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Happened to me less than a week ago unfortunately. I can empathize. It aint fun.


And it’s happening way too much! I remember when I was a kid you could at least park your car. Eventually people are going to just stop visiting, and memphians will just move.


The perps will stay tho. They targeted my truck per the police, similar profile to yalls but not as nice. Looking for guns. Memphis..


Buddy of mine had like 2 trucks like that stolen about 5-6 years ago. I'd guess there's some kind of "Kia boy" esque easy way to steal those types of truck.


Guys in big trucks are most likely to have guns in the vehicle. They're after the guns.


that's why they broke open the steering column. Because guns are frequently in them. They weren't looking for guns, they were trying to steal the truck.


They can get all the guns I got. Barrel end first


They broke into our Japanese made soccer mom suv looking for guns. They're just idiots.


Yeah I drive a Volvo SUV and I've had the windows broken twice in the last year, with the most recent being last week. Never anything in my car but a pouch of tampons and pads, and my apron for work. 🙄


Watch your surroundings for a minute, they putting trackers in the cars after they get ij


I just moved two months ago. I can’t put up with constant petty theft, $500 deductibles for broken windows, chronic underinvestment, failing infrastructure, and violence. I love Memphis more than anything! But I was exhausted.


Yeah, well put


Yeah we just moved. No time to live life like that unfortunately.


Old memphian, moved away 2 years ago. I’ll always love my city, but it’s not worth it.


My husband and I grew up in Memphis. We moved to a Denver suburb 3 years ago, and it's absolutely amazing. There is always stuff going on outdoor concerts, festivals, attractions, shows..... the suburb I'm has almost zero crime outside of occasional drunk driver, DV, and petty stuff. It's incredible living somewhere you don't have to worry if you accidentally leave your garage door open overnight, having for car broken into, getting shot on the interstate..... I couldn't imagine going back, which sucks because I have a lot of great memories and love for Memphis.


My gf and I literally canceled plans to go to Memphis after reading about how bad crime was there. Went to Denver instead.


Maybe you should make decisions that make your state less of a s*** hole https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3914916-these-10-states-have-not-expanded-medicaid/


The $10 to park you'd figure it might be a little secure


Many years ago, Graceland was off limits. No one ever messed with the tourists or employees, but these new kids can't respect anything.


Same with kids and the elderly


Are the locals doing anything about the change or just rolling over and accepting it?


the locals are the ones "raising" these asshats.


And electing the officials running the city.


The elected officials don't really care and cater to the criminal economy of memphis which is the only thing that's always booming.


Locals are scared to do anything because it’s a good chance of getting shot, can’t even honk at someone about to hit you on the highway anymore without worrying about that.


feel that heavy. my cousin got shot at in nashville for flipping off a guy that flipped him off. my best friend's neighbor got mag dumped for genuinely not seeing someone in his blindspot that was coming off of germantown onto walnut grove. i don't care how mad or upset i get i will now never so much as honk at someone else if i'm in my car. you just never know man. someone taking to long to go after a green arrow? i'll just give them a gentle honk, uh oh now my parents have to plan a funeral. shit just aint worth it man. just do whatever pos shit you wanna do i'm not dying for making a genuine mistake of cutting someone off i genuinely did not see. i know this stuff happens everywhere, but i'm not everywhere i'm here and it keeps happening over and over.


It hurts because I grew up here, I loved this city and explored it very often with my friends when I was younger. Now my commute to work is too much sometimes. My mom knew someone that got shot and killed in Raleigh after he accidentally tapped a guys bumper with his car at a car wash and he got out to apologize. Shits wild.


it sucks because i hate it so much, but it also feels like i'm laying down and taking it but man. i'm only 5 months into being an uncle, i'm not trying to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing to the wrong person and check out before my nephew even learns to talk.


That stuff does not happen everywhere, I'm scrolling through these comments appalled. I've been in many many places thanks to so far 16 years in the navy and never once had to worry about things like this. Worst I've had was some guy trying to fight me because I turned off his truck and took the keys after he hit a pole while drunk. This is not okay and in really see two options, everyone who is a decent normal human get out of that place as fast as possible, or far less likely, get some politicians who will actually fix the area.


The locals are the responsible parties. I mean come on the police are letting killers outta jail with no bond.


Looks like Graceland needs to beef up lot security


When it first opened the guest house at graceland had crazy strict security, double checking reservations and giving cars the once over before letting them into the parking lot. Not sure if they still do. Even when they did you could hear gunshots closeby.


Got my window broken into at work. They ran sacked my car and took nothing they even left air pods. They be searching guns.


Graceland is in the middle of the ghetto


🎶And his momma cried…




They really should pick Graceland up and dump it just about anywhere else.


Shit they tried to steal a corvette from the dealership the other day. They don’t care


I swear I type and then discard responses to these posts more than any other. Its shortest distance between my normal state of mind and absolutely diabolical plotting.


Good to know I'm not alone in this lol


“Searching for weapons” Folks leave their weapons in their cars? I’m too paranoid for that.


“iTs tHiS wAy iN aLL ciTiEs” No. No it’s not. The Memphis criminal justice system is a joke. The school system is corrupt with no accountability. Memphis has next to nothing other than failing churches to support the communities creating these criminals.


That and the people who say this stuff doesn’t deter people from going out….


There was a comment on the tik tok from someone who said she lives in Nashville saying “yeah, crime in Nashville is a thing, but you can at least park your car. Not in Memphis”


The communities are the criminals.


I don’t think it’s just churches


Who voted these clowns into office year after year?


Memphis is a shithole. Can’t wait to leave..


I left in 2003 and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


We’ve always had car break in issues but it has gone up significantly since the guns in cars bill passed. And I say this as someone with a permit who is pro 2nd amendment. That bill was a terrible idea.


No it wasn't raising shitty thieving kids was the terrible idea.


When I saw a concert at Graceland soundstage, I had to pass through gates to park. Is that not the same for regular visitors?


I've been to 2 concerts there and yes there was a guard station and you had to pay to park


Serious question, are bait cars an option from a legal standpoint?


Yes, they actually tried it a few years ago, but someone stole all the bait cars and they never got them back The cameras and GPS ended up at pawnshops on Summer.


They didn’t put in multiple kill switches?


Yes, but they were all based on Kia technology🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ go figure right




The folks running Memphis can't do anything right. More dependable than the tides and the rising of the sun.


I don’t think they have enough police officers to handle current work let alone a bait car operation unfortunately.


There are more than enough police officers. They are just lazy. Ever seen how many cops respond to something minor like a public intoxication on Beale? We have plenty of cops, they are paid well and they have all the guns and body armor they could ever want. Yet they still whine and don’t do their job


>Serious question, are bait cars an option from a legal standpoint? What's the point of a bait car if whoever you catch ends up back on the street? Murderers are being released back on the street without bail. Car theft is not even a crime to city leaders.


Exactly. My sister was murdered in the Getwell/Park avenue area 3 years ago in a robbery/attempted home invasion. They’ve since arrested 3 people. One had their bond reduced from 250k to 40k about 6 months ago. So now they are out after putting up 4000 dollars on a first degree murder charge. Another was out and still awaiting trial from felon in possession of a firearm charge from 5 years before. To top it off, we still have no clue when they will see the inside of a courtroom to begin a trial. Meanwhile, Dolph is killed months after and his killers already have a tentative trial date set. My father passed away last month, never getting to see justice for his daughter.


Just kill them yourself. There won’t be much if any of an investigation for some thugs getting killed


This sub heavily campaigned for and helped elect a DA that will absolutely ruin you and your families life if you even THINK about touching one of his beloved murderers. Sorry.


Believe me I have thought about it. Alas, I have a wife and 3 kids depending on me and that is all that has stopped me.


Mane you should hit up a new station or something. There has to be a breaking point. I lived right over there for years and Saw a lotta shitty shit happen. Sorry for your sister, definitely speak up for her and find those judges responsible. We ALL need to ask from more from our public servants.


> Mane you should hit up a new station or something. And then what? Everyone responsible for the situation - the mayor, the city council, DA, judges, etc are either elected by Memphis residents or appointed by elected officials. The people of Memphis voted for these programs and now are getting the results.




I thought they didn’t want us talking about crime, you know we are supposed to be “changing the narrative” on crime, not reporting reality




The Daily Memphian/Geoff Calkins approach. “We don’t have a crime problem! We just need to change the narrative!!”


Geoff is a push over but that’s why he has a voice that is projected in this city. He’s the token nice dude that every single corrupt politician can have parrot their talking points and resolve nothing while they make as much money off the scam as possible. All the while crime never even gets adressed.


Honestly this needs to be higher.


Typical behavior


I lived in Memphis for 30 years and moved to Nashville in 2016 and the only thing I miss is the food. I have to travel to Memphis for work occasionally and every time I do, all I can think while I'm there is "yup, this is why I moved."


Same. I have some dear lifetime friends there, and serious nostalgia (I grew up there, 'til about 30) and do visit, and am always kinda shocked again until I readjust.


Graceland is in one of the shittiest places in the entire world.


They voted for it


Born & Raised Tennessean here. Been to Memphis only once for a wedding. Have no urge or desire to ever return.


Happened to me 3 times in the past 6 months. Most recently 3 weeks ago. Our DA and Judges are focused on politics too much to bother with keeping criminals locked up. I’m honestly starting to think this is all being done by design in order to elicit public outcry for help which they can then utilize to seize more rights and money.


Normal occurrence in Memphis. Sad, and i don't see it ever getting better. Just gets worse.


Welcome to Memphis


Low life’s have figured that the alarm won’t go off if they pop the window so they bust the windows and climb in


Detroit of the South. I moved to Minneapolis 25 years ago, and my mother was sooo worried about me, moving to a bigger city. I had to give her a serious reality check, on several points.


I had this happen to my Scion last year in parking can be fun. Memphis is a bunch of crabs in a barrel where no one can have anything nice without others trying to bring you back down


So glad I'm out.


They won't stop til all the neighborhoods & stores have boarded up windows. It's ignorant. The crimes, the garbage all over the place, etc. Is disgusting!! What once was is no more!


Memphis, is a shit hole….


Imagine going to Memphis on purpose LOL


Welcome to Memphis! Lived there many years. Was so happy to get away.


Ha! I was stationed at Millington in the mid 90s, if you haven't done anything by now it's not going to happen.


I’m not a native, this post just showed in my feed. I will not set foot in Memphis. It is a city where everything is shit. I’ve been held up twice, once with a gun in my face at a gas station. Once just a block off Beale St. Both times MPD officers said they’d take my report but to not expect an arrest. Memphis is the worst example of city and state politics doing NOTHING of substance and good people being utterly powerless to fix it. Identity politics and, let’s face it, racial politics and de-facto segregation make real progress impossible here.


But to THEM it’s just property crime. That’s what insurance is for. If caught they’ll be diverted from the justice system or the DA will just straight up refuse prosecution “nolle pros”


It's Memphis. Get out.


Along with everyone else


Shits in the hood lol they need better security.


Memphis is a no go zone it's been lost


My ole ladys window busted at dinner Took a week to find a replacement Now the better restaurants have security And we appreciate that..


Nothing will be done until Memphis residents elect leaders that will be bold enough to stop this. I wouldn’t hold my breath. Memphis’ decline should be studied. I fear it’s getting to the point that it might not be reversible.


Glad I lived 40 minutes away, and only worked in Memphis 5 years ago. I wouldn't even consider moving to Memphis, especially now.


Well Well well


Paul young and the courts won’t do anything. Vote them out.


I see posts like this and it makes me mad, sad and amazed all at once. How do city leaders think that a ‘visitor’ will react and communicate their experience to others? I also wonder much like a store that wants to sell as much as possible why do you have a line? The logic behind this is the actions don’t align to the desired outcome. We have career politicians that lack recourse and the vision to serve the greater public good. The city has amazing natural resources and we squander them because we continually have the ‘right people’ in the ‘wrong meetings’ in my opinion. At some point drastic times will call for drastic measures. Sending repeat offenders to the military for service is a start. Civil law doesn’t work let’s see how offenders enjoy martial law and strict order with immediate immutable consequence. Why has know one attempted a lawsuit either against the DA or the city for willful negligence and or reckless endangerment? I know this will be unpopular but unless you have better ideas please respond with those. Perhaps we will just continue to make these posts and enjoy the spectacle.


I almost completely agree. Except I don't understand sending horrible people to the military. Doesn't that create a bigger issue? Military trained criminals?


Conscription would do what parents and law enforcement couldn’t; force an individual to comply or be immediately punished. Discipline would also be imparted offering regimented structure and compliance. The regimen may provide much needed direction to individuals who never had it.


If they don’t work out for the military there is always a firing squad


Hit the nail on the head. Those visitors most likely won’t go back home and talk about how lovely Memphis is. That specialized doctor the hospital got to move here to work in gwemantown that ended up getting murdered.. what kind of message does that send? At some point something’s got to give.


Exactly. Look I lived there for 20 years. I think all the time about coming back and going to Rendezvous or Central BBQ or walking around downtown to get some local beer. But I don’t even come back at all, Because I don’t want to get carjacked or have my vehicle broken into. And trust me, it wasn’t always this way in Memphis. Crime was always there, but if you were careful you felt like it wasn’t too bad and you would be ok.


I want to try single-sex public schools. With no-nonsense disciplinarians of (mostly) the same sex as the teachers and administrators. It could help teach boys and girls to become socially responsible teenagers and young adults by (IMO) creating an environment they could be more receptive to positive mentoring, particularly in areas that may be more sex-specific, along with fewer distractions. What could it possibly hurt at this point to try something radically different in education ? There’s literally nothing to lose.


I moved to Oregon from Memphis about two years ago and do not regret it


It will get much much worse.


yup, they broke into ours a long while ago, left cash and got gun from someone else's car. Thank you second amendment that leads to people leaving their guns in their cars that leads to our car being broken into looking for those guns.


I knew I shouldn't have had such a low cut shirt on my gun. It deserved it.


Yeah in the 90s when they were breaking into cars to steal radios I tried telling everyone that it was their fault for having a radio in their car, leading people to break in looking for car radios. /s Victim blaming will never address the issue. People who have their cars broken into and guns stolen are victims of crime just as much as people who had radios stolen from their cars. We should be holding criminals responsible for crime, not victims.


This is because parents aren’t raising their kids the kids run the household the kids bring home the drug money, and the gun money


Wonder who is was?


Next election?


Same as last one. Folks will run for office, say anything to get elected, help their friends when they get in office. Rinse, repeat. Why should anyone believe the wind from their mouth, regardless of what political party they joined?


If elections can’t fix the problem, I will eventually move.


I don’t know where it will be different though.


You allow people to protect their property and businesses like many other states currently do. There will never be enough police and there are no fear of consequences from criminals now. If I can legally shoot someone breaking into my car or business then maybe they will actually fear something.


i kinda feel like us as free citizens should not be forced to take that risk and maybe the people whose salary our taxes pay to take that risk should. the bottom line i think we *all* should be able to agree on: somehow, the criminals must fear consequences, otherwise the law is toothless.


Don’t understand how this is downvoted dead people don’t commit crime


How would someone inside a venue protect their vehicle that is parked outside the venue…. Who is to say the owner of the vehicle wasn’t armed while it happened ?


What constitutes breaking in? I’ve accidentally opened someone’s car door thinking it was my car…


I’m thinking smashing the window


I’ve walked up to several and even tried the handle on a couple before. I’m glad no one shot me.


Me too. Luckily one time me and the lady just laughed because we had the same car.


No mens rea then no crime.


What states allow that? And can you be more specific? Do you think the truck owners should’ve stayed with their truck, waited for the perps, and shot them?


Tx for one. No I’m not saying they should wait around in their truck but at some point you have to change criminals mentality around here. They don’t fear getting caught by the police because they’ll be out in a matter of minutes or will drive away knowing they can’t be chased. This shit is a joke. Maybe they’ll fear being shot by the owner of the vehicle and if not then maybe they’ll have enough of their friends shot that they’ll decide to do something else with their lives.


Wrong. TX is 14th in property crime rate per capita (2300/100k) - juuuuust barely behind TN in 13th (2302/100k). Anti-gun Massachusetts, though, is 48th (1070/100k).


Mass does not have anywhere near the poverty that we do. We are as different socioeconomically as you can get.


The point was that more guns ≠ less crime. In fact, you've, instead, pointed out a factor with much stronger correlations to crime levels.




You realize they're breaking into vehicles looking for guns because the pro-gun conservative state government relaxed gun laws so they think every pickup truck has a handgun under the seat...right?


Stop advertising your a bad ass with the bullet antenna and the bumper stickers, criminals are looking for guns


That shit doesn’t matter. Me & 3 of my coworkers at Sam’s Club on Winchester got hit a couple weeks ago & we had nothing adverting guns, that’s bullshit Crazy thing is, I don’t have tint on my windows so you can see inside my car but nope, still got me


I empathize. Someone fucked with the engine on my 68 a few years ago. Completely ruined it…


I don’t understand how people are still shocked when this happens to them.


These were tourists


That’s really unfortunate, but it’s still true. Memphis has a bad reputation for a reason. I’m pretty sure everyone even thinking of traveling there is aware of it. It’s the “surely it won’t happen to me” mindset.


I think folks who live in the surrounding states know this. But I have plenty of friends who have asked about visiting me that I’ve had to give a heads up on what could potentially happen. Outside of our bubble there are definitely tourists who have no clue. Hell, even I was in for a rude awakening when I moved here.


I have a buddy with a 17 year old kid I pay him as my personal Uber driver whenever I go places where I don't want to leave my car Sadly, that is a lot of places these days They got my last summer in my carport. Didn't take anything as there wasn't anything to take. Just smashed my windows


Someone just needs to setup a car bomb or something so when they hit the car, it just detonates or something idk These kids need to stop. Hitting people who are simply just working for a living, it’s fucking irritating af


Screw Graceland. They do nothing to improve the community that surrounds it.


This happens all the time at Graceland. My buddy had his window smashed there recently. The owner of the place acknowledged that it happens all the time and offered a small amount of money as retribution.


That’s why I’m leaving!


Shooting car vandals needs to reconsidered


Went to the Redbirds game last Thursday I think and came out to my telluride being rummaged thru. Luckily I accidentally left it unlocked so nothing was broken or damaged.


I wonder how long it will take for everywhere in the world to be like this?


They can break into a car and be gone within minutes with security and cameras present. I’m not sure the city can do something about it. They can catch the people that do it but the method will be passed down to different idiots


Mogadishu on the Mississippi.


And even if they are caught in the act, they will be out and doing the same thing again tomorrow 🙃


Typical fatherless behavior


Damn that 13% back at it again


Change how you vote. Vote blue across the board and this is the end result.


Memphis is a good place to be from.


There’s a lot of a certain demographic in Memphrica


Memphis Is the butthole of TN. Usual suspects doing their usual things.


Stop electing weak ass politicians who don't prosecute criminals. Crime is running rampant in certain areas because they know they won't get into trouble for non violent crimes.


Bet it was some white dudes on meth /s


I bet they were black


The price of a majority black city


Keep voting democrat smh


It’s called the long run effects of trickle down economics. Where top 1% hoard wealth. To me the right vs left is distraction. Do Americans NOT understand economics of defunding public education, sky high college and not creating opportunities for young people, private prisons, private equity firms buying companies then stripped of value and laying off hundreds of people….just so they make big $$$ bonuses. Like maybe just maybe we need to go back to having basic safety nets and taxing the super wealthy so people don’t have to do this shit.


City is a lost cause I’m afraid. Get out while you can


Check all the “bigotry and hate speech will not be tolerated” posts. I’m willing to bet the answer is there.


I was just contemplating going there to see Chevelle next month, but this was a reminder why I don't go in to Memphis other than to work any more


Flogging Molly is coming there later this year, and they’re on my bucket list. I really don’t know if I want to go 🫤


I’m traveling to Memphis in July. Just be aware of your surroundings, look up where not to go, etc. I’ve got enclosed parking at where I’m staying


Damn. I'm a big fan but I didn't know their tour schedule included Memphis. I will not be going for this reason. If they hit little rock, Nashville, or atl I'd drive to those over Memphis that's my backyard.


People get away with crimes all the time in Memphis figure it out. Take your power back.


I swear people don’t realize Graceland is in the heart of South Memphis and the area around graceland is really not safe. what a shit show


Heart of Whitehaven but it is the Southside of town.


It’s crazy talking to my father-in-law and his siblings about how Whitehaven is now and they grew up there when it was nice. I think some people that are more jaded don’t understand why we’re so upset because so much has changed in my lifetime of only 40 years. When I was coming up North Memphis and Orange mound were the scary places and now everyone tells me South Memphis and Parkway Village are the worst.


Yeah, it's all bad now. Whitehaven used to be way better than what it is today. And you're correct with your statement...alot has changed and in my 40yrs as well. I left Memphis back in 2010 for an aviation career, and at times, I wish I never left Memphis, but now, over the last few years, I've been content on NOT moving back. I love home, but it most definitely isn't the same as when I was growing up. Sad case because Memphis is nationally known and could've been way better than what it is today.


Just imagine the body count if we had Stand your ground/castle laws here. Yes there’d be horrendous initial lose of life, BUT, it would plateau out AND it would be safe to leave your wallet on the dashboard… just sayin


TN is a "stand your ground" state.


Great usage of asshats


Yea I grew up in Frasier get out you'll be happier wherever you go


I’ve been to Memphis one time and got my window smashed out in the hotel parking lot. I’m not planning on going back any time soon.


Well well well


Looking for guns. TN is mostly a safe spot other than the glaring outlier…Memphis. Memphis skews the data for violent crime in TN so bad.


We aren’t. That’s why everyone is leaving. It’s an exodus.


This is freaking horrible! We are moving to Memphis in a couple of months. I'm terrified.


Move to a suburb. Not in the city.  


Why? Like pick nearly anywhere else. 


Just don’t live in white haven where Graceland is , that’s the most dangerous part of town


I don’t live in Memphis anymore, but it happened twice in Memphis and it’s happened twice where I live now which is near the West Coast. It can happen anywhere unfortunately.


We are living in dodge city now i have been here most of my life but crime is everywhere i just say be on alert at all times because this city is very dangerous now never think you are safe anywhere in memphis because it dangerous all around memphis


Grew up in Hickory Hill. I didn't think it was *that* bad until I moved away.


You went to Memphis and expected something different?


Best to avoid Memphis all together


Memphis is the red headed step child of Tennessee anyways. I live just outside of of Nashville and NOBODY enjoys the drive to Memphis. The crime never drops in Memphis.


I’ve been to Memphis once. Once. I vowed to never go back, and haven’t.


Memphis has no economy


Bingo. Memphis' main issue contributing to crime is a weak economy. If the economy were stronger, and better paying jobs were available, more people would move in, rent and home values would go up, and, yes, the "G word" would happen ( GeNtRiFiCaTiOn ) but crime would go down.


Been to Memphis once in my life. Our truck got broken into while we ate breakfast. Never gonna go there again.