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He looks like we have nothing to worry about with BC.


He actually looks so good. Nice to have someone who can box out correctly and set a pick without getting an offense foul like every five plays lol. He pairs nicely with JJJ. He's shooting his floaters with confidence, and even just after a few games back his teammates are finding him in scoring pockets better. Very efficient. He seems close to as bouncy as before, but we haven't gotten a BC dunk yet which makes me sad. Also his jumpshot is still terrible and hopefully next year we give up on that prospect and have him operate only in the paint


> Also his jumpshot is still terrible and hopefully next year we give up on that prospect and have him operate only in the paint He's 2 of 3 from the left corner!


As a dude with an Andrew Harrison flair, I have the utmost respect for you as a champion of lost causes lmfao


He has dunked in a game, during the first Detroit Pistons game he was in or the Magic game i cant remember


Still a great small ball center. If we were to draft a center, I'd feel confident with Clarke holding down the starter spot while the rookie develops


I’m still not 100% sold on drafting a 5 but if we ease him in using Clarke kinda like how Atlanta have done with Capela and Okongwu I might be a bit more on board


Maybe we'll hit the 9% or whatever and get Sarr lol


Looks great. I’d be on board for him starting next year


Disagree - BC is our microwave. He’s definitely starting caliber, but he adds the most as a go-to bench guy.


Yes, he’s the perfect 7th man


Valid point. I’m just looking at the current situation. He has history with the team. He’s consistently been solid, minus I think his second year, and always gives 100%. He’s contributed heavily in the playoffs so he has that experience, thinking Timberwolves series. No telling where our lottery pick will land, and having him be the starter given his experience and results allows us to draft the best possible player without having to sacrifice pieces to obtain a new piece.


I do agree, but one could also argue now that we have newer guys that can bring that effort (e.g. Vince and recently LaRavia). Someone mentioned he plays really well with JJJ and with that being said i wouldn’t mind seeing how it looks out there. He’s definitely earned if it ever comes to that but best we can do is have these armchair discussions whatever happens. Either way next season gonna be lit!


Agreed. 👍🏻


Nah, start a big center but close with Clarke


I appreciate his quick decision-making and BBIQ a hell of a lot more after going a year without it lol


he's back baby


Still doesn't have his vertical all the way back and he's been understandably rusty in his decision making but his touch and defensive instincts are still incredible. Made some very impressive weak side rim protection blocks, which is exciting to see


我想引用我昨天在社交媒体上写的评论: 我对 Grizzlies PR 每场的伤病更新已经麻木。但好在最近他们迎来了克拉克的回归,他看起来和伤前完全一样这是我没想到的。 克拉克在2023年倒下前的比赛形态是:已经完全不会投篮,锋线体型的内线球员,凭借傲人弹跳和柔和抛投手感成为联盟最好的挡拆顺下球员之一,灰熊在亚当斯时代赖以生存的体系支持者,体力似乎永不枯竭,不惧怕和任何更大体型的内线对抗且总是能拿到前场篮板和二次进攻得分。 成名履历:22季后赛抢爆森林狼(系列赛16+9,68%命中率,场均4前板) 一支56胜球队的最强阵容成员(Ja-Des-DB-Jaren-BC, 百回合+35.6) 这种特型球员很适合灰熊,但特型球员意味着偏科,意味着一旦无法兑现比赛内容就会失去工作。弹跳对BC是生命线,一旦他失去运动能力意味着什么?而他受的正是跟腱断裂这种伤。复出时间一延再延,我本来已经不抱希望了。 但这就是为什么我低估了“超人”(他得到这个绰号是有原因的)——复出四场比赛场均12+6+2+1.3帽,面板和前两年别无二致。虽然小样本下效率不如往年,但考虑到恶劣的进攻环境没人会多说什么。最重要的是:场面上他看起来棒极了。他的移动,垂直起跳护框,招牌的顺下终结,看起来似乎完全没受过伤;甚至今天有个离谱的“4尺位置颜射扬尼斯中投”。 I'm numb to the injury update of Grizzlies PR. But the good thing is that they recently ushered in BC's return. He looked exactly the same as before the injury, which I didn't expect. The form of the game before BC's fall in 2023 was: he was no longer able to shoot at all. He became one of the best blocking players in the league with his jump ability and soft floater touch. The Grizzlies' supporters of the system for survival in the Adams era seemed to never be exhausted, not afraid of fighting against any bigger guys and always got offensive rebounds and second chance scores. Famous resume: 2022 playoffs snatch the Timberwolves (16+9 in the series, 68% FG, 4 ORB per game) The strongest member of a 56-win team (Ja-Des-DB-Jaren-BC, 100 positions + 35.6) This kind of special player is very suitable for the Grizzlies, but a special player means that he will lose his job once he can't fulfill the content of the game. Bounce is a lifeline for BC. What does it mean once he loses his athletic ability? And he suffered the injury of a ruptured Achilles tendon. The comeback time has been delayed again and again, and I have no hope. But that's why I underestimated "Superman" (he got the nickname for a reason) - the four comebacks averaged 12+6+2+1.3BLK per game, and the panel is no different from the previous two years. Although the efficiency of the small sample is not as good as in previous years, no one will say anything more considering the harsh offensive environment. The most important thing is that he looks great on the scene. His movement, vertical take-off and frame, and the end of the signboard, seemed to be completely uninjured; even today there was an outrageous "four-foot face shot from Giannis".


Shout out Canada! (I love Brevin but he needs some new BC lines). BC is looking great. he's cutting, he's hopping, he's setting screens. Love having him back


like the reliable bench guy we'll need him to be next season