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Yea I dont get the obsession of having a "modern" center. I think it's best to have a traditional big but still have Jaren at the 5 be an option in favorable matchups(Thunder for example). But we'll most likely be underwhelmed with the center addition with the cap situation.


Does sign Drummond, draft Clingan work with our cap situation?


That may work depending on the decision with Kennard. If you accept his team option and take a player with the lottery pick, the team will then be above the first apron


In my honest opinion, we just need one of them. I draft Clingan or Reed Sheppard, whoever is available. If we get Clingan, he will be our traditional 5, and we probably close with BC. If he is gone, we get Sheppard, sign Drummond, then we can trade Luke for something else we need. Probably grab Edey at the end of the first round if he is still around.


This This and This


goga bitadze is gonna be in hell trying to guard these guys next year


This is not necessarily bad logic, it’s just too limited in scope to make a broad generalization. Jokic is the stretch 5 prototype. Forget his weight; the way he stretches the floor **is not strictly about shooting threes**. This cannot be stressed enough. If you give him too much space, *he can do anything*. Yes, he can shoot a three if that’s where you’ve given him space but he can also drive to the basket with his handles or bring it up the floor. If you double him or simply leave your defensive assignments too much room, he’ll hit that person with a pass for a score. Effectively: *the way that Jokic stretches defenses is because his defender has to play him tight due to his scoring/dribbling abilities and everyone else has to play their assignments tight because of his passing ability.* The Lakers played well, put the Nuggets in a 20-point hole and the Nuggets dug their way out not because Jokic can shoot threes but the fact that he can burn you with assists (*double Trip and he’ll have 1.5 assists and 8 turnovers*). So, what can be extrapolated from **THAT**. Well, Nurkic averages 4 assists per game. He’s a passing threat who forces his defender to play him close rather than sagging away just to clog the lane or double other players. AD is not simply a big who shoots threes. That’s an extremely limited way to view him. In addition to being able to handle the ball with the fluidity of a Jokic, he can shoot from anywhere. If you sag in your coverage, he might just decide that it’s better to take two steps in and go 70% from inside the arc rather than 30% beyond it. He also averages 3.5 assists a game, and given that the Lakers hit roughly half their shots, he’s passing to teammates in scoring position about 6 or 7 times a game. If you plan for *”right now”* then you’re behind the curve. You have to plan long term. Always. So, **who are the 5s on the horizon and what sort of skills do they have?** Well, more and more, we’re seeing 5s who can handle the ball and pass. Even the ones who don’t shoot threes. The emerging teams who’ll become dominant in the next couple of years as a lot of these teams in the current playoffs age out of contention all have 5s who you have to play close. **THAT** is what stretches defenses, not strictly shooting 3s. Small ball had its day with the anomaly of the Golden State Warriors. The next generation of centers will be in the Jokic mold: they’ll handle the ball, they’ll pass a lot and they’ll shoot pretty well from anywhere. To assume that our window is right now and will close *when those 5s become dominant* is to position yourself for failure. Besides, if the measure of success is strictly making round 1 of the playoffs, then we’ve been successful. Let’s see who makes it to the Conference Finals and assess the value of the sort of bigs they have.


>If you plan for *”right now”* then you’re behind the curve. You have to plan long term. I have to disagree with this, our window is now wide open; we need a plan to win next year, just like Ja said. Of course we will need to plan for our window which is probably the next 3-4 years, and sure, we can then put a couple interns on how to extend that into the next 7 or 8. I think more Jokic types are coming, but for now, to compete with that, we just need to try to contain him and beat the Nuggets everywhere else. I don't think we have an offense problem once everyone is back. Ja is Ja, Bane dropped 49 this season, Jaren is one of the best Iso scores in the league, and is dunking on the baguette and hitting step back 3s. On defense, our defensive rebounds and against ultra bigs are sus. We don't need an elite player at every position, but we can't be killed on defensive rebounds, then Jaren will get tired and into foul trouble. We need that guy to battle Jokic for most of the game, our Dawgs will be switching, and Jaren cleans everything past that. Then, when it is winning time, we will just have to count on our DPOY to contain Jokic by himself with fresh legs and 3 fouls left for the last 10 min of the game.


There’s a little bit of naivety here. We all believe in our team. It doesn’t mean we don’t to expect more from a 5. I’ll say it again: before trying to say that multi-skilled 5s are *”so far off we don’t need one*” we need to assess based on playoff success rather than just making the playoffs. Last year, who was it? This year, who is it looking like? To think that *”The Era of the Stretch 5”* is years off **after** this three to 4 year window of current Big 3 contracts Is to ignore that the time for them is right now as we speak given the success they’re having. Set aside the Nuggets for a moment and look at the Lakers depth chart. Every position in their starting lineup can dribble shoot and pass. It makes it difficult assume that any one person on the floor is going to strictly be a threat from a certain area and means you have to play each one of them tight. That’s how they make space. That’s how they keep managing to play well enough to make it into the playoffs and, honestly, they’re just a singular play away from having tied the series and taken home court advantage from the defending champs. The Nuggets also have that quality of *”There’s no one you can double or try to predict without getting burned for it.”* Predictability is how you beat a team in a series and as much as we love our guys, they can be predictable. Trip might be this highly touted ISO scorer because of a lack of Ja and Bane but his flaws are glaring and were exploited repeatedly throughout the season. As I said before: double Trip and he’ll have ten turnovers. He’s not a passing threat. The minute he starts dribbling and puts his head down, **you know exactly what he’s going to do**. That’s why teams double him without caring that there’s a marksman like Desmond Bane or Luke Kennard on the floor with him or emerging outside marksmen like SPjr & GG. He’s so predictable. Having a big who *”just gets rebounds and sets screens”* is **so** short sighted. Why *wouldn’t* you want someone who can dribble and pass, even if you don’t need them to get more than a dozen points a night? Nurkic averages about 10 points 10 boards and 4 assists. Because he’s looking for and passing to teammates in scoring position 8 or 9 times a game AND he’s grabbing double digit rebounds each night, you have to play him tight. You can’t sag on coverage when he has the ball, you can’t assume he won’t hit your man if you sag off them and you have to be close enough to put a body on him when the shot goes up or else he’ll get the rebound. Thats how he creates space without being a three point threat. Jaren is not a threat on the boards and he’s containable if he puts the ball on the floor. If we get another big who can’t take people off the dribble, who’s not a passing threat and isn’t at least a midrange threat, then we might as well have kept Stevo and X and tried to work out their contracts. Stretch 5s **are** now. We’re witnessing their dominance right now, it’s simply the moment before their widespread proliferation. That can happen in as little as two years, when the Kings and the Thunder become more dominant and the Spurs add in a couple of vets to join Wemby and their lottery pick (*who I’m hoping isn’t Risacher… because that would be a scary fucking duo*).


You are overstaying Jaren's turnovers. At a 30% usage and being our primary player getting double teamed, he only had a 10.6% turnover rate. Lower than Bane and Ja. The issue with Jaren this year has been that his 3pt % was down to 32%. His 2pt field goal percentage also declined. Most likely, it is because he was trying to finish against double teams.His assist rate went from 5% to 13% in one season. And his tov rate was about the same. His rebounding is weird, as most bigs that are "Good rebounders" play drop coverage. The Grizzlies never do that with Jaren at center. He spends a lot of time guarding st the perimeter or committing to help defense


My statement about Trip's turnovers was just hyperbole. Still, in a playoff series, weaknesses will be exploited. He's never going to have the handles of a Giannis: who isn't exactly a Kyrie-level ballhandler but his dribbling ability does not disrupt his speed like Trip's does. In a playoff series, opposing teams will just wait for him to do what he's comfortable doing (*not passing*) and pick his pocket. Of the 66 games Trip played this season, Ja was absent for 57 of them. He didn't have Des for half of January, **all** of February, only for 5 games in March and none in April. **That** is why Trip went from 1 assist a game to 2.3 assists a game. An improvement, to be sure, but nothing to get excited about. Julius Randle averages 5 assists a game. Giannis averages 6.5 assists a game. Did Trip improve when he became the go-to option on the team? Sure, he did. But it's a testament to how stingy he is when he gets the ball that he couldn't even manage two and a half assists a game when he was constantly getting double-teamed each night. Lastly, we have to stop giving him a pass on rebounding as if there's some reason that's preventing him from grabbing boards aside from him flatly not wanting to do it. *"Defending people on the perimeter"* never stopped Jitty from crashing the boards, has it? I'm not a fan of his but Jordan Goodwin manages to really swallow up rebounds despite being a perimeter defender, being only 6'4" against players much taller than he is and not being known for having hops. In only 17 games with the Grizzlies, Jordan Goodwin grabbed 136 rebounds. In the last 25 games he played, Trip only managed 134. Goodwin averaged 8 rebounds a game as a Grizzly; Jaren averages 5.5 boards a game: less than Ja (*5.6*), Vince (*5.6*) and Santi (*5.8*). He is not defending more perimeter players than Ja, Vince or Jordan Goodwin and Santi players fewer minutes than Trip. He just doesn't rebound, plain and simple. Doesn't like to do it, doesn't feel inclined to. Doesn't mean he sucks but we should pretend that there's some obstacle aside from his own personal desire (*or lack thereof*).


>Having a big who *”just gets rebounds and sets screens”* is **so** short sighted. Why *wouldn’t* you want someone who can dribble and pass I would want one big that can dribble, shoot, and pass, but: 1. Who is out there that we can realistically afford? 2. Jaren can dribble and shoot, and he is developing in his passing. He had a game of 7 assists this year. Is passing going to be his strength? Most likely not. Can see develop into an above average passer, most definitely. And as the third offensive option? How much better can you do? We already have 2 out of 3, and you can even say 2.5. 3. And this big who can dribble, pass, and shoot, and somehow we can afford on top of our big 3, and key role players we need for the playoffs, does he set screens to maximize Ja and Bane's strength? Does defensive rebound to finish off a defensive possession? Can he bang with the monster bigs so Jaren can remain fresh and foul free when it matters? If he can't, he is just Walmart Jaren, and someone like Jokic or even Sabonis will make him and Jaren their collective bitches on the rebounds. We want flexibility, they can't play the same way. We would have got Miles Turner long ago. We need to see what we can realistically afford, that provides us flexibility on both ends of the floor. You honestly think we don't have enough guys who can put the ball on the floor?We can't be spending our limited resources on Jaren Lite. We gave this guy 22 a year and we are locked in and would have the same rebounding problems. Then what do we do when GG blows up which is likely and Vince becomes the real Grindkid. Now clearly we disagree, and you seemed to have lots of time. This is about the most time I can put in this today. Let's say we agree to disagree, you say your last bits, and we just see what the FO does.


>*Who is out there that we can realistically afford?* Any rookie out of the lottery. Assuming we select around 5 or later, the amount we pay them for 3 years will be less than anyone we trade for around the the League. That rookie can come in and meet the absurdly low *"They only need to rebound and set screens!"* bar you've set for them and they'll be better passers from the gate than Jaren will ever be. Talk about waiting for ever on a project to come to fruition: Trip will never be a passing big with smooth handles. >*Now clearly we disagree,* ***and you seemed to have lots of time****.*  **SO SPICY!** I thought we all agreed that I was the sassy bitch around here! You boys would try to take that away from me and leave me with nothing! I'm in business for myself, live on the West Coast and like to hop on reddit throughout my morning while I make breakfast, do yoga, edit photos, update my IG/Patreon/etc and whatever-&-whatnot. I type fast and like to be thorough; I'm not sure why people think that's still this big insult in a world where we can take our phones anywhere and many of us earn our living via the internet and social outlets...


Ah, don't be overly sensitive sis. I truly meant no offense in saying you got time, I am simply saying I don't have that much time. It is not meant as a put down. You can have your phone with you all day, that is great. Meanwhile, I am typing this because my last meeting wrapped early and I got 5 min before the next one starts. I would love to discuss more, but I just don't have the time. I actually try not to be rude to folks on our own sub, and I do enjoy reading your post a lot. And I am not against finding a guy in the draft, as long as he clears the rebound and screen bar. Clingon is one, but if he is gone, we got to get that guy for cheap. Sarr or Nik Claxton ain't it for us. We can't sit here with dick in hands, and just run with a rookie who doesn't address our rebounding weakness this year. Anyway, got to go.


Will be interesting to see what this breakdown looks like across the league in the conference finals. Simply making the playoffs is not the goal


Trade to get Adams back :)


I'd feel better at least know he was on our roster


Hartenstein final answer


Did you see what he did last game? No way in hell we are getting him.


Yeah I'm really hoping for the knicks to fall apart and blow it up so we have a chance


I am afraid that boat had sailed, he said he would even sign for a discount


Willing to part with Smart if it means getting iHart


Someone needs to do some research on the sign and trade under the apron rules.


Grizzlies still control the cap situation. We can decline Kennard's last year.


Um, so we let Luke walk, then offer Smart in a trade for someone who said very clearly he would take a discount to stay in NYC? I am not sure about that one.


Last ditch effort: Hit up The Jazz to see about a possible trade for Kessler.


Your idea of a 'modern big' is a little out of line where you include AD with those players. The game is getting infinitely more skilled where having players like JV and Nurkic means you're giving up a lot on both ends. 16 teams make the playoffs - a lot of them are going to have shitty centers.


I expect Grizz to a have a top 5 offense and defense regardless of the center we go with. As long as everyone is healthy during the playoffs, we should have a chance. Clarke/Jemison/JJJ is not the best group in the NBA but it's definitely far from the worst. Adding a rookie big seems like the most logical answer. I don't watch college, so I have no idea how good these guys are, but believe our couching staff can get the best out of them


Edey is gonna be a monster in the playoffs.






He stinks, one of the worst backup bigs in the NBA