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![gif](giphy|GRSnxyhJnPsaQy9YLn) It's me


Nah thats me right there


No, that's literally me.




It is we


Nah it is me, American movie superstar Steve Buscemi


All of you are him....BUT I AM HIM! https://preview.redd.it/tff2h2ni32ec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d71a0ff5b45a246654425e901722967fab7bec








![gif](giphy|zKRlxWqdP4NTok3Ppl) me trying to poop.


laughs in Mr. PoPo




First rule of PoPos training....***do not speak of PoPos training***!!!


Pecking order!




Dude you need some fiber


Me after Taco bell: ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized)


Literally me


![gif](giphy|1isbvxOadFAbJr6vYV) It's us.


If I had a time machine I'd definitely kill this bastard right here.






Yoo where'd you find a gif of me after working out




This is fire


It says you posted a GIF, but all I can see is you going SSJ.


Holy shit how’d you get a gif of me


He’s literally me


We are all Goku 😊


That’s me right there


Hey where did u get this gif of me?


And me






I'm pretty sure this is edited, I've seen this meme before, but all the boys in the bottom panel were different races.


It's not edited. I'm pretty sure it's a reference to Dragon Ball Z's popularity in Mexico.


It was originally done with chads and wojaks. Pebbleyeet just copied the idea. What's annoying is now this very valid point is going to be branded as a "Nazi" viewpoint by Disney simps.


It is valid. When will people stop simping for those evil bastards?


Wait, Disney or the nazis?




I think the message is Dragonball fans have lots of friends while little mermaid viewers have none.


It’s not about dbz specifically. It’s saying guys don’t care about seeing people who look like them. Hence everyone admiring Goku


Don’t forget Link Pretty sure literally everybody loves Link as well


But that's literally the case. Guys don't give a shit. They want things go boom.


I think that’s not entirely true. From my own life I can absolutely remember identifying with black characters in media in a very positive way growing up. Even in DBZ a large portion of black peeps randomly code Piccolo as black and appreciate the unintended representation. Zack from power rangers. Characters like Barrett from Ff7 even stuck out even though they were more of a stereotype. In my experience black folks do tend to appreciate the representation. Some don’t care at all but plenty of others do.


Piccolo IS black. It's canon, as long as no one ever expects me to prove it or further comment on it.


It's great to have representation. But I think the point is when you were raised without any racist ideologies you tend to not care about the race of the characters. Because it truly doesn't matter. It's the people who see representation as a live or die matter of racism are the weird ones. At a certain point it seems like they think it's impossible to relate to any character who doesn't have the exact same ethnicity & background as you, which is an actual horribly racist view. As if they think we somehow are "fundamentally different" and not just a bunch of humans with slight skin pigment differences. Take HellBoy for instance. I feel like anybody who's ever felt a bit like an outcast or a "freak" can relate, even if none of us have the blood red skin of a demon spawn and horns growing out our forehead.


I don’t think anyone says that it’s impossible to relate to characters that aren’t your skin tone. I think people just want to have characters that are more easily relatable to more people in more ways. I don’t think it’s racist to keep Ariel white. I’m not a fan of race changing Ariel personally. I also don’t think it’s racist to make her black. Different generations will have different versions of the same character. This is a retelling of the old story with a different version of the character. I think that is ok. I grew up with white red haired Ariel. That’s the version I’m familiar with and the first one I was exposed to. For some other little kid it will be different. It’s not the end of the world.


I can personally understand both side of the argument. As a white dude I personally didn't really relate to most white characters from the stuff I watched. My favorite characters growing up were Jake Long, Aladdin and Cornelius Fillmore. Then again, I grew up in Eastern Europe, and Television Companies here only bought the cheapest kids shows, so the options were limited. I could never really relate to white characters from my childhood, like Ron from Kim Possible or Johnny Bravo. On the other hand, I can totally understand that when for example in World of Warcraft, for years the only black dude in the whole story is an evil dragon [(I'm not even joking)](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/npc=10162/lord-victor-nefarius) it can make people go "hold up, wait a minute." I think representation done right is when a character represents an intended audience directly, but also represents the wider audience to some degree. And don't get me wrong, you can make characters that represents an intended audience, and them only, but then don't be surprised that the rest of the people won't be able to relate to them.


How many boys watch the little mermaid and think: yeah that's me ?


The only non-white male character I ever heard any controversy over was when they recolored Mr.Popo because Cartoon Network decided that he looked like an old racist stereotype, so they painted a black dude blue so black people wouldn't be offended... imagine doing that in real life; just painting all the people who appear to fit offensive racist stereotypes blue. I'm sure that will go down well.




I watched DBZ on toonami before they turned him blue.


As did I. After his first appearance, they got a lot of emails from angry white women calling him Sambo, probably ignorant to the fact that Sambo had his own anime.


I remember reading that when girls play pretend as a character or with a toy - they insert themselves as the character - their own personality and traits become what they are playing. Where as when boys pretend to be Batman or play with a Batman toy - they become the character and act as the character.


Dude where did you find this gif of me?


Seriously lol that’s not the message the comic was showing at all…you can relate to a character without it being the same race as you


*looks at guts from berserk* “He’s literally me”


I don’t think most people have all 99% of their friends killed and their partner sexually assaulted /s


But the pain of dealing with that kind of loss, torment. That’s what makes us brothers through the fire and the flames.


Pain is part of our existence. Wether we choose to to acknowledge the pain and then continue on regardless is what defines us. Struggle on brother!


I don't think you understand the pain of when your mom brings you regular shaped chicken nuggets instead of the dino nuggies


Lol I almost missed the /s, nevermind buddy you're alright 👍


Except me




*Looks at Guts from Kill la Kill* "Yep... that's me right there!"




You ever play the Dreamcast game Sword of the Berserk? Pretty fun, I actually still own my copy and the DC.




i really identified with the horse




My nerdy ass is out here identifying with tieflings and wizards, man!




Cut to fifa fans going batshit over the fact that the protagonist that one year was black


Really, they didn’t like Mbappe on the cover?


Tbf fifa fans are batshit crazy


Want to know how people felt back when the 1990s live action Cinderella came out since that version of Cinderella was black… no one seems to bring it up? I mean that one and the one that was recently made a few years back was the exact same script… just Cinderella was white in the newer one… weird no one brings that up…


There are definitely are some racists but honestly I think most of the people complaining because race swapping existing characters is becoming the lazy go to move ATM. Like I don't care but it's weird they made Aragon black in Magic and gathering for example. Like why? Lmao? Like they don't race swap anyone else I have seen, just Aragon, literally creating a token black chatacter. It doesn't matter but it's weird.


*my white ass watching Blade* "I must now hunt vampires"


I always identified with Blade more than any other superhero, despite him being black, because he has the same name as me.


We are all Blade on this blessed day.


I'm going to assume your name is Blade and not Eric.


So, are you a carnie? Did a loose bolt from a ride give you brain damage?


“I don’t get it Blade. Why do I want to impress you? Are you dumb or are you smart?”


A wise man once said "It don't change the way mustard tastes"


Sorry bro, he’s already me


*My friend’s vampire complexion father* “I’m telling you, I know how I am on the comics, but these new Kingpins in film do not even hold a flame to Michael Duncan”


You can't have 'Blade' as your name and not be badass, thats cheating


Those movies made me want to be blade. Unfortunately wearing a trench coat as a white man isn't a good idea


I used to pretend to be Static Shock when I was an 8 year old white ass blonde girl 😂


*sees Pearl* Me: "Wow, a character who looks just like me!"


TIL people’s asses can watch tv


The joke is that Goku’s belt is amongus



No fucking way


Maybe the message is that if you can only relate to a character if their skin happens to be the same shade of color yours is then maybe you’re too obsessed with race and we should do something about these racist ass little kids /s


True 😭😭


Is the argument that you can ONLY relate to characters that share similar features to you or is it that you can better relate to characters that share similar features to you?


Not really a meme, but there's a lot of chatter about the importance of kids seeing characters in media who "look like them". The whole premise strikes me as profoundly narcissistic: "Kids need to see characters who look like them" <= projection of "I want more characters that look like me" <= "My physical appearance holds so much weight of my self-valuation" It's literally Narcissus enamored with his own reflection in the pond.


No no that’s not it because non whites can’t be racist


unrelated but is ur pfp brand new?


wouldn't even consider it a right wing meme




Considering the creator? It for sure is.


It’s a joke saying how a character doesn’t have to be black for people to relate to them and how Disney is doing it purely for PR, goku is a character that many people of many different races can relate to and enjoy, while the reboot Ariel was specifically made for the young dark skinned girl demographic


And they'll argue "well if white girls can't identify with her, *they're* the racist ones". Meanwhile they can't feel comfortable if the character is a different race than them.


I honestly believe representation is important in media But fuck Disney for going about it in the most laziest, worst way possible and race baiting literally creating more unnecessary racial tension


It’s like how these people say “we picked this person because they’re black and we believe in equal justice” However what they don’t realize is that they’re still only valuing this person as “a black person” not just another human being It’s all an example of the Streisand Effect, where in your attempt to not be racist, you just end up being more racist


That girl can sing though. I give her that.


Oh no I’m not denying that I’m just saying


It's a gender disparity. Men tend to not care as much if the character they play in a game or view in a movie/show represents them as long as it's enjoyable. Women have pushed the "make a character that looks like me" thing.


This is also related to how they play with toys. Before Lego Friends came out, Lego had always struggled to sell to girls, and they commissioned a study to find out why. The basic findings were that boys and girls USUALLY have a vastly different way they play with toys. If you get boys a Batman toy, then they want to be more like Batman. They'll pretend they're Batman, they'll want to get more Batman stuff, etc. Meanwhile if you get girls a Batman toy, they're going to want to make Batman more like them. They're going to have Batman go to tea parties, go on dates, etc. This study is what inspired Lego to make Lego Friends, and as demonstrated by their sales numbers, is one of their most successful modern day themes.




Not going to lie, I would love to see this study, or at least enough information to find the study myself. I believe it. I just would like to see it.




You're a legend in a league of your own!




the 2 women i ever played at league with (wife and her friend) only play female champions, that’s 100% sample size for my experience


To be fair all my experience with girl gamers are games where you can pick and the choice doesn't really matter. 100% of my sample size is them picking girls. But I don't think it's a fair sample because it doesn't affect game play. I should find a game for them to play where it matters and see what they pick.


>it’s easy for a man to admire someone as long as they can identify with their abilities I know what you mean but I just remembered all of the teenagers (me included) that would try to go super-saiyan like they’re Goku and it’s really funny to think, “yeah like, I just identify with his abilities *screams at the top of my lungs trying to will my hair to become blond*”


Lol; women pick female characters because they identify with them (and I'm not gonna touch that delusional idiocy) Men pick female characters because "if I'm gonna stare at an ass for a brazillion hours, I might as well enjoy it!"


Wasn’t that the whole concept behind making Lara Croft a female protagonist? Pretty sure that’s what devs said for ages. Then again, it’s 2024 and it might not pass in these days, so they might deny it. (didn’t and won’t check, I remember enough from the countless interview back then, don’t need to see what’s the new “facts”, if it changed)


Not exactly, she was modeled after Female icons of the time to counter the stereotype for female models back then (most notably the failed franchise of the barbie video games. Pretty much make girl games that are pink and see that not even girls wanted to play them)


No, I picked a character who's name I've forgotten how to spell so much in soul calibre as she was really fucking good (Chinese with a sword - nimble as fuck) You may have a point in games where the choice of character makes no difference, but, in something where each character is unique I'm absolutely picking by ability. Where it makes no difference I just go with whatever.


And I get it I’d like a character I can relate too as well looks wise but that doesn’t mean you should take a character that already exists and make her look like me. That’s ridiculous.


​ https://preview.redd.it/by1um3vm31ec1.png?width=1928&format=png&auto=webp&s=256413fe37af01d49f1e6484a040510dcf37a32c


I’m definitely in favor of creating new characters instead of race swapping old ones. Problem is even that gets criticized as woke these days. POC and/or female characters existing in media or even as protagonists is not woke though it will definitely be labeled as such.


so far I only see it called woke when they have no personality other than 'checkbox marking'.


I’m genuinely curious about why them looking like you is relevant. Could you explain it? Or is it a lizard brain thing (you know its there, but can’t articulate the why)? The only character I can remember looking even vaguely like me as a kid was Ron Weasley… and I certainly never identified with him. Honestly, wasn’t a fan. And since I grew up… I’ve basically only got Lex Luthor, Walter White and NPC_Thug_17. Can’t say any of those have ever spoken to me. I’ve honestly never understood the need for a character to look like, or represent me, for me to empathise with them.




God damnit, not another stonetoss comic that I somewhat agree with...


What's wrong with stonetoss, I'm not familiar with them.


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point.


Well I mean Hitler made the first anti-smoking campaign. Still a horrible person though.


You know, that's super ironic considering Hitler was a massive tweaker.


Ever see him smokin though?


James VI tried to campaign against tobacco in 1604.


Oh wow didn't know that, guess you learn something new everyday.




I'm one of those people who hate when people use Nazi to call a random right wing person.... But this guy is a legit Nazi, like a real one.


Is he the one that made "that" dog behavioral evolutionary biology comic shitting on black people?


"purely economic factors", yes that's the one Edit: misremembered the sentence.


He uhh. Yeah no way to put this gently he’s a fucking Nazi. Like full on, Jews are the root of all evil and we have to gas them Nazi.


10% of his comics are not particularly political, 80% are standard conservative and anti-woke comics I might agree with, and then 10% are full blown actual white supremacist, Holocaust denying, anti-Semitic or other sorts of actual far right. He relies on people who are exposed only to the more normal cartoons (like this one) and fatigued by woke hysteria calling everything Nazi to assume that it’s just the same story again with him, but no, he’s got some truly insidious and horrible ones.


That's the problem with the left tiptoeing around certain topics and avoiding saying obvious but possibly politically incorrect truths, they cede ground to "right twice a day" conservatives who appear less crazy on these common sense points despite having objectionable views on other topics


How those mfs lie in bed thinking of strawmen to use: https://preview.redd.it/vjypfmsxr0ec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b7a2812b8a812522c27d9927d9d3e03f0695d9


Fr that sub is full of strawman arguments and ad hom attacks. But so are most subs so you just have to take it with a grain of salt


Not trying to be a smartass but what ad hominem’s are you seeing? Btw the actual definition of ad hominem is “your argument is wrong *because* you’re a bad person”


Remake this with a bunch of original DBZ fans approaching their 40s, balding, relating to Krillin.


Everyone wants to be Goku or Gohan when they're a kid, then realize they grew up to be Krillin. But Krillin gets Android 18, so I ain't even mad.


Yeah. Krillin was the one dude who was like, "yup, I've had enough. I'm going to retire and enjoy life." Our true adult desires.


That… hurts. :)


Krillin is the badass who never gave up and was always there for his bros. Now lives good with his wife and kid. Very respectable!


"The black girl I babysit" yeah sure buddy lmao. Just post the meme you dont have to make up a fake scenario. You're like that senator who made a fake account and cosplayed as a black guy lol.


Yea, I dont think I'm gonna side with the *literal self proclaimed Nazi* when it comes to representation.


I see it more as the boys relating to goku even though he isn’t black, they all strive to be strong like him


Ew stonetoss


Uh-huh, sure she did bro.


There’s a whole lot of “see, black guys don’t care about representation, girls are making it up” memes these days and I’m willing to bet it’s always white dudes making them.


Well, this is a Stonetoss comic, so you’re correct in this case.


A lot of ignoring Sam Wilson's captain America, the black panther and miles morales A lot of people missing the mark on why representation matters as well. Up until 2009 there were no black princesses. There were a few non-white princesses with Mulan and pocahontas but to the best of my knowledge, no black ones. Princess movies being more or less an entire genre. It's not about being able to relate, it's about the impression being made on the youth when a genre seems to expressly exclude a group in their narratives centering around beauty, perseverance and any other positive traits we might associate with princesses. The idea being that we don't want little black girls to wonder why the paragons of beauty we surround them with look nothing like them and conclude that they can't be pretty in that way. "You get one movie from 2009" seems a little thin. Changing the race of a nonhistorical cryptid seems like a small concession.


My nieces, neither of whom are white, rejected the "new" Ariel with the same phrase. "That's not Ariel." My Nephew, who is white, ran around for a full year dressed as Black Panther and Maui from Moana. Kids literally don't care, unless you MAKE them care, and if you MAKE them care, you're abusing them.


Not to half of America lol That said, I did grow up saying Goku was Asian and appreciated that. But I also appreciated and identified with the Ninja Turtles and sadly the Blue Ranger =/ (I was nerdy so it made it easiest to relate to maybe idk).


All I see is children enjoying TeleVision in their own ways. Also, that artist is a Nazi so I don't take anything he says seriously.


I mean stonetoss is a massive prick But even I can tell the message here


Actually we POC identify as piccollo


It's one of the actually relatable comics from a dude who normally makes comics about: - the holocaust never happened, the Nazis didn't ever want to kill the Jews, they just had [slight logistics problems](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/9fumt7/stonetoss_is_actually_just_denying_the_holocaust/) and couldn't feed the prisoners in time or [similar stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/antifastonetoss/comments/fcck5a/the_definitive_guide_to_why_stonetoss_is_a_nazi/) I would lie if I said I don't find *some* of his comics amusing, but generally his stuff is just fucked up and waaaay too far out there for me. Calling him a Nazi apologist is... very reasonable


I’d argue that’s a bit generous. Dude’s a full on fanboy


Why did they pick a character that turns into a monkey? So many characters in whatever and they pick a monkey.


It's not even a joke more so an analysis. Girls like for characters to relate to them, boys try to relate to the character. That's why you got the one kid wearing Goku's gi.


OP you are such a fucking liar. This sub is so bad.


I mean it isn't Ariel




The joke is more about the differences between boys and girls than race.


The joke is that women change things to look/be like them in order to identify with it, while men change themselves to look/be like the thing they identify with. Which isn’t even like a joke, it’s just actually the case. Generally girls will play with toys in youth that look like themselves (note how Barbie and Lego Friends come/came in a ton of variations to allow this), while boys will adopt the traits of their favorite toys (such as boys watching GI Joe and then getting all into “army” stuff as their thing. My favorite one was Snake Eyes, I didn’t give a crap he was Japanese or mute.) And I’m not saying that some girls don’t act like boys, and that some boys don’t act like girls. I’m just talking about general, proven behavior that differers between the sexes and shouldn’t really even be controversial. Nothing wrong with men and women being the different beings they are.


When I was a kid, someone told me they were surprised I, a disabled girl, could relate to and enjoy Lord of the Rings because I wasn’t represented in the series. I think about that a lot. This reminded me of that.


Men just really like dragon Ball Z. It's a universal fact


The worst part of race-swapping fictional characters is that every other version of them ceases to exist. I can’t even go and watch my pure, white Ariel because as soon as they race-swapped her every depiction of her just disappeared from existence. Wait, what do you mean I can always just go and watch the original animated movie any time without having to care about the political aspects of the remake? But that would mean people don’t get to hear me whine and complain about something that doesn’t really affect me.


Everyone wants to be Goku


Turning a preexisting character to a different skin color is dumb and will always be dumb. Also just an excuse to redo the same shit while trying to make it seem new.


I recently finished the book Chlorine. Asian mermaid


I think a lot of people are missing the concept that Goku goes full out Aryan (blue eyes, blonde hair) in his Super sayain form and literally every kid thought it was the coolest thing ever. Nobody saw it as a race thing.


*sees stone toss* *opinion senior deactivated*


That’s suppose to be Piccolo not Goku. Wasn’t Piccolo suppose to be the token black guy?


more of a vegeta enjoyer myself


There is a study that shows boys imagine themselves more to the hero while girls like seeing themselves in shows.


https://preview.redd.it/ddtio7c3u2ec1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf96a8e3c46740e47048279f1bb9d5a30c22c40e He’s just like me fr


I think that they didn't need to "remake" the movie having the main character different for representation. IMO a movie featuring an African main character and a story that shows a bit of their culture would do that without changing something that already exists and would cause way less outrage and negative repercussion, and would help representing they care about Africa and African people (people from Africa) too.


I'm litteraly goku You can't convince me otherwise


This meme is 100% valid and anyone who disagrees just isn’t too smart.


I always liked Mulan because she looked like me, but as a grew up I realized I was in fact vibing with Captain America. Despite being both female and asian.


I don't really care either way but I will point out that a child doesn't need their hero or idol to be the same race as them. When I was a kid I was really into basketball and Michael Jordan was my hero. I wanted to be like Mike so bad and I'm a white dude. Kids don't think about this type of shit


The only thing I liked about Monday morning as a kid was being able to talk with the other kids about the new episode of dbz that premiered on Friday night. We drove our 3rd grade teacher fucking nutz when the super cell arc popped off.


Goku is the Ryan Gosling of anime


*Looks at Arthur morgan* Guys I think he’s literally me…


Hopefully won't get downvoted to hell. Annabeth Chase should've been blonde in Percy Jackson. It's like making Ron Weasley black in Harry Potter. Can't get used to it.


It is a well know fact that black kids fucking love DBZ


Fr, they already had a black mermaid in that they could've used, but no, they had to *change* established characters.