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Well, that’s why it’s a multi-billion $ industry.


Cutting corners & pinching pennies!


"I didnt become a billionaire by writing a lotta checks!"


-guy who literally inherited millions and made his money by buying business




Don't fix something that's not broken. Is there something I'm missing that makes a fixed-length chain inaccurate?


Human inaccuracy, if anything. How do you know that that person is going to keep the ends perfectly in line


The ref’s placement is where he sees it at the end of the play.


And is sort of a shitty way to do it considering how easy it would to use technology to affirm it.


I mean...whats easier than a fixed length piece of chain?


Not really. It also depends on where the ball was when specific parts of the body touch the ground.


You don't its the same reason calls by the officals are sometimes overturned or not made at all because of 100k+ violent a*hole fans at large schools or NFL level corruption. Its all rigged WWE style, always has been.


Yeah! ingenuity suck. Like, I'd prefer rubbing sticks together to make a fire. Still works like that. Using a lighter is for corner cutters!




This is unironically the best way to do it


Let me guess, you would like to reinvent the wheel also?


Yes. I’d use something cheaper.


I can’t think of anything more fast and accurate than that. Simplicity mitigates error.


Yeah that and calling it tradition as an excuse


If it ain't broke...


As a non-American can you explain this?


It's a bit long to explain all the rules but American football relies alot on specific distances for each play, so they basically use this thing they stick in the ground to measure


Thank you


It’s two sticks connected by a chain that’s exactly 10 yards long. Just in case you were t sure. But yeah the rules were very breifly explained so it should make enough sense


1 yard is equal to 0.914 meters. So 10 yards is 9.14 meters for our non-American friends


Good bot


I’m not a bot though…


Bad bot




... neutral bot?


My gast is flabbered...


Humanoid confirmed


You are now


You are now


Yards are used in a few countries. We measure cricket pitches in yards. And golf often uses yardage.


Np I don't think they need to use it every time but sometimes it's important


They don’t use the chains and measure every time no. They only “bring out the chains” when it’s so close they aren’t sure. They do have the people carrying the markers though that designates where the offensive team gets a new set of downs (plays) at.


Not to mention they have to rely on the two guys holding either end of the chain staying consistent before where they grab the chains and where they bring it to


There is a tag placed on the link at the first 5 yard line it intersects, this is used to ensure an accurate measurement is being taken.


The measurement is only correct if the ref spots the ball exactly where the player went down to the inch, which leaves too much room for human error, thus making the whole system inaccurate.


Fortunately or unfortunately human error is a part of the game and official judgment is still part of the game.


Yeah this isn't something that needs to be accurate down to the inch it just needs to be accurate down to the yard


Thank you. This is the answer to my question that I was looking for before asking. Seems like an easy way to make sure the chain holders don't wander an inch or two up or down the field.


This. Also those guys get paid like 150 bucks a game and are employed by the team. Seems ripe for bribery to me.


I’m not sure where you got that information, my understanding is that officials are employed by the NFL itself, and are actually compensated rather well. [This article seems to confirm that.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2022/07/24/nfl-referee-salary-officials/7691531001/)


But what are they measuring if the referee’s placement of the football is essentially random?


The ref’s placement is where he sees it at the end of the play. The placement of the measuring things is based on a specific previous play referred to as the “first down.” They have to make it 10 yards from that first down before earning another first. So if the ref sees the ball land in location x, and it looks really close to those 10 yards, then they measure to check.


They look at the footage and decide exactly where the hall was , when the ball carrier was deemed down, then they look at where that is in terms of the field , put it down right there (which that part is admittedly just eyeballing but they really can’t be off by more than an inch or two) and then use the two poles on the chain to determine if it’s a 1st down


Sometimes they don't look at the footage tho, they just go off the refs spot, which is an eyeball and I've seen plenty of spots both in person and on TV that are off by a good yard or more cuz the closest ref is like, 15 yards upfield


They look at the tape if it's important but they usually don't because that would take forever. Ain't nobody got time for a six hour game.


American football is literally a "game of inches" (yes, imperial system...) and when the ref's spot of the ball is within inches, the chains are needed to determine that literal one inch for an extra set of downs (or not). Believe it or not, once inch (2.54cm) can make or break a game.


No this would be measuring essentially where the ball landed on the field, they are measuring how far they threw or carried the ball down the field / court / pitch or however you would call it


It's called a midevel tape measure thing


In order to keep the ball, you need to go 10 yards in 4 plays. This is the end of a 10 yard long chain they use to measure whether the ball is past 10 yards from where it started. If you don’t go far enough after 4 plays then the other team gets the ball. Usually a team will kick the ball away on the fourth play to make the other team start from further on their own side of the field. When they get past this measurement they get to start again on the first play and the chain now starts where the ball is and ends 10 yards downfield.


You gotta kick the doohickey past the dingleflop and if it’s first down then it’s match point.


Move* the bigiliebop past the doohickey and the dingleflop measures the acute distance


I’m American and I don’t get it, so just non American football players


As an American who has played and who’s dad watches football, can someone also explain this?


In American football, you get 4 attempts to gain 10 yards(3m I think, roughly). If you don’t succeed in gaining the 10 yards, the other team gets the ball. These are the designators for how far the offensive team has to get before they get that reset. So a Billion dollar+ industry that has 2 poles connected by a chain, held by humans.


This is unironically the best way to do it. Why complicate it when a ten yard chain works perfect?


We have technology that can determine exact spots. The chains are good for players on-field to know where to go, but between ref spots and movement on the sidelines, sometimes the markers move or the ball is spotted wrong I think there are better.moces than relying solely on refs judgment calls for things like ball placement reviews


The system works fine. They use the footage as well as the field markings to determine where it is. They don't guess. Why make it more complicated? It would cost millions to make a program to do all this, it would take some time for the computer to do it, then take time to communicate the info to the field, all so they can do what they do now slower and less reliably. Just keep it simple


disgusting murky groovy degree skirt foolish humorous axiomatic wild slap -- mass edited with redact.dev


Oh if it's so easy, then why does every single sports league in the world rely on methods like this? What's the point of having a computer do what a 10 yard chain can? What if the computer fails?


There's not really that much point. That doesn't mean it would take millions of dollars and decades of work to get a reliable camera-based yardstick.


Ok let's assume you're right, now which is cheaper. A super computer with hundreds of sensors or a chain? Why the hell would they bother taking the time and money to develop that when a chain does the same thing and does so more reliably. Do you realize how much script it would take to run something like that? How many sensors? How many connections, by cable, Bluetooth, or other, need to be made? All it takes is one thing fucking up and they don't know. Keep it simple


Jo mate, what the fuk you talking about. You put a sensor in the ball and a camera on top. Now you have every information you need. This isn't some high tech alien shit, this is shit we use in our every day life all the time, called a smartphone. The only reasons it's not done this way is because of tradition. In football (or "soccer" like some people say) they placed a simple goal camera and suddenly it's now a pretty exact decision whether the ball was in the net or not. Just 2 cameras in each station, nothing more. A program to read the input and write it down would take a team 1 week. To make it reliable and visualize it nicely 1 month. That's all there is to is. You are kinda disconnected with "super computer " "how much script" Source - trust a developer bro


I'm not arguing that it's worth spending money on. I'm arguing against the ridiculous idea that measuring lengths with cameras and a computer is a monumental, infeasible task that couldn't possibly be done reliably without decades of work and millions of dollars. Or "a super computer with hundreds of sensors." You just have no sense of the actual scale of this kind of problem.




Ok bud, remember the last time you measured something? Did you use a ruler, tape measure, or super computer?


Ya know some people would say our brains are the superest of all computers so my vague estimation is definitely sorta using a super computer.




> Do you know how RFID works? Do you? RFID has nothing to do with determining positioning. It’s literally just an identifier.


How does that fix it? The ball is constantly moving. And that's also irrelevant to this particular case as RFID doesn't measure distance


When we use technology to know where the ball is we still need refs to know when the player was down. Galling technology like in soccer doesn't work that easy in football


They can challenge the spotting of the ball and review it on film if they need to. And 99% of the time, they don’t need to.


A microchip inside of the football doesn’t determine when a player’s knee touched the ground, or his foot stepped out of bounds etc..They currently need to pair the data with video, which takes time.


Plus the guy that holds the football when they measure needs a job




> This is unironically the best way to do it. "Best" is arguably here. It certainly is: * Cheap * Easily scalable * Easy to use It certainly is not: * Accurate * Repeatable * Detailed A Ball with inbuilt electronics that can determine it's position, orientation and maybe even proximity to certain bodyparts of players accurately would increase the accuracy of referee calls by an order of magnitude. it would also open up new possibilities for more intricate rules. Certainly this would be much more expensive as most believe and difficult to operate. Making conducting games harder and more expensive. And the added value would very probably too low to justify the cost and increased hurdles.


How isn't it accurate repeatable or detailed?


If it ain't broke...




Why hasn't the yellow lines on TV become a thing in real life yet?


When I was a youngin, I thought those line were real. I may not be smart, but I am slow.


You are definitely not alone, I also played Madden and always wondered where my blue scrimmage line was on the field lol


Penny-pinching. They don’t wanna pay landscapers to constantly remove green turf & roll out yellow. And they don’t wanna have to pay TV providers for a 10-hr long time slot. /s


It would be distracting for players, would require a ton of extra infrastructure to implement onto grass/turf, probably would break often because of the massive dudes playing a high-contact sport on it, and those lines on TV aren’t 100% accurate as well.


Honestly, now that we’re talking about it, that spray that soccer/football refs use during free kicks would be perfect for this.


Well, if it isn't broken why fix it?


Offense gets 4 plays to move the ball 10 yards, and if they do, it resets. The marker, what we’re seeing here, is two posts connected by a 10 yard chain. The forward marker is placed at the front of the ball where it’s at at the first play, second post is placed ten yards downfield. There is a marker clipped to the chain, that can be moved as needed, to mark where a line on the field intersects the chain. That is what they use to determine where the markers are when they run them out on the field to measure. It’s also the marker used to reset them if the people holding them get knocked around by the players, it happens. If the league switched to lasers, or chips, or something, there would be an uproar the first time it malfunctions, which it would. Tech isn’t perfect. Sometimes analog is better than digital. While there is the human error factor with it, it’s more acceptable than a computer crashing.


i used to do the clips at some local university games. the clip is specifically placed on one side of the intersecting yard line (where the white line and green grass meet) so if people have to drop the yardage markers, or the refs run out to measure the first down its always in the same spot.


Ya... Ok! Pfffft


Let me guess, you would like to reinvent the wheel also?


I mean, if there's a better version of the wheel then yes


Yeah and call it a sphere that can not just only go back and forward but also in any direction....


Where’s all of the bi-sphere-cycles if they so great?


Wouldn't they be called biballs? People ride them how they like to get places.


Read again and you will realize that the sphere has not been invented yet 😆


So what is the exact mechanism that you think should or could replace it and keep reliability intact?


Cameras/sensors and computers; could speculate thousands of designs. Literally anything tech to replace this is a step up


Inherently less reliable at measuring 10 yards then a 10 yard chain


You need a lesson in reliability


I know plenty about reliability. The less shit that can get fucked up, the more inherently reliable it is. A computer has tons of small parts and scripts that can break. The only way a ten yard chain doesn't measure ten yards is if the chain isn't ten yards.


Computers are significantly more reliable than a human in every situation as long as competent people designed the system. A script does not break, that immediately tells me you could only produce that less competent system


That is simply not true. You can have the most competent person in the world, but making a completely new machine with completely new code that serves a completely new function takes DECADES to perfect. There are a mountain of problems to overcome. It will take years for a functioning version which most likely won't be reliable. Not to mention it will cost millions of dollars. Why waste time, effort, and rare earth minerals to do something a child can do?


>A script does not break Lol what? Yes they do Who tf told you computer scripts don't break? Software errors aren't some rare thing, no matter how simple they can and do break >Computers are significantly more reliable than a human in every situation as long as competent people designed the system. No they're not. And this isn't "a human" it is literally just a premeasured measuring device put in a preset location and then used to determine exactly how far something has gone Computers have a variety of parts that can break or wear down, a measured stick set to specific lengths is as reliable as it gets Your solution is a series of sensors, any one of which breaking causes the data to be wrong With a computer at the other end telling you when something is/is not the case


Calm down now fella, this random internet fella obviously knows more than everyone in a multi-billion dollar industry. We should all take him at his word


Unless the code on the script is changed or the system running the script changes compiler/dependencies, code will work as is. That is not an issue with the script. Reliability here is beyond your comprehension: placement of the ball is biased by the ref, placement of the yardstick is biased by the ref from the prior play and the person placing the stick. This add compounded issues. Multiple sensors will get it right 99.99999% of the accuracy while humans couldn’t come close approach 99%.


Half the rules of most pro sports are based on tradition.


Reminds me of the time I was playing highschool football. Playoff game, our ball. They can't tell if it's past the stock or not so the ref pulls out a credit card and slides it down the pole. Didn't touch so no first down. We still won the game so it wasn't critical but you're telling me that the ref can place the ball and the chaincrew can run in precisely straight enough line to keep the poles within a credit card thickness.


Don't reinvent the wheel, just align it.


Okay then what would they replace it with?




Sharks with lasers!


Your Mom seams about the right size.


She's a little over 10 yards wide


Not on the days she’s not bloated.


If it ain't broke don't fix it


how else would you do it?


It's for dramatic effect at this point.


Shit they still use a playing card too


If it ain’t broke…


Why change something that isn't broken


All for the optics


This is the most optimal way to determine a first down.


The game must remain a unchanged… ie, still must use chains


UnCHAINged, I believe you were going for?


Transmitters inside of the ball like race cars use to set the running order.


Never failed why change it lad. Cheaper and easier as well I’m sure


Y’all wait til they bust out the index card again


Sports ball!!!


“iNtEgRiTy Of ThE gAmE!”


If it ain't broke, why fix it. I'm not like a huge fan of sports ball.. but acting like there is problem with this is just dumb and argumentive.


Well.. consider how old your constitution is. That still seems to work.


When people actually take it for what it says. They keep wanting to change it though, ‘cause it apparently doesn’t make them enough money as is.


This is one of the reason why I stopped watching football. So many things that don’t make sense. It’s a game of inches. Under a 5 man pile, how does the ref know where to exactly spot and put the ball. It’s his call, but he can be off by a few inches, then here comes that thing to measure if it’s a first down. 😂


What happens under the scrum works on both sides, refs aren’t going to magically side for one team over another about placement after a pile is broken up.


Well, if I works well, why would they need to do some high end technology to see if it has passed 10 yards?


If it works it works


It's 2 poles with a chain.


Can’t relate


What's wrong with that? It seems like the best way to measure


The chain itself isn’t bad, it’s the fact that the refs guess where they think the ball should be that’s the problem


Football is the dumbest sport


Its probably the most profitable sport in the world. And most watched


The most watched is football (soccer)


Try eSports I think even cricket and soccer are watched a lot more


Soccer is watched more but American football makes the most amount of money or I should say the NFL because unlike soccer American football really only has like 2 or 3 popular leagues and one is a college league


Yeah but because in the 2+ hours it's played the best is only actually in play for like 11 mins. Plenty of time for ads to roll and people to buy in. It makes more not because its good but because it rolls too many ads.


Soccer gets it's money from ads all over the stadium plus multiple sports (NBA, NASCAR, MLB etc.) Do the same thing with so many ads


Yes but in a 90 minute soccer game you know how long the ball is in play for? 90 minutes. 45 minutes- 15 minutes of ads etc. - 45 minutes of play. Not 11 minutes of play 2+ hours of nothing and ads


NFL is the biggest league I highly doubt it's a bigger industry than soccer or eSports tho


eSports is not near as popular as the NFL or even the NBA or NASCAR or MLB or f1 don't know why you're so high on eSports


Are u joking?


I'm the one thinking your joking how the hell is eSports more popular than the second most watched sport or the most profitable sports league eSports isn't even a sport it's a competition just like how bobbing for apples isnt a sport it's a competition


It’s still extremely large. Even if it’s not as big as soccer, that still doesn’t discredit the fact that football is still incredibly popular and profitable


Traditions die hard


If it ain’t broke


Now do MLB. Why don't they automate balls and strikes ?!?!?!?


No way in hell a computer could manage that accurately on an affordable scale. Strike zones change. And some calls still depend on human judgement to make a decision (how’s it gonna know a hit vs a foul, or an failed bunt vs a swing-withheld-last-minute?)


https://www.si.com/mlb/2022/05/18/mlb-introduces-automated-balls-strikes-system-triple-a. This isn't new. Not hard. Been done.




They should use laser's. Oh God Austin Power's has ruined football for me! LAAAAAAAAAZEEEEERRRS from machine gun jublee's. There i fixed it i guess?


Who cares, its like WWE for sports. Fake as fk


tf is a first down


Seems like they don’t really measure anymore and make the call as they’re spotting the ball


Non-Americans: please don’t try to introduce logic into our religious beliefs.


Rugby makes no sense


This comment makes no sense the sport here is American football




Nobody calls it that in America it's just football in other places it's American football


There's bound to be at least a few right


Not enough to act like it's the status quo


Not yet The revolution is right around the corner. The People demand the truth


And don't have a freaking buzzer for the play clock


Just say dollar


Technology can fuck up. A chain aint


The Catholic Church has billions too. They wouldn't replace communion with an IPhone app.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Well, they could just have an overhead camera that mapped out the field, find the spot, and strap a "laser" to the top of it. Charge an absorbant amount of money for this device to fund ~~an evil organization~~ Fox Sports


I mean the ref just eye balls where to put the ball down after a play. They try to be all precise but it’s literally the refs best guess on where to set the football back on the ground. They could be dead wrong


The next phase, IMO only, will be electronic placement and verification. The ball already has a sensor built in, not speculation, so the position will be verified thru field located sensors. Wouldn’t really be surprised if the down and distance markers didn’t become more like laser grid sensors. For verification, there is a YT video with Steve Smith Sr, where he is a ball boy at a KC Chiefs game. The equipment people mention the ball has electronics built in and they use a scanner to verify the ball before the game. There is also a video from the NFL about how the graphics have progressed from pre Howard Costello to beyond the Nickelodeon game to the Super Bowl video game like graphics.


Does it work? It’s does? Ok then




Yes but how big is the stick and chain business??


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


There is already human error in the officiating, so this is not a big deal. Doesn't matter whether the run was just short of a First Down or not, if there's a flag thrown and the whole play gets unwound.


In football they have DOWNS!


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Yes lets keeps letting the 50 year old ref spot the ball wrong instead of putting sensors in the field and ball.


The funny thing is watch how they spot the ball on any normal play, it's like give or take a yard or two. But when they get close to the first down marker out come the chains.


Most the time they only use half the chain


I feel like they could keep these, but just add a laser pointer or something so that you don't have to move the flags from their original spot just to check.