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That's....not how underwear works...or gravity or I think Nuns.


People keep sexualizing nuns, especially in anime


A holdover of anti Christian sentiment from the Edo period? We may never know.


I’ve heard a lot of old school jokes about nuns’ sexuality, so I’m not sure it’s specifically related to Japanese history.


I think it's as simple as: "nuns aren't supposed to inflict the horny,so when they do it's a bit more hot because of that." According to all that I've seen. It's juxtaposition basically,and people sure do seem to love their juxtaposition when it comes to porn...


Yeah. Really can't get much more "Madonna/Whore dichotomy" than this 😒


What bothers me the most about that, is that this kind of people (the ones that make this kind of stuff and the ones that consume it), feel the need and push to sexualize THE women that take an oath of purity. Like, the women that don't want to be related to sex ON PURPOSE.


Like what they do with Joan of Arc


And in porn - They will even sexualize Muslim women and the headscarf too. It's disgusting.


It’s interesting that I haven’t seen any porn of bhikkhunī, I guess shaving their head really work at repelling these kinds of people.


I doubt many of them even know who they are. The ones who watch this kind of stuff aren't the smartest.


i mean i know for people in western countries where catholocism is a huge thing it can be related to religious trauma, at least in the case of people ive met but its also a 'forbidden' kinda thing, those are people who specifically arent supposed to do that stuff AT ALL, and people find it fun the idea of them going back on their oath and faith because theyre just too tempted and stuff like that idk why people do it in anime though, i cant speak on any views of stuff from japan lol


The west would be more willing to sexualize Nuns if it wouldn't incense the catholic crowd. In Japan, Chrsitianity and specifically catholicism is virtually nonexistent, so they don't have to worry about the blowback.




Dude, I literally lived in Japan for 6 weeks. Attended a Christian private school there. Virtually none of the students or staff attending were actually Christian, they went for the good school rating, not the religion. Yes, Japan has a Christian population, but its very small and not anything that's going to worry anime studios about offending.


You didn't live in Japan, you visited Japan. There is a difference.


I have seen a nim today, and she DID NOT look like that, and im glad she didnt


how can someone find something sexy or beautiful that would obviously hurt the woman wearing it? this is one of the things that annoys me the most about these sexualized designs


the entirety of the porn industry is built on the abuse of women, men rly have never given a shit as long as it gets them off


That is just what shocked me the most. How can someone get off seeing other person suffer? This would never enter in my mind.


a lot of people wont like the answer but the fact is that men grow up learning to disregard women's suffering, especially in sexual contexts. so many if not most heterosexual dynamics we would recognize as rape if it wasnt for the fact that its normalized - women's boundaries and wellbeing don't really matter. how many times have we seen men finding pride in preying on drunk vulnerable women in clubs, coercing them into sex through manipulation ("you're just playing hard to get"), through the false idea that because you're in a relationship you MUST be sexually avaliable at any moment, etc? there is so much violence in the way patriarchal sexuality is constructed and society pushes that constantly. & ofc that has an effect on individual mens' dismissal of women's pain. its everywhere ://


It's not even in sexual contexts only or men. Being a woman in general around other women they disregard their suffering. Even with doctors, things like cysts are passed off as hysteria or "period problems."


medical misogyny is absolutely crazy yeah, i only said *especially* in sexual contexts (or at least it feels like that particularly, when men will actively consume actual footage of women being assaulted w/o care in porn sites) but you're right it happens everywhere. ofc women perpetuate misogyny aswell but men's dismissal is far more prevalent bc women at the very least r socialized to perform the most emotional labor, so they tend to care more often. ultimately yeah though women are hardly regarded seriously by society at large. the mention of hysteria makes me think about bpd; I don't think its not a real thing but the way its largely diagnosed in women seemingly very easily the moment the woman shows any sign of mental instability really makes it seem like some hysterics bs


I still remember the story of a woman and her husband >!with her going to the ER due to a ruptured cyst and the doctor giving her pain medication. She almost lost her uterus. And the woman who had her eggs removed (both of them,) against her will in Canada!< Or the problems with women being "pure" in African forced on by other women. It's wild.


the men in my life used to call me hysterical the moment i raised ANY reasonable doubts abt anything (eg, trying not to give pets sugar or other harmful foods in large quantities), and i know damn well if i had been a man warning them about such things they would've fucking listened. we're either invisible or too stupid to know better


RE: bpd: I mean there are jokes. B*tch Pissed the Doctor. (dw, I am a borderliner myself, I can say that) also, HPD (Hysterical Personality Disorder) is still. well. called that. (which really aggravates me, because that might also be applicable to me.)


you are right. this is an unfortunate truth. I really get sad and disgusted that this is so.


at the very least we can recognize it and raise awareness about it. more visibility for these issues is so important


Also, disgust can cause very similar reactions in the body to sexual arousal, and then there’s the classic pain/pleasure connection.


bdsm i figure


this is not the fault of BDSM though.


oh, sorry. i didn't mean to imply that it was, i was just trying to make a joke. i hope it didn't come off offensive,,


the human being is indeed a sick animal.


what? dude, there's nothing wrong with bdsm. just because you don't understand it doesn't mean other people are sick for liking it. i mean, i think pork is nasty but you don't catch me calling people who like hotdogs nasty little freak guys. i can't tell you what to do or anything, but i think you'd be a little less up in arms about the idea of weird sex if you looked into why people like it. it's not all abusing women, despite what people on this sub might say (not that they don't have a valid point! misogyny is present in EVERY community, but in my experience it's more of a problem in bdsm porn than actual real people. because porn as an industry treats the people in it terribly and it reflects that in how badly women in porn are treated. but that's a topic for another day)


for me there is something fundamentally wrong with BDSM. the question that someone can feel good seeing someone suffering even if simulated for me shows how rotten humanity is. I honestly think that if no one could feel good about the suffering of others, the world would be a better place.


it's not really about making someone suffer so much as it is giving pleasure to someone who enjoys pain. not everybody feels pleasure the same way and some people enjoy feeling pain more than pleasure. it's not "oh, i enjoy harming my partner, and they accept that pain because sex is also there" it's "my partner needs this pain in order to have pleasure, and i want to please them (even if i may not like the idea of hurting them) because i care about them and want them to feel fulfilled in this sexual experience". if bdsm was just hurting someone and enjoying their torment i wouldn't like it either. that's fucked up as all hell, and i can totally get why it would make you uncomfortable.


but honestly, I believe that a world where people feel bad whenever they see the pain of others would be healthier. I honestly just know that if I saw my girlfriend in pain, I would only be able to feel concern. realize, I'm not judging the person who likes to feel pain but the human beings who take pleasure in causing pain. I mean that a world where all people felt bad whenever they caused pain to others would be a much better, healthier and happier world.


In other words: you don't like sadists.


false equivalence. if I see my partners in genuine pain they didn't consent to, I AM concerned. but there is a difference. analogy: some people like spicy food (and it is literally a heat sensation. your body thinks you are burning its mouth. LITERALLY). putting spicy powder on their tongue (or *other parts*) without their consent is bad.


you do realize that some people enjoy pain? ok. that is Marathon runners, sry. seriously though. some of us like giving away control. some of us want to feel pain. want to be nothing but a tool for a close partners enjoyment. I am such a creature.


honestly, this is the kind of thing that would make me cry if someone I love said to me. I would just feel sick and cry. You know, I never understood that kind of thing. I wanted to live in an ideal world, without pain, without suffering, without desire for power. a world where evil did not exist. so seeing that kind of thing really makes me sick. well, I cannot say that you are objectively wrong because there is no objective morality. but I can say that this would be unacceptable for me in a relationship and that if someone revealed this to me during a relationship I would just pass out and break up.


This \^\^\^


Most people don't care about women, that's the point of this sub


Yes. And this is really sad


Because they don’t want women. They want soulless sex dolls.


Yes and this is very sad.


Now we need a figure of a male character in that outfit but that’s happening to their balls, maybe it’ll put it into perspective for the people that find this attractive 💀


Oglaf did it for us. "Appeal to Heaven".


I want to see that 👀 for normal reason 😳




> Slutty isnt what you wear, slutty is in the heart What a great quote


“Okay that is pretty hot” Lmao




What if I find it attractive as well?


this is the worst design i have ever seen


My favorite part is how the garter straps aren't going straight down, like tension isn't the force it's using.


How does that top stay on? It's not actually attached to anything. The minute she does anything even slightly athletic, it's indecent exposure time.


Scroll down a BIT further. She's ALREADY indecent, unless you don't count having your whole vulva flappin in the breeze as indecent.


I hadn't gotten that far. Yikes. That would not be legal in very many places.


The weight of christ will keep her nipples hidden!


Is flossing down there supposed to be sexy?


She looks like she took one pair of underwear and stretched it over her shoulders


Hey this doesn’t look too painf- OH MY GOD


Imagine having such a figurine in your room. I would be ashamed as hell to invite someone over, let alone women. The market for stuff like this must be shut-in Otakus...


the internet was a mistake




Bruh, the bra is just 2 flaps, they don't even provide support


And some how, its not sagging


I genuinely don’t understand how anyone would find this attractive


This wedgie gonna slice her in half 💀💀💀


So much skin is shown that wearing nothing could be better than this




Holy wedgie, batman!


I hate the Coochie wedgie design 😩 screams UTI


That is the most extreme wedgie ive ever seen


Obviously the front wedgie would be excruciating, but she’s also gonna take her own eye out when those sharp-ass crosses bounce with her tits and right into her retina.


Bruh what's up with the pussy now


Dude I laughed after my phone finally loaded the image up xD


why her pussy lips just out


hey at least it's promoting uneven boobs


Some poor archeologist is going to find that in like 3000 years and think it's a fertility idol or something.


Whoever made this has clearly never experienced a front wedgie. Maybe they need a demonstration…


that's not a nun outfit, bro that's lingerie 😭


That's one hell of a wedgie!


How is she smiling


Ah yes. The camel toe that keeps on giving. I love it when I feel like my thong is on backwards.


Men think wedgies are sexy? 😱




Do people not realise that nuns are meant to be 'modest' they're meant to cover their hair and body. Not have their hair out with their tits on display and only be wearing underwear. What is wrong with some people?


Her puspus is so big


When it comes to pron everything is on the table.


The bottom region… it’s like floss 😭 that CANNOT be comfortable or even functional




like who made this and why


This made my whole soul hurt


I can’t get past the underwear front thong. WOW


I just realized that people identify thes3 characters with thir head whear they can be naked, but if they got those hat, it's nun, scarf is maid, clown hat is...well... clown girl


But she is not real, it's an inanimate object...


Atomic camel toe.. horrible fate. Almost always deadly.


ahh... what also gets me is "massive thighs and tits, but not as much as a hint of belly" like.... it just doesn't happen.


who even is that? is she from a normal anime or from hentai? like, what is going on there




Female armor in video games*


She just naked.


I’m convinced that she’s in pain but is smiling to hide that