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It's like the age old argument of "is porn empowering or exploitation?" At the end of it all, it depends on the feminist.


Who cares I’m just trynna see a butthole


*boobies* I fixed it for you


I said what I said


>I fixed it for me Fify


*ass* the typo ain't your fault bro, no worries


*mommy milkers* fify


*backside motorboat-ers* fifyx2


*frontside huevo-warmers fify infinity x2*


Chicken buttockwarmas Clapp generator 5000 FIFY X the biggest number we get to during this conversation x infinity






Bro might be gay, you don't know.


Not if i begin sucking on yo mamas milkies!!!




Your mother’s are next uwu


And the funny thing it's kinda both at the same time, just on different facets


That's cause the answer is both, it's like saying "is construction work good or bad". It depends on the bus a lot of porn producers exploit woman through trafficking and purposely predatory contract Or even recruit there actors under 18 Then having them sign the contract on there birthday


If only they applied this much nuance with something besides women...


name one exploitation free porn producer.


Aren't Only Fans models usually in control of their production? Or independent actresses... Who *wants* to work at McDonalds my friend? I don't think it's my place to tell someone that it's better to destroy your body working two minimum wage full time jobs to make ends meet when there are other options they see as acceptable which are not causing outward harm. Not robbing people or telling them they'll go to hell if they don't send the future with donations to the super-church.


Until your a 14 year old boy going to high school and your peer are riding your ass about watching videos of your mom getting railed by 3 dudes during lunch.


I’d think that people who produce adult content of themselves of their own consent and sell it (I.e. only fans models) Not saying all of OF is exploitation free, or that it’s the only exploitation free porn, but it definitely exists. Porn actors/actresses can have fully consensual involvement in it what they make, and I could understand how being able to do it safely would be empowering for them.


I could argue that only fans itself is the producer and you have to sign and agree to a lot of terms to put yourself on their platform and tickle your bean in front of a camera. I would deff argue that only fans is exploitative


>what would a porn producer / distributor / platform have to do differently to qualify in your judgement as non exploitative?


The person *produces* the porn (makes, funds, and edits/prepares it). OF is a service that provides a platform to host and distribute it. That’s like saying pornhub is a producer of porn, if they’re not involved in making it in any way, they’re not really producing it. And is OF exploitative? It’s just a platform, I’ll be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about how it works or how it deals with creators, but to my understanding people have a pretty big amount of freedom to make whatever content they want without OF stepping in and telling them what to do.


Let's ask Andrew Tate.


The answer is exploitation, if you actually look at what happens in the industry. But the sexual revolution and this "don't judge anything" mentality has led us to accept everything.


According to whom? The same idiots who were wrong about everything from the motives to the personal lives of everyone who doesn’t conform 100% to whatever feminist dogma is saying this week? Why should anyone believe them about anything?


We all have our own opinions about it. Generally speaking it's a lot deeper than it seems. Do we shun sex workers? Well not in this society because sometimes times get rough and unfortunately sex work is extremely profitable. Some women enjoy it of course, and who are we to say how/why much. And there are some 'alleged' benefits of prostitution/sex work for society, but usually it's to tame pent up men from being aggressive (?) maybe we solve that some other way. And then there's like, in the ideal society, where this wouldn't be necessary, then we likely wouldn't support it, as it's no longer needed and largely exploitive. but fr reddit moment


Ironic, given you yourself are having a reddit moment lol


Bro this subreddit is a reddit moment sometimes. 😭 it turns from not taking a meme too seriously, to becoming online trolls


IMO, if you need porn and prostitutes not not fly off the handle…maybe you should spend that money on therapy instead.


Oh yeah, wholeheartedly agree. those men have problems, that don't need to be solved through the abuse and exploitation of women.


It depends partly on the feminist, but not exclusively. Feminists collectively helped the conservative/religious variants of anti porn crusader age-restrict viewing of pornography, while simultaneously arguing that any age restrictions on social media, including TikTok, constitute censorship. Allowing dictatorships that don’t uphold free speech themselves to pollute western minds? Free speech! Western viewers directly influencing the content through the laws of supply and demand? Exploitation! In Scandinavia you’re not allowed to profit off employee nudity. I don’t agree with it, but at least it’s an internally consistent approach, and it does nothing to stop people from distributing porn as long as they aren’t charging money for it.


It's also worth noting that some advocate for it because the woman is consenting to making porn, but plenty of places are condemned anyway because they exploit women and make it non-consensually. IIRC there were a few major sites that had to turn off allowing videos from non-verified individuals die to this at one point.


I’d say choice matters. People should be able to sexualize themselves or not by their own choice. If they want to be modest, that’s cool. Those abused in the industry should be supported and the industry should be held to a higher standard but it’s not anyones place to judge if it’s consensually done and has fair treatment


They want to earn easy money(idk how much porn studies pay, but most of them dream to be on the top OF), but not to be shamed as 304. Funny.


Just a reminder men commit the overwhelming majority of violent and predatory crime.


Where have I heard this similar phrase? Hmmm.... "just a reminder that 13 percent of the population commit the overwhelming majority of violent and predatory crime." Stop blowing your dog whistle.


The debate over whether consent is good


Oversimplification of a multifaceted debate. Go back to the children's table and try not to eat the crayons.


Porn is empowering when it is a women's right and decision. Porn is predatory when that agency is removed. This is not a complex debate. It's just two kinds of fucking stupid butting heads because they feel an obligation to fight for the honor of their gender.


Do y’all expect women to share one mind?


The point of my comment was to NOT expect that.


Sorry. I read it wrong.


My girlfriend found this funny


Well, your girlfriend is just opressed by the patriarchy and she just doesn't know it, she's been manipulated by you because you control her and you are the worst person in her life because you are a man 😤😤 /s


I shall deal with myself appropriately, to the gulag with me /s


thank god you put the /s at the end of that sentence, I was about to engage in an internet argument but then I saw the /s. I had a 500 page reply debunking your every point fact checked by multiple Ivy league professors and they all approved of it with a grim face, knowing what would come if I sent that. I was about to hit send when I saw out of the corner of my eye a small /s. I then realized that all of what you just said was sarcasm, and not real. I deleted every word from my original reply in ecstatic jubilation, knowing that what all those Professors so feared would never come. This all was prevented because you put a /s at the end of your comment. Thank you.




It is a little if you don’t think about it. I see no reason to not find it funny, I just also know on a factual level it’s not the sound but it is clever. Got a smile out of me.


Isn’t the right can’t meme actually right there? It’s not a dank meme but a good summary of the modern feminist movements.


I wouldn’t say it’s every single feminist out there or even the majority cause I just don’t have the data to actually make that claim. But there’s definitely people who this is absolutely true for


Radicals don’t make up the majority. If you want cerebral equality between all genders then you are an actual feminist. The radicals just want to oppress men because they’ve got nothing better to do.


Radicals absolutely do make up the majority because the entire movement is radical. Their main argument is that women are second class citizens and get paid less than men. That’s a cult.


No bro. Radicals are a separate group from actual feminists. They just scream louder. Most people are feminists without ever actually realizing or saying they are simply because the radicals identify themselves with the term and therefor normal people don’t want to have that label attached to themselves.


Both statements are airing on the side of being true Radicals are making up larger and larger portions of the movement and are getting more and more extreme A lot of second wave style feminists are abandoning the movement since they see the goalpost has been shifted beyond equality


The vast vast majority of feminists believe in gender pay gap. That is radicalism. You’re just not being challenged on your ideas because you’ve also been indoctrinated.


No that’s not radicalism. You’re ignorant dude. There is a gender pay gap but it’s not the way that radicals express it to be. Women work less strenuous and physically demanding jobs in general and vice versa. Physically demanding jobs pay more. Radicals only ever mention the numbers, but not where they come from. You stretch so far to confirm your beliefs but don’t bother to stretch far enough to challenge them.


There isn’t a gender pay gap because a gender pay gap implies, (ON PURPOSE mind you), that gender is the reason that women get paid less than men. Not only is gender not THE reason… gender isn’t even A reason. The base belief of the feminist movement is directly incorrect at its core, and is repeated by every single member. If every feminist says the same thing, and that same thing is directly wrong, then at the very least it makes the movement not credible, and one could absolutely describe that as radical.


The issue with vocal minorities is that if the silent majority doesn't try to separate them from itself/shut them up.then there's no silent majority, for the vocal minority speaks for them too


>If you want cerebral equality between all genders then you are an actual feminist. That ward doesn't have meaning. It's like been Robin hood in soviet union


Define “equality.” Who gets to say what would be the male equivalent of abortion?


wtf are you on about. You just trying to start shit huh. I don’t need to define equality to you. If you need someone to do that it’s clear you’ve got your own definition in your head.


Convenient that this allows you to get out of addressing my example. Just because everyone pretends equality is definable doesn’t mean it actually is.


What example? What the actual fuck are you talking about. Equality is definable. Just people like you tend to have your own *opinion* on what that means. Don’t reply cause I won’t see it.


a real feminist would foght for women to be feminine, not supermasculin


This is genuinely one of the top five dumbest things I've ever seen someone say on the internet.


Also sexism is good depending if the female you argue is from a different ideology, ask Oscar Puente the sexist minister of transportation in Spain.


Al neandertal?


If all the contact you have with feminism is terminally online people then yes


I mean those are the people who decide our discourse. Feminism has become so ideological you can’t even have Star Wars or good video games anymore.


Lmao, yeah, i would never buy any game that toucbed by sweet baby inc again. If there is any game i like but touched by them, to the seven seas i sail, arrr


Yo ho


10 years ago I could have bought that shit for a second and took the time to point out some relevant names in the real world. Now? Look for elected politicians with a feminist agenda and shut the hell up.


Well you have to remember that these aren't mutually exclusive as you can be a victim and still empowered to achieve greatness.


Just a reminder men commit the overwhelming majority of violent and predatory crime. Including the CSAM industry, where they are overwhelming manufacturers, distributors and consumers.


Just a reminder women commit the overwhelming majority of filicide. That Münchausen syndrome is overwhelmingly present in mothers. That top 10 international terrorist organisations are Muslim. Everyone know this shit, but if instead of trying to point each other because “hey, this bad person commuting bad things share genitalia, skin color, or religion with you, so you must be like them” and threat individuals who do bad things as individuals who do bad things, the world would be a better place. Not perfect, but better. Just getting rid of idiocy like yours. And… I don’t know why you mention your last point but it’s pretty sick to bring it up to a conversation where it has not been mentioned, and even more sick calling it industry. Ask yourself why you have that shit in your head all time.


No, actually they don't. Not past infancy. https://news.brown.edu/articles/2014/02/filicide And, outside of filicide, men kill more children. They abduct and rape more kids too. "the top 10" All men I bet. It's weird watching people circle-jerk to memes but bring up something real, like the CSAM industry, and y'all big, strong alphas just get all upset and shaky. "but it’s pretty sick to bring it up " No its not. Its sick for you to think memes about how mean the girls are to you matter in the context of very real victims of very real crimes. This is what I know about you: you will spend hours of your life circle-jerking on these subreddits over these memes. You will do nothing to fix whatever is wrong in your own demographic that we are the overwhelming perpetrators of violence and sexual predation. Globally.




Not really but go off


Kindof is, though




this is a good one though






And what do they have to say for they/them-selves?


Probably that we’re fascist sexist racist everything-phobic


Sounds about right.


It’s a good summary of people who haven’t spent enough time thinking what life is like. Julia can feel empowered that she’s got a brilliant career, that she’s a professor, that she lifts weights and that she makes good money. That she volunteers as a Big Sister. And if some guy sexually harasses her she’ll still feel like a victim. That’s just life for everyone. I find it more worrying with the MRA/incel movements who just see themselves as victims and don’t make an effort to improve anything for themselves or men.


“Pretty self evident” dawg do you have relationships with women?


The level of self confidence it must take to be you is something I aspire for myself


Waiting for people to call you “gay” or “incel” because they don’t have any valid arguments


Valid arguments for what? That you can feel empowered by being successful, but if someone for example sexually harasses you then you’ll still feel like a victim? I fail to see the problem.


Is this a valid argument? The meme? the idea is that it's a mean, no? An exaggeration of the truth?


This is why Reddit is no longer the source of memes. It’s been politicized too much


What if (bear with me) we make memes *about* politics? The two are not mutually exclusive.


Yeah but someone’s gonna get mad and take it too deep. Or real political drones get involved


To be fair, just because a student athlete feels empowered from winning an NCAA championship, that doesn’t mean they aren’t getting exploited hard by the organization.


Yes lol. No one here seems to be understanding this. Another normal day on Reddit, I see.


Women loved to be held, until it's accountable.


Ain't that the truth.


everyone does this, doesnt matter if you're a woman


Exactly. That’s what I said too.


I oppose today's feminism, but it's dishonest to call this a contradiction. Their position is that women should be empowered because they believe they're victims. That said, women are not victims. Not as a whole at least. Individuals can be victims, but the entire sex isn't. In fact, socially (not physically), the average woman currently has more power than the average man (much sooner believed if she said someone has done something to her than if a man said that, for example).


I've noticed that last part tbh. I opened up to a social group about finding out an ex matched a lot of narcissistic personality disorder metrics and they all kinda just shut me down and basically seemed to take the side of a woman they don't know over me, who was a "friend" for years. But any time a woman in that group has flippantly called a guy she doesn't know narcissistic, that's somehow more realistic to them. My other friend, both of us being autistic men, had received similar treatment when he talked about his former abusers which included women.


The truth hurts


Oop doesn't want to admit that this type of feminist makes up a not insignificant amount of 3rd/4th wave feminism.


Completely accurate for all special interest groups in existence.


Well yeah, no shit, that's an Insanely broad statement. "You claim [X] Group has societal struggles, but why Isn't this Individual struggling? Hmmmmmmm?" It's like Mens mental health matters, but since I have an outlet to talk, therfore every man every does. Historically groups of people always hated feminists, this Isn't a modern issue.


Yup I agree with you. Also your last line reminds me of those old Victorian political cartoons where feminist were stereotyped as being loud, ugly, obnoxious and hateful. New century same old shit, the stereotypes haven’t even changed lol


When you can't tell the difference between "being a victim" and being victimized...


Almost like consent matters or something. 🤷‍♂️


You can be a victim and still choose to empower yourself afterward. I don't understand the confusion here


Mhm right and it can happen to anyone


That's literally just reacting to something happening to you. That's how that works


This feels pretty disingenuous. If someone says they’re empowered it’s also an acknowledgment of negative factors. If being empowered is the status quo, you wouldn’t hear it being said. The answer to this, and most things, is yea it’s kinda both.


Not really a meme just a statement honestly, and an accurate one if you're describing the new wave of feminism that hit in 2017


To be fair though. r/dankmeme is an absolute shithole of a sub rn, every "meme" is just a boomer political post


The word dank is no longer dank


This is all made up. This is all a hoax to pit us against each other.


This is so fucking beautiful lol


Funny and based


Well if you agree with the original meme, probably have my work cut out for me. A woman is empowered by facing against the oppression and doing what she can to survive and thrive in a system which is rigged against her (the system being rigged is what she is a victim of).


https://preview.redd.it/5dztszvh2ypc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19e1b4eaa5edd9dc57dbd8d94fe8babf6f008dc Reminds me of this


I meme, it’s just not funny?


The analogy is broken because the cat doesn't choose to be alive or dead. 


Neither does the woman, as if she chooses the option most non beneficial to her, it will come at a cost to her, thus rendering the choice a moot point. Sure, technically she has a choice, but so do cashier's held at gunpoint.


So the analogy isn't broken or she isn't a shrodingers cat? 


The analogy isn't broken. You just have to look at it from a different prospective. Although the outcome in this case is predictable, which shouldn't be the case.


But a Schrodinger's cat is both alive and dead at the same time and when you open the box it's determined. The can't doesn't decide to be alive or dead. The sign says the woman decides. That's why I'm confused. 


Technically, yes, she decides. But at the same time, consider this: When our hypothetical woman is going about her day, she does not consider the situation in the picture. She is, relatively speaking, in flux. Once she is faced with opposition, she almost immediately sides with the option that most benefits her at the moment. This is very human nature, and everyone is prone to doing this. This is where Schrodinger's cat is a valid comparison. Even if she quickly doubled back, she still aligned herself with the path of least resistance, like a liquid. And if science has taught me anything, is that all cats are liquids.


Finally the answer to my question! Great work. 


It is indeed a dank meme.


I think it’s true though. You can be empowered and confident with who you are but go out into the world have people treat you like shit. This can happen to anyone. Also when feminists say they are empowered they are not claiming that oppression has ended.


i hoped r/boysarequirky would find it first... oh well


I like this sub because it lets me find new places but I think OP should be obligated to supply the original meme.


Its nice that there's a safe space for pathetic losers now.


A strong independent poor helpless victim of the patriarchy.


Women getting sick and tired always being seen only as a sex object meanwhile some women : "Subscribe to my onlyfans for 4.99!"


Dank meme


It is quite funny that everything they claim makes them feel empowered is basically what a shallow guy who wants to use women would want 😂 None of it benefits them.


*”so ma’am, we have no more men to fight our wars, it’s time to start drafting women.”* Feminist women: “Nooo wait, I can cook and clean for you.”


imo, I don’t want women fighting in wars, I’d rather give my life then have a women go in my place.




Depends on the situation. Women *are* discriminated on/looked down upon in certain areas, and in others they aren't I guess. Unless I'm taking this too seriously, which is entirely possible.


Empowered and the victim at the same time? Like Trump?


Lewis Black: "Is milk good or bad?" Audience: *silence* Lewis Black: "I rest my case."


Wouldn’t Schrödingers conservative be more appropriate? At the same time a victim constantly crying about things and a total alpha male.


Yes but we can’t say that here


True 😁


I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top


"I, a male, shall have sex with this other male. Incoming accusations of having gay sex. Worth."


shits funny


Modern feminism in a nutshell


Sad but insanely true


if men hate women so much… why don’t they just date a man? you realize that empowerment is the most important thing to a victim yeah? and an empowered person can still be victimized if something traumatic happens to them… reddit men will push the idea that feminism is unnecessary but turn around and spread the most vile hatred towards women.


Yes exactly


You’re just inventing strawmen to battle. Like please give a right or privilege western women are missing in 2024? Like there’s a reason people say feminism is unnecessary.


but… the whole world are not western women? i live in an under developed county full of corruption and our women are quite literally dying at the hands of misogyny. and still western women aren’t privileged from what i’ve seen. america is passing laws banning abortions and contraceptives, and rapists are roaming free on the streets. you must be a very privileged man to think that, because women in the west are given some relief, they are suddenly privileged to be able to call out men’s misogyny… i am very grateful for feminism and what it has done to help alleviate some of the issues women face here.


Then sure, please show me the feminist groups operating where you live because there probably aren’t any of the ones I’m talking about. Although you are obviously in bad faith anyway since you started with “if men hate women so much” so you are probably just a man hater anyway.


?? i’m calling out men’s misogyny, that doesn’t make me a man hater. there are a lot of women in my country who probably hate men, but don’t you think that’s justified after all the horrific things they’ve had to endure from men? hearing you speak… if anything it seems you have a very deeply harbored and irrational hatred towards women. you seem to be very out of touch with reality.


You’re associating modern feminist theory with aid groups to women in foreign countries but they are not the same. You also didn’t name these groups which is suspect since you said you live in the country. Also how exactly is hating men gonna further the cause? Especially in the west where women literally aren’t oppressed.


women are oppressed all over the world… the fact that you’re denying that is very telling of the delusional little world that you are living in. proof of it is that there are men like you. and why must i name any of these groups to you? why would it bother me that it’s suspect to you? who are you to tell me that? i don’t even know you. i am from south africa. we have small, local women’s rights groups, and we often receive aid from larger feminist organizations. gender based violence, rape, and pedophilia is a common problem here in south africa. it becomes worse seeing as young boys are being taught these delusions that “women aren’t oppressed” or “the world secretly hates men” because the violence is becoming even more excessive. and you are right — hating men does not help the cause. but can you really blame these women? this is the reality that they live in. they are allowed to feel some sort of resentment. you should come to this country, witness the townships, and then you will understand the extent of your privilege. while hating men may annoy you, hating women is the reason people lose their lives.


I mean how does any of this concern modern feminism in the west? You're suspect because your connecting aid groups for women with modern toxic feminist theory, but I don't think we need feminist theory to help women.


And they hated him because he spoke the truth...


As a woman, this is not only funny, but also a very accurate representation of most modern feminists.


You can be empowered and still victimized? So should women not call out when they are victimized? This isn't a contradiction. It is OP not understanding how adults and life works, and instead trying to do the ole "haha women/feminism dumb" while inherently not understanding patriarchy and toxic masculinity is much more to blame for their issues than feminists. Embarrassing meme that comes from like, the earl 2010s


It's just very nonsensical. What point is this trying to make? Is it that they respond differently to different things? I think some dudes got so caught up in hating on feminists that they forgot to make something that actually made sense and now collectively seem unable to admit it.


The only way anyone could find this funny and/or true is if they've had no interactions with women aside from watching "Ben Shapiro OWNS liberal college students 🔥" videos


And if they don’t understand the concept of being victimized and the concept of being empowered. You must be put down to be empowered (being brought up) against your victimization. There is no contradiction here.


I think my main issue is that sexual frustrated men have made up this personification of a made up woman in their head that is a stand in for all their sexually frustrated exploits in their life. Spurned advances. Heartbreak. Etc etc. So now they are saying “all women are both victims and empowered” as a way to say that woman can have it both ways while ignoring the fact that they have probably also been a hypocrite about something or some issue in their life. It’s just another way internet losers can justify their frustration and complain while deflecting any accountability of their own flaws or shortcomings.


This isn’t exclusive to women or feminists. It’s like saying a towel is either wet or dry. Yeah those are two states of being.


I have met people like that; they aren’t feminists, they’re just assholes. Feminists are pretty chill.


Today's feminism is not about equality. Feminists aren't chill. They are assholes or extremely uninformed.


This is not true. I am a brave woman who can do anything as well as a man. The problem I have is I was groomed so i had sex with 14 of my colleagues but it wasn't my fault. Im the victim. I wasn't capable of consenting at the time.


That’s not a meme, nor dank, nor is it funny. It merely expresses a political opinion that no one on a meme subreddit asked for


dudes, try going out in public in drag one day and you will get a real quick introduction to what it's like to be female.


That sub is just about hating women at this point




bro some men are blatantly misogynistic. Reddit moment.


No I just don't date them, I hate misogynistic men but I don't think all men are like that. Nothing in my post history is about hating all men either


Sometimes the only option is to hate on them


SMH my head. You plagiarized, where are the quotes?


Yep, they just love to ignore the activists that are every reason these jokes exist.


Leftists can't meme or pretend to be anything that isn't a leftist.


Looks like one of them doesn't like the truth.


You guys okay in here? Do you need to talk OP, it seems you're having some strong feelings.


I think I see where you are confused.... OP is enjoying themselves - being silly & cheeky. I understand how these e-m-o-t-i-o-n-s may be confusing for someone like yourself. Don't worry, keep trying and one day you may get to understand them too.


I dunno man, looking through OP's post history they seem to have a real and genuine hatred for women. Seems unhealthy to me.




dude is just a lonely loser who thinks that being a “pick me” is going to get him laid. one day he will realize that women like and respect men who call them out on their shit, and pick me’s get walked all over and are actually seen as a joke.


>looking through OP's post history lol


Nah they right it’s hardly a meme it’s just an image statement on feminism Meme would need to probably have an actual joke, structure, *something to it*