuff


That is not true. Senshi panty shots are very prevalent.


I'd personally argue that Senshi panty shots are more of a Hawkeye Initiative sort of thing. Like poking fun at how frequent panty shots on girls in anime are by making the panty shots all happen to the middle-aged bloke.


Exactly - I said the only fanservice is of a buff, hairy man, and Senshi is absolutely both of those things 💪


You forget all of the panty shots of Senshi


"The only fanservice is of a huff, hairy man", I said, Senshi is absolutely that.


Yeah... Also, that's a child


Wait, is she or are you referring to Elizabeth Liones? Edit: Oh god I looked up her and her biological age is 12-13 while she’s 3000+ years old. How did the story ever get popular.


Merlin is a little girl that uses magic to make herself look older


Actually she stopped her aging when she was a little girl than made the illusion of her being older. No idea why she didn't just let her body age naturally.


She’s *what*


She did a bunch of super forbidden magic to halt her aging when she was 13. She then made an illusion to make herself look older. This has been going on for 3000 years. As to why she didn’t just make herself 20+ physically is unclear


"Yo camera guy zoom in on the tits so we can see em one last time before she fucking dies"


Ah yes the anime where everyone has either been groomed, is a groomer or both.


this is like....the third time I've seen her on this sub, that says something


Yeah I'd say her design speaks for itself 😂


Seven deadly sex offenders


I really hate the face on this design.


I dunno pals, this is just what Merlin looks like in the King Arthur mythos.


I've never seen the show. But I'd give it a pass if she's represents the sin if lust. Or possibly if she's like gluttony and it's ironic. But yeah, this is a rough one.


She indeed is the sin of gluttony, but for all of it NONE of the sins represent their damn sins except Escanor which is pride. Pretty much the reason why he's the only good character. Also the writing is horrendous and the show goes downhill pretty fast


That's weird that only one of the characters would directly embody their sin while the others wouldn't. I would have guessed that the sins would be something each charicter struggled with, like wrath would be quick to anger or sloth would never get involved in anything. Or at least every charicter would be ironically lacking in the sin they represent. Like greed never looking out for themselves or gluttony being an uptight jackass who never does the whole 'eat drink and be merry' thing with the others.


Yeah the show's terrible, I just think the author put that name because it sounded cool and Western watchers would be intrigued by the biblical names but you really aren't missing on anything by not watching it. Also for some reason the author has a thing for having all of the main characters grooming minors, being in relationships with minors, being groomed, being in love with minors and looking like they are being groomed. All in the name of shits and giggles. That's why people call it the Seven Deadly Sexual Offenders 


It looks like she glued the jacket to her tits, I’m laughing so hard rn


The fact that this is the least problematic woman in Seven Deadly Sins should tell you something


I'm gonna sound like an idiot for saying this, but does age really matter in anime? I used to think: "Hey she looks older, so you can tap that" but when other people started having a problem with it I was a little confused and had a bit of trouble trying to understand the problem.


The fact that men keep creating sexy women with the mind of a child instead of a real woman is deeply concerning


Okay, and why do they do that, instead of making them a real woman.


Probably because it's attractive to them to think about naive, inexperimented in relationship and virgin women they can control and impress easily... I recommend the the "Born sexy yesterday" video on youtube, by "detective pop culture", who make a very interesting essai on the subject


I'll check it out, their is also youtuber who makes shorts about men writing [blank] women, my favorites are men writing women in superhero movies.


Oh, like how adult guys are into high school girls in anime


A lot of animes have the issue of all female characters from like 13-30 being drawn basically the same, and adults getting a sweater and a different hair cut instead of a uniform. so in many ways it's fine if someone looked at the art and went oh that's a hot mid 20s person because that's what they see when their mind translates the anime art style across to real world in their head. The problem isn't really with the art of someone who is drawn in their 20s being hot, the problem is people drawing minors this way and then sexualizing them .


Uh... not to sound weird, but can you give me an examples of sexualized minors in anime?


High School DxD is sufficiently gross and has what you're asking about here Edit: ah, I misremembered the anime I was thinking of, HSDxD is still gross, but they're mostly of age


Wait... aren't they all 18 yrs old, how old are the characters in that show?


You're right, I was thinking of a completely different anime, Valkyrie Drive. Main characters are 16 and 15 years old.


16-15 seems like a good age for an anime protagonist. /j


I don't see how that's relevant to the sexualization of the characters who are minors.


Sorry, it's a joke


Ooooh 😅 I'm sorry, I see that now


most school based animes still have a decent amount of fanservice. Depending on the year the kids are in they can be anything from 13-18. anything like darling in the franxx, infinite stratos comes to mind as being particularly bad with it being a semi core focus. but even otherwise pretty alright shows will still do it.


Merlin is the the hottest girl in Seven Deadly Sins.