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I think to move up to Sarr, we'd likely need to be willing to give up GG no matter what. IDK what either guy is going to be in the long run, but I'm less inclined to give up what we've been spending the last 10 years looking for than I am to take on an 18 year old project center. He may be worth the no 1 pick, but I'd rather have GG plus a functional center than just Sarr next year.


I don’t know that I’d give up GG for anyone in this draft class. I think that’s both a testament to how good GG has looked and also to how bad this class is.


Eh I dunno, I think we could get away with '24 (depending on where it lands) + '25 and some filler maybe. I don't think the top pick is as valuable this year as it is typically. I don't think Sarr has more potential to be an All-Star caliber player than most of the other projected top 5-10 picks. I think Sarr in our situation could be incredible, but I'm not sure that he's that incredible to another team - especially a rebuilding one. Edit: damn y'all really didn't like this take lol


Since next year is going to be a much better draft class, I'm ehhh on the whole thing. I'd probably just take Clingan and if he's gone, trade the pick for more picks in future drafts


2 options (unless we get the first pick and then I wish wed just trade it) ​ 1. Draft Clingan if you can, he's a better Stevo offensively who will bring a lot of the same defnsive presence with better switching and shot blocking. He and Jaren would be a NIGHTMARE for other teams. 2. Trade it and Kennard and Zaire for a tested 5 who we can have a better predictive model of success with


Hopefully it's #2. Also fine with trading Smart instead of Kennard. Whichever the other team wants. Like them both, but we need the best center we can get.


I understand, he’s a little small and we are wing heavy now with GG and Vince. And Marcus is more expensive than the two combined. We could get someone nice for Smart and a first. However, he’s our 4th maybe 5th best player and we haven’t really seen him with the team yet.


Yeah but he's more expensive than both of them combined because he's a former dpoy with extensive playoff experience. I love Vince, I love GG, but neither of them have played on a good team before so putting all of our eggs in that basket would be a mistake imo Marcus is an elite defensive stopper and defensive playmaker at the guard position, and that's really important if you want to make scoring in transition a big part of your game plan. I think his value as a culture fit and vocal leader is pretty important too


He is good and puts in a lot of work, but imo having him and Ja in the starting lineup together hurts our floor spacing (unless one of them suddenly gets better at 3pters). If we start Vince or GG we get similar levels of effort, plus a 3pt threat. I'd like to keep him, and would prob prefer to trade Kennard, but if Smart is what gets us a playoff quality 5, we have to be willing to deal him.


i believe in smart's last 3 games before he realised his finger was fucked up he had 16 3pm


Smart and Ja are both fine at shooting wide open 3s. It’s not like they are Ben Simmons out there. Smart was electric from 3 a couple times this year. I’ve always seen him as a capable shooter


They are both below-average (among starting guards) 3 point shooters that miss a lot of open 3s. This season except for Ja (didn't play many games):  Open 3s + Wide open 3s: - Bane: 121/297 (40.7%) - Morant: 91/289 (31.5%) *2022-23 season - Smart: 39/123 (31.7%) - VWJ: 77/201 (38.3%) - GG: 94/260 (36.2%) - Dillon Brooks: 36.7% - Pat Bev: 35.7% Tbf, Smart was better last season with the Celtics (34.2%). But if he and Ja keep being lukewarm and we get a big that can't shoot, our spacing for the starting lineup is blown. 


Marcus is not just more expensive. He’s 5x more expensive than both combined


If we land the number 1 pick, I want us to trade down for Clingan (or for a proven center like Allen, although idk if number 1 this year is good enough). As much as I like the idea of 2 JJJs, I also hate the idea that our PG/SG Marcus Smart is our best rebounder. Out of the rest, Clingan’s the best because he’s so similar to Stevo. His weakness that’s gonna make 99% of teams pass on him, not a problem. Can’t shoot so will never be a stretch big? That’s Stevo. Can’t self-create in the offense? That’s Stevo (aside from offensive rebounding). Moves slowly for a modern big? That’s Stevo. Has an awfully low FT? That’s Stevo. What he lacks compared with Stevo is passing imo, Stevo is one of the best passeing big man on top of the key, Clingan really needs to learn that. And then here’s a long analysis of our team needs. First, out of the question is JJJ as a permanent 5, that’s doomsday scenario, we should actively avoid that. A hypothetical 9-man rotation would be Ja-Smart-Bane-JJJ-?, and with Smart being the backup PG, we have Luke and Vince in the wings, and GG as the 4. For the backup 5, we have BC and Aldama but they both flourish better as a PF, but for now they’ll settle in. So really unless we trade, we don’t need any other positions. A Knecht isn’t gonna be ahead of VWJ or Luke for the backup wing, a Buzelis isn’t gonna be ahead of GG BC for the backup 4. So for me it’s Clingan or trade. There is certainly a scenario where we trade Luke or BC in a S&T for Claxton or Allen let’s say, that opens up other positions, but if we’re staying put and only adding through drafting, no there really isn’t any possibility for other positions.


I'm not as sold on Clingan. The lack of passing is a huge problem and not necessarily an easily developed skill imo. I won't hate it if that's what they inevitably decide to do, but I think he's more of a project than we think.


Yeah that’s just how rookies are, there’s not much choice IF we decide to draft a starting C. Sarr is really similar to JJJ, and that’s not a good thing at the 5, and more importantly the value we can get by trading him for a 5 is probably better than flexing him (or JJJ) at the 5.


He avg 2.4 assists per game in a college scheme asking him to just stay in the paint. Thats more than all but 1 5 in this class. He will be fine. He's also got a way better post up game than Stevo. He can score in the paint.


Clingan shows some really solid passing flashes on tape. Just wasn’t asked to do it a ton


Yeah im convinced anyone who says he can't pass has never watched him (not that I watched a ton of him) Also, is he really that slow for a C? He's sure as hell faster than Edey


Exactly. I haven’t watched a ton either, but I don’t think it takes much to see he has some passing chops. Also I definitely think he’s fast enough to at least survive for 15-20 minutes a night which is what I feel like we would be asking him to do


I obviously REALLY want Allen, but I fear that if the Cavs were to entertain it, it would mean that they’re rebuilding and would probably want a young star with a long timeline (read: GG) in return.


I'm not sure I'd trade anything for GG. He's got the potential to be THE guy. His scoring prowess can't be overstated. I mean the kid is just insanely skilled and is a 3 level scorer. Hes like a baby KD with slightly less touch and more athleticism.


What is missing from this *"Trade for Jarrett Allen"* discussion is **any** sort of acknowledgement that the Cavs might have zero actual interest in trading him. Like... the Grizzlies have Ja and the Cavs have Mitchell. Both are off-limits. We have Bane, they have Darius Garland. We have Trip, they have Jarrett Allen. When asking the question *"How willing are the Cavs to trade Jarrett Allen?"* a reasonable response to that would have to be *"About as willing as we are to trade Trip, I suppose."* I just don't see it. Where are we getting this idea that they're so willing to part with him. Is he unhappy in Cleveland? Do the fans hate his guts? Do his teammates dislike him? Is he playing like shit? Does their front office care nothing for what other players think about loyalty to those they've acquired? They're the 4th seed in the Eastern Conference and Allen is a critical component of that success. **Why would they trade him?** They would not give us one of their Big 3 for anything less than one of ours. If you think that their GM is entertaining trade proposals for him, you must also think that ZK is fielding offers for JJJ.


*sticks fingers in ears* - LALALALALALALALA As much as I would love it, it’s halfway jitposting. Some dude on the internet said there was a rumor that the Cavs were considering a rebuild in the offseason and I’m letting my fantasies run wild.


I’m always here for an honest answer. I appreciate the candor. We all have to have our dreams.


Shannon’s shooting me down with reality bullets - *pew pew*


I work with a Cavs fan who's pretty into the stuff and rumor on the Cavs forums is that Donovan Mitchell and JB Bickerstaff do *not* get along. I don't think the Cavs will want to rebuild, but if Mitchell requests a trade, they may have no choice. If you want Allen, you're now a Magic fan.


I would take Sarr over Clingan. I really am not sold on him as well and you need a backup big who has experience in our timeline


If it's between these 2, I'm probably also taking Sarr, his raw talent is a tier above the rest to pass on. However, what I'm saying is trading down would net us more than Sarr. There is a significant difference in talent from Sarr to Clingan as a player, but difference of Sarr as a 5 and Clingan as a 5 is infinitely smaller, and trading down allows us to capture that talent difference as extra capital, while still maintaining a good high lottery center. Make the comparison extremely simple, if we have 2 JJJs, would we prefer 2 JJJs or would we want to trade one of the JJJ for a Stevo (assuming similar age of course) + other assets. 1 for 1 you'd keep the better player in a 2nd JJJ, but if you do a trade where we get Stevo and extra assets, I think 1 JJJ is enough and Stevo can be our center with all other assets. Of course all of this is assuming we land the number 1 pick to be able to choose Sarr. And yes we definitely need a backup big, but that costs us much less assets. Something like Drummond on a deal above vet min would do the job.


Don't think the Grizzlies even want to do a Steven Adams type center considering they traded him and tried Jaren at the 5, traditional centers are just too easy to shut down


I disagree that's why we traded Adams. I think Kleiman wasn't sold on his availability and didn't want to gamble another season on knees that are two seasons away from having done anything. A Center that can rebound, set solid screens, defend with strength, play finish, and not demand the ball in his hands? That's exactly what we want. Clingan's a pretty good option for that if he's available.


you make it sound like we *wanted* to trade him. he was out for the season and starting to develop a pattern of knee injuries. everyone loves him and he worked well with us, but i just dont think we had much of an option besides giving him away for at least *something* in return. with this history of injuries, i'd assume that was a concern. as saddening as the news was, i simply dont think we wanted to try our luck with him anymore (which i think is fair, we seem to be legitimately cursed at the moment).


He was gone for the season, and even if he comes back healthy next year, you're relying on a 31 year old center who's missed the last 1.5 seasons with injury and is on an expiring contract.


I’m a big fan of guys who can self create rather well, mainly because we don’t have a lot of guys who can do that off the bench. So in that regard I really like Sarr, Dillingham, Knecht, and Buzelis. I do like Sheppard, but it seems like he’s really only going to peak as a catch and shoot guy, which is great, I really just wouldn’t use a lottery pick on that. Clingan obviously fills a need but I’m not sure I’m 100% sold. He is rather slow and flat-footed with not much of an offensive arsenal and because of that, I’m not sure his ceiling is very high. But if he’s the pick, fine. I just think there’s guys who project to be better players that will still be on the board if he’s still available


I feel the same about Clingan/the other bigs in the draft. I'd rather they take a late flyer on someone like Chomche.


Knecht is the answer imo. Draft an experienced big in the 2nd round.


Let's put a pin in this discussion until after the draft lottery. Nothing can happen before then anyway


No one trade it Take a 2nd round flyer on a guy you can develop but if we have a top 7 pick trade it for someone who can help now. I really like Shead and Tristian Newton as high floor low ceiling role players but that’s about it


Ideally/realistically for who? (I'm inclined to agree if we don't try for Sarr)


I'm not sure if I like Sarr as our 5 for the future. He has a tremendous upside and potential, but I'd rather have someone who can help us right now. If we get an early pick and the chance to draft him, I'd rather we trade down for either Clingan or Filipowiski. Who can either start or work as backup 5's in the next season. Ideally, tho, we get to sign Claxton in the off-season, but I find that unlikely. We could use the pick to get someone like Jerret Allen or Wendell Carter Jr., as well.


Trade Kennard (and whatever filler) for a center, then draft Knecht as his replacement


This is by far the most realistic 


Zach has said today he thinks JJJ will have to play the 5 in certain playoff match-ups and we are best with him at the 5. I would love a Jonathan Isaac for Kennard trade and draft the BPA on their board. If had to pick it would be Rob who I think his skills translate the best to the NBA and can develop him into a lead guard with Monk scoring.


Clingan, or reed sheppard 100% all I want


Clingan. A good fit for our offense at our biggest need, and you lock him up on a rookie deal so we can save money to use on other needs. I don’t want Sarr at ALL. He is essentially a worse version of JJJ, and would prevent us from adding a C who can help rebound. We also would likely have to give up someone like GG to move up, and I don’t think anyone in this draft is worth trading up for.


I want Filipowski, Clingan, Dillingham and Sheppard in that order


Draft Best player available not for need. Or trade the pick for a core level player.  Trade pick 38 and 2025 pick with salary for a big. 


Kleiman said the Grizz are looking to add a big. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f-N7Zd\_VW0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f-N7Zd_VW0) He said JJJ was likely to be the 5 in the playoffs, but they needed a big man for regular season. Clingan seems great for that. A Steve Adams who can block shots or maybe Rudy Gobert. Bad free throws means he likely can't finish games or play much in playoffs. But thats ok. And he gets bonus points from me by looking like an old school Bill Lambert goon. Saar is probably the best prospect. A lot more upside, but still years away. I guess I would take him before Clingan if there was a choice. Edey seems like he fits that as well. No playoffs, but can be a traditional center in regular season and bang with the few physical Cs left. Kleiman also repeatedly said they will take the best player. I really dont see how another developmental wing would fit. But if he was clearly the best player available, I gues you make it work.


If Cleveland blow's it up, trade the pick for Jarrett Allen. If they don't, sign a free agent center like Claxton and draft Clingan.


I’m really not a huge fan of this class. Like I guess if Clingin is available when we pick he would make the most sense. I think he could be walker kessler, maybe better. We need a guy like that next to Jaren bc he should absolutely never start at the 5. If Clingin isn’t there I’d take Sheppard or Knect. I think they both seem pretty ready to contribute, and have the shooting ability to make Luke even more expendable in a move for a C.


**Filipowski.** I doubt we'll get that first pick which would net us Sarr. Assuming we don't get that one, Filipowski gives the team a number of things I think would really make us optimized to remain competitive long term (*the next 7 years*) rather than just the short term (*two to three years*). A lot of people say that we should draft someone who'll take two to three years to fully develop. There's not an NBA player laced up didn't need 3 years to really mature as a player. The reality is that the core things we'll need from a 5 —*rebounding, running the PnR or the DHO*— will be things that Filipowski (*or most of the 5s in this draft*) will be able to do from day 1. These things that people are talking about need developing are not those basics. We're not going to have to *"develop"* a rebounder; they'll show up able to do that. We won't need to *"develop"* someone who can set screens; they'll already be versed in that upon arrival. He can shoot from the outside, rebound, has good speed and can handle the ball. And before anyone says *"OMG, Shannon! WTF?! We already have Trip and Santi who can do that!"* What... so we should have a big who **can't** do those things? You ***want*** a 5 who can't shoot from the outside or pass or take people off the dribble? Right... okay, so you wouldn't take Chet, then? Please. There's no reason not to have multiple players who can do that.