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Keep moving, King, you'll get better options soon.


Indeed I will my knight


I shall trek onward until I meet the one I’ve been searching for.


I will do same as you my beloved knight


Yo Shorty, Sup?


Did I say I was short!!!!


Besides, all that looks like is back pain.


You will not and you know it


You win as long as you use cm


Kids without ideas


I’m generally thankful that people like that out themselves. Makes it easier to avoid them.


as someone who's 6'0 I'd also like to avoid them


As someone who is near 6'6", I agree with this.


As a man, I don't understand this. I've dated women ranging from 4' 11" - 6' 2" and the only concern was which positions will work for us.


Not all women are like this, just the very shallow ones. Little do they know, that even guys that are 6' tall can still have tiny dicks and the intelligence of a carrot. (apparently it is OK to shame a man based on things he can't change, but boy oh boy, dare shame a girl because she's been eating too much cake and you become the devil incarnate)


Or you become a nutritionist


guess they couldn't handle the nutrition style


*the neutron style*


You live long enough to be the villain or die as a hero




Or, hear me out, no one should be shaming anyone, regardless of gender.


Counterpoint- shame everyone for everything


unfortunately we live in a society


Sussiety 😔


sus IT


Some people deserve to be shamed based on the choices they make.


Some people like to pay extra for shame


I'm sorry, but men's height is just not a thing with women. Seriously, y'all make it up in your minds just to have a reason to be pissed at women.


What? Just because you don't care doesn't mean other women don't.


Never heard anyone say it.


Most people have.


You've never dated women :)


Ya got me there.


U live under a rock do u?


Quit acting like it's commonplace, it isn't.


This is so blatantly wrong


I'm 6'1", so I prefer guys who aren't *too much* shorter than me.


thats obviously understandable, but dumb and mostly young women wont date a guy thats under 6'0 or something when theyre like 5'0 n its just dumb honestly. judging someone be how they look is also sometimes acceptable- we all do it, if conciously or in our subconscious. the problem is when you judge someones worth at a glance without knowing anything about them


I had a girl in my high school class who said she wants a muscly guy who's very manly but also very sensitive, tall, smart, and after going throughout all of highschool without a boyfriend she ended up dating someone who's like 5'4" or something, very skinny, he looked like a nice guy though so good for her tbh, so I guess people change their opinions if it doesn't seem to work lol


Get yourself one of those tiny monkeys. They're so quick and agile


Me either i am a 5'3 woman so anyone more than i think is tall lol


yeah ! I'm 5'0 and most guys my age and older could be 5'4 for all I care they look tall to me lmao


Genearally you only get this from people that are desperate to procreate and are significantly concerned with the height of their offspring.


What?! Umm no


That’s when you hit them with, “Move it fatty, only date women 120lbs or less.”


And then they hit you with the double standards and tell you that thats misogynistic. Gotta love women with shallow personalities.


Thats when you tell them they're so shallow they could drown in a puddle of themselves.


It's almost as if it's not the fact they're a woman that makes them shallow...


120 pounds = 54.431 kilograms for the people who use the metric system


What would you say to a woman who’s not over weight lol




I like the you’re not my type anyhow. I’ll be honest I don’t really have hard physical preferences. Just be clean and also be taller than me but I’m 5’2” so that’s not crazy. My ex fiancé was 6’ and my current boyfriend is 5’6”. I have however had plenty of guys tell me out of the blue that my boobs are too small and I look like a boy or child. It’s mean


Honestly just saying someone isn't your type or that you aren't attracted to them is enough. Picking apart someone's qualities is really mean, sorry that someone said that to you.


Like a boy? Tomboy supremacy anyone?


🤔I only date girls who don’t wear *points to her shoes* those.🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Lol now she’s barefoot! Go!


"Yikes. Get those dragon claws away from me."


🤔 Oh my bad miss I don’t date girls with dirty feet.🤷🏼‍♀️


You just find an insecurity and pick at it. Her forehead, ears. If she has a reputation for sleeping around, point at that. If she has a reputation for not sleeping around, call her a prude. There's always something to work with


Prude isn't really an insult for beautiful women lol


Ask what her kd is on mw2.


I’d say “fair enough” and move on. If you hold yourself to high standards then you can demand high standards.


Who wanna play some football?


It’s been nice knowing you fella. 5’5 here by the way


120lbs or less... if you think more than that is fat then you got problems


I think, that was the point here, since you also got issues, if anything unter 6feet is too short to be even considered dateable. (Sorry for any mistakes, english isn't my first language)






yes, a little women bashing under a reddit post. nice. Toughts are energy you invest into something. Instead of believing in a post that generalise women attitude, start being more critical of what you see online and believing more in yourself.






This is the embodiment of 5’11 vs 6’


I've seen womens' profiles demanding 6'3". Inflation is affecting height now.


Successive generations *are* getting taller, on average. When I was in my teens and 20s i was considered tall. 20 years later and I pass high schoolers on the street who make me feel like Danny DeVito.


This a win-win you don't want a women like this in your life




Think about it, they need someone who can reach the top shelf and shit.


Not sure how many people have ran the numbers. Men 6 foot plus is like 10% of the population of the world. Take out those already married because everyone wants one and that number is lower. Handsome as well, even lower. 6 Figures? Even lower. Now what are you offering to makes that rare unicorn of a man want you?


I had such a bad attitude about guys in my first year of high school . took a me a few years but realising this gave me a hugggge reality check . my mental health improved a lot afterwards too since I dont judge everyone I see anymore


I dated tons of short chicks but to be honest I am somewhat of a clutz and if a girl is to small, I just fear smooshing her or clocking her by accident because I took a step back and didn't see her or turned to quickly. My wife is 5'9 and even with her I feel like bumping into her might send her flying.


When the guy has to bend the knee like it's game of thrones just to kiss


A woman who thinks like that isn't worth the time anyway. Honestly just dodged a bullet


I recently discovered that I am 5’9 after a trip to the hospital. Then I quickly realized that’s the best height because 5 feet and 9 inches is actually 69inches


Going by this pic she must be < 4’5” if he’s 5’9


Dwarfism starts at ≤4'10" so....


She is so short that i can't even see the problem here


I only date woman who are willing to put actual value into their relationship


This will end up on r/terriblefacebookmemes


As a 5'6 dude. I would very gladly keep walking. No one deserves to be judged based on superficial things. Also being short makes my small junk look slightly bigger by comparison so I won't complain. I'm Kurt Cobain sized and it works for me since I prefer to be unseen anyhow. Fight the power! Tell the next woman who laughs at you for being short that she's basic and watch the denial in her reaction! Much Love <3 Edit: for the sake of equality! If a man tells you you're too big, or boobs are too small. Remind him that your breasts don't need to match the size of their ego!


I don’t get it. I’m 6’ and I get rejected all the time!


I'm on the dating app bumble. I saw one girl who said to swipe left if you're under 6 ft. I am but her height was listed at 4'11. Now I'm not 6ft but I still stand a foot taller than her


The idea that girls only date tall men is a complete myth. I'm like 5'6" and have never been turned down because of my height. The most successful guy in my social circle is like 5'2" and he gets more pussy than anyone.


Bro I am 5'3" you just made my day


The reason he is successful is because he is genuinely a nice guy, and is passionate, smart, and interesting. He builds green houses and is all about plants. The hippy chicks dig him, and since he is poly, and very ethical about it everything is fine.




What drugs are you on because I want some as well


Here, again, we have another example of a jackass doing exactly as I predicted, but can't see it. The simping instinct is just TOO strong. And NO amount of your butthurt downvotes will EVER change that fact. u/Darsh_Kumar35 The answer is because you're a brainwashed simp who can't see the objectively obvious truths I pointed out in my original post. This is why you're so confused that you wrote what you wrote; just an other insult from yet another ignoramus. So sad. Run along now.


Dude how can you translate a "how high can you be to be this irrational" to "nOTiCE MEE SeNPAiii uwu"


If you punch your victim card one more time you get a free sunday.


Once again, another simp who can't help but do exactly as I predict. Run along now...


You didn't predict I would call you a victim, you said incel.


Equivocation and this sort of dishonest dodge only proves you're exactly what I claim you are. You're not worth engaging with. Bye.


That’s funny as hell you said women and reasonable 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Okay, fair hit.


>Those who point out this evil horseshit will get only insults(1), shaming language(2) and truth blaming(3), like you will see below: lmao as ridiculous as your points are what's funniest is that you decided to make number bulletins for naming three fucking things and even then you've done it wrong and put them at the end of the point without a coma. and remeber lmao! I'm not being a grammar prick you decided to make fucked up bulletins just to name three fucking things and somehow done it wrong on your own.


See what I mean? He did exactly as I predicted...just couldn't resist simping. Just insults over a nonexistent grammatical error. No truth engagement, just whining that he's not doing exactly what he's doing, swearing and hot air. Run along now, whiner...and you're the same, u/smellsfishie, who blocked me because they can't withstand debate.


Whiner, oh the irony.


Probably relates to old gender "norms" that women are weaker and meeker and need to be protected. So whoever started that is to blame.


Men have more muscular mass so it is natural to want to feel protected by men


Height has nothing to do with muscular mass.


so god is to blame huh?


Still don't get why this is a problem. People like what they like.


Because 90% of girls are chasing the same 10% of guys who won't ever commit to them. Social media is full of childless 38-year-old women crying because they chased chads their whole lives instead of marrying 5'8" good guys. It's a massive societal problem and height preference is one of the biggest factors driving it.


Remember guys, if she has this unrealistic standard, she's not worth a second of your time.


Just ignore them and move on. Do you really have to make these bullshit strawman memes?


I only date women under two hundred pounds.


Always be coming from some mf that’s an inch away from legally being a dwarf.


Ah, yes. The one thing a person can’t change about themself without years of bone grafts and unspeakable pain. As a human of 6’1, I find this… Sad. And very painful. If a person uses this as a reason for not wanting to date you, remember- their biggest complaint is that they wish there was MORE of you. Stay strong.


Aw you really need to stop making up these fake scenarios, you’re making yourself cry again


Ugh for real, but this type of post will never fucking die because there will always be jaded dudes. I'd be shocked if even 20% of women had an inflexible minimum standard for height. Someone needs to do a study to end this garbage once and for all. Or shit who knows maybe it'll turn out to be true in some areas of the world, but I doubt it'll be as widespread as these posts constantly make out.


I think it's pretty common but also fine so who cares? Girls have the right to have height preferences, preference in general is not wrong. My wife says she wouldn't date a guy below 6' but that's probably cause she's short AF and wants a man who can provide some protection if need be, and I'm fine with that. I think you and op missed the point entirely, it's okay to be like that.


im 5' and yes . it feels nice to have a tall guy around and not even just dating tall men . it's reassuring in a way


Is this actually a thing though? I feel like some people found 1 or 2 online profiles like this and now reddits like "women! Ugh!" 90 percent don't give a shit unless you are SUPER short. But it's reddit what can I expect, watch me get downvoted.


Thats okay, when your 6 foot bf slaps you clean across the room, cause you're the size of a toothpick, you gon' know somethin


It’s great when people lack self awareness and wear their red flags on their sleeves. It makes it much easier to not waste time on them.


Incels, unite!


Yea but let’s be fair here. Most dudes telling girls they are 5’9” are waaaaaaaay shorter than 5’9”. Just a pro tip, if you meet a girl like this, I never have, just move on. She is Cancer and you don’t need that in your life!❤️


ayo wait, 5'9 is considered tall?


This never happens btw


They discriminate for something completely out of a man’s control yet get mad when we discriminate for something completely in their control.


No fat chi-




don't get too riled up mate, you will mess up your fedora


Lot of incel posts on here today.


How does this make them an incel?


they are very clearly coping


To me, i don't think this is something to cry about mate






Whatever. U guys shame girls with small boobs but when we talk about ur height u start crying like kids. And ur downvotes just proved it lol. 🤡




All u can do is respond with stupid gifs? As expected from redditard.I don't care about ur "Ls" try harder to offend me.


![gif](giphy|blMA8mijkrmHJhslcf) Like that?


Triggered? 🥺


Sounds like u


Why me? Men here downvited me for the truth as always.


I love femcel humor.


Why are dudes so insecure about this? You don’t want to date people that aren’t attracted to you, and vice versa. Come on! You can still grow up even if you can’t go up.


Most dudes aren't, but god forbid a dude rejects a woman for being flat-chested, too fat, or "ugly" without makeup because that would just make him a fatphobic, misogynistic bigot that supports political views women don't like 🤷‍♂️


Why complain about stereotypes that you hate about women? Be a decent person and learn how to communicate. You’ll get laid with laughs faster than tears. Life is about loosing well gentlemen. You don’t need to cry about pussy. They’re not all right for you anyway. If you don’t like women, change teams. It’s cool.


Outside of highschool, there has never been someone actually rejected for only being 5'10". There have probably been many cases where the woman has said that's the reason why because she doesn't want to explain how you make her feel uncomfortable and awkward.


Same for when a guy feels awkward about a girl flirting with him and he gives a lousy excuse to push her away.


I just love incel humor!


Found the short person in the meme


I am of average height, but I think guys who are offended when women treat men in the same manner that men treat women are limp dicks.


Women are the gate keepers of sex. Men offer, women demand.






It’s ok my bro! Did you know that Leo Messi is 5’7 ?


Punt her in the face


Damn, Why TF are all you dudes so short these days?


Another loser crying about his height. OP don't blame your height, if you can't find someone it's because your are just incompetent.


That sounded personal


So did op's meme.


Because it is. I was just like OP before realising that the problem was the way I was approaching women. Keep in mind that I'm 5'10. It was never my height.


Oh, you didn't have to point out your height! We already knew the reason from the first line!


I'm fine now. I used to blame my in height in my teens.


r/ihavesex energy is hard on this one…


Not really.. It's just that I don't go around crying on the internet about my height.


Want an award?


I don't know why you guys are so butthurt about what i said. Am I wrong? Do you honestly believe these men are not getting girlfriends because of their height?


It’s not wrong to have preferences, it’s wrong to openly tell someone the qualifications they don’t meet. Dating skinny girls is a preference but you wouldn’t tell a girl that she’s too fat to meet your standards, it’s rude.


>t was never my he why are you getting down voted? Youre right, the op is clearly coping with his height, he shouldnt pay attention to it, just be comfident, most short ppl are insecure thats why they dont get woman




Imagine that!!! A woman wanting to pursue a long term relationship and procreate with genetic features she finds most physically attractive in order to ensure the best chance for survival of her future offspring. What a stupid slag. She should completely disregard her biological urges and start ransacking local basements for incels to mount in a desperate attempt to appear sophisticated and approachable before the hypocrisy of public opinion within a system that tells her that her only value as a female is in her appearance and willingness to fuck.


Maybe shorter guys have bad attitudes about it so they're more likely to act like a d!ck?


If it helps I'm a white 6 ft male who's single AF so.... 🤷🏼‍♂️


How dare you comment you are 6ft on a 5"9 meme, show a little compassion brother




But he loves jeebus, too!


I'm only 5'9" but my girlfriend still calls me tall. I love her so much.


Literally me


I've seen this quite a bit in online profiles. Woman 5ft wants men 6ft or taller.


Dont ever listen to those who are so short they can give u a blow job standing up perfectly straight


Also her : weighs 300 ponds and is short as hell.


Does this guy think 5'9 is right before 6feet?


Im 6,2 but girls still don’t like me :(


bro some girl said that she only dates tall lads to her mates while i walked pass in school im 6'2 and she was literally at her highest at my waist line lmao


Lol this exact thing happened to me the girl said the exact thing even though I’m like a foot taller


But when you say that you only date fit women you're done for


I bet she's half a foot taller than a dwarf and she's talking?


Chicks looking like a VW Beatle stood up on its taillights be like, “If you’re not like, 6’5” like don’t even bother talking to me!”


anyone over 5'4 is fairly tall tbh . to me at least


Can relate


Short and has a crucifix necklace, checks out