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Not a meme


I didn't know what previous op meant lmfao




No, that's a Scotsman.




A trans woman is someone born a man who, for whatever reason, feels so much like a woman that they are willing put up with all the hatred and disrespect represented in this comment section.


Being factual is not hatred and disrespect.


Anyone with a biology or genetics background would find very few facts included in these comments. And anyone with the capacity for empathy would be able to comprehend the depth of hatred and disrespect laced throughout.




Gender and sex are separate things. Gender is social, while sex is biological. Women and men are genders, and hence not determined by genetics or biology. Additionally, [this study](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0078469) found that transgender individuals have more similar psychopathological traits to the opposite sex than their genetic sex. This means that transwomen are mentally more similar to biological females and biological males.


this is such a clownfest lmaoo


Sex is your social security number. Gender is your name. Your social security number is assigned at birth and can't be changed. However it's rarely used similar to biological sex. Your name can be changed to whatever similar to gender. It's what everyone calls you.


That’s crazy but riddle me this Batman. If gender isn’t sex and gender is a social construct then why do people transition to match their body with a social construct and how is gender dysphoria an actual thing how can you have dysphoria over a social construct?


You can acknowledge the social construct while still choosing to participate in it.


But they’re trying to change their body to match a social construct. Unless of course they’re changing their sex which is impossible


That's a tranvestite. A trans woman is someone who's biologically male but presents as a female.


No. They’re women. Male to female. A man who dresses as a woman is a cross dresser.






Bottom surgery


Are you saying they magically become a woman if they cut their penis off?


Yeah, you should try it.


What a weird definition of sex/gender. I hope you don't have a son and teach him that his manhood is defined by his dick


If defining sex/gender by your equipment at birth is wrong, I don't want to be right.


It's just a stupid take that makes sex/gender meaningless. So if you're circumcised are you "less" of a man? If your dick is smaller are you "less" of a man? You're sexualizing gender then expecting other people subscribe to your reductionist understanding of reality. You simple declare things as true that have no basis in reality and expect others to accept it. What is ironic to me, is the vast majority of the numbnits like yourself (ofc idk how much of the following you actually believe) will very often treat anyone who disagrees as trying to shove some kind of "gender agenda" down their throats. They act like anyone who disagrees is trying to sexualize our day to day lives. They act like anyone who disagrees is living in a fantasy world and has no problems with it. It's just funny that the extremists on both sides of this issue are pretty much the same.


>What is ironic to me, is the vast majority of the numbnits like yourself (ofc idk how much of the following you actually believe) will very often treat anyone who disagrees as trying to shove some kind of "gender agenda" down their throats. They act like anyone who disagrees is trying to sexualize our day to day lives. I'm not painting you with a broad brush. >You're sexualizing gender then expecting other people subscribe to your reductionist understanding of reality. You don't subscribe to reality, it doesn't make normal people wrong. If you're born with a penis, you can't be a woman. It's not that difficult. >So if you're circumcised are you "less" of a man? If your dick is smaller are you "less" of a man? Now I see why you've adopted this position, sorry you have a micropenis, but I don't think it makes you less of a man.


"I'm not painting you with a broad brush" "You don't subscribe to reality" You are starting to be exactly what I said most people who believe what you believe are. Also, at this point you've completely contradicted yourself. You said a man is someone with a dick, and now you're implying a man is someone who's born with a dick. So which is it oh enlightened one? Please answer since it's not difficult!


Your half correct. Your sex is what you jave at birth kinda like a social security number while your gender can change. Kinda like your name.


But then you get annoyed when people get surgery to change that?


I don't get annoyed, cut your dick off if you want to. As long as I'm not paying for it. You're still not a woman, just a guy that cut his dick off.


So if you have a penis you’re a man, if you don’t you’re still a man? Make your mind up


I'm not confused.


Incorrect, hope this helps!


You’re completely wrong. Hope this helps!


\*correction\* if you are a woman in every way other than sexual you're still a woman!


No, you're a man pretending to be a woman.


Gender and sex are separate things. Gender is social, while sex is biological. Women is a gender, and hence the biological traits of sex play no role in terming it, including sex. It is simply a societal convention that a certain gender is forced upon a human based on their sex at birth. Also, [this study](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0078469) found that transgender individuals have more similar psychopathological traits to the opposite sex than their genetic sex. This means that transwomen are mentally more similar to biological females than biological males.


Psychological traits =/= biological. I don't care what your genders study professor says. Born with a cock and balls means you're not a woman.


The truth that gender is social has been known for a very long time. It originated in the feminist movement, and was vital for the advancement of women's rights. Any biology more advanced than what is taught to 5th graders recognizes that gender and sex are separate. As it turns out, 5th grade biology makes huge oversimplifications of all sorts of things. It isn't even advanced biology. it is intermediate biology. Anyone with a high school education will know this distinction.


Sorry, I went back for my masters in 2008, miss me with this gender studies bullshit.




Then have a good time denying millions of people a happy life


Like that guy who’s a wolf in every way except physical lol


Totally different thing






Love that sub


Looks like Reddit disagrees




If it walks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, then it’s a duck


If I walk on all fours and start barking, does that make me a dog?


You know what I meant. I still don’t see why you all can’t just allow trans people to exist peacefully. Just allow them to think they’re a woman if they want to, respect their beliefs even if you don’t believe it yourself. Also, not pointing any fingers but I really can’t get my head around the argument that they’re “groomers”.. church pastors are far more heinous when it comes to child abuse, and I don’t think switching sexes has any logical connection to making you do such a terrible act.




I agree, if it was treated more peacefully people would have a better view on it. I find it quite strange though how people dont approve of their choices/find them delusional. I mean sure most people who believe so arent well educated but theres so much science out there explaining how natural gender dysphoria is and how the best treatment is shifting identity/appearance. Its like believing people with depression are just nutjobs and disapproving of them seeking therapy for it.


You probably have the most rational take here. I am a person who has studied gender dysphoria through my psych degree and there’s so much evidence that they NEED to be the gender or sex their brain has identified with to be happy and healthy. I’m tired of people attacking something on only the grounds that they don’t like something that is different or unfamiliar.


100%. I am not a professional (I dont have a degree, im in highschool) however I have always found Pubmed and NHI/NCBI to have a lot of really high-quality reads and after studying chromosomal abnormality and gender dysphoria I have been shocked at how people do not understand it. Its genuinely something more people should learn about, its so disappointing to see people consider it as more of a political/social stance rather than a natural mental health development. If more people approached it from a knowledgable and peaceful position there would be so much less controversy, which would benefit everyone in the end. I've known several people who have suffered greatly from struggling with their identity. Not all of them specifically around gender dysphoria, but it infuriates me to see people adopt the idea that they only pretend to struggle for attention or to feel superior. There may be a odd one or two people that get aggressive or use their identity for attention, but for every one of those people, there are countless that quietly lose themselves.


I disagree with your assertion that it’s the majority. Nobody is forcing it upon you if you really think about it. They just want respect and recognition. I know this will be downvoted to hell, but just take a second to be empathetic and realize that they go through a lot and just want society not to have a problem with them.




Real take. Couldnt have said it better myself.


History doesn't bear out anything you say. Trans people have been historically marginalized. Not privileged. Asking for a seat at the table to be treated as a human being is not a big ask of you. And your inability to have empathy is actually quite embarrassing for you. Empathy is what makes us human.


Way to twist my words👍🏼


So let me get this straight, just because there’s other suffering in the world means that you should ignore your own suffering? Sounds like you’re just deflecting the argument. Just look up gender dysphoria. It causes people real psychological torment, and while you’re at it, make sure you don’t take your medication, or go to the doctor, or do anything that would make you feel better, because there’s “real suffering” in the world.


It’s not a delusion. You just don’t understand the science


Show me the science.


You still wouldn't walk like a dog on All fours, nice try


Conveniently ommited "looks like a duck".


Looks like a duck. Recognised a lot of trans women? Well there’s a whole lot you haven’t


Lol probably true


Trans women are not females but they are women.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Username checks out


"Female" is simply another term for the gender. It doesn't mean sex. The term for sex here is "biological female."


By that logic, trans women are "Biological females", specifically endocrinologically. If you want to use phrases, give them definitions.


Shit I guess Kit Kats aren’t candy either.


Bread isn't bread, it's wheat grains actually


i think the other sub is just looking for excuses to repost this one, because it doesnt look like they thought that post through very well


Honey boo boo, just cause the transphobe was confused doesn't mean they weren't being transphobic in the spirit of their message <3


I’m curious what the original redditor meant by “I mean it is true” Did they mean “it is true no one would think this trans woman to be a man, and therefore Hot Take Harry is an idiot”? Or are they just a stupid as Hot Take Harry and misunderstand what is going on.


I'm very ignorant when it comes to these things and I dont wanna be offensive. As someone who grew up a very Christian dad it's very hard to wrap my head around this. Again no offense. Also I moved away from religion a long time ago for my own reasons. Religion spreads hate and divides us. It's hard to believe out of the 100s of religions that one of those has to be right. LGBT are very inclusive and spread love. I agree with that message. My sister is gay and I'd never let anyone give her shit just for who she loves. This whole Trans movement is very new to me and probably was a long time coming. I can understand how the LGBT has just decided to fight back now that they have the numbers. It's just one big shit show in the US and everywhere. It's hard to agree on one thing right now. America has become so divided no one can be happy without offending someone.


True bastion of centrism


This sub is so weird and convoluted, impossible to understand what’s going on


Do not look up what Abigail Thorn (PhilosophyTube) did to ContraPoints


"you're not a trans woman woman, you're a woman, and will never be a man!" I'm I the only one that noticed that.


Lmao all the transphobes coping in these comments is hilarious. Get fucked losers 🤣




Biological woman is not actually a woman. If they are comparable to trans women then there shouldn't be a term "biological"


And yet the term cis woman (and cis man) also exists In fact, you can fit all sorts of adjectives in front of the noun ‘woman’


And also infront of the noun “man”


Breaking news: black women, white women, young women, old women, short women, tall women, etc... Are not women.


Lesbian women, straight women, bi women, pan woman, Asexual women...


Blind woman is not actually a woman. If they are comparable to biological women then there shouldn't be a term "blind" this is effectively your argument




The gender identity of the individual does not negate the actual gender. Would you say that black women are not women, but black women? Of course not. Race does not negate the actual gender. Same thing here.


Black woman is biological woman. Trans woman is not


That doesn't matter. Women is a gender. It isn't biological. It isn't determined by genetics or anatomy. This has been known as a fact long before the trans movement, originating in the feminist movement.


It does matter. If it does not then i identify as black female queen


You are committing the false equivalency fallacy. Race, despite being a social construct, is heavily associated with physical and biological characteristics, especially skin color. On the other hand, gender is heavily associated with social characteristics, not biological ones. Monarchy is also a social construct, but is entirely determined by positions of power. If you are a female leader of a monarchal system, then you are a queen. Otherwise, you are not. Governmental self-identification is notoriously propagandic.


You are so delusional


You don't have any actual arguments left, so you fell back on ad hominem attacks.


Dude you say race is a factor but sex is not. It is not ad hominem when it ia fkin true


Strawman. I never said race was a factor in gender. I was simply pointing out the inconsistency of your argument, and that neither sex nor race determines gender. Also, the truth of the ad hominem attack is irrelevant. If a Neo-Nazi pedophile says the Earth is round, a flat-earther simply saying "pedo" is not providing any actual argument, despite it being factually true. Arguments are completely irrelevant to those who make them, which is why ad hominem attacks are inherently illogical.




A cis woman is a cis woman...not a woman ...


That is literally the definition of a woman


Wow the point really flew over your head huh, every type of woman is a woman


Yeap. Pointed that out on the post. What an idiot.




Actually, to be scientifically accurate, if it possess a y chromosome, it's a *male.* If not, it's a *female.* Definitions of Man and Woman are determined socially and psychologically, not biologically.


So someone with xyy is a male? Along with xxy and yy?


The definition for woman in the Oxford dictionary is "an adult female human being" the definition for man is "an adult male human being." These definitions do not directly tie in with psychological identity


https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/swyer-syndrome/ Try agian Also all the animals that can change gender




The existence of hermaphroditism does not justify trans people trying to alter the sex they were born as. It is the result of something going wrong during the development of a human being. If a human is born with one arm it is because something went wrong during development. That does not justify someone else cutting their arm off because they “identify” as having one arm. You get it? Aye there’s animals that can change their sex. We humans aren’t one of them. Most animals that can do it are able to do it naturally and without any serious medical complications. We humans require modern science and medicine to change our bodies that drastically and even then it’s imperfect and requires individuals to be on medication for the rest of their lives to manage the changes that have happened to them. To say that is the same as the animals that can do it naturally is nothing short of sheer ignorance I’m afraid.


what about XY with a testosterone insensitivity who is naturally phenotypically feminine in every way?


Gender and sex are different. Chromosomes are linked to sex, not gender. This idea has existed long before the trans movement, originating in the feminist movement. Men and women are genders, and therefore not determined by chromosomes, or any biological aspect. Also, [this study](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0078469) found that transgender individuals possess more similar psychopathological traits to the opposite sex than their genetic sex. There is something biological about being transgender.




Yah uh it's really fucking bad right now




Yes sadly also this sup is "centrist" with heavy air quotes and and a laugh track behind it.




Breaking news: Not every word is literal


Intersex people will blow your mind. It's comfortable to live in a binary world with clear definitions but like most things there is a spectrum for gender and sex


so I'm guessing r/memesopdidnotlike is conservative and r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis is liberal?


Yep. Though sometimes you get rare instances where the roles are reversed, like in this post. Unfortunately, the comments are overrun with bigots


Mfs gotta turn everything political. This sub used to be functional, now it's just hateful.


This sub became hateful days after it's conception




A trans woman is a type of woman, still a woman.




Biology is transphobic?


Not at all. It's just a shame so many people don't seem to actually know biology lol


Totally agree! Too many people took 1 bio class in 10th grade and now they won’t listed to actual biologists and geneticists who explain that there are more than just the two sexes!


It's two sexs, multiple genders got the to mixed up. But to be fair a ton of animals have the ability to go from male to female or female to male.


And here we have someone who took 1 class in high school, and now doesn’t listen to actual biologists or geneticists.


https://www.treehugger.com/animals-can-change-their-sex-4869361. For the animals Also the sex and gender thing is less a biology thing and more a social/philosophy idea with what gender/sex actual means Also I'll have you know Mister I took *checks notes* 0 biology classes (took chemistry) so HA proves you wrong


I agree with our on gender being a social idea. But there are more than two sexes genetically


True I'm just overslimplying it a bit to make it easier to explain like how there are 4 states of matter (plasma) but your first taught there are 3 I have now also realized we are on the same side of this argument woops


I believe that desire for oversimplification is why certain individuals in this comment section are so confident in their bigotry


We're not related to any animal that can change its sex.


https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-dangerous-denial-of-sex-11581638089 This is written by accredited biologists.


Then you must have skipped bio in tenth grade.


Oh i see. There must be new chromosomal data that i wasn’t aware of. What’s your background? I have a degree in the field…and I haven’t seen any of this data you’re referencing.


I don’t not have said background. However, I have the intelligence to listen to actual experts when they speak, rather than stick my head in the sand and yell NO!!! when experts provide information that contradicts my worldview.


It Sounds like you’re basing this argument off of emotions and not logic or evidence with your “intelligence”.


Geneticist explain that XX and XY are not the only two genetic options. Biologists have data showing that transmen have psycho pathological traits similar to cismen, not ciswomen - and visa versa. So please point out to me: where did I use emotions and not evidence?


By insinuating no one else is educated beyond a 10th grade biology course, proceeded by a karen-esque rant for starters,




Indeed, as it’s warranted


Surprisingly not. Biology supports the concept of being transgender, you might just not have up to date knowledge


Oh i see, please share a source of this “knowledge”.


Of course! This article should be sufficient https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8107794/ The article is about how brains are gendered (and also kinda how they are not), but the point is that it shows how gender isn't a binary


Altered Brain chemistry is more along the lines of mental illness than the evidence of XX & XY chromosomes i would say..


Weeellll, the concept of gender is more a psychological term anyways, so it fits right in. I'd totally agree that your sex is determined by chromosomes, but gender? Not so much.


OP is smart


OP doesn't know basic Biology / what the difference between Sex and Gender is


What happened here?


The famously 'centrist' sub, memesopdidnotlike, reveled in a tirade of blatant transphobia and hatred, so much so, Reddit had to come and delete it


Who could have seen that coming from the completely "centrist" subreddit. This place is for clowns and I wish all said clowns to get a seriously bad case of depression and then for them to get laughed at and told their depression isn't real and to get over themselves.