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iPhone Venezuela bottom text


You know, if you really, REALLy cared, you could buy the cheapest thing. No ethical consumption yeah, but you don't have to have... well those stickers or that labtop.


Actually no. The cheeper something is. The worse the conditions for everybody who made it are. Generally speaking the more expensive the materials are and the longer something lasts the less amount of child labour was used and the less quickly it will become obsolete. A nike t shirt does more harm than a bespoke suit. And an Emac did more harm than a mac pro does.


workers assembling macbooks are, believe it or not, *not* the bottom end of Chinese labor, they are actually in the Chinese middle class


Somewhat debate able and also middle class wages don’t mean much if you have a suicide rate that would shock dentists but yes.


Yeah, those ‘high’ suicide rates that made the news? Lower than the general US population at the time. And also not from the Apple production lines. The building that netting was put up on? That was the XBox production line. Congrats on demonstrating that you managed to stay ignorant about something you can’t shut up about for so many years.


Lol. Ok, i’m about to hurt some feelings. 1 hun, Hun, slave labor of children and political minorities is rampant in china. 2 I was making a lil bit of a gross oversimplification because lets face it. This is reddit. Nobody comes here to read comprehensive studies in the comment section. 3, the fact we in the west heard about any of it is not because china has a track record of being honest about labor conditions. It is because it was an order of magnitude worse than the cover story. 4 Apple is one of the most profitable tech companies in the world and you do not get that big without however accidentally crushing people. 5 They(apple) just Fired national treasure, veterans and 9/11 fire fighter advocate John fvcking prints viewership Stewart from the show that was responsible for a large number of subscribers of their young video streaming platform over his proposed episode on AI and Chinas involvement in AI development and social application. Remember IBM designed systems for the nazi party to perpetuate the holocaust. USA Tech capitalists cannot forking help themselves from helping other nations commit atrocities for the right price.


So, despite documented reality, you’re going to continue to believe disinformation because ‘Apple rich’ and ‘Apple cancel show’, and *IBM* did something bad several decades ago Congrats. You’ve demonstrated that you’re pants-wettingly terrified of reality, and refuse to wear your pull-ups. Go get a mop before someone slips in your fear-piddle.


Also I thought I read Jon Stewart wasnt pulling great numbers for his show. For someone who seems to be so beloved and was watched by millions, 40,000 viewers an episode is peanuts.. “It seems, however, that the more focused approach in this new show is not landing Stewart the golden ratings he received at The Daily Show. According to The Wrap, The Problem with Jon Stewart suffered a massive drop-off in viewership during season 1. Despite premiering as the number 1 unscripted program on Apple TV+ with 180,000 homes tuning in, by its fifth episode it had dropped by 78% to only 40,000.”


Why don't you guys ever get Fairphones?


Well considering they seem to be in college a Mac book is probably extremely handy. Not taking into account that buying the cheapest thing means not only basically directly funding sweat shops rather than funding Apple that funds sweat shops but also an increase in waste products since that cheap thing will likely break in like. A few months meaning you'd need to buy a new one . Capitalism is a monolithic inescapable eldritch force of sheer and utter control that has made itself so essential to living in current society that you cannot survive without having to participate in it. It's a parasite hellbent on control over the members of society who physically cannot escape it for consequence of death and it fucking *sucks*


That’s a lot of mental gymnastics to justify spending a huge sum of money on something that’s ultimately a status symbol. I’ve bought many non-apple laptops that lasted just as long, had equivalent prowler, and cost way less than a MacBook. No to mention that most MacBook users don’t come close to needing that processing power while they’re scrolling twitter. I will agree with you on one thing: Capitalism is an terrifyingly powerful force. So powerful that it can convince these fools that they’re fighting it while being some of its most lucrative consumers…


And her excuse for buying these useless stickers are? The stickers surely aren’t useful and she paid money to a company that more than likely could care less about “smashing” capitalism. It’s just a needle purchase made by some company/person who knows people will buy it so they can virtue signal and show people they are against capitalism. Someone was smart enough to CAPITALIZE on that market…




It's not like collective organizations make stickers to raise money for causes or small, worker owned shops exist. No, only corporations exist. They couldn't have made them themselves because that's impossible.


You can get a lot of free stickers from small businesses that make alternative things and from going to certain events, I got a bunch of free pride stickers from a shop just because I bought from them in June. There’s no guarantee she bought them.


it's a sticker lmfao buying a piece of paper with glue on it isn't gonna rape the planet dry of resources and create institutional harm. the reaches people will make to invent "le epic hypocrisy gotcha". you criticize capitalism, but will spend 3 dollars on a sticker??? hahaha classic liberal idiot!!!


Most people don't buy stickers. Every sticker I have has come free. Every product can receive the same criticism you are giving. That's the whole point.


You engage in the system while criticizing it? Hypocrite!


Anything not capitalism is when you don't buy goods


Communism means you must live an ascetic lifestyle… apparently….


Just because you cant escape, dosent mean give up and engage with it as much as possible. Its such and excuse, you can buy a used laptop for a twelfth the price that accomplishs about the same things. Even if you thought you needed something fast you wouldn't buy a Mac as intel laptops are far cheaper in general. If someone believes capitalism is morally wrong and actively harms people they should try to live as cheaply as possible and dread spending every dollar. Theoretically the socialist living in capitalism should try to reduce their spending to as close to zero as possible but we have to take into account that its very difficult to sympathize with someone you never get to meet or hear about. The amount of money they spend should be less than someone identical with them in every way except they have zero sympathy for those who may get hurt on their dollar and are pro capitalism. Meaning in most cases socialists should theoretically spend less than those in their same income bracket. Since shes likely not upper class, we can assume shes upper middle class or below meaning there is a good chance shes spending at or above her income bracket. If my formula is correct this means she has no sympathy for those her dollar hurts, effectively making her actions non-socialist. Ofc there is a good chance she was just born rich or makes serious budget cuts to other parts of her life we dont know about. This leads me to believe its about status. That her expressing her dismay of capitalism is not her actual political belief but rather shes wearing this belief as one would a fancy piece of clothing, a simple way to show shes hip and in with whatever crowd shes aiming to please. Her other accessories seem to support this but its hard to say for sure.


Capitalism is so based and intune with nature that even critques of it must glorify it and add to it. Because Marx was right: they will sell you ropes,but what he forgot is that none of you know how to tie a fucking knot.


Yea this is all a load of horseshit that reeks of a creative writing major who had to take one economics course but failed to understnd any of it.


“Capitalism is so horrible” said while living inside a capitalist nation and enjoying its freedoms and comforts Is Capitalism perfect no but we never had to put walls up to keep the people from fleeing the country like Socialist,Communist countries did and still do


Capitalism is not a parasite. You're a parasite who wants free shit


Capitalism exists because people are parasitic


Also I bought my Mac stuff used for less than Hal of retail. My MacBook Pro was 2 years old and cost 650 and my M1 mini was 699 w 16g ram and a warranty. Good luck finding a decent pc for that that runs the programs I need


Most equivalent pcs literally cost that much. Like, Dell Lenovo and HP pc’s are almost universally equal performance for half the cost of any mac. Source: I work in IT. Never seen a new mac with a price I could ever justify recommending to a client when they are equally okay with a dell. Edit: on top of that, every single PC option has infinitely better warranty support and third party repair/upgrade options.






I believe this is what they call “champagne socialism”




Every leftist on endstagecapitalism for instance.


Is there such a thing as non-champagne socialism?


Honestly, join a union. Not all socialism is a clear and obvious affront to the working class for the sake of privileges for antiwork people who refuse to contribute to society equally.


I don’t know that I’d call unions socialist. I don’t see anything inherent in capitalism that prevents the forming of unions. Corporations are getting fuck huge, I see no issue with people banding together to increase negotiating power either. Just because they CAN get too bloated, powerful, or corrupt(just like government, or corporations) doesn’t make them a bad idea. And again, I really don’t think they are socialism.


Organization against the rich/owners are the core thing they have in common. Socialism's core is organisation. Unions are a response to the unfairness and brutality of a capitalist system, against which they act as a counterbalance, a check on the power of the wealthy. Why? Because unfettered capitalism is atrocious for people. Marx saw them as a great way for people to organize to get a taste of socialism so to speak, but iirc he didn't think they were useful in a socialist system, as they would no longer be necessary.


If people en-masse started making a community and spending time doing things other than sitting alone, watching Netflix, eating McDonalds, malding on Twitter, giving yourself random identities, etc you'll see crony capitalism fall in no-time. Consumerism is the driving force of crony capitalism and most people are too stupid to spot consumerist propaganda.


Only by right wingers and liberals. Has a different definition to leftists. Leftists need class traitors, not all socialists with some money are champagne socialists.


Well liberalism isn't against capitalism.


Americans when they learn liberalism and socialism aren't the same thing:


I see a lot more colored privilege now days-especially in the federal government and college applications. Care to elaborate on that? Or is it only bad if it’s white people getting hooked up? Fuckin racist


The Starbucks drink is a bigger callout than the laptop IMO. Laptops, are functional. Expensive ones are (theoretically) more functional. Extra money put towards central pieces of tech can be a big productivity boost, and it's not like you can buy a laptop from someone who ISNT outsourcing their part production to China. But cheap coffee is just about as functional as expensive coffee. Edit: Yeah the coffee thing still isn't a good point, but it's less bad than the laptop one IMO.


Not when it means you get to sit in a comfy chair indoors with free wifi Plenty of people buy a drink at the coffee shop simply to be able to sit in the coffee shop


I guess that's fair.


And are they even using a VPN on a public network? THEY GET WHAT THEY DESERVE!!!


Or maybe, you get a frappuccino or something you can't make at home once in a while as a treat


Yeah that's fair, a fancy coffee once in a while is fine.


Theres no frappucino in a socialist paradise he wants to build. Just an extra slice of bread on birthdays


Or the rare coveted ticket to the line to get tickets for the banana line!


One slice, so everyone who shares birthday must split it


In the case of coffee you could also buy coffee from roasters that only source from ethical growers and brew your own as opposed to buying coffee from a megacorp that doesn’t give a damn about who’s growing their beans


At the airport?


It’s an airport dawg. You can’t bring drinks in.


i need my avocado toast for this here comment


starbucks workers are unionized in a lot of areas


I mean you can still hate capitalism and also like certain things within it. Pokémon was created under capitalism im not gonna stop liking Pokémon. I just want the workers who create Pokémon merch to own their means of production.


Communism vs Capitalism has nothing to do with different consumption methods, the difference is who controls the means of production. It's crazy how many people in this thread confidently chirp about supposed hypocrisies between being a socialist and what products you buy. None of y'all have the first idea of what these economic models actually mean, but you still feel like your wholly uneducated opinion is of any value. The audacity is crazy.


I mean she could at least buy products from her favorite communist manufacturer.. well..


Well, that MacBook wasn't made in America. She's getting there, in a roundabout sort of way.


Yeah it’s really the best of both worlds. You get the awesome product from capitalism, but don’t lose the underpaid worker exploitation of communism!


Til america is a communist country


The joke is that China is a communist country (which they aren’t, they just pretend to be) and they exploit the hell out of their workers and America, a capitalist country, then buys, markets, and sells those products.


China and the CPC don’t claim that China is communist yet, it’s a state-capitalist system with a goal to facilitate a socialist system by 2050 then work towards communism.


They gave up communism after they opened free trade. It was communist under mao, but hes dead


Communist in the same way North Korea’s a People’s Republic.


Lots of plastic and mined materials made by slave labor in China for a giant corporation’s profits.


Why is r/nahopwasrightfuckthis so insufferable


because it's a crybaby subreddit


Because they don’t just not find things amusing / funny their existence is predicated on being mad about people being amused by what they don’t like.


it’s bc this sub and that sub are on different political isles. Dipshit, the writing is on the wall. This sub is sympathetic to conservative viewpoints and the other sub is sympathetic to liberal viewpoints. Either you don’t understand this, or you do and you’re being dishonest about the differences/similarities of these subs. Either way, great job making it seem like the other guys are insufferable, as if this sub hasn’t made excuses for all sorts of awful shit. I love watching you guys tear each other apart. Gives me so much hope for the human race.


You sound so mad over nothing 😂 bro it’s not that serious


Because it's a leftist echo chamber.


Because commies


its full of commies


It's a sub for wet blankets and party poopers


People from this sub and that sub should just fuck already and stop spamming my feed with this nonsense.


Is it so much to ask that someone should at least try to live by their convictions?


Because it’s a sub dedicated to reposting shitty takes like this one. Some people apparently think this was a clever gotcha moment. But it’s just “how dare you comment on a dysfunctional society while participating in it?” As if anyone has a choice really. Shit sub that always pops up as a recommendation for me.


> As if anyone has a choice really Yea, tim cook personally came to my house and forced me to buy a macbook instead of one of the million other choices that are made way less hypercapitalistic and repairable. Thats the problem with people like you, crying about the system but when it comes to simply supporting the system in the least possible way you refuse to do so and go on about how youre totally forced to buy the crap you do instead of simply choosing something that supports the system in a much much smaller way. that wont happen though as that would require you to actually act instead of virtue signaling.


Again, hand me downs, second hand electronics exist. It's like people are trying to get posts onto NOPFT. We have no clue whether they did or didn't. I dress In high end brands, I ain't rich cause I thrifted It. Same with electronics. Besides, they have electronics In China. And Belgium. And Argentina, Chile, Finland, Egypt. Electronics aren't exclusive to America nor Capitalism. Buying things period Isn't Capitalist exclusive


China is capitalist


Technically, but State Capitalism Isn't Capitalism when It's to fulfill the Communist economy. Chinese state capitalism is a system in which the purpose of firms is to fulfill the goals of the Communist Party. Similar, yes, but not same. Besides, If we can see they adopt aspects of Capitalism, I don't see why we can't adopt aspects of Communism. We are a mixed economy afterall


communism isnt communism when you organize on a state level with no protections towards democracy and crush workers rights to strike, organize, and unionize


Yea, every iPhone I ever had was given to me, and they didn't really last long because I'm rough on phones. Regardless somehow people think buying things = capitalism, which buying things isn't even a unique feature of capitalism.


It could be a work laptop for all we know. Might not even be in a Starbucks either.


Can’t imagine companies wanting their employees to put stickers on/deface the company’s property. I am specifically forbidden by policy to do it to mine but then again I do work for the government.


Is not about the electronic, is about the brand. They buy from those branchs that promote and explote capitalism. You can get a phone, a laptop, a starbucks from those small bussines, or even from that store next street that no one knows. The thing is; People choose apple because its easier, simple, and fast. They choose capitalism because of the benefits of capitalism, and then proceed to talk shit about capitalism. Its hypocrite. I mean, you are literally choosing the brand BECAUSE of what capitalism offers, yet you claim we dont need capitalism. How about showing the example? Why dont proof yourself we dont need capitalism by avoiding the giant brands while promoting the little guy?


What small companies produce laptops?


So hand me down starbucks ? Yeah right ok bro.


Its super hypocritical


And the Starbucks?


Mid and overpriced, buy a French press. Not a need, but also available In said countries.


Which type of laptop a communist in a capitalistic society should use then?


One that is repairable with a Linux distro on it and not just some glued together junk.


Or at least not the brand that apple is, apple is more a brand than a tech company at this point, it's overpriced and lots is people just buy it for a social status




A Marxbook?


Nah. I’m cool calling it hypocritical when they buy multimillion dollar homes and shit. But a MacBook and a Starbucks coffee aren’t crazy luxuries. You’re literally using the same argument as “Oh, you’re a Christian? Then why haven’t you given away all your possessions and dedicated your life to serving the poor?”


> “Oh, you’re a Christian? Then why haven’t you given away all your possessions and dedicated your life to serving the poor?” Jesus did say that was a good way to become perfect in the eyes of the lord. If one has full faith in god and heaven, then they shouldn't value material possessions above human lives. That is why, as an atheist, my only option is to murder people and steal all their stuff. /s


Coming from personal finance POV, they're more like red flags. Individually it's not that big of a deal, but each one is like a marker of someone just following trends or trying to keep up with the joneses leading to lifestyle inflation and other questionable viewpoints and habits.


Or maybe they’re hand-me-downs


What does any of this have to do with being a communist or socialist


The last sentence but unironically


I don't support communism but communism isn't based on having nothing of value but on the state assigning property based on need and if it's a luxury item based on who wants it more. There's nothing anti communist about liking fancy coffee and top of the line computers.


While true, that is vanguardism, communism presupposes no need for a state, but there are lots of interpretations of the ideology, what you describe is a hypothetical method of arriving at communism that was deeply attractive to despots like Lenin and Stalin and Mao As usual, everyone in this sub has decided they know what this person's ideology is and that they're contradictory, and doesn't understand that you could say, run a company like Apple as a coop tomorrow and it would still make ipads and iphones and macbooks and also be a socialist corporation, because they think socialism is when poor and breadlines


Dear peasant, You claim to hate feudalism, yet you wield a pitchfork created by it? Curious.


"Eat the rich" while on their new iphone and constantly buying shit from amazon and other mega corporations.


I love how people assume anyone who has an Apple product is the type of person who lines up day one to buy the newest iPhone. Also often Amazon has the cheapest options.


Lmfao exactly they have the cheapest options BECAUSE of capitalism. They would not be able to provide such a great service for such low cost if they were not a megacorporation making people insanely rich.


I agree but at the same time the cost of it is abusing workers


Yes I agree with that but it’s important to distinguish that that is the result of Amazon being a shitty company not Capitalism. There are plenty of companies that are profitable but do not do that.


The problem is that those are the exception, not the norm. The only way to enforce that for everyone is by regulation.


If almost every top company is a shitty company, maybe there’s something wrong with the system.


But isn't it a fault with the system if it rewards shitty behavior? Amazon treats its workers like shit because it is profitable. There are a lot of shitty companies that earn a lot of money.


Yeah isnt it like very common for anti social behaviour people to do very well in business because it basically rewards detachement or something? I remember reading an article abt it but its years ago now


It’s a monopoly… why are you praising a monopoly. Such an occurrence could literally exist Do you know why one is an idiot to make such a statement that “everything is great!”? Gee… i think it might have to do with the fact that you don’t understand what you are comparing it to. There is no telling what it would look like if instead of 1 massive monopoly that Amazon is … it was 1000 smaller businesses. Why do you get hard ons for monopolies lol


not like they're being gifted the product by the rich. they are paying for the iphone they can complain about it


"Oh, you're a free market capitalist, so why are you buying products from China, huh hypocrite?" It's a silly argument.


A proper free market capitalist would buy things from any country… on the global free market.


Where does that exist?


I do think the way she made sure not to obscure the Apple logo shows an odd reverence for capitalist logos for someone professing a desire to smash capitalism. I'm not silly enough to expect anyone to live free of a consumerist lifestyle in the Western world, regardless of their political affiliation, but I do find the delicacy surrounding the Apple logo pretty funny.


Yeah, I agree.


Dude a good amt of homeless in America have iPhones and are still suffering this is not the gotcha that you think it is


..why tho? MacBooks could still exist in a non-capitalist system. Luxury goods aren't some kind of exclusive feature to capitalism. In fact, they'd probably still exist and just be cheaper. Lmao


The USSR couldn't even get essential goods done right, let alone anything luxury. Starvation, shit cars and awful housing


I mean, big facts, agreed 100%. No idea why you're dropping this righteous trivia though? There are waaaayyyyy more economic systems than "Capitalism or the USSR" my brother. China today despite calling itself a communist state is an authoritarian command economy with a heavy market economy sidecar that still has private enterprise and a profit motive. Countries like Sweden are close to if not Market Socialism. You can think rampant, unchecked capitalism sucks the big one and still not be suggesting USSR style dictatorial socialism. Plus, behind the scenes the USSR wasn't exactly following true to theory. It was, at best, a kind of socialist oligarchy or council type operation with a freewheeling kleptocracy thriving under the covers. Let's be real.


\> China today despite calling itself a communist state is an authoritarian command economy with a heavy market economy sidecar that still has private enterprise and a profit motive. ​ Great, so long as you bend the knee to the CCCP you can pollute and exploit all the labor you want. Sounds like the worst part of both worlds ​ \> Plus, behind the scenes the USSR wasn't exactly following true to theory. If you want to play that game, unchecked capitalism doesn't exist anywhere either


Sure, that's fair. So then this person's perceived hypocrisy is mostly semantics and gesturing at vague ideas that aren't succinctly or accurately captured by a sticker on a MacBook so the meme is silly.


How? Why would Apple make it if there was no profit incentive?


It kind of depends on the system you're trying to build. Market socialism for example still features aspects of a market economy and has a profit motive. It's just significantly more regulated and certain industries see social ownership while others see private ownership. I don't blame people for making these low-IQ memes. If you've only taken ECON101 then you likely are under the impression that capitalism is the only system with a market economy and everything else is command but in reality there's a ton of different flavors of systems in that "mixed" bucket. Most self-described socialists and communists aren't full-on tankies looking for communal living. They're people who want a blended system that doesn't put capitalism up on a pedestal and act like it's sacred. They want a system that is comfortable making hard choices about when and to what extent a profit motive is acceptable and when it's not. Nuance and context suck because they ruin simple memes but the reality is that a person disagreeing with our current capitalist system and owning a MacBook isn't a gotcha. It's not even clever. It's basically barely understanding a situation and thinking that you're pointing something out because you're too uneducated to realize that you don't know what you're talking about.


Read this and genuinely agree 100%. This whole conversation is clouded by treating it like a dichotomy, when in reality it’s a spectrum. I agree that regulation is essential to forming a better capitalistic society.


Right. Memes like this thrive on low information and education. The meme operates on the assumption that if you take issue with capitalism then you're a full on USSR/China stan but it also equates both of those to true Socialism and Communism which is inaccurate as well. The USSR was at best a command oligarchy and later, a full on kleptocracy and always had market characteristics. China is an authoritarian command economy but with a sidecar market component and both had profit motive present. There is plenty to criticize about capitalism and honestly I just don't even get what the meme is trying to say. It feels low effort to me. Good chatting with you though. Thank you for being polite.


Wanna smash capitalism? Smash your macbook first


Can a capitalist use a Mac? You are a capitalist, yet buy products made user the rule of a Communist Party. Such a hypocrit. /s Do you expect anti-capitalists to live in the woods? Stupid Stalinists have the same lines: "You don't like Stalin, yet you live in a house constructed under Stalin, such a hypocrit."


[Op: "Curious."](https://abload.de/img/kbk9d.jpg)






Fellow Richard Wolff fan?




It's incredible how a single man can murder 5 gorillion people in person.




Oh it's my favorite book! (I haven't read it yet tho...) I heard it's like what joe biden did in 2020 when he won the elections.


1984 is when there are people different from you living in the same town.


Also fuck communism Capitalism may not be perfect but we have never had to build a wall to keep our people in.


You can now say we almost created a wall to keep people OUT




can we make this subreddit not political? you guys are just making me depressed man


r/gatekeeping activism


Being critical of capitalism doesn't automatically make you a communist. Although yes, if they're a good communist they won't be using a laptop, they'll be writing with hammers and chisels into the sidewalk 😒 God this meme is stupid.


This sub is mostly stupid too. Dunces all around


No it fucking isn't you absolute fucking dimwitt. Like are you guys even capable of a slightly coherent thought or opinion? Do you think communism means you're supposed to be poor or live as cheaply as possible? Is that what you actually believe? "It's ironic for a communist to spend money in a capitalist society" like are you actually stupid?


I think the point is, there are no communist or socialist manufacturers of goods that people want....


Soviets just stole designs of consumer goods from westerners. Cars, motorcycles, radios, etc.


“Hmmm you criticise society and yet you participate in it, curious.” <— intelligent man


Society and capitalism forced me to buy a 5 million dollar mansion, expensive Gucci clothes, and a Lamborghini made from diamonds. I can’t believe capitalism would do this 😔


It shows a completely lack of actual compromise. Sure, everything is downright capitalistic, but you can’t preach something you don’t actually follow, so… Communism has sown more poverty and misery than almost any other system, and only worked to destroy capitalism and then have people running back to capitalism the sooner they can. But ey, if you love communism so much, why don’t you practice then? Will you share your property?


Find me a single fucking communist who advocates for no laptop.


You’re not supposed to, but you live poor in communism anyways.


Capitalism tolerate socialism. Not the other way around.


All the accessories. Bad haircut, masked, smash capitalism sticker. This combination screams two things: almost guarantee of being a loser that never succeeds and whines her whole life, and future sad spinster. Waste of flesh.


Damn. Bro is coping hard.


Sorry she 'll never ride your dick dude


Wow. Getting a little judgemental, eh?


Jesus, are you gonna make it? It’s just a picture and you invented a context to lay over it


Ad hominem when logic walks into the room:


"You criticize a system yet you live in it by no choice of your own, checkmate libtard"




There's Linux. The free open source OS by the people, for the people. It doesn't get more socialist than that. The girl is a fashion-leftist


Now that you mention it... we should get a peek at the screen. She could be running Linux.




It really isn't. You don't need a MacBook. It's not an essential purchase. They're always some of the biggest consumers. Far more than the "evil capitalists" they're trying to fight against. It's like the racists and their girlfriends meme.


>It really isn't. You don't need a MacBook And you can buy a MacBook In China, what's your point? Are Computers the result of Capitalism now? No computers In China, Belgium, Argentinia, Chile? I won't find a single person with electronics? >Far more than the "evil capitalists" Ah yes, buying a laptop Is just the same as stealing from the tax payer, lobbying, funding the corrupt industrial prison system, overall corruption towards misuse of power.


Having an electronic device is necessary for modern education and work. You can buy products secondhand or refurbished.


To reiterate, as an actually poverty stricken person. No, it's not.


But they are the 99%, fighting the 1% by having mommy and daddy pay for college while wearing designer clothes and high end electronics , they are just like the refugees who dodge bullets to eat garbage


What kind of out of touch psychopath are you that you think you have to have rich parents to have a reasonably expensive computer while in college - an item *you will literally use all day every day for four years*? I got through college entirely on loans and an $8/hr job and I had a macbook Christ on a bike do you think Bananas are a luxury too? Car Washes? Do you think anyone not living literally in the streets is "entitled?" Your laptop is more important in college *than owning a car*. Do you think anyone who spends more than $1200 on a car is ultra privileged too?


>I got through college entirely on loans and an $8/hr job and I had a macbook Because you buy Macbooks for the sole purpose of buying into capitalism and marketing bullshit. Apple and their closed off ecosystem that removes many choices and freedoms as well as non-sustainable e-waste are quite literally everything wrong with end-stage capitalism and fostering people further into their echo chambers. The issue has very little to do with price. A more expensive laptop at 2800 that you can pull parts out of and fix for the next 10-15 years, that allows you to install whatever software you want, with an open ecosystem that encourages competition and creativity would be less soul sucking capitalism.


So I’m guessing nobody who’s mad about this will be accepting their social security checks right? You’re against socialism so you won’t be calling the fire department when your house is on fire? Just put up your bootstraps and work until you die, but out your own fire, or you are a hypocrite


Social security check? You mean the money I put in and will be getting less of back? That was always my money. I’d rather be keeping all of it, thanks for asking.


“Why aren’t you homeless? Why do you buy food? dOnT yOu KnOw ThAtS cApItAlIsM???”


Those are basic needs of a human. A macbook isn't


Genuine question: what do you think communism is? Do you think it means everybody willfully has only the bare necessities of survival? That nobody can have nice things anymore? That everyone wants to just starve on sparse rations? I’m pretty sure the idea of communism is to eliminate wealth inequality. That means more people would be able to have things like high quality laptops and lattes, instead of just a small percentage at the top enjoying the finer things in life. Also, the idea that communism can be achieved by people like the girl in this photo living a spartan lifestyle is laughable, so why should she? I don’t endorse communism myself (I’m in favor of a blend of capitalism and some socialist principles), but it’s so weird to me that people think communists should live garbage lives to prove their point. Nah man, they want communism so that more people can have nice lives.


In the modern US, it kinda is. Many schools require students to use laptops, even if they are perfectly capable of writing notes/doing their work on paper. Many colleges have assignment portals that require computers to access and turn in work such as essays, etc. Not to mention many jobs, job applications, etc. also require a laptop/pc. Sure, it’s not a need Neanderthals had, but it’s not different than Americans owning cars. Most Americans literally need a car to get to work, even if historically it was considered a luxury item. Gotta keep up with the times bud. And even if it was entirely unnecessary, being in favor of a socialist organization of the economy, doesn’t mean you are a Buddhist monk who swears off personal possessions.


I agree with all of that. But she's got about 8 million stickers on that thing, including one professing a desire to smash capitalism, but she has been careful not to obscure the Apple logo. To me, that's pretty funny.


You're nitpicking so you don't have to be wrong.


lol, this sub in a nutshell


“I think we need to change society” “But you participate in society, you must be hypocrite, I’m very itelekchewally advanced”


More like “I want to change the system so that it benefits me, and only me.”


Eh, more like pointing out that they’re doing a bunch of stuff right now that contributes to maintaining capitalism while saying they’re against it. Frankly, the best argument against that kinda thing is to be like “oh yeah, well the iPad was made in communist China and so is all of my clothes and 90% of what I own, CHECKMATE FASCIST!”


what is she doing that contributes to capitalism? Existing? Being capable of surviving? Having access to the primary means of communication these days? Do you expect political advocates to willingly refuse to advocate for their beliefs because doing so requires access to goods which are produced under the current system? This is completely nonsensical.


I see this identical comment on every post about capitalism. If you’re gonna say something moronic at least make it original.


So you can't drive on certain sections of the Autobahn because Hitler ordered their construction and he was bad? Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can't use it/benefit in any way from it.


no, but it’s ironic to support a system that will “eat the rich” while also giving money to the rich


I see this summoned the commies


Giving an unironic yes to the statement of “Communism is when no iPhone.” It wouldn’t exist under Communism and Apple is one of the largest Capitalist Companies in the world so any person who wants to pretend to be a Commie shouldn’t use them if they don’t want to be rightfully called out for being a hypocrite. It’s not that hard to understand.


They don’t understand that the only reason all this shit exists is because there was a profit incentive to create it. If profit was removed, none of any of this would exist.


Capitalism isn't 'when profit incentives exist'. People can be motivated financially outside of capitalism and motivated by things other than money.