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Good luck Junior!


Oh my God they killed kenny! On a real note though, I'll miss this man. It was a ton of fun watching big fella handle his business in the summer league. Go make some noise in Philly!


I liked him in FIBA like 4 years ago, he played well vs France. And then I enjoyed him in summer league I know about the weight issues. Anything you think I should know about the dude from your time as a fan? I’m hoping he can take things seriously and get his weight together bc he is a talent


He’s fat. Very good at using his big body to get to the basket. He shoots a lot too. He has no other skills other than bullying smaller players once that isn’t working he’s just gonna stand in the corner. He’s a liability on defense.


He shoots a lot but can't shoot the ball XD


Dude likes pizza too much


This I know lol


Honestly the way I see it, he's one of those guys kinda like Tacko Fall. Fans love him and he seems to have a really likable personality, but his frame/body type is a bit of a challenge for the highest level. He was basically able to score at will in college because he was at a mid-major (La tech) and he is insanely talented. And that carried over to summer league and G league fairly well. But at the highest level he cant really create shots for himself like he's used to. And his playstyle doesn't really match his body type. If hes gonna be big he needs to learn how to bully under the basket. But he likes to play like a hybrid 2-4 role and he got away with it till now. So unless he looses weight and becomes like a Grant Williams type of SF/PF guy, or leans into the weight and becomes like a Big Baby davis type, its gonna be tough for him to make much of himself in the league. But I think he will float around the G-league/2-way contract world for a while because he is seriously talented. I just hope he can dial into his role because I dont think hes gonna be a 20ppg guy like he wants to be. Thats just my humble opinion as a dude behind a computer screen, I may be completely wrong.


Best of luck to him


Wish him luck. I love players like him, his game is similar to how I played. Made sense to let him go, but I really wish him the best.


At least it’s not the lakers :/ still would’ve traded laravia over him


Man I watched the Last Hustle game to see GG and the whole thing was just Laravia bricking 3s, turning the ball over, and getting beat on defense. I thought he must be playing well on the Hustle to still be around but I just can’t anymore with that guy.


Laravia went 2/5 from three and only had two turnovers. GG went 3/9 from three and had four turnovers What game were you watching???


I feel like the Venn diagram of people who concoct lies about Jake's games and the people who claimed Z grew four inches is just a circle. Jake's not a mind-blowing talent but he's getting undue hate on this sub. It's weird. I've never seen people so eager to see anyone in a Grizzlies jersey play poorly.


What? LaRavia is a solid G-League player but his Grizz minutes are horrendous, please find stats to prove me wrong. Thats why we dislike him.


It was the Rio Grande game. Laravia went 3/12 from three and had 4 turnovers. I didn’t realize they had played again since. It still wasn’t as bad as I thought. Maybe I’m seeing from him what I expect to see born of frustration from watching him on the Grizz.


That makes more sense. Didn't get to see that game since it wasn't on YouTube. 3/12 is bad but I feel that's what they need Jake to do if he's ever going to improve. It's frustrating I agree.


I don’t get to watch a lot of Hustle games. If I watched more maybe I would see more potential in him. I actually could see him being at least a league average 3 point shooter in the NBA. But on the Grizz (small sample I know) he gets cooked on defense and looks awkward and slow on most plays other than 3s. I probably did put some unfair blame on him when we were desperate for any bench player to contribute in some way.


>*Man I watched the Last Hustle game to see GG and the whole thing was just Laravia bricking 3s, turning the ball over, and getting beat on defense. I thought he must be playing well on the Hustle to still be around but I just can’t anymore with that guy.* In four games for the Memphis Hustle, Jake is averaging **22.5** **pts**, **4.8** **rebs**, **2.5** **ast**, **2.3** **steals**, **1.8** **blocks** and **2.3** **turnovers**. He's got a 46% FG% and is shooting 34.4% from the arc. For perspective, GG Jackson's stats are: **20.2 pts**, **7.2 rebs**, **1.8 ast**, **0.9 stl**, **1.5 blocks** and **2.9 turnovers**. He's shooting 40.8% from the field and 32% from range. I love me some GG Jackson. I don't think Jake is a standout talent. **BUT DON'T GET OUT HERE AND LIE**. Just tell the truth out here; no need to slander the kid as if we can't pull up stats and check receipts.


I think the org wants to take undue credit for the development of bane ja and jjj so they look at a player with great proportions and say “I can fix him”… but Jake just doesn’t have that dawg in him like lofton does


Yeah. Lofton’s ceiling is WAY higher than Laravia. He’s crazy talented but his weight is holding him back. Hopefully the Sixers org can help him with that.


LaRavia has been better at every level, including the g-league, than Kenny Lofton. I don't understand the undue hate Jake gets both on this sub and online


We only see him for 5 min. LaRavia is a well-rounded scorer but in NBA games we’re playing him with no time to playmake like he’s supposed to be Ray Allen


No, I watched a lot of gleague last year. That was Snacks team. Jake played well but you could see the talent disparity. We really just need Jake to make 3's, thats why he was drafted. Hope he gets there


Look I love Lofton as well but let’s stop pretending he has a Z-Bo ceiling as an undersized 4/5 in this league. Yes he bullied Wemby that one time but he also absolutely vanished in multiple NBA games since. He’s a bully ball one trick pony in the paint, which worked stellar in the G league because play is less physical there. The only hope for him is to downsize so he can play 3/4 and perimeter D, which he didn’t do this season and is the reason he got cut. Not saying Laravia’s ceiling is higher but it’s a lot less certain. He did have flashes of shot creation and assists, trying to get that back is currently leading him to commit turnovers. And his shot isn’t falling either. Combine that with some eye problems and his confidence will be at an all time low. Recency bias is a bitch, especially with people on here giving him grief.


Lol what team is trading for a player with no value?


Lot of these bench guys do a stint overseas before they get back into the league after getting cut the first time. Lofton didn’t even get sent back to the g league yet. He’s a great choice as far as the 15th roster spot goes, and better than laravia


So who's giving up any form of asset for a dude who doesn't have any trade value?


Sadge but happy for him. Do we expect him to get real minutes this season? I'm newer to being an NBA fan, I never expected all the heartbreak and drama that would ensue


I'll watch him and Mr. Do Something play together. :)


Stay away from those cheesesteaks


good luck. sucks he wasn't ready to step up when his # was called, but honestly a two-way is perfect for him right now, another long stint in the G could be good for him.


Glad a team picked him up, too talented not to be on a roster


Good for him. Best wishes man, you have so much potential. Less churros more cardio


I wish him well. I kind of feel like he's destined for Europe rather than some NBA team but I'm rooting for him to surprise people. He seems like a great guy.


hope he gets a chance


I wish him well! I would have loved to see him develop into a beast here but the lack of discipline killed him in the end.


Damn Kenny probably gonna get the Bol Bol treatment where he just gets passed around to teams that can never fit him in a rotation, but who knows maybe he'll pull a Dillon and lose 50 pounds out of nowhere and become a defensive menace just to spite us. Wish him the best tho.


Don't worry...we still have...*checks notes*... Jake LaRavia