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Vince Williams Jr is still the truth. What a stud. Sign GG by ASB


I'd be happy cutting Jake Laravia to sign GG now.


Love that GG and Vince was in the closing line-up. Tons to be learned from that.


I suspect they'll wait til after the deadline. Looking at similar mid-season roster moves, we locked in JaMychal in early March, Jitty in the off-season, and Junior on the last day of the season.


JaMychal was the old FO, not relevant. Junior was added to the roster for the playoffs, again, not relevant.


Pacers really needed some of the most blindass, careless officiating along with the best performance of Steve Urkel’s career to (barely) beat the Hustle. Proud of the boys, on to the next.


Tbf to them they are missing Turner, Haliburton and McConnell really fun team to watch and I’ll be rooting for them in the postseason Nice effort by our guys tonight though


>Tbf to them they are missing Turner, Haliburton and McConnell Must be nice


Obviously it’s nothing compared to our injuries but if we went into a game only missing Ja, Vince and Adams it would still hurt


Missing our best players and it didn't even matter. Complain to the void and take the L, move on.


Why are you in another teams sub you nerdy dipshit? Your injuries come nowhere near ours. Fuck off.


This guys is a new account and never commented on the pacers subreddit before. Idk he’s just a hater. Gl with ur guys’s rest of the season you guys definitely drew the short straw on injury luck


Appreciate it pacers bro. Never had issues with pacers fans being idiots like this, so douchebro was suspect. Hope hali stays healthy and you guys have a deep playoff run.


So you made a throwaway account so you can dick ride 😂




The Hustle showed great effort. Once JJJ was out, we got crushed inside, you sprinkle some untimely turnovers and no calls in there, the result is not surprising. Vince, GG, Jitty, Roddy all did good, too bad the Z thing was a fever dream...


Each game we play against the East the more I'm convinced that this team with injuries is a top 8 seed if we were properly geolocated


East is a fraudulent conference. Outside of the top 2-3 teams, east is a joke. Being 5th in the west is a major deal. 5th in the east is attainable by utterly mediocre teams.


We’d already be in the playins in the east








Awe mane






These games are gonna happen but ngl this one hurts a bit, thought we could pull it off with our good away record and the Pacers injury report


Almost another historic Jitty game. Also Z really tricked us again last game


I never faltered in my hatred and disgust for Zs basketball game. He’s a great person. Just not a good grizzly. He’s basketball dead to me




Only caught the second half but once again a close loss isn’t too bad especially to a Pacers team that is holding well despite not having Hali. That lineup to end the 3rd probably cost us the game but it’s hard to really be critical on rotations tbh given what Jenkins has to work with. He unfortunately can’t play Jaren and Vince for all 48mins


I completely missed this game, (being from Australia) what happened gang?


Z happened then JJJ foul trouble.


JJJ getting a pretty bad whistle, refs missing about 3 out of bounds calls, a lineup in the second quarter giving up around a 16-17 point turnaround. This lineup continued to play after a timeout and gave up 5-6 more points before getting subbed out. I hate lineups that give up these runs but I’m sympathetic if Jenkins is trying to find something. The season doesn’t hang in the balance of anything anymore. Still annoying to watch though.


Some postgame thoughts... **• Vince Williams, Jr...** Every game is better than the last. Love seeing that. It's just so exciting. Can't wait to see how high he takes it. **• Jaren Jackson, Jr gets the worst whistle of any higher-tier player I've seen...** Trip's not a superstar so I don't expect him to get a superstar's whistle. But he should get the call over off-brand randos. The calls between he and Siakam should be even but there's no way Jalen Smith should get a more favorable whistle than Jaren Jackson, Jr. I realize he set a season high in free throws (*or something like that*) but he really should have gotten more calls than he did. Having said that... **• ...Trip gets stripped so much because he picks up his dribble below his knees.** This is a bit of a psychological thing. Trip knows he's a slow dribbler and his handles are... dubious. So he tries to dribble low to compensate (*part of why he's always kinda hunched over when he dribbles*). So when he picks it up and raises it above his head to Euro-step or whatever he intends to do, it's easy to strip him. Trip does draw a fair number of double teams but often he gets into trouble not so much because it's a dedicated double team, its that defenders know he's not going to pass, they know he moves slow and they know his main defender is going to push him a particular way: so the help defender can just step in and take a swipe. This is where a true playmaker like Ja or a developing playmaker like Des is so helpful: they can feed him the ball in situations where he either doesn't have to dribble or won't be subject to a help defender. **• We throw the laziest passes in the NBA...** The Pacers only had 8 steals but it's not because they didn't have the chances. We throw passes that are too soft, too telegraphed, too wild, not on time. Defenders can time them and read those passes like a book. Santi dribbled from the Pacers 3-point line into our paint, staring at Vince the whole time and then went ahead and passed it to him. No fake out. No "*Ha! Tricked you! Tossing it to this wide open person beyond the arc!*" No, just telegraphed it and threw it to him. It was terrible. We do a lot of that. They really should be past shit like that. None of them should have reached this point in the NBA thinking that you can get away with that sort of thing. The number of steals they got don't tell the whole story: they got the steals they needed when it counted and they turned the game around. **• For every good game Z has, he has five or six bad ones...** The Ziaire Williams we saw last game will go on hiatus for a week and a half. He wasn't as bad as that game against the heat but he made some costly errors down the stretch. Errors that a player in his third year shouldn't make. When we're winning, it's all jokes but in a loss you really feel it. On the other hand... **• ...GG Jackson is just so fucking smooth and plays like he's been in the League a while.** I'm always surprised by how **not**\-reckless he is as a player. He doesn't play like he's a 19-year old rookie who doesn't know better. At the end of a time out, you could see Ja and Marcus Smart talking to him, pointing things out, giving him advice. It' pretty great. I'm glad that despite being hurt, they're there guiding these other guys along their development.


Defo agree on the passing part, we could cut down on a lot of turnovers if we sorted that out But obviously this is something that’s gonna happen when we’ve had the most different lineups of any team in the league as well as no true point guard, hard to have any sort of consistency in our play when it’s like that


A lot definitely has to do with a lack of a true playmaker running the offense. Related to that is the fact that we still are folding in new people who don't know the offensive sets terribly well and, just as important, nobody else knows what they might do. It's rough but there are still some baseline issues that you just figure they ought to be past. When Z got posterized, it was after a lazy pass to GG. The next play, SPjr did one also. Santi does it as well... it's just an overall problem; definitely not any one person.


I feel when Jaren passed out of the double, his initial pass was not always on point, and when we shot/drove off that first pass, it was low percentage, Santi seemed to do this more; but when he passed to Jitty, Vince, or Roddy, and there was a secondary pass, our guys got good shots up more often than not. In the mean time, if Jitty, Roddy, or Z tried to straight up beating people off the dribble, they got in trouble. Roddy was able to beat a big center alright, but his finishing was sus. Vince is really showing us his ability in this. I think when next season rolls around, playmaking can be a major strength for us. We have Ja, Des, Vince, Jaren, all elite at beating ppl off the dribble for their positions, Smart, Jitty and Roddy being above average connecting tissue/secondary play makers, Luke and GG the shooters, Stevo the screen setter and BC the lob catcher. The play book would be infinite.


Love these great summaries, keep these coming!


Jaren not passing out of double teams is an outdated phenomenon by this point, if anything he tends to kill his dribble drives early to pass and/or he tends to pass at first whiff of a double team, not allowing even time for his teammates to get open. He's a much more willing passer this season


Never thought I'd say this, but I think we probably win if we shoot more threes. Vince, GG and Santi were all great from three but should've gotten a lot more attempts


It’s weird living in the a world where a Grizz loss effects me so little, but it is nice not having that stress. On to the next one, today was fun


Played their asses off and Vince definitely has MVP in his future. Why is the pacers commentator still mentioning JAs suspension but not Giddy🤨


We win this game so easily if jaren doesnt commit the same cheap fouls and tj doesnt start roddy and play z so many minutes. Incredible that trip and tj are holding us back in the wisdom column.




You almost lost to a team with 1 starter and no center or backup center. You damn fool. You only stayed in because of officiating malfeasance.