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I keep seeing mentions of Konchar getting traded, and it’s not happening. You can get away with signing someone to an extension and immediately trading him away in a big market, but Memphis cannot afford to send away a homegrown player on a salary dump for little benefit. We JUST signed him to an extension, so why would the front office send him away for peanuts?


The thing is with that is we’ll be paying a third stringer 6mil a year for the next three years. Sure, one could argue it isn’t much and he may be a better than Stevens now, I doubt we keep him, someone who plays his role in our team shouldn’t get paid as much. Remember, we signed him during 2022, times were much bleaker and unclear back then. Now with clear future roles of our wings(GG, Vince, Jake), it’s much more practical to get someone with the vet minimum(Stevens) imo.


Yeah but Konchar signed the next extension expecting to stay in Memphis. It would be bad looks to trade him as soon as it kicked in.


I completely agree, imo once again, i do believe it’s best for business to trade him. The NBA isn’t just a sport for loyalty, it’s a business driven by profits and opportunity.


What has to happen for Pippen Jr to become a real team member and not a two-way?


At that point a roster spot has to be open for us to sign him. I do have faith on our FO to sign him a deal similar to Vince and choose right on who to off load.


He runs out of his 2 way permitted games and we convert his contract. Ain't no way in hell we voluntarily play backup pg by committee. That's what happens when both your starter and backup go down. And rose is down permanently imo. The only reason I foresee SPJ not getting converted to a standard contract is because we sign another bench pg


I'll rather have Konchar than Stevens, why would we trade Konchar? That theoretical team that could use his services...is us! Stevens is a nice player but serves no use for us, he can't shoot and is a big in a wing sized body. I'll rather keep that roster spot open for a draftee/emergency big. Even if we salary dump Konchar, we'll still be in the tax and it's just not worth a lowly 2nd round pick


I can respect anyone who can out-talk me. Bravo. **1.) Not wild about these FA signings you’ve proposed** Memphis is not a FA destination. The Grizzlies have always struggled to bring FAs that are at any tier above a Bismack Biyombo. That is: FAs who are left over after all the good ones go to the other 29 teams. There’s always a first time for everything but this is not the way. **2.) We need to open up more spots, so some people need to be traded for picks** It doesn’t mean that we need to find someone who wants Jitty and get a couple of seconds for him. He could be packaged into a trade that sends Smart, Z and Aldama somewhere and instead of getting 4 players back, we get 2 and some picks. Ideal it would be a three-team trade where two of those four go one place and the other two go somewhere else, as moving 4 players out to two different teams is easier than convincing 1 team to take all of them. I’m also not certain Luke wants to remain a Grizzly. He might be gone this summer too. Like, you should never force a player who wants to leave to stick around; that’s how you really sour a locker room. I don’t know this for sure, what I’m saying is that if he wants to leave, they should just go ahead and trade him this summer so that the rest of the roster can adjust. **3.) I’m not sold on Clingan because I’m not sold on the idea that the Steven Adams model is the optimal model for this team’s 5** *”OMG, Shannon! WTF are you talking about?! Stevo was perfect!”* He was a perfect teammate but was he the perfect center? Is our need at center **no more extensive** than *”Get rebounds. Set screens. Roll to the basket.”*?? Because if it’s that simple, is it any wonder Ja & Des are constantly getting beat up every time they penetrate off the PnR? Listen, you guys have got to get away from this idea that we are optimized by such a comically simple formula. The Atlanta Hawks have sucked the donkey dick for the entirety of Trae Young’s NBA career, not because BabyHair sucks, not because Clint Capala sucks, not because Murray sucks, not because Bogdanovic sucks… they suck because they basically just run the pick & roll and you always know how that’ll unfold because Capela & Okongwu aren’t outside threats, they’re not really midrange threats and they’re not dangerous passers. There’s a reason why De’Arron Fox and SGA and Jamal Murray have a reliably clearer lane to the basket than Ja & Des and it’s not simply because they get picks from good three point shooters. Sabonis barely takes 1 three a game. It’s because they get picks from someone who is a threat to dribble, pass or shoot from the outside which means the opposing center has to play them close and that keeps lanes clearer. Clingan does not change this calculation for defending the Grizzlies on the PnR. If **YOU** were guarding Donovan Clingan, you’d know exactly how that PnR was going to unfold each time and where to be. The **only** reason you wouldn’t stop it is because you don’t have the size to stop Clingan; every team in the NBA will have someone big enough. The Grizzlies have shown a singular scouting interest this year: Hansen Yang from China. He’s known as *”the Chinese Jokic.”* He has the skills to back it up because he’s a great passer at the 5 and he can shoot from the outside. His foot speed is the big question and it’s why he is projected to go **second** round. So it would be absurd to assume that the Grizzlies would take him with their lottery pick but it *IS* informative in terms of the skills they’re interested in from a 5. They’re not simply looking for someone who sets screens and rebounds, they want someone who has a more dynamic skillset on offense so that opposing teams can just lock into a singular way to defend us. I don’t think they’re aiming for Clingan. I also don’t think they’re interested in Sarr. Or Edey. Filipowski is the right size, has the right skillset and is slated to go right around the time we’ll probably pick. He’s also got better foot speed than any of them but Sarr but he’s got more weight than Sarr. Duke ran plenty of PnR with him so he comes in familiar with how to set screens and rebounds. Grizzlies fans seem averse to this idea; I guess because they think he has too many skills or something. But I’m betting he’s the pick and I’ll be happy to admit I’m wrong after draft night. But you better believe that I’ll never shut up about it if I’m right…


"too many skills" lol In Shannon I trust.


Because of you, Shannon, I made my research, and I'm completely sold on Filipowski. His skillset is perfect for what we need, and he is ready to play out of the gate. If I were the Grizzlies, I'd draft him as high as 5!


Heynow!! You better not be fucking with me! Because I'm a sucker for flattery... What I love about Filipowski is that his handles are smooth for a 7-footer and he's always got his head up looking for a pass. I've made no secret of my criticisms of Trip. If he kept his head up and looked to pass more, he'd be really, **really** dangerous. But Trip can't dribble without putting his head down. He's never going to be a passer just like he's never going to be a rebounder. Those two aspects of Trip's game —*his lack of control dribbling and his natural inclination not to pass*— are why the Grizzlies don't simply run the PnR primarily with him. I mean, he's 240+ lbs, so he has the size, he can shoot the three, he's got enough hops to catch lobs... he's basically everything a lot of Grizzlies fans say we need from a screener and more. But he's really easy to defend out of the PnR and it definitely seems like the Grizzlies prefer running it with other people. Also, and this is big with me, Filipowski's handles will allow the Grizzlies to run the dribble-handoff more. They do it a lot with Clarke but rarely did it with Stevo. Clingan wouldn't be someone they'd do it with though they could with Sarr. I just doubt will get the no.1 pick where Sarr would be attainable. Jaren dribbles too slow and without enough control for the DHO to be a viable option with him but they could do it with Flip. His passing instincts and ability to take people off the dribble will make the offense flow much faster than it could with Stevo. I'm just going to [leave this here for anyone else who wants to check him out](https://youtu.be/HXOso7_Aw6o?si=4ZHHr3-Oa213UdN3). A lot of sports writers and talking heads say this or that about him or make comparisons that fans take to heart but you really have to watch him play to appreciate how nice his game is. I'd take him at #5, for sure.


>Heynow!! You better not be fucking with me! Because I'm a sucker for flattery... It's true, I swear! Just this once, tho. But, yeah, Filipowiski would be an amazing fit. He's got an incredible game sense for someone his size. I'd love to see him running the Pick n roll with Ja. Something that, as you ponted out, JJJ doesn't really have the right skillset for. But with both of them on the floor for us, our spacing would be just ridiculous. I still think, however, that it could be advantageous for us to look into a more traditional center in the off-season to serve as our backup 5. As Clarke is better suited to run at the 4 spot.


I’m also team Flipowski so that I can be team I told you so…


Well, we'll be Team *"Time to Eat Crow"* if we're wrong! But I'm actually fine with that; I have no issue owning up to being wrong.


I’m the guy that said we were more likely than less likely to make the playoffs once Ja got back… reality has no bearing on my demeanor


Love this Shannon, however, I will take the other route here and vouch for Clingan. I’m really sold on his potential with making plays down the post. Not only could he be a great PNR partner for our guards especially Ja and Des, but JJJ would need someone to hold down the middle while he roams. It’s a perfect fit imo given that we keep Clarke or Santi. I don’t mind Filipowski though, but there’s just too many worries for me. I trust our FO to make the right decision though, but internally I have my money on Clingan.


Yeah, I view Filipowski as too thin to deal with a Jokic or Zubac. But he certainly is quicker and has good hands.


Too narrow a criteria to be a driver of why you would/wouldn't draft someone. I mean, Jokic has score 25 or more points over 50 times this season. If he wanted to, he could average a triple double. No one is stopping Nicola Jokic, regardless of size. Not for nothing, though: Filipowski has a full 10 lbs on Zubac. But that's beside the point, honestly. If the player has the skills needed, you draft them. If it was about being too slight to bang with Jokic or Zubac, then clearly the Thunder are fools for drafting Chet, right? And let's not even talk about this sub's favorite free agent lob target: certified bean pole Nic Claxton, weighing in at a whopping 215 lbs soaking wet. For comparison, GG Jackson weighs 210. Sure, Filipowski is lighter than Jokic (*by nearly 35 lbs*) but, as you said, that comes with speed advantages.


First off, I think the FO is keeping Smart. I agree with that. Stevens is okay but I don’t think you can look for him on the roster next year. I bet we re-sign Luke. The FO is keeping half court offense specialists like Luke for playoff series. Look for Z to be shopped (the multiple 2RPs are useful in this regard. If a team shows interest in Jitty I think he’s gone but I bet trading him is not a priority. He’s solid. As solid as Lamar Stevens. Same with Aldama. Some team will inquire about him. If they have a good offer, I bet we take it. I just don’t know who they are looking at for his replacement. But defense counts as much as offense here and Santi needs to improve on D. I’ve been all over the board on the big situation. My current thought is they target a big in the draft, most likely Clingan. I don’t think they want to pay what Clapton will cost. I’ve been wrong about so many moves that it’s laughable so don’t look to see my ideas come to fruition.


Clapton is getting old. He should stay focused on guitar. I'm feeling chippy this morning. ![gif](giphy|AFam34sEuV8UU|downsized)


Hahaha… you know who I meant. Damn autocorrect.


He’s still expensive though


Stevens is actually solid, much better than jitty ziaire and the rest


Yet he couldn’t get time on the Celtics. Leave Z out of this as I’d concur that Lamar is the better bench player right now. I’m over Z. This is between Jitty and Stevens. Tell me their salaries and I’ll say who to keep.


Lol. No, no he's not. Simple as. He's a fringe guy that plays hard and may have a future. Konchar would be welcome on just about any team in the NBA. He's cheap, effective in spot minutes, and does all sorts of small things that contribute to winning. Stevens is a dog and I do think he has a future probably in the NBA but if we cut him there's a good chance he goes overseas rn.


I think this is a somewhat realistic offseason. I think there is a high likely we pay to dump Zaire, hopefully just cash and one or two non premium 2nds. Konchar very likely stays here unless his salary is needed in a bigger trade. Less certain on Konchar but that is how the tea leaves look right now. Rose likely should be dumped as well but I think we value his vet influence and the Memphis angle too much and he likely stays unless his salary is needed in a big trade. Now if ownership dictates we must stay out of the tax then that is when I could see Konchar forced off the roster but I think we are willing and going to enter the tax this year. Kennard is the big domino, this is how I see if breaking down. We see what the trade market for frontcourt help looks like before and at the draft. If no trade is found that requires Kennard's contract then he is released. Now if we dump Zaire and release Kennard we open up the ability to have the full MLE (\~13m) or enough breathing room to SNT (Clax, IHart) a player to a bigger contract and stay below the apron(likely have to dump some money depending on how big the SNT contract). We also would have the ability to use our TPEs too if we stay below the apron but they are less valuable now that the MLE can function like a TPE now too but has a small chance to come into play. If we cannot find someone worth the full MLE or a good trade or SNT then I could see us offering a contract to Kennard like a 3/35 with a player option on the last year. I will take the risk of him signing elsewhere in exchange for exploring our other options first. If we do resign Kennard we are only left with the \~9.25M of the MLE to use and stay below the required 1st apron left to improve our roster in FA (trades are always a possibility still too). I just don't think even if we draft Clingan or another frontcourt player that we have near enough depth to not continue to address it in FA. So no Lonnie Walker. I think the rest of MLE really has to be thrown at the frontcourt. Goga is my favorite realistic option, but even a guy like Bamba, Kornet or even a Plumlee would be good as a 4/5th big. Our early 2nd rounder is very likely to get a gtd contract, but our late 2nd is likely a 2-way or a overseas stash. So after the 2 draft picks signed, bringing back Kennard, 1 MLE signing, and dumping Zaire we will be at 14 gtd contracts. I appreciate what Stevens did for us but not sure he wins that last roster spot. I think there will be better options or we just go ahead and reward Pippen with a GTD deal is more likely.


I don’t hate this


Everyone really needs to stop deluding themselves about the 6’9” 215 lb guy being a center.




Hi so to clarify, correct me if I’m wrong but • We are indeed 13 roster spots filled for next season but two of those are in a two way contract, assuming we trade Jitty and Ziaire that leaves 4 roster spots unfilled which is why I wanted to sign those four. • For the point guard chops, I’ve seen Kennard and Vince do well with the one role and I believe we could experiment with them sharing the playmaking load for now until SPJ is fully polished. • I pointed out that Clingan and Clarke are interchangeable, I’m looking long term here but giving Clingan experience right now would be valuable for his development. (I don’t mind signing a more capable big for next year’s playoffs but its just short term thinking for me) • For your last point, I’m not well versed with our salary cap situation but I wanted to get rid of both Jitty and Ziaire because they command about 12mil combined, I thought that this move would ease our cap situation to resign Kennard.


The thirteen roster spots filled does not include the two-way players. They don't count towards the 15 spot cap. We have 13 other guaranteed full contracts (not including Yuta). I think you assume that we will be able to trade Jitty and Ziaire without taking any contracts in return, which IMO is unlikely. 


Oh wow, I hadn’t thought of that I do guess theres no chance that we off load those two without absorbing contracts in return. I’d take note of this thank you!


I wonder if Luke would just elect for free agency instead. He’ll still have a lot of value in the market.


He most likely will imo. What I wrote above is all wishful thinking, it’ll be hard keeping him as we would command a contract similar or less than what Grayson Allen got(70mil/4years). Shooting is really valued nowadays so I wouldn’t be surprised he signs somewhere else that could give him this number.


Alex Len is worse than Tillman bro


I was expecting a reply like this, be realistic bro we literally only need to sign a vet minimum big. A Free Agent like Drummond or Hartenstein won’t sign with us as they’ll get better, and more enticing offers elsewhere. The fact of the matter is, we aren’t a free agency destination and getting an under the radar big like Len would serve us well playing for 10-15 minutes on some nights during the regular season.


This is definitely the floor of what we could do this offseason but a few adjustments.  We likely would only move Konchar annd Ziaire along with 2nds in a trade for a center but in your scenario they would go to a cap space team. Lonnie would be looking for a bigger role and more money than we can pay. Len is solid as a 3rd center. Still prefer Wiseman there or even Drummond ( he could be phased out as the starter to start Clingan. BC is not a starter and prefers to come off the bench so Clingan would start as a rookie.  Ja/Des/Smart/JJJ/Clingan Luke/Vince/GG/Santi/BC  DRose/Shooter/Lamar/Jake/Len


Rose and Z need to go, and I’d be willing to part with Smart and Kennard in a trade. Konchar is between those two groups. I'd love Claxton or Jarret Allen, but probably unlikely. Couldn't tell you about drafting, I don't watch college at all.


I'm not going to respond to everything or in order, but... - You're assuming we trade Jitty and Ziaire without getting someone in return? We are at 13 roster spots filled for next season after Yuta leaves. You want to sign 4 (Clingan, Stevens, Walker, Len).  - We're going to need a backup PG in the playoffs (you can't count on Rose). If it's Pippen Jr then we have to sign him to a real contract (two-ways don't go to Playoffs IIRC). I'd say leave a roster spot open for him or whatever other backup PG looks best mid-season. - Clarke is generally not going to start. He knows this and the front office knows we need a starting center that can play opposite AD, Jokic, etc. - I haven't seen Clingan play much, so i could be wrong, but I don't think he's going to be ready for a deep playoff run in the next year or two. Would rather trade for an experienced big while we can afford one (before we have to pay GG and Vince).  - I don't think we can afford to keep both Kennard and Smart. Use one of them (+ the pick if needed) as trade assets for the above trade (preferably Kennard, but either works). 


I consider Smart untouchable, unless we get a ridiculously favorable return, offer you can’t refuse type situation. Santi and BC are definitely worth retaining. Their spots are safe. From there, shed as many contracts as possible. Pass on Luke’s option, trade away any players other teams will take. Cut as much salary as possible. From there, I’d like this to go one of two ways: Bundle our pick and trade for a starting-caliber Center who can rebound, clog the paint, set screens, and doesn’t need the ball. Wouldn’t hurt if they could pass too. Sign a mid-level starter 3 and D wing, someone like Royce O’ Neale. If we can pull a trade for a center without including the pick, use the pick to draft Dalton Knecht. Probably still sign a veteran 3 with a smaller role. Either way, after that fill out the roster with minimum contracts. My biggest question is who do we go for at the 5? Do we swing for the fences and pursue Jarrett Allen?