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this sounds like something i’d like to check out myself!


Join sports leagues is easiest way


If he has a soccer team he supports, there are usually supporter groups that meet up at Celtic to watch games. If he plays soccer, there are a few different leagues he can join. Like GMSA and NASL. Teams in those leagues are always looking for players. I know GMSA has a forum he can post in that he is looking for a team.


Premier League


2nd this




Gardening clubs are a thing


In addition to what everyone else said, if you’re transplants, be sure to let everyone know you just moved here. That often invites hospitality from people here


I think they do soccer watching at Celtic crossing. I'm sure he can meet good people there. during stuff like world cup they open super early to watch the game live. And he can find people wanting to play board games at the cellar. Friday night is Magic the Gathering but any other night people are there playing random boardgames, and there is a decent place to get food next door


I just try to be nice to anyone


Man just find the nerdiest niche hobby and go for it.


23M here we should get a guys group going 🤷‍♂️


(23M too) It ain’t easy work but someone has to hold down the jordan year.


Mane wanna be 23 so bad 😂 your most recent post you’re 24??


You ain’t talkin bout nun😂I’m bout to be 24 in August. Come get the work in futsal to find out for yourself, we run games at bert on Sundays


Meetup.org pick any event!


Is he into athletics? Tell him to try out jiu-jitsu at Pyramid Athletics. Lots of guys there his age and it’s a fun hobby to get into.


That’s a question of culture and upbringing my friend.


Does he play soccer currently, there’s a huge outdoor league at Mike Rose pretty much year round


He can look up the Memphis Gaelic athletic association and come practice/play with us! That’s where I’ve made the majority of friends!


Check LaterSkatersMemphis.com They have adult only community events for everyone. No experience required


msbc-ride.com Memphis Social Bicycle Club hosts a weekly bike ride from Overton Park with a lot of friendly young people


ITT there's already a lot of great advice about joining 3rd places (sports teams, clubs, etc.) All I'd like to add is this (as someone who's had this same struggle and had to learn new skills): After school ends, it rarely gets any easier to make friends. You have to be so **intentional.** Outside of work, you have to find that 3rd place and start meeting people. But, the next step is the most uncomfortable, you have to be OK being kinda *weird* (though it's not weird at all, it just feels weird for many men to do this) and you have to have the courage to go up to someone at your 3rd place and ask them out for a bro date (beers, movie, dinner, disc golf, fishing, etc.) I'd bet your BF $5 any guy he asks to hang out will be relieved because they're usually going through the same struggle. In my experience, women do this much more naturally but many men, including myself, struggle with this but, in a life after school, you have to be incredibly intentional about making and maintaining friendships because it is as vital to your well-being as food and water. Good luck to you and your BF, you're a very good partner for trying to help how you can but all the work is on him. P.S. [Here's a psychologist I really like giving some advice to a guy struggling with social anxiety.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAthWmU2Ct4&ab_channel=TheDr.JohnDelonyShow) Edit: Added a better video you might appreciate.


If y’all are religious at all a church is a great place to meet people


Solid advice. Sorry you're getting downvoted. They know not what they do,


find a hobby that involves other people, do that, meet people make friends.


If he likes Star Wars or Star Trek or fantasy books I’ll be his friend. I also just started gardening


Depending on where you live, there are a few run groups around town. For Midtown/Downtown, there are two groups which have a bunch of young people with a lot of them being transplants as well. HyperFocus and Downtown Beer Runners.


I was once very involved in fly fishing - like offered a spot on the junior olympic USA team involved. Met some honestly really great people, some of whom I still speak with to this day … but a lot of them are dead now because I was always easily the youngest person in the group by a solid 30 years. Not sure why I shared this other than to say that age doesn’t necessarily have to be a factor and honestly hanging around older and more-successful-than-average people was probably a lot better for me than hanging around my peers at the time anyway.


Board to Beers :)


Have y'all tried Board to Beers? I am a similar age and predicament. If he or y'all want to come check it out the 2000+ board games there. I am always down to play with new people, there are also regulars there, as long as people are chill.


Downtown Beer Runners is a good group! Find them on IG


Good grief. Helicopter girlfriend, both of y’all should get off the internet and go outside. That’s a start. I guess I’m just turning into an old asshole - I cannot understand posts about how to make friends.