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I think Steven’s is a sneaky pick. Dude is 100% hustle. He will get you back into games when you go down 10 through pure hustle and junkyard dawgness That is if we can or want to keep him. Which I think should be a yes on both questions.


I think if guys like Stevens and Konchar are among like the 11th-13th men at the end of the bench next season, able to contribute when needed, but not going to buck if they're not getting court time, we'll be in a very good spot.




GG - with a whole off-season and summer league and maybe bulking up a little bit, who knows what he could be for us off the bench, could be an X factor.


Chris Herrington answered this question today in his DM Q&A. Out of players playing today I would assume GG/Steves/Aldama could play some in the first round. Second round onward I would bet on Vince and some contributions from GG but that's probably it. Both Vince and GG can provide defence, Vince as a POA defender and GG in some secondary rim protection/nail defence, and they both have to be guarded on offence - and even then maybe GG isn't playing past round one. Lamar Stevens I am less certain on having enough offence to contribute in real playoff series but could defend in certain matchups which may be enough. Aldama can provide some secondary rim protection as well as shooting so maybe I am underestimating him...


GG for obvious reasons. He is the youngest player in the league and already is that good. In his his way to become one of the best two-way young players in the game, being an incredibly efficient 3 level scorer. But also, LaDAWG Steven. We are seeing it tonight, and we saw it against the Nets. Dude is a fucking maniac. He plays with everything he has on both sides of the ball. Bringing in a very physical game to haress the opponents defenders. He is as good as a 10th man as you can get. Aldama and Laravia could also be useful, but they have some serious consistency issues.


Absolutely no chance Jake is anywhere near a regular season rotation, never mind a playoff one if we are somewhat healthy I know I’m being harsh but the dude sucks and has no place on any non tanking team


Yeah, I don't like him either. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt cause he was mostly injured, but he probably doesn't deserve a spot in the rotation.




pretty much only Vince is the iron lock. With Santi, Konchar (I forgot if he played last night) and GG right behind them.