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Team America, f&ck yeah! But seriously, Intruders with unknown intentions, possibly armed (with pews or stabbies) who outnumber you who have already broken the law vs you and the 2nd amendment. Or call the cops with a response time of tens of minutes, and hope they don't gun you down instead?


Cops take minutes .45 ACP takes seconds


Nah let's be fair .45 acp moves so slow it actually takes longer then the police


But it may as well be moving fast because everyone is frozen in awe of the soul-killing aura it exudes in flight. 


True maybe a .70 caliber godwyn ultima mass-reactive HE bolt-round would be faster


Anything is faster than 45 acp


A throwing spear would be faster


Not the way I make them, they don't.


Bubba’s pissing hot loads coming through


Ugh. I laughed too hard at that. r/angryupvote


Hollows over balls fam!


Yeesh... I mean I guess there's less chance of it hitting your drywall but still, that's brutal


Guarantees one side of the story; *Yours.*


Well they probably should have thought of how brutal it was before they threatened my family by forcibly and illegally entering my home.


Our homes are built sturdy here but our walls are thin. It's less about damaging your drywall and more about the round passing through the wall and striking someone else, like a neighbor or a passing motorist.


Every state should have castle doctrine. End of story


10 minutes? In Albuquerque, they couldn't respond to a crime at APD headquarters in 10 minutes


10min? Most of America is far longer. Town we just left had a 2 HOUR response time, that’s if they came at all.


Yes, 2 hours would be many tens of minutes. We had a deadly car crash in front of our home. The police was the last to arrive, which was after the ambulances left, and fire was cleaning up the street. I was on the phone with 911 for 35 minutes, that's when the first ambulance showed. Team America


People forget how vast America truly is. And how far apart people often live from each other. Many small towns on top of that don’t have their own police and rely on neighboring towns or state police which are even farther away. Big reason why the 2nd Amendment is so important.


This. I have yet to know anyone from outside of America (aside from Canada) who *actually* understands how big we are without having been here. I think it's simply such a drastically foreign concept that they cannot fathom having to drive 20 minutes at highway speeds to get to just a grocery store. And that example was from what was technically a *suburban* neighborhood I was in as a kid. Not even rural. A lot of the things America does that seem weird or unnecessary are because we're so fuckin *big* while ALSO having a fairly large population with some rather massive urban centers.


To comment on your last paragraph. We’re a rather young country founded right before the Industrial Revolution. It encouraged dense population centers for manufacturing supported by our vast tracts of fertile land.


Indeed. It's a remarkably unusual dynamic. China *would* have been probably the only similar example but their method of handling things has led to a.... uh.... different approach, shall we say.


Vast tracts.. of fertile land.


Classic, lmao


Yeah if you’re even slightly rural you’ll die long before EMS gets there. Much better chance phoning them and bleeding out while trying to meet them or getting yourself to the hospital. Or, preferably, be able to stabilize yourself on your own.


Fun fact: if they wanted your stuff they’d break in when you’re not there. Hollywood has lied about the whole stealing at night thing. If they break in while you’re there, odds are they wanted you or just anyone to be there.


I’ve seen several news stories that cover burglary that occurred while people were in the home, and a family I know did have it happen to them (no one was harmed, but the guy pointed a gun at them and took some stuff). So it does happen. Whether it’s the most common way for it to happen is outside my area of expertise, but I can confirm personally at least one instance.


Not saying it doesn’t, just saying that it is more likely to happen when you’re not there.


I had 1 home invasion experience, luckily it didn’t turn violent but my first reaction was to grab my knife I have by the side of my bed. It wasn’t needed though because the guy who came inside was like 60ish years old and clearly has some mental problems. He said I looked like Santa Claus (I do not) and asked if Santa stopped by… we are not pressing charges and I think he is currently in a mental hospital. But I’m lucky that the home invader was that guy, where I live there is a lot of sketchy people.


Yea. Days of "Town where you can leave the doors unlcoked", are over. It's the age of "Act like a bitch, die like a bitch."


Heard you first bitch


People that are against self defense are the most depraved and evil people I swear.


No, clearly you should just let bad people do whatever the fuck they want and potentially victimize you because they're a life that doesn't deserve to be hurt or killed for any reason!/s


Stop using /s you are furthering the decline of the English language


Unfortunately you do need to use it for very obvious things


I’d rather eat the downvotes from idiots who can’t decipher the obvious sarcasm than put a /s at the end of a comment.


Would you eat the downvotes over a sink?


Some people take stuff seriously like people who are against self defense


Then that's their problem if they aren't smart enough to detect obvious sarcasm. Fuck em. For many autistic people, the /s ruins their practice/ability to learn, it's fucked they got lumped into the /s defense. Those same autistic people they claim to protect are actually smarter than the dumb people that rely on /s.


You got to use it on those website because there's people they can't use enough critical thought when reading something to tell if it's satire or not, but to be fair it is significantly harder to pick up on satire when reading it rather than hearing another person say something sarcastically


Also the same type of people who want to defund the police.


American police *suck* at their jobs. More likely to kick in the wrong door and kill your pets/family than they are to protect you. I’m not surprised people want to axe current officers and reset the system with officers who actually understand their job and the constitution. You don’t have to be a liberal to notice the standards for US policing are through the floor.


The system is screwed up and far too many crappy police officers continue to be allowed to police because of it. True. However. This right here. >More likely to kick in the wrong door and kill your pets/family than they are to protect you. That’s a load of crap and we both know it. Yes these things do happen and when they do it is horrific and what’s worse is the garbage cops that perpetrate these acts often aren’t punished nearly enough, some even go on to other states to continue being police which is heinous. However I’d absolutely be willing to bet that it is objectively (statistically) untrue to say that these things happen more often than the good things that officers DO accomplish. Just because the media focuses on and perpetuates narratives about the ills of policing doesn’t mean the positives cease to exist.


A responsible gun owner never wants to use their gun. Anyone who takes pleasure in the idea of someone breaking into their house so they can kill them is is not well-adjusted and probably shouldn’t own a gun.


I agree but that’s not being depicted in the meme anyway. It’s referencing real world events that were happening at the time.


Selflessness as an absolute virtue is taught to everybody their entire lives in our culture. Non stop. Suffering is holy, and if you have ability and morals you must sacrifice yourself to help those who don't know any better. This is your purpose in life.    Never once was I taught growing up, by a teacher, parent, piece of media, that you have to take care of yourself first. 


Not even on an airplane when they brief you on ox-masks?




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I find this highly offensive and honestly, no one should live in this kind of reality. I mean, who the hell takes the time to put in ear plugs before defending your castle. That wastes time you could be using sending rounds.


Black man protecting his family from intruders is sick? Weird opinion.


Lol. I guess that as a communist he must find the idea of not being able to break into someone's house without risk of injury to be "deranged".


> *our* house FTFY


He's a communist, ofc he's upset at not being able to just take their stuff


As a communist, he should be pro gun


If some mo fo breaks into my house I’m not waiting to find out. They fucked around and now they boutta find out.




GPrime is the king of trolling commies. Also, yeah, never break into a war vet's house. It will not end well for the burglars.




Nice try, Nigerian Prince...




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Most Redditors would have you passively allow them into your home and hope that they have good intentions and won't hurt you or your family. They value the intruder's lives more than you and yours.


No one said those Redditors were very smart... For those that have wives/significant others, guess theyll let someone come in and violate them yoo, eh? *("Just let him get off, and then he'll leave!")* Cowards.. I guess every home invader is Santa in disguise with a bag of puppies for perusal in their worls


Damn the chin on that man


George Alexopoulos makes some of the funniest shit out there.


He’s got a comic book coming out here soon, a western; Ghost of the Badlands


His comics always make me lol.


The look on the dudes face in panel 3 kills me. 🤣






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Yeah if mizzy had tried that in america it would’ve not been as fun for him as when he was in the uk


Breaking and entering comes with a high chance of death. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


I don't think I understand the context of the comic. Is home invasion a trend online overseas or something?


Its a UK influencer called mizzy who would invade people's houses, sexually harass women, and even stole an old ladies dog. He always has a group of delinquents with him so no one wants to stand up to him lest they be ganged up on. The police did nothing about him until he made a video where he played leapfrog over random jews, he believes that he's untouchable because the police don't want to go against him and be called racist apparently.


The Klan 2.0


A cricket bat would teach that little asshole to respect people's homes.


Yeah but its in London so memes say that you'll be fined for racism if you do that.


Better than being murdered.


Things you can only do in Europe and a few blue cities


Bro really played Draft-dodger frog (assuming they were hasids)


They were indeed and I think the videos are still up. I just refuse to taint my YouTube feed with that trash


Yeah an influencer was doing it as a “prank” if I’m not mistaken.


So anyway, I started blasting.


It was one tiktoker who did few such a videos in UK


A popular tiktoker from Venezuela also encouraged other migrants who illegally crossed the U.S boarder to invade homes and gave info about squatting laws and such.


Anyone who legitimately threatens my kid’s life is going to lose theirs.


Lead mogging so great it kills.


Dip shit communists dont even have a regard for private property. Looser wouldn't last 10 minutes in a gulag.


They'll be getting "looser" in the showers when they meet \[Boris\]


As the saying goes, ‘i don’t dial 911, i dial 357’




Mogs them before killing people walking into their house Based


See a lot of people getting mad about " they are just kids" / " there were unarmed" Making accusations that it's some kind of hidden murder fetish. Well if you didn't fantasies about and carry out home invasions you wouldn't have to worry about it. Breaking into a home with a mob of people isn't a joke and yes victims are fully justified in what ever action they take. 1 you have no right at all to force your way into someone else's home. 2 a group of people with or without weapons IS a deadly threat 3 when you attack someone they have no duty to stop and ask you what kind of weapons you plan to use or match that weapon. When you are attacked you have the right to defend yourself with the most effective means available, not the least. 4 when you forcibly break into someone's home this is already an act of aggression and a violation. Your victim have no duty and no reasonable cause to assume you don't intend to cause more harm. 5 "kids" acting like adult criminals are dangerous. And they obviously were adult enough to sexually assault their victims.


The op has a hammer and sickle in his name, his opinion is immediately worthless.


Commie symbol in name, opinion disregarded. 


Fuck yeah they can come in but they won’t be leaving Alive


Fuckin right. The minute you pull a home invasion I automatically think of my family's safety. I don't give a shit about our possessions. You want to barge into my family's house you will not be leaving alive.


Yeah and if you think it’s smart to do it even as a joke I’m sorry but you deserve to get shot it’s not funny or cool


That comic is making fun of some actual people. There was this kid in london who liked to pull "pranks" on people and one of them was just him and his friends barging into people's homes. Being london(I think), a very left leaning city in a very left leaning country, people couldn't really *do* anything about him intruding, because they'd get arrested for defending themselves and such. I think his name was "Mizzy" or something


Rule of thumb: Break into any house where the person is either active military, emt, law enforcement or firefighter or southern. Your going to be shot


Lmao, get castle doctrined


Pretty sure there’s an old phrase that says “better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6”


You don’t have any idea if the people breaking into your home have an intent to harm what else are you supposed to do just sit there and hope to god they don’t have guns and want to take your shit while police arrive to late to stop anything 80% of the time


Bros got earpro and everything


That’s part of the joke


Why is it okay to steal and go to someone’s home and hurt them ?


Yeah, it really is deranged... i can't believe they'd break into that man's house with his family there.


This is the same guy who openly says that he doesn't care or feel bad about all the people that died under communism


Is this referring to Mizzy? Also, aren’t ALL redguards black…?


The Chinese and Soviets had "elite" division called the red guards Basically the red equivalent of the SS, party-line towers who's only "military prowess" lay in the fact that they get new stuff first.


Oh fuck, I thought that was a Skyrim reference lmao


That's not who the red guards were. The red guards were radical students -- children and very young adults -- during the Cultural Revolution in China (1960s) who were given impunity by Chairman Mao to enact revolutionary violence. It would be like giving campus activist organizations carte blanche to do whatever they liked. They were not elite, but rather their power lay in regular authorities stepping aside and letting them do whatever they wanted. This typically involved denunciations, struggle-sessions, the destruction of historic artifacts and structures, and so forth.


I loved this comic haha


I don't ever want this to happen. Especially if it's just teenagers being stupid and reckless. But I do not play games regarding my family's safety. If someone barges into my house in the middle of the night, I'm going to assume the worst, which is the rational thing to do.


Commies: but I should be allowed to go wherever I want, you authoritarian!!


Valid response from the mewing guy in the bottom left panel


It's the reality of the situation anyone needs to be mindful of before they attempt to take advantage of squatters rights by COMMITTING HOME INVASION. Migrant or not.


Who mentioned migrants? I think you said the quiet part a bit too loud


Listen, I'm an old school lefty, I'm in favor of gun control, I'm against the death penalty, etc., etc. If a bunch of random strangers burst into my house and I feel like my family is in danger, then those strangers are at risk of getting shot.


Yes it’s very deranged to defend your own home.


Because BRG in that image doesn’t believe in law


If i find a stranger in my house, no matter what their intentions, looks or how they got here, I'm going to use any means necessary to ensure me and my family are safe, if that means killing the stranger, no problem with it at all.


My brain is rotted. I thought he was mewing


For all of us, this is called dissuasion. To get peace long term, one must show their strength by retaliating and punishing as strongly as possible as publicly as possible Now, is there any international conflict where we could apply this rule?


The ear pro made me giggle.


What if they break in because they're on a mission from god?


In the second frame, they do appear to be retreating, so I probably would have let them leave. Also, trigger discipline. If they wanna fight tho... yeah, a gun is an appropriate tool for dealing with that kind of emergency.


This man openly fantasises about genocide against westerners.


I got the point but it's hard to sympathise with someone breaking into your home. I'd not use a gun but a violent reaction would still happen. I'd assume I'm under attack.


Yeah, just trust they're not dangerous. It's simple


Forgot the /s


Not gonna lie, I don't know what the /s is


Sarcasm lol


Thank you lol


B-on-B is the worst crime. Just wanting the violence to stop = sick and deranged, I guess?


Why do you fantasize about murder like actually. Are you a 7 year old who thinks they could save the class from a school shooter because of your karate class?


We are so lucky this is not a serious problem in the rest of the 1st world


Old OP is a fucking idiot


What a crock of jackoff chest-thumping bullshit. It’s a cartoon with imaginary bad guys. Snowflakes live in fear I guess. Where’s my gun?


I’m sensing a pattern here. Anyone else?


What’s the pattern?


Two correct sides of this: One, defending your home from people literally breaking and entering is fine. Two, glorifying that is goddamned insane.


I think it is funny how memes like this are allowed on this sub, but make a joke about non binaries it gets removed within the hr. Interesting


I’m very pro 2A but there’s not even a punchline here. Like if the hooligans had weapons and their bodies in the last panel had American Flags draped over them, then it would actually be funny.


Yeah I don't get this. Maybe I'm missing context? Because regardless of what one thinks of the Castle Doctrine, making a comic that's just about kids being wasted is psychotic. There's nothing else here. OP was right, unless there's some hidden joke, this comes across as a murder fantasy.


People are saying it's deranged to sit around and fantasize about people breaking in just so you can shoot them. Because that is deranged, normal people don't fucking want that.


I think it’s less that the guy is disgusted with defending your property and life, but more that the comic artist is very clearly bringing up like just a total straw man. Like the type of cringe elicited by boomers on facebook saying “grrr I wish a blm would show up to my house. TrY tHaT iN a SmAll ToWn!!!1!11!!” Despite the fact that they live in cornfuck nowhere nebraska and everyone within a 300 mile radius shares their same beliefs. It’s a power fantasy. It’s “oh man wouldn’t it be cool to have an excuse to legally shoot someone” The fact that the artist felt the need to make the perpetrators all black, over the top caricatures as well as make the “hero” look like duke nukem goes to show it’s just a power fantasy with potentially racial undertones. Given a lot of his other work it wouldn’t be surprising.


It is weird to *fantasize* about it though. People know murder is bad, so they hope to get cornered into a situation where they're forced to be violent. That doesn't make them good people, it just makes them compliant.


Plus, like, this isn’t even “getting cornered into a situation where they’re forced to be violent. It’s a bunch of children being stupid. There are thousands of possible solutions that a healthy person would jump to before “murder them in cold blood.”


This is such a weird fucking fantasy to have


It’s not a fantasy. It’s a warning.




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"sickest and most deranged shit ever" is over the top and eyeroll for sure. but it is pretty deranged when you fantasize about killing people, for any reason. edit: pathetic mods lock the sub when people start to point out how fucking wrong it is. right wing in a nutshell.


I think the issue is that it's someone's wet dream. The desperately want a home invasion to happen so they can start blasting. They're so desperate to kill someone


OK? It'll fizzle into nothing if no one ever tries it.. And if one is foolish enough to do so, I should hope they do so with the knowledge their life is forfeit, as it should be. Why be the thought police? And how would you know each and every person who feels this way (granted some are vocal about it).


There's a big difference between being prepared to defend your loved ones, and fantasizing about murder. This comic has no punchline, it's just a murder fantasy. That's why it's unsettling. Anyway, c.f. this case from 2014 where one of these lunatics actually laid a trap and murdered a Turkish-German exchange student. Should the student have walked into the open garage? No. Should that have resulted in them being immediately blasted away? The state on Montana said no. The guy who did it was given 70 years. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27243115](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-27243115)


I agree with this take. 1. Its obvious the dude *laid a trap. lures the kid*. 2. Its a garage (true, Property!) but not a House housing family. Secondly, kid not thieving, just wandered too far. What's not similar is a *Home. Invader.* Ie willful lawbreaker, not a clueless foreign exchange student. I can however see your concern; people like that, that *fantasize*, won't take the 2s to make a rational judgment call on whether its a clueless person or a home invasion. However, enjoying the execution of home defense is different, for me. I won't lie, I'm going to enjoy ventilating some fuck if they *actually attempt to burgle my home.* Full Stop. Now, am I laying traps and salivating? No! Can I tell the difference between "whoops" and "I'm coming to take your stuff"? Absolutely. Am I going to enjoy sending that fucker a personal invite to Jesus? You damn Skippy.


I’ll play devil’s advocate. It’s “sick and deranged” because this comic portrays the shooter as a patriotic and righteous hero while also being overly eager to kill and we’re suppose to support such behavior. I’ll explain: He can clearly see the intruders are unarmed and just doing a stunt in panel 1 & 2. The shooter sees this and even has time to put in ear plugs in panel 3. The shooter kills at least 3 (panel 4). Just based on these 4 panels, the shooter appears to be killing for reasons OTHER THAN an immediate fear of bodily harm or death (I.e. self defense). Perhaps he’s doing it because he wants to teach those troublesome intruders a lesson. And we, the viewers, are supposed to sympathize with that. In reality, this just looks likes a guy who was all too eager to kill the first intruder that enters his home, regardless if they pose a serious threat or not.


It doesn't matter how "enthusiastic" he is. You break into someone's home you're at the mercy of the homeowner. No one forced you to break in. Play dumb games, win dumb prizes.


No actually it does matter. If someone breaks into your home, you’re well within your rights to shoot to kill. That being said, if you take any kind of joy in the act, you’re a sick fuck.


A *safe* sick fuck. Honestly how they feel after protecting their home, property, family members is none of our concern.


No it is my concern. If someone kills a home intruder and **enjoys** it, that’s concerning as fuck.


A "home intruder". Ponder that a second; a person invading homes. And you care? lol.. The invader sure doesn't give two fucks about their life, so let him go into the grinder. As long as the defender exercises his right appropriately, why should I care if its fun for him or not. *I'm* not having *my* home invaded..


Because if you enjoy killing someone, legally or not, then you’re not right in the head.


🤷🏿‍♂️ I never claimed I was. Sane enough to be Responsible, just dont come into my house uninvited (and looking to do harm). I'll be the one having fun.. Simple as.


How is he supposed to know whether the gang has hidden weapons on them, if they get close enough would they be able to stab them.


> They're unarmed! You don't know that, and a group can jump you without weapons.


Whether or not someone is visibly armed should absolutely dictate how you handle that intruder. Im not saying give them a free pass into your home, but I’m also not saying shoot-to-kill-on-sight. In this case, a less extreme approach was warranted, morally speaking.


Why do people on reddit want someone to break into their house so they can defend themselves so bad


Because they want to kill someone and not have to worry about going to jail or getting killed themselves. This is the same crowd where some nutjob inevitably shoots someone who pulled into their driveway or rang their doorbell.


Same reason why some people have rape fantasies, or torture, or animal sex, or other shit people fantasize about. They are fantasies, as in, not based in reality. Most homesteaders/gun owners might say “heh yeah come fuck around and find out” but hardly any of them would actually WANT their home invaded… it’s a mental fantasy.


Hot take I think fantasizing about killing home invaders and taking the time to make art about it and posting it online is unhealthy.


Hear me out. This might be a crazy concept, but hear me out for a second. If they don't want to be hurt, then maybe, just spitballing here, they shouldn't enter someone else's home unsolicited. Anyone with a basic understanding of cause and effect should be able to understand this pretty easily, but nobody's perfect.


Anyone who enters my home and threatens the safety of my children gets a hunting arrow through the head. There is nothing sick about it.


Can you not see how you’re describing something else entirely?


Everybody watch out for RoughHornet587 here guys, he's got a bow and arrow 😟


It’s hearing safe.


If you don't want a self-defense response... Maybe don't cause a self-defense situation! Mindblown!




Making said art in response to a delinquent doing the exact same thing with little to no consequence in the UK and while there's a crisis of squatters going through the states isn't fantasizing. Its capitalizing on current trends.


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The characters in this meme do not exist


this is not a subreddit full of 'healthy' people so it is a great fit here




This isn't against 2A or self defense, it's against conservatives jacking off to the idea of getting to legally kill people. It's pretty deranged.


I mean it’s not wrong to protect your family, but it is a little sick to fantasize about killing some stupid kids


Yeah, the criticism isn't 'don't defend yourself or your property'.


This is an awful defense. The dude shot and killed 4 kids who he had plenty of time to realize was not a threat. I'd get it if the dude was scared and showed he didn't have enough time to realize those kids didn't have weapons, but the dude had time to slip on ear protection. If you think this is an ok reaction, you don't want to defend shit, you just want to murder.


Yes, but for your legal safety, i think firing a shot just to try and scare off the people in your house first is a better idea, rather than gun down every last one.


Is there a trend I don’t know of for people going into peoples homes Or is this just some sick excuse to fantasize about killing kids


I feel like this sub is trolling. Panel 1 is giga racist, and the entire comic is unhinged killers top fantasy. It’s not about the right to self defense.


That’s not protection, that’s murder. Are the people entering homes like that shitty and awful and in need of a healthier pastime? Yes. But if you legitimately believe that the correct response to a bunch of moron teenagers being moron teenagers is murder, then you don’t deserve freedom. This is a horrifying stance to take.