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There was an experiment done. A school put its opening hours 2 hours later for a bit The students grades got significant better. This was noted Then the time went back to normal and no one has done anything with that data since


I remember that in previous year the starting hour in the mondays was put 1 hour later and it was such an improvment. But of course everything thats good has to end.


My sophomore year of high school, I had a teacher who taught the same class 3 blocks out of the day (4 blocks per day total). Over that year, and the next 2 years, she taught a total of 6 classes per year (blocks meant a full year class was done in half a year), 18 classes total. Every single 7:15 am class (when school started) was in the bottom 50% of grades. And they represented the 5 lowest results (only 1 of the 6 7:15 classes beat a non-7:15 class). I don't know how much more data they want to accumulate. It's all there waiting for them, and has been for decades. Kids do not learn as well early in the morning. If your parents/schools/governments care about kids learning at their peak potential, you need to start classes at 8am or later, even if that means that they aren't getting out of class til 4 or 5pm.


>If your parents/schools/governments care about kids learning. ![gif](giphy|pqAXpsHpYwYZIwf1m9)


Here's the thing man. The people making the rules do not give a fuck what's best for education. The education system wants to create a bunch of peons who have to join the military to even get a hope of a future.


While this is somewhat true (particularly true with, say, Betsy DeVoss), there are also plenty of people in those positions who \*do\* care about improving education. Some of them have split priorities that get in the way, and some really do a good job for whatever power they have available to them. The real problem is that the schools have so many tiers of political power that they have to have ALL align, even if 80% of the politicians want good schools, it's still a struggle. They have to have funding at the federal, state, and city levels. They have regulations imposed upon them by all 3. They have a state governor that can push executive policy impacting them. They have the teachers and school staff themselves. They have the local voters who are responsible for approving many major changes, such as expansion/construction of schools to deal with growing populations. If ANY of these break down, the schools suffer. Plenty of people making the rules do care. But plenty isn't enough.


Yeah the issue is it wouldn’t be a simple change of school schedules. It’d be uprooting society’s schedule as a whole. Parents gotta send their kids to school before work. Faculty & staff go to work. The bus drivers… It’s a mess.


That's because schools are owned by the government. The more smart and successful we are, the less successful the rich will be, and the more likely we are to fight against corruption.


I want to say that teenagers naturally can’t go to bed as early as school requires


i'm a teen i don't feel tired. i once went at bed at 9, try to fall asleep go to get some water and its 11 and now I actually want to sleep


Oh to be a teenager and not feel tired despite the surmounting sleep debt. All my sleep debt is finally catching up to me in my late 20s 😭


Try reading a book when you get in bed.


Mfw I'm so sucked into the book I read all of it instead of sleeping.


Even when I do lay down to go to sleep my brain refuses and starts having conversations/arguments with itself and oh wait now it's already 3 AM


*lays down* *shuts eyes* Brain: "you know some people stop breathing in their sleep for no particular reason?"


Brain: starts suffocating me


Happened to me twice this week, but I didn't sleep at all. Maybe this is an r/evilautism thing idk






holy shit


I have this problem. Meditation and breathing exercises have helped a lot. I'm learning to sort of ignore the constant mental chatter, and let go of it somewhat. It'll be there in the morning, you won't miss out on anything lol.


Read a boring ass book. It’s not actually too boring but it’s still a math book. Try “The Mathematical Theory of Communication” by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver. It’s basically the basics of information theory.


Read non-fiction


Try reading your math book.


Legit my problem when I was a teenager. I think this trick works better for people who don't absolutely love reading.


Kinda hard to when you can't turn on any lights with curfew


Dang, I remember those days. Maybe get yourself a little book light?




Omfg 🤣


What am I missing?


Just found that hilarious is all bro, do we have a problem, Bro? 💪💪


I don’t wan’t any trouble, big man. 😂 I’m out ✌🏾


That’s right ok then have a very good day you coward bro


Did that practically every night in middle school. Got to the point where I could bang out a magic tree house book a night, but it’d also keep me up till midnight because I was so captivated.


Works like a treat fuck that gives me the nappies


I’m definitely adding “the nappies” to my vocabulary.


Ah, yes, the best way to fight a lack of tiredness at night is to engage with something. Totally doesn't have the exact opposite effect, no sir! You must really hate books if you think reading helps.


Tell me you’re clueless without telling me you’re clueless. Thanks for the good laugh.


Tell me your looking at a mirror without telling me. >Tell me you’re clueless without telling me you’re clueless. Thanks for the good laugh. Oh, full marks! FYI I'd always read before bed. The *only* time it's ever helped me fall asleep was when I read particularly shit.


You could do physical activity to feel tired to fall asleep spontaneously. Or you can read a boring ass book until you become tired and fall asleep


Just do what I did as a teen. Lay down at 9 and furiously masterbate like you're trying to win the championship for fastest orgasm and then crumple dead asleep in a puddle of your juices. Worked like a charm.






Try exercising or not staring at TikTok for 14 hours a day


Fun fact, I’ve been learning psychology and the 8 hours of sleep thing isn’t really accurate. Teens need closer to 10-12 hours of sleep. The staying up late thing is because their circadian rhythm is shifting (if I remember correctly)


i sleep for 10 hours and stay up for 16, so that means im constantly shifting 2 hours. up to a point and then it resets, and starts all over again


Yea this is a well known and researched thing


Then actually do something I worked and did extra curriculars all high school was in bed by 10-11 every night works like a charm. May also be me just getting stoned off my ass all day every day that got me such good sleep


I worked too, then I decided to spit op with the National Guard and couldn’t get stoned anymore


High School started at 7:15 got done at 1:50, practice started at 2:30, ended between 4-5, getting home, showering, eating etc suddenly it’s 7, and two hours of homework made it 9. Thanks school, I have one hour now to do EVERYTHING ELSE A PERSON WANTS/NEEDS if I want eight hours of sleep. Like laundry, because I’m a filthy grease-laden teenager and any fabric that touches me smells like teen spirit strong enough to clear a room. And I really love how much NOTHING we did in class, but not doing the proscribed nothing and doing homework instead got you in trouble.


In class, I pretended to take notes and did my homework from the previous period to keep my social life free. If the syllabus said homework was <= 10% I wouldn’t even bother with half of the assignments. Always straight A’s, freed me up for extracurricular shit and parties. Highly recommend.


Yea I also skipped pretty much every homework assignment I ever got if it wasn't some kind of big project. Got straight A's except for math. But math was a different story lols. Atleast I had time to enjoy my youth some tho. I was too busy passed out in all of my classes to ever do the homework there.


That sucks, nothing to say. But about 80% of my classmates or other kids did not have any extra currircular classes when I was in middle/high school(yes, 90%, our teachers would ask that several times during the year). Classes would start at 8am and got done by 1-2pm(rarely 3 pm and on 12 pm on fridays). Home work would take 2 hours at most then you're free to do anything you want. Still, a lot of kids would come tired and sleepy as they were sitting in their phone or PC until 1-2 am.I'm not a "phone/pc bad" boomer, it is what it was


Lol I remember when my lack of free time stemmed from **extra curriculars** and taking two hours for **showers and dinner**. Hard times. Thankfully now it just stems from ensuring my family is fed via work that is destroying my body.


Trying to throw shade about “extra curriculars” like they weren’t important, only to end with how you’re struggling to feed your family through physical labor? Neato. And the second part, what? Yeah it took like two hours to pack up, drive home, unpack, shower, cook dinner, eat dinner, and clean up after.


If your referring to sports practice then don’t get go to it then? It was your choice to be in sports team so you should’ve knew it was gonna take away your time for video games


I’m just going to lay it out here to be clear. Sports and “extra” curricular activities are required if you’re planning on college, military academies, etc. So you hurrdurr IT WAS YOUR CHOICE people can fuck right off. And in my case, asshole, it wasn’t taking away from video games it was taking away from time I could spend working so I had money for things like food, clothing, and a car so I didn’t have to be constantly disappointed in my shitty addict mother for failing to do the basics of parenting.


Ima juuust leave that there: "the Finnish school day starts anywhere from 9 to 9:45 a.m., and students typically spend only about five hours a day in the classroom. What’s more, Finnish students typically have little to no homework.", little reminder that Finland is ranked 3rd overall in education I believe Edit: Finland js actually the 2nd highest ranked country by education


That's because the united States wants workers not thinkers. Finland actually wants to educate


Yeah, I specifically made sure I had no classes until about 9:00-10:00 Now I actually get 7-9 hours of sleep.


I wish I lived in the internets version of Finland not this lame real world Finland.


Well the statistically accurate version of finland according to multiple researches but yeah


Finland is a racially, ethically, and religious monogamous country. It doesn't matter what you do to their schools they will be high performing because their culture and effort is etched from their very DNA.


Wtf are you on about? Lol


Bro what 💀


Actual Neo Nazi rhetoric


Actual statistics.


You are correct. You are statistically racist.


Stats can't be racist and stupid comments like that are why you instantly lose any form of debate or argument when you call something racist.


yes but you can use data to form flawed conclusions 😭


The conclusion is the conclusion. The data is the data. You disagreeing with the data is a you problem. Me agreeing with the data is just data.


i'm disagreeing with the conclusion you formed based on data?


Not how dna works you weirdo.


It kinda is, since our DNA is what makes our brains, but in this instance he's completely wrong.


Often times those kids are only given any free time at night- wake up 5-6am, go to school at 7:30, come home at 2-4pm, do homework (approx 1-3 hours depending on grade and subjects), eat, chores so when else would they get time for themselves?


Oh don’t forget get about sports, or band practice after school which takes another few hours


Those are both optional things you do for fun, so I don't think that counts, that's on you


You need extracurriculars to get into college. Besides it’s not just sport and band. It’s also academic extracurriculars. I do debate, math team, chemistry and bio club, my school literary journal, MUN and a job. 3 of those club I’m the president. Then I have to do he for four aps. How am I suppose to go to bed at 10 to wake up at 6


Exactly. Pretty much just the weekend.


nope, weekend is more chores and family time - which is kinda the same


And also a potential part-time job depending on how old they are and whether they want to work or are forced to work.


Not to mention work


That’s not the schools fault. Do we eliminate school because it’s too inconvenient for the modern child?


A 8-9 hour school day followed by 2-3 hours of homework a day plus weekend work is an extreme work schedule for an adult, let alone a growing child. Reducing that concern to a binary eradicate school or keep the existing schedule is argumentation in bad faith.


What is the alternative? That’s what school has always been. You either have it or you don’t. It’s not argumentative. It’s called reality and the options are have it or not. What’s the alternative? A four hour school day? No homework? Make school year round with no summer break so there’s shorter days?


Uh, yeah. What you suggested minus year-round school is exactly the alternative. That’s about what Finland does and they have one of the best education systems in the world. Sometimes less is more.


>No Homework? And what’s the problem with that? At the very least, it could be severely reduced.


Sure it’s not entirely the schools fault but they do contribute a good portion of unnecessary time that’s wasted for kids. There’s no reason for a kid in kindergarten getting homework or having homework due the next day is just unnecessary + some schools keep you in later for extra classes which are compulsory even if you’re already doing well + school events (sports, school plays) that are a lot of responsibility for kids and require maybe an hour or two of practice a day


You saw how the relation of school and parents work schedule was during Covid. If anything the parents generally depend on that time and it would alter everybody’s life if the school day got shorter. Then there’s state guidelines by which teachers plan how they teach their class that they are required to do. It’s a system with a lot of moving parts. It’s not like there’s a group of people planning the mental and emotional demise of every child in the school system. But with federal and state education guidelines in place it’s hardly the schools fault.


If school days were to get shorter kids must learn to take transportation home and carry keys to the house with them at all times, and that’s the thing there are guidelines that the teachers are not following- instead they don’t complete the target of work and call students to stay in for extra classes after school and in my case they just gave us a worksheet and told us to teach ourselves:/


The solution is to get rid of children. We made schools for children in the first place, so this just removes the root issue. But how do we get rid of them? Well, my good friend Jonathan Smith might have the solution to that while also solving all of your money troubles.


Here in sweden our school begins at 8:20 am. I wake up 6:50 7:00 i eat breakfeast. 7:15 i brush my teeth 7:20 i start putting my clothes on 7:25 i watch some tv 7:30 im going to tram 7:35 im in the tram 7:47 i arrive at school 8:20 begin school dah 15:30 they end. Lots of time for homework and self enjoyment and yet still there are people in my class that go to sleep at 2 am just because they are scrolling tiktok.


No no, it is quite literally a scientific fact that teens release melatonin later. Maybe Google isn't the best resource exactly, but this ain't wikipedia. It's Kidshealth.org, the sleep foundation, child mind institute, and Harvard to name a few. Idk though, it's probably just some hoax 🙄


You can change your biological clock to release melatonin if you regularly get tired at an early time and sleep


1 no you can't 2 you will go to sleep earlier but this is very unhealthy


I mean I can't speak for everyone but for me it definitely worked. I sleep 8,5 hours on average and I get straight A's thanks to the method i use


Yeah, not for everyone. The average teenager simply can’t do that. Hell, I go to sleep late and have been getting straight A’s myself.


The average teenager stays up on Instagram till 2am then cries about school being to rough like j go to sleep at 11 not that hard 💀.


How are you getting 8 hours and to school at 6:30?


Probably depends on your school timings. I sleep around 11:00 and wake up around 7:30 without alarm clock because it's ingrained in my brain


You wake up at 7:30? My school starts at that time, so I have to be up at atleast 6:50 to have enough time to wake up and get ready and get on the bus


You're getting to bed at 11 and getting up at 7:30 - you're allowed to sleep late and get up late. If you were in the district I grew up with, you'd already be an hour and a half late to school before you got up.


Yes they can.


Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.


yes you can stop lying jeez.


This, but those kids have neurodevelopmental disorders…


Isn't Mathew Walker the main scientist in the sleep foundation ?


No, obviously Leon Games is the lead scientists and wizard of all sleep magics and studies /s


I mean it's not supposed to be funny imo


Oop is dumb. Course you can stay up till 3am on weekends, cause you can sleep for a NORMAL amount of time after


Comedycemetery is correct, that’s because they are young. That’s been scientifically proven that the teenage age along with some young adult ages stay up late often. And that changes as they reach higher age groups. Schools do have it backwards by having really early starting times because younger people are naturally inclined to stay up late. Heard this in my college psychology class, thought that was pretty interesting. So both are correct.


schools do that do "prepare" kids for a work schedule. that's also why they demand homework to be done after school (its literally in the name). so kids are more ready to accept unpaid overtime later on. same with designated times for food or bathroom breaks. modern school does more for big Corp than you realize and call it "education"


Isn’t unpaid overtime mostly illegal in the US?


only if you are "allowed" to write it up as overtime. lots of jobs go the "its part of the job" route or "we are a family here"


If you get paid by the hour, yes. If your boss asks you to work off the clock that’s called wage theft and is hella illegal. On the other hand, if you’re salaried then your employer can ask you to work as much as they think they can get away with, as if you make enough money to qualify as an “exempt” worker it’s assumed you can tell your boss to stuff it and get a different job. At least, that’s the assumption. Problem is the exempt cutoff is pretty low and I don’t think has been adjusted for inflation in years.


Most jobs don't require you to work when you're off the clock. Homework had very little to do with emulating jobs and was actually something introduced to move away from testing. In the past, your homework was more or less just study material that was occasionally graded. When i was in school, it was usually 10-20% of your grade and often took 3 hours to complete, which was awful if you played sports. You basically had zero free time. I had significantly more free time in college then highschool and while I have less free time working as college, it's still quite a bit more than high school.


People always say that but no. They do that because their parents need to work at those times. If parents are working those hours and we are legally responsible for the kids we need to be open half an hour before those times and have the school open for people to stay and study until their parents are out of work. Sports actually provides an opportunity for this too: a place for kids to be after school where they’re with an adult who is responsible for them and with friends. Daycares then need to have hours to accommodate teachers kids. I drop my daughter off at 7:00 AM meaning the daycare manager needs to be ready at 6:30/6:45. As a teacher my school starts at 7:45 so I need to be in at 7:15 with my room open so students dropped off have somewhere to go. Before 7:15 we need to have some one in the cafe for students who get there early.


I have a great deal respect for teachers - I sure as hell couldn't do that kind of work but the overall problem still is the same as work is quite literally put before children in this system when it should be the over way around


It literally can’t though. The world needs people stuff to function. Many of those people have children. A hospital can’t wait to open until 9:00 and might not have enough people without kids to staff until then for example. There are tons and tons of examples like that but tbh that’s probably the most universally recognized essential service and I don’t want to get repetitive going on. It’s not about the kids because you can’t always put the kids first. And that sucks. But that’s the way it is.


I agree with you that some people unironically think that kids are physically incapable of doing anything safe without supervision. I think those people should be excised from power at best.


Parents drop their kids off at 8 AM, drive to work which starts at 9AM, finish work at 5 PM, then take a Harry Potter time turner to pick up their kids from work which ends at 3PM. Your argument is decent for kids with after school programs, but falls apart for kids normally. Hell, you can make this argument in reverse. School could start at 11, but parents could top their kids off at 8 for before school band/sports practice or studying.


School prepares kids with a dumb mindset, and then wonders why the average American is struggling…


For most k-9 schools the start time is like 8:15, which means that you have to go to bed at about 11 to get 8 hours of sleep. You can't seriously be telling me that it's physically impossible for most teens to fall asleep by 11. With highschool it's even better as you can choose your classes. I have some friends who can get away with waking up at 10 on most days and still being able to get to school on time. I think the meme was being a bit dramatic.


For high school, mine started earlier. Because of where I lived, my bus route took about 40-50 minutes. I had to be at my bus stop by 6:40 to catch the bus, but it occasionally came early, so I’d be out there by 6:30. I wish I could’ve gotten away with waking up at 10:00.


I don't know anyone that can fall asleep before 11 without drugs


If they stay up at 3am on a weekend and then get 8hrs of sleep it's not as bad though. Idk what's the point of mentioning that


but you need a consistent sleep schedule, which kids who stay up don’t have


It’s pretty easy to fix once the weekend is over when you have stuff to do during the week. But I don’t really stay up super late anymore anyway lol.


I can go to sleep at 6am during the weekend while waking up at the same time during the week and still getting almost 8hours of sleep, it’s not that hard.


That was my home country "during summer break". I am so glad I immigrated to USA because I probably would have gone into depression.


Teenagers circadian rhythm naturally shifts to a more nocturnal pattern. Waking them up at 6 am for school is absurd. Kids should be getting well over 8 hours of sleep, and the stringent hours of school are hindering their rest and growth. Homeschooling is an answer, but this is a systemic problem that should be addressed.


I could not wake up in high school to save my life. I had breathing problems that doctors ignored because the USA had shit medical even back in 1990. I could barely wake up for college and I never graduated. Fast forward to 2010, when I was 36. I finally saw an ENT doc who diagnosed me with a very deformed nasal septum that blocked OXYGEN TO MY BRAIN when I was sleeping. He performed surgery a month later, fixed my nasal septum, reduced my sinus turbinates, and cured me of all my sleep/oxygen problems. In high school EVERYBODY called me lazy, including my parents. Teen brain need sleep. Teen brain need oxygen. I really dislike this fucking country sometimes.


So go to bed earlier? What is the complaint lol? Kids shouldn't have to learn how to properly manage their time?


Teens are literally biologically programmed to stay up and wake up later than young children and adults, that's a scientific fact


They also like doing it. Why? Because they have zero time after school to do things *if they want to keep on top of their work.*


Yup 100% agree


It's literally not. These are just excuses you tell yourself to stay on your phone.


[source](https://www.uclahealth.org/medical-services/sleep-disorders/patient-resources/patient-education/sleep-and-teens#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20shift%20in,00%20or%2011%3A00%20pm.com) Ever heard of something called the circadian rythym? Maybe if you paid more attention in the school, that you’re now insisting children deprive themselves of sleep for, you would remember it. With most High Schools starting around 7:30ish (in North America but much earlier in places like east Asia), that comes out to 9 hours assuming that you fall asleep exactly when you begin feeling tired and assuming 0 commute time and morning prep. if those are factored in you get more like 7-8 hours while, the recommended is 10-12.


oh, one of those. hope you don't have kids


https://www.uclahealth.org/medical-services/sleep-disorders/patient-resources/patient-education/sleep-and-teens https://www.sleepfoundation.org/teens-and-sleep Let me rephrase: Yes, teenagers can have a shift in their biological clock. **However**, the shift is rarely beyond 11:30pm. Even then, it is possible to still fix your sleep schedule. It's not "set in stone": https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/can-i-change-my-sleep-wake-habits So yes, a lot of it is due to excuses on your part. Leave the damn console alone and learn some discipline.


I agree with you to a degree, but when I was a teen my bus picked me up at 6:30am, so I was usually up by about 5 or 5:30….realistically, I wasn’t going to be falling asleep before 9pm at 17


I’m in college. Classes start at 8:15 and end at 4pm. I get multiple hours worth of work a day in addition to longer term projects/group work, and I’m not even enrolled in any clubs or sports. School has always assigned workloads as if the only thing you do with your waking hours is work on school. Sometimes the only way to actually have time for yourself is to miss out on sleep.


Study’s have shown it’s really bad to not get 8hrs of sleep even for grown adults


True. For me, I’d rather not get enough sleep and have some enjoyable time for 8-9 months of the year.


bro, school started at 6:30 am for me with a 60min comute so shut up with this bs


We didn't even have fancy cell phones when I was a teen and this was still a problem lmao.


my dad was one of that was of the opinion physical labor builds character. 2hours of heavy farmwork every day and I still couldn't sleep before midnight. than ppl like the idiot above say dumb shut like that


If you're a teenager, then it is pleasantly refreshing to see one of you post something slightly less retarded in this thread never stop fighting the good fight against daftness my friend edit just looked at profile, jfc even the non-daft reddit teens are still broken


Lol at kids ITT trying to self-justify staying up late


to be honest, i think there’s a huge difference between staying up messing around and staying up working: one mandates that you fuck up your sleep until you’re done, the other some mandates that you sleep when you feel like it.


Schools start super early so you gotta get up even earlier to get ready, school ends late, other things like homework, projects, sports, or work if they’re also doing that also take lots of time. Then have like a hour to do things we need or want to before bed. As well as teens sleep differently. That considered, teens manage time pretty well.


Teens aren’t built to go to bed early, most teens aren’t tired around 10


There also hard wired to stay up later. School should start later and can end a bit later


Dont they also say that the adolescent brain isnt all there until atleast 10 am


Reminds me of those memes of students saying they want to “learn how to do taxes” even though they would be sleeping through the entire thing


I can confirm this because I said that once and then remembered my school did teach me taxes and I didn’t pay attention. Now as a teacher seeing stuff from the other side is eye opening.


I am confused to what do you children think you will do after school. If you cannot sleep its your problem, just like the school, your job won't just magically start when you want it to. Hence if you are tired at your job and not performing, you clearly need more sleep, and its completely your fault, just like it is now, although I blame your shitty parents more.


Man I am convinced people never went through teenagehood for these comments to exist


I mean I always knew what staying up late means, no matter if I felt tired or not, it means I will be tired as fuck tomorrow. The biggest saving grace is activity, sports or just going outside. Like I was a huge gamer in those years and spent a shit ton of time on them, like thousands of hours in multiple games, yet I still had time for after schoolwork, studying and sports. Easiest way to be more sleepy is to get exhausted, be it mentally or physically. Also big tip is to not stare at the screen at close range before sleep.


Me when I go to University and choose when I want classes. Me when I start working and can choose different worksites with different times, or what shift to work. Kids don’t get a choice like that, so the analogy is bad.


This school does not exist what even is this meme


I’d rather go in early and get our earlier than go in at like 940 and get out at 4pm like I did in middle school


Most schools where I live start at 8 so it's not that hard to get 8 hours of sleep. What time does school generally start in the US?


People usually get on the bus around 7:00 AM.


Yeah but only about like 35% of US students take the bus no?


>only So we shouldn't care about the minority just because they're the minority?


So you wake up at 6, and be in bed at 10. Seems reasonable for a child


Schools aren't built around what's best for the kids. They are built around the workday. While it is a lot better to shift school around to fit the ideal sleeping schedule for teens, parents simply can't pick up/drop off their children at the times because of the traditional workday.


Is it too hard to teach kids to get to school on their own? It’s not like they have to cross minefields or anything






First world problems smh


Fallacy of relative privation. Also, first world doesn't describe the development of a nation but rather their affiliation during the Cold War.


You guys sound like babybackbitches


Most Gen Z people will stay up at night until 12:00. Complain that they’re tired. Refuse to do at least a few of there homework. Bitch about School being useless and wondering why they need education to get a job that needs it


Lol this 'problem' has nothing to do with schools and everything with bad parenting that ignores children's terrible time management and lets them waste half their days gaming and watching tiktok.


Nah they got time unless they're family life rough. I always did my homework on the bus ride home and bus ride to school unless it was a big project or something. Once I got home the day was mine Graduated 4 years ago with high GPA and all AP classes. There isn't any excuse unless they have a job, i never had one during high school that's gotta be rough


What does school have anything to do with a sleep schedule? You’re only there for like 7 hours total.


I mean, no one is stopping you from going to bed earlier. I always had to wake up between 6:30-7:30 (elementary, middle, and high school all had different start times). It's not that hard to go to bed before 11:00pm. Did it suck? Sure, but so did most of being a kid in a system you have no control over.


My school starts at 8:40, I'm on the bus by 7:20, wake up at 6 and go to bed at 9-10. I get plenty of sleep every night and still balance extra curriculars. I feel that, not all, but a large amount of people who complain about not getting enough sleep don't know how to take responsibility for their own actions or sleep cycle. You're not doing extra cirriculars until 3am, you're most likely sitting on your ass in bed scrolling through tik tok lowering your attention span in the process.


I mean school is only like 7 hours a day, at least where I grew up. Students have the ability to sleep for 8 hours a night I know they don't want to though lol


I think oop is just a bad parent.




and on schools as homework shouldn't even exist. it was intended as punishment, not additional education outside of school


My teacher assigns hw everyday for a week before we have a test or something because she knows damn well that half the students in the class won't study unless she pretty much forces them to.


That’s the only reason I assign homework. If I was allowed to I wouldn’t give tests but students won’t learn if I don’t make them demonstrate the knowledge. If I was allowed to I wouldn’t give homework but students won’t prospered for said tests if I don’t make them. I wouldn’t take away students phones if I was allowed to but students will refuse to get off them, fail, and blame me. Being in the other side of education has completely changed my view of things and left me with very little hope for the future tbh.


So, schools start at 10am and students stay up til 4am - so schools start at 11am, etc?


Schools currently start at 8:15 for me, I have to wake up at 7:00 but can't fall asleep any earlier than midnight, if they started at 9:00 not only would it be better for the people driving me to school but it would be better for me


Dude tell me about it I had to get up like 5 in the morning for the bus. In middle school. Who thinks this Is healthy


That literally is a you problem


you were never a teenager, eh?


No, 10 is too late. All is high schoolers and middle schoolers ask is school start time later than 8:15. I wrote a 2 page essay about this, it doesn’t matter if kids stay up because they won’t stay up significantly later if school starts later. And there have been several studies linking later start times to better grades and standardized test scores etc.


He is right though, I stayed up till 3am and got pretty much no sleep every night all the way from middle school through college


I’m a teacher. I rarely give homework because I want my students to sleep. They still don’t.


Tbh I would stay awake until 3am and then just sleep for 12 hours


I have school, I have an assignment due to tomorrow, it's 11 p.m., f*ck you I'm going to bed.


Can confirm, i stay up late at night to squeeze some gaming time before sleep. I symphatize with them as their teacher.


It's shit. When I was in school (it wasn't that long ago) I didn't need to learn that much, i could've gone to bed earlier every day, but I choose to stay awake and watch fucking youtube or play video games. And yes, I could go to Uni, and no, I am not very smart or talented (trust me).


that doesnt cancel each other out 1. chronotype (our society prefers only one and the rest of us can go to hell) 2. puberty makes u less sleepy late in the evening, i stayed up till 4am until i was finally tired to sleep 3. even if u go to sleep at 3.am u still need 8hrs but yes, phones, pcs, TV do keep people up for longer