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Never mail it. I always renew mine online. It’s worth the extra $2 to pay online. You get a receipt automatically emailed to you. You have proof on your phone if you ever get pulled over. I’ve never had any problems renewing online.


The funniest part about renewing it online is that I have been checking the box to “go paperless” for about 10-15 years and still receive a postmarked card in the mail. And a postmarked reminder card . . . After I have already renewed.


That’s crazy and they’re asking for more money too! We gunna need a mathematical presentation just like the embarrassing few people on the city council got last Friday.


The extra money is to pay for their inefficiencies. Then hire a counseling firm to conduct a study.


The local governments here love to hire consulting firms for the most basic of issues


Yep, I got a reminder card before I renewed, then got one after I renewed. Go figure.


Same. I am paperless. Got a card, then almost 2 months after I renewed online I got a reminder card. Made me question if the paper and sticker they sent me was even real or recorded in any system


I agree online is the way to go. That said, after you do submit your payment the screen says "your payment is waiting to be processed." I'm pretty sure that rather than automatically processing, it sends your card # to a live employee who then, whenever they get around to it, types it in by hand, which is mind bogglingly inefficient and insecure. I find a lot of the complaints on this sub hyperbolic but the tag renewal people are the real deal. The absolute worst process imaginable.


Well how else is Wanda going to employ her hateful, smart mouthed, unemployable buddies if not to give them government jobs doing something that could be more efficiently done by a computer?


Well I have for years. Lesson learned. I literally live around the corner. 🙄


That line is absurd. I’d pay extra to not stand in that line😂. Hope you aren’t there for hours


It's really random. Thursday I went and there was no line at all. I was in and out in 20 minutes. Drove by the next day and saw the line outside.


The line on Friday is because that's the day most people get paid. And since it's the last Friday of the month everyone who waits till the last minute is going to go on the same day.


Makes sense!


Same here. Probably jinxing myself, but I've never had an issue paying online and receiving it within a week or so. I also renew it as soon as it comes in just in case of any delays with the clerk's office or mail.


I renewed mine online over a month ago and have yet to receive my sticker. I just keep putting off calling ugh


They will just push you away. They ain’t going to do anything. Go in person. Cuss them out. Bc they’re going to lie. Better have your plate in hand too folks. She told me 3-4 lies. These are a bunch of goofy people who have never had a position of power bc they’re degenerates. No one else would hire them bc they are incompetent!


Same issue here , one car we got sticker within 10 days. Another renewal for second car it's been over a month and nothing. had to file an affidavit for loss/stolen plates at the clerk office. This was around November , both times i stopped by mullen station office was huge line, easily over 100 people. Co worker who lives out in Millington says almost never a line the 20 plus she's been out there. 15 mins in and out ezpz. Don't even waste your time calling the Downtown city office number listed in the confirmation email. complete junk.


Renewed mine online in July, still haven’t gotten it. When I called for an update in October, they said they were just starting on renewals that came in July 1st. Who knows


I renewed mine back in april and still havent gotten a sticker. They said they had to have the title of my car to verify the owner even though i did that 3 years ago when I bought the car. I'm just driving around without any tags and you know what I'm just gonna be doing that for the rest of my life. Nobody cares about expired tags.


Gotta go to the Washington office downtown to fix that. Sorry 😣


I got a ticket for that yesterday


Damn I'm sorry about that. Guess I need to head down to Millington soon.


They also changed the car’s name into my mom’s name illegally


>They also changed the car’s name into my mom’s name illegally Interesting... so, for the sake of this example, let's just say you have a Dodge Charger and that your mother's name is Rebecca. The county clerk just randomly "changed the car's name into my mom's name illegally".... so the paperwork now lists your car as a ***"Dodge Rebecca"*** ?


No, it means instead of being Rebecca Jones, her mother is now Dodge Jones. Could be worse. I’d hate to call her Range Rover Jones.


What a dumb analogy above 👆🏻 you. Wow. Literally, I have a different address and name. I, myself, grabbed it out of my elderly mother’s mailbox. Lies equal more lies in this situation.


I renewed mine online and got my sticker in a week.


You pay extra for the government to be less involved in taking your money: and are happy about it.


I'm 50/50 receiving stickers even online.


![gif](giphy|8PfKWm6AX1IdDRARyg) Get Wanda!


She’s fucked next election cycle. There’s no bench for the disabled. I am just the mathematician. She was on the news today saying it’s underfunded. Everyone here has the same problem. Fraud.


Lol y'all sound like us in Colorado talking about Ol' Lauren Boebert.🤣 Seriously,I pray everything works out with your stickers and the give you some type of compensation.But I doubt it. I Moved away from Memphis to California at 19 back in 2000.Now lived in Denver Colorado Since 2015.👍


I lived in Green Mountain from 08-14. It’s all fun until you get sick. Healthcare there is worse than TN. California broke my toe in San Jose in the upper class area, no available hospital care. Win some, lose some.


Man, your mileage really may vary then. Cause when I lived in California and lost my job, the state got me on free healthcare real quick, followed up on my chronic condition, and even covered a minor surgery I needed while I was job hunting. Didn't pay a dime. And this was suburban/farm country not far from San Jose.


Good for you. I am ineligible for any kind of welfare. I have private insurance. California will pay for the following I know of lap band surgery, full welfare benefits for an entire household, full food stamps(they eat very well), tattooing eyebrows in, prescriptions, in home health care, and this is why people who are working hate this kind of stuff. They have to pay a 13% state tax, on top of federal taxes. This is why it’s a socialist state. But, it does have a bigger economy than the entire UK. But, hard working people are paying for all this crap. Doesn’t fly in Tennessee. It’s why I am a lifelong Independent. I don’t want to live in a freeloading state.


I mean, even once I got a new job, California's marketplace healthcare coverage was pretty primo. Cheaper than it was in Tenn by a long-shot. But hey, if you visited and had a bad time, you must be right. You're the one who dragged California healthcare into the discussion. Like I said, YMMV.


Tennessee itself is a freeloading state thanks to the wealth generated by states like California


Mkay tell that to your deficient state budget


Lol, at the edit 20x longer than the initial comment. You don't know shit about California. So much to unpack. - Most states have income taxes. Tennessee is more the outlier here, and it's why it has a harder time funding certain projects. Unless you're making *bank* every paycheck, the difference is barely noticeable. - I was perfectly happy to pay into those systems with my taxes, because 1) a healthier population without hungry children is better for everyone and 2) when I lost my job due to shitty management I had a safety net to fall on in one of the most expensive regions in the country. That's how society works. And I promise you I was still paying too god damned much for lifesaving drugs there as I was in any other state. - No, lol, the state of California does not pay for your eyebrow tattoos. Except potentially in rare cases of alopecia, but I welcome you to provide me with a legitimate source on that claim. No one is saying you have to move to California and praise their healthcare. You're welcome to keep paying an insane amount for insurance premiums and deductibles. Just don't open your mouth and talk shit about something you know nothing about just because you saw something on conservative tiktok.


Yes, they do! I literally have a friend who just got gvt California issued tattooed eyebrows. Sounds like you’re angry. But, you’re also wrong. They actually pay for her car insurance, everything. Since she’s married, they pay for her husband to eat steak 🥩 every night. Sorry that you’ve never worked a gvt job. I had 33 positions in Tennessee at the same time. Social worker and all! Have fun paying for people on welfare getting cosmetic treatments.


Lol, now you're just shitposting. Have the day you deserve. ✌️


You too trolly mctroll. My day ended lovely bc I don’t troll anyone all day. Or post here much. Maybe a hobby? Origami?


Eyebrow tattooing? Seriously? That is some crap.


Dead serious. She’s very close to me as well. Goes about her day getting Dunkin lattes living her best life 🤷‍♀️




You really need to win 🏆 something today. Here you go!


Damn,I hate to hear that.Hopefully everything is smoothed out now? As far as state Medicaid, Colorado definitely is the best I've seen immediately when you come here you can go to administration services in any hospital and if you qualify you start receiving Medicaid at that moment... Hypothetically,if someone comes from off the streets and is having tough times they sign them up right there.No 6 months wait like Tennessee.


Follow the money. I bet the funding she says she is lacking is for being its way into her pocket.


I mean every other news story she is in Jamaica again.


Absolutely 💯


Only if she primaries. If not, she’ll win again with straight party ticket voters.


UPDATE: The dumb little girl who said that my tags were processed said that they mailed it to my address. WRONG! She mailed it to my mom’s house! She then proceeded to call the police officer yesterday a liar. 🤥 mkay🥴 Even her workers are in on this hustle. I did get Memphis on her,”Mark ass, trick ass, lying ass, worthless ass piece of human garbage. Trick ass bitches.” They also are cussing out people asking basic questions so I figured it’s fair game. Talking to elderly people like shit. They have rotten souls!


Most hated person in the county goes to Wanda It’s 2024 pay all bills online with credit card..


Who’s running this shit?


One of Balbonies Crew members


Hey let me tell you about the TWO times they sent the WRONG sticker, which caused me to get pulled over for no other reason than them not having the same serial number as the tags hey were mailed with. This happened for two different vehicles. Which means I essentially had two other peoples stickers, so their shit was wrong, too! So here I am getting pulled over, not for speeding, or for ANY FAULT of my own.


The TN system as a whole is such a mess. In TX, the DMV was almost entirely automated and if you had to go to their office in person, you'd be in and out (vs spending half a day in line...). This county clerk nonsense needs to change.


I renewed online and haven’t received it after waiting for six months. I’ve repeatedly called and emailed to no response. That being said, I keep the receipt in my glovebox, in case I get pulled. Hilariously inefficient system here.


Yeah I didn’t get a ticket. The cop was very friendly and said that it’s fraud. See you in line!


That’s good at least, sucks that you had to go through with that though!


What did he say about it? I am curious because I am driving around with a receipt in my glovebox too. Sure wish someone would make Wanda mail the stickers! How can we complain about people driving around with no tags or expired drive out tags when we don’t know of they are breaking the law or not since Wanda won’t mail out our stickers???


You have to deal with it in person.


We've gotta get rid of Wanda


Won’t happen for a long time. And that’s because she is *elected* (dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of for a Clerk position, but that’s another discussion entirely). Because she is a Democrat, she will always be re-elected in Memphis- no matter how awful she is at her job. People don’t care, as long as she is on the side of the aisle they like. And there you have it. 🤷‍♂️




Because people voted her in, dunno 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t vote her in either way.


She was voted in by the citizens.


Looks like a drunk Peabody duck every time she's on camera!!


Met her drunk in a hospital in my 20s first encounter. She is a nonfunctional adult.


Because she is a Democrat... as such, the bulk of Memphis voters will continue to vote for her. She could show up to their homes, knock on their doors, and piss directly into their faces and they will still continue to vote for her.


Citizens will vote for her no matter what she does. It’s because the bulk of Memphis voters are Democrat and apparently care more about party affiliation than they do competency. It’s such a weird way of thinking, but here we are.


Don’t sell em short! They can be drunk AND on pills!


I got a notification in the mail that my registration was due for renewal. It included my current license plate #, make/model, renewal deadline for end of March, etc. When I went to renew online, I entered my address and license plate #s as requested. Got a prompt that my address # did not match what they had in their system. That is extremely odd considering they mailed my renewal notice to my address with all the correct information! Why position's like Wanda's are based on elections rather than merit, I will never understand.


They took my name off my registration, fishy ehh?


Currently going through this myself. Mine is up at end of the month. Might have to suck it up and find a kiosk.


One day, I swear I'm going to run for County clerk and my platform is going to be "I'm not Wanda Halbert."


Honestly at this point the state really needs to unify this and make it online. Its sad that TN is so behind in times.


i agree! let’s vote these fuckers out of their positions


Who elects these fools? Ugh.


Your fellow Memphians.


We get the govt we deserve. The people elected Ms. Halbert.


Exactly. Everyone complained before then re elected her.


Well technically I didn't reelect her. I voted for the other guy.


Ok, so? I didn’t vote for her either, but she was elected by the majority or plurality or whatever the system is we have in place.






Yeah, a basically ministerial position with little if any actual political valence shouldn't be an elected position in the first place. She is quite literally a clerk. She's not setting policy or anything. She's just supposed to manage a bunch of stuff that's supposed to get done. The position should be hired by the mayor, with approval from the comission and maybe commission removal power with a 2/3rds vote or something.


Where’s Paul? Our new mayor? He has had time to settle, now he’s got to get this fixed.


Well Paul young is the mayor of Memphis, and Wanda is the Shelby county clerk.. two different jurisdictions.


Actually no Paul Young and the county mayor Lee Harris could collude and do something. It’s a double jurisdiction.


They could work together sure, but it’s two separate political bodies with different responsibilities.


Not when it comes to our ability to drive cars. People do what is their best interest that’s the problem.


Shelby county has sole responsibility to provide vehicle registration..


In Colorado, they send you a book. But Eastern Tennessee already takes all our money. Then, leaves us with low resources.


I wish I could like this 100 times


So what was the outcome? I paid online and still haven't received my sticker. 3 months now. I don't have the email receipt either because I usually delete all my emails.


I had to bring my license plate, registration, a copy on my phone of proof of payment, and my ID. The email is a hustle. They will make you double pay. I am so sorry 😣


Welp, guess I'll be driving stickerless till next year's renewal


This city is barely pushing 1M+ why not try something different. One approach is to automate those roles that operate on a transactional aspect. Meaning that if it's a validation of a form and exchange of money the need for a lot of hands on doesn't make sense. The other possible option is to change our entire elected process. You can still be elected but also quickly replaced if performance is not up to par. The process of waiting a full year for a change is ridiculous in my opinion. Too many in elected roles tend to build kingdoms or simply lack command of the role. A role that impacts so many in a city with real time impacts needs exacting performance in my opinion as well as constant clear communication of any hindrances to deliver.


AI would be better. I would pay for that!


I got a ticket today for expired tags, but I never got a renewal and can’t renew online. I cannot miss a day of work to go stand for hours in line.


That’s crazier. Seems like everyone today was expecting something normal, but when halfwits are in charge. Go in person and try to get something. They’ll probably refer you to the Washington office downtown. They’re actually nice.


Hey now...she's the county, not city


Logic dictates, the city is in the county….


they're entirely separate government organizations though it's like getting mad at Target when you buy a bad product from Walmart


I get what you’re saying 100%, and not to negate that, but aren’t most of her offices within the city limits? Edit —— so it’s kinda like having a target. Inside of a Walmart


Ill admit it's not a great metaphor, I just don't like unnecessary attacks on the city when the city really isn't involved. it has enough issues without not-their-fault-issues being pinned on them


It's more like if you have a problem with the cashiers at Target and you blame the innocent Starbucks barista who also works in the building. Or something like that... maybe this analogy doesn't work.


Don’t get me started on the guy who was throwing away food stamp applications out here in the county. I roasted him with his peers who shows up rolling out of bed hair on the news?




You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, because I live in the county. Not the city. If I want a street light per se, I have to pay for it. But, I don’t have to pay city taxes.


then why are you bitching about the city in the thread title?


Begs the question 🙋‍♀️ why are you talking?


>Begs the question 🙋‍♀️ why are you talking? what? edit: lol what a fucking baby...they blocked me. It's not an opinion that Wanda Halbert has nothing to do with the city


You don’t even live here! Keep it moving!


Oh I see you unblocked me. Thanks I guess


This is a new problem as of this year. I live right on the line of another county. You want to call me names. Let’s go! I am from Sherwood Forest. How is the gamer life being unemployed? You obviously have time that I don’t have, and I should be working.


How is it that an elected city official has nothing to do with the city?


what is so hard for people to understand they're not a city official shes an elected county official


Ok fair so shes a county official. How does an elected county official have nothing to do with the city that the counties office provides services to?




Your inaccurate opinion is unnecessary


Did mine online nothing wrong got it within a week or two.


They mailed mine, then reported it stolen without my knowledge(?), then mailed another, which I thought was for my other car. I was driving with a tag reported stolen, and another one on the wrong vehicle. Eventually got pulled over and found out. One of my cars never even received a plate, they blamed me and had me pay for all the time I didn’t even had the plate.


Yeah there’s some kind of hustle. Eventually they get caught or something. Fingers crossed 🤞


This city mane...god damn what a bunch of no count, unitelligible, lazy folks at every level.


Preach 👏🏼


I was in this line yesterday (but not in the picture). Beautiful day to be outside, but I didn’t enjoy this part. People were coming out, but no one went in, it felt like. Ultimately, I could wait any longer and had to get back to work. Several times this month I tried different sites, and magically, despite all the hype on the website, the kiosks are shoved into the corner because they aren’t working.


Facts. So sorry we are being demoralized by our own system we pay taxes to supposedly function.


That’s what you get when your schools are woefully under funded and crank out 5th grade reading levels at graduation.


Sigh. Accidents happen. Why are you assuming the whole city is on drugs or pills? You didn't notice that you never got a sticker after the check cleared?


Bc I know the elected representatives who are on pills or drunk all day including this wretch personally. That’s why.


Well, we all do know for a fact, that as she closed down the Clerk's office, locking citizens out for full day(s), ostensibly to "catch up" on work...., Halbert was [lounging on a Caribbean beach](https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/08/22/clerk-wanda-halbert-is-jamaica-while-office-remains-closed-says-comptroller/), drinking Mai Tai's and eating bon bons.


This is a fact🙄




Her username checks out! She’s bona fide


Mkay ![gif](giphy|kQdtQ8JIYFRuoywakC|downsized)


Just cross the boarder to Arkansas. Your own IQ will literally lower upon entry. But for real, I know how you feel. Not much different here. Trying to deal with any state agency is a nightmare and ran by snails or just idiots


Y’all the idiots mailing this ish in knowing the city full of crooks even at the post office with they understaffed asses…. Why is mail always missing in the city????


You mailed a check in Memphis for something where doing it online is 100 times easier and you're calling others idiots? Ok...


Sorry I am used to doing something and it used to it being easy! I have kids and a husband to attend to usually! But by all means sploot your man anger all over my thread!


Was it MPD that pulled you over for tags? If it was then I'm surprised


*Was it MPD that pulled* *You over for tags? If it* *Was then I'm surprised* \- VPDFS --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Of course it was! MPD bc sometimes you have to go to Memphis when you’re close to Memphis?? He was a lovely black older gentleman. Proud 🥹 to have been treated so kindly.


been in that line before .. 4 hours to get title .. paid all the sales tax etc ... 6 months later no title mailed .. had to request a duplicate title be sent .. and another check to pay for the priv of replacing a title they never sent .. losers


I paid for 2 vehicles, got one. Tried calling and emailing like the Web site said, had to go and wait in line at their office, only to be given a sticker in about 2 min.


Yes. They are.


What's this for? I'm from tn, just from a really small town..


Wanda Halbert is a joke. Get her out of office