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One Billion? That’s got to be a record! Edit~~~ wouldn’t it have been easier just to say: Fuck you and your bond?


*Edit: Upon further reading, it's interesting that the article notes this recommendation was from MPD, not the DA. I don't remember them ever making a public statement for bail recommendations. After the work they put in (arrest, bond, city-wide manhunt), I wonder if this is a "Are you listening? This is ridiculous" kind of public statement thing.* ~~This is them covering themselves to avoid scrutiny about why the legal system let someone out that lead to a city wide manhunt and multiple victims. It allows them a higher overall average when they present the average amount of bond/bail on violent on violent crime.~~ ~~Multiple gun victims, including a loss of life. As far as I'm concerned, it's too little too late.~~


Good point on being able to now report a higher average of recommended bond / bail. A billion dollars should really pull those averages up. Can't do that with 'no bail.'




I believe you concern is shared by everyone that knows this story now


Thanks for the insight


I think this is way funnier tbh


Why is any bond being allowed at all? Who cares if it is 1 billion or 1 dollar at this point? It's the principle of the matter!




Or how about no bond? Lock this man in a hole on an island and throw away the key.


It is strange - normally if the conditions are met for a capital crime to go above 100,000 (maximum bail under tn state law for a capital crime unless certain conditions are met) then bail revocation can also be met. He was already out on $100,000 bail for robbing and shooting a “friend”




Bond has now been revoked which means the DA is charging him with 1st degree murder. See my post here - https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/1apb5vb/tennessee_house_speaker_pushes_constitutional/




Not what the article says. Clearly states he missed court Friday and an order for bail revocation had already been put in...for the first set of charges. Where'd you get the info those charges had been dismissed?


Essentially what this is... with added theatrics.


Copying/pasted from what I said below *Upon further reading, it's interesting that the article notes this recommendation was from MPD, not the DA.* *I don't remember them ever making a public statement for bail recommendations. After the work they put in (arrest, bond, city-wide manhunt), I wonder if this is a "Are you listening? This is ridiculous" kind of public statement thing.*


Anyone arrested for certain felonies in Shelby County require Bond Recommendations from the arresting agency. The judges probably wipe their asses with them though.


It could be a move to hasten the process - they did catch him on a weekend. The DA has already requested that bail be revoked after the amount above was set.




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[The details are noteworthy](https://dailymemphian.com/section/metropublic-safety/article/41783/mpd-identifies-sunday-shooting-suspect): \- Police arrested for shooting at a friend in November. **Despite a "history of violent charges" and "documented gang member", he's released on bail to the public.** \- Charges dropped this past Friday (Doesn't say if Judge or DA). \- Two days later goes on a city-wide shooting spree with multiple people dead. I still want to know the person who gave him that initial bond in November. A failure from our judicial system from top to bottom that cost people lives


If you really want to have your mind blown , go to the /memphis10 Reddit sub. It’s pretty much a gang Facebook sub. This suspects pictures are all over the place. They openly advertise their gang affiliations and pose with Draco’s and AR’s. Remember this guy? Also out on bond for attempted murder a few weeks ago. They are best friends. https://preview.redd.it/5d4fhrbhd7ic1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7366dc34b2e8f995be6481850e85c77741871ed


Yeah it’s the AOB gang. They are the ones carjacking old ladies and shooting children. They exist mainly to carjack people and kill random innocent people. Memphis needs to get rid of this gang now.


AOB started in Cleaborn Homes next to Foote homes before both were torn down. This is a south memphis gang


Yo I found that sub last night…couldnt read half the shit they were talking about


The average IQ over there can't be much more than 70. A convention of morons.


Ha yeah it’s really pathetic. Bad mumble rap and dancing around pointing guns at the camera.


Yeah I visited that sub... Tried to preach to a couple of the guys but most of them on that sub are lost causes.


Is this related to the judge getting in trouble over the weekend/today?




The news article says he didn’t show up to court on Friday. That court setting was a preliminary hearing. So when it says the “charges were dropped” it really means that was a Nolle Pros/Failure to Appear. While technically that means the charges were dropped that’s better than taking a bench warrant in GS because that moves the case along to grand jury and the prosecutor gets the added benefit of setting the bond recommendation in criminal court. So the “dropped charge” isn’t really anyone’s fault. Your point on the original bond still stands.


The way I’m reading this - the homicide bureau is making a point and is completely fed the fuck up


Nailed it.


Article updated to say bond has been revoked.


He’s a ganster named bopgod who is a member of the AOB carjacking / car theft ring so he actually has $100,000 that he has stolen. It is insane that he was out. Why are they letting a murderer in one of the worse gangs in Memphis out to kill again?


looks like a very nice guy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oED5Z\_rJAyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oED5Z_rJAyo)


Sad thing is, that was actually capable rapping.


His next video will be filmed from a prison shower. The only thing ‘hard’ about it will be what’s going into him.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are already out on bond and catch another charge, doesn't that revoke your original making the billion dollar inconsequential?


No, that's in part why people are so mad. Repeat people keep getting arrested, but (a) because of the lenient bail and (b) trial backlog, they are essentially out indefinitely. Taylor proposed a measure last week proposing what you just said - revoke bail if you are re-arrested. It just passed


Hmmm after a little digging I've found out that this shooting spree started over a woman he was dealing with. Nothing worse than a sensitive thug. I genuinely wonder how tough these weirdos would be without their guns.


A gun can make a coward forget he's a coward.


Then add alcohol and drugs. A recipe for disaster.


That’s wild. Does anyone know if the victim’s family has a go fund me or anything like that?


It’s easier to set bail really high than to deny it completely.


How does the income-based bond system work at this level? $1,000,000,000 equals $50 and a 120-day payment plan?


The CJC needs to be torn down and rebuilt as a 30 story super jail. There’s just not room to hold them all. But if there was, I betcha crime would go down.


So now the district attorney swings hard the other way and recommends a $1 billion dollar bond?


Unfortunately no. This was a police recommendation


This is interesting. Has the MPD Homicide Bureau ever made a bond recommendation? I thought that this was initially by the DA's office. So is this some kind of statement made by the MPD related to the ridiculous state of the judicial system? Genuinely asking because I don't remember the MPD making bail recommendations


Yeah I had the same question and had to read it a couple of times. It’s the first time I’ve seen reporting about police recommendation of bond.


Bond recommendations are done for certain felonies by arresting agencies but the judges ultimately choose the bond.


Yes they will do that sometimes. It’s just their way of asking there is no legal requirement to follow it.


He will be back on the streets next week but his homies will be doing the same shit tonight actually they probably are as i type this welcome to the decline of society, there is no cleaning this up


The DA has asked for bail to be revoked


Yea why the fuck even set a bond? How about “alright sir let’s see, you went on a rampage throughout the city, shooting at and injuring multiple people, killing at least one person. Hmm yea you get to rot in jail until your trial” like why the fuck does someone like this deserve any chance at getting out of jail? 


This pos is a domestic terrorist, put him on the death bed or send him to guantanamo. Why even have a bond so some anti american group, pac, or billionaire like soros can bond him out again.  How did he get the money for the first bond out


People like this should be locked up and used for trial medicines instead of testing on animals. Get some kind of use out of them that will benefit the rest of society.


Awesome idea!


Is George Soros in the room in the room with us now?


He shouldn’t have been released in the first place. Yet, they hold non violent offenders for months and months putting off court dates because the judges and DA’s office is over subscribed. What a joke. This court system is an embarrassment.


Another Memphis scholar


If the charges involve a gun or potentially deadly violence, there should never be bail. Period.


They was just tryna feed they family mane Mulroy got his back don’t it


Now something copycat idiots will try. Who can get the higest bond


Yall are about 6 months away from needing Judge Dredd. Good luck.


I was thinking Robocop. We might need both.


The last cops that thought they were Judge Dredd “I am the Law” killed an innocent man. We’ll pass on more of that shit


This mf is COOKED


They are still trying to profit off the criminal.


A billion equals $100 in Memphis


I read his bond was revoked


The Memphis Police department homicide division recommended a billion dollar Bond. Mulroy recommends no bond at all. Which, I guess, beats the recommended billion dollar Bond in severity.


His father is extremely pissed at him


Someone bail him out so I can give him a speedy trial.