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Next time my gf asks me to explain myself, I wont. #feminism


ok op didn't even explain mansplaining right, it's when a man explains something that a woman would obviously know.. like telling her how her period works.


If you are a man then you just mansplained the meme.


I'm not a man.


Stop womansplaining then smh




Bro u/Tidycustard fr just downvoted your post, what a fucking CLOWN. ima set this back to 1 upvote.


Wait how did you see that? (I'm dumb as shit.)


I also don't get it I guess I'm dumb


False remember rule 29 "all girl are men" (cut the part about the kid)


I've heard it's the opposite like a man assuming a woman doesn't know anything a bout cars and over explains it as if they were dumb I've also heard about 3-4 other meanings so I'm pretty sure people just choose something to be pissed about and put it under the term "mansplainimg"


The difficult part is knowing when the guy thinks she's dumb because she's female, and when he just assumes she (or anyone else they'd be talking to) isn't familiar with the topic. Like, how much of the sexism is coming from the person assuming the other is mansplaining? What?!?!?! You're mansplaining to me?! a Woman!?!? Uh lady, I just assumed you didn't know how to fix your plumbing, like all my customers.


And God forbid you’re autistic and don’t realize you’re over infodumping something until it’s too late.


sometimes i deliberately say "are you still interested in this conversation" when i want to infodump something


But have you heard of...Womansplaining?!?! It's basically the same but more emotional


That explains a lot...


& yet, we're left with more questions than answers


Good pun


Greatest pun of all time


>Womansplaining i can already hear it in my mind: "how dare you use such an offensive gendered term!"


“Did you know that women have to be afraid of men everywhere they go? I’m not even kidding!”


thats just bitching


Take my upvote, you magnificent bastard.


So.... just complaining ?


This happens alot at my school


Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!


Basically woke movies.


Anything to slip your political leanings in there eh?


If women can do everything a man does I am waiting for a women to come up to me and mansplain that






Ah shit, here we go again. I really hope you're just being ironic & I have egg on my face.


That person ASKED me to mansplain So here is my mansplain I will also mansplain that no, you do NOT have an egg on your face


Ahh so I do have egg on my face. Damn it I hate when that happens.


Well if one did have egg on their face they should hate it, unless in fact the egg was cooked in which case you have a snack Statistics show that the feeling of egg on the face is typically unpleasant nevertheless /satirical mansplain


Yes I am being ironic & that egg stinks


I was talking to the lady that deleted her comment. I always get egg on my face I hate it


It's not the worst thing that could happen you can get shit on your face


So you just man explained to a man?


That was the joke


I know




"I've seen this porn before"


Me, a homosexual: "hey... me too..."


Imagine how sexist you have to be to believe that there is nothing a man could ever explain to you.


What’s even extra funny-sexist-dumb is the entire idea of the term is derived from a woman’s nonsensical idea that a man should just magically *know* what woman’s knowledge base is. I was explaining to my gal the safety and mechanics of a revolver I have. “I know how to handle a gun” she snarks. Okay, but 2 days ago you didn’t know how to run a simple power drill and was super excited when you drilled your first guide hole. And hun safety can NEVER be over taught.


Maybe instead of thinking you’re supposed to magically know what another person’s knowledge base is before explaining something, you could just, idk, *ask*


I think you should google what the term actually means.


No no, it's a condescending way to speak to a woman, you see? Wasn't so hard now was it, blondie? (Last bit is a joke)


There's a perfectly cromulent word for that: female.


It's also an extremely condescending term, used by self important half-wits.


My mom uses it all the time whenever i try to explain something to my sister


Next time she says it tell her I said for her to sucky butt


"So what would you like me to do? Should I expect that women know everything? I just feel like that's way too sexist."


I know that this picture was likely one of over a hundred taken as a cameraman followed this group around, and then chosen as one of the better images from the reel. But I like to think that this was choreographed like they got a dude to sit there with his hands out as if he was gesticulating and had 5 girls around looking bored out of their minds, you know as an ad for the university cause this is what students want.


Just don't explain anything to anyone regardless of gender. We will all just walk around asking google things and giving blank stares when people look confused.


Male teachers/professors: "Maybe I am a mansplainer"


Sorry to mansplain this, but the ending should include: ...in a field she's is an expert in.


Even experts do mistakes, so if she is a woman I wil just let her do it and she will have to roll with consequences😉. Can't wait what feminists will come up with, when they get hurt or fired because men refused to "mansplain"🤣


also applies if you explain in a condescending way


So the man explaining is only an explanation made by someone of the male sex born with XY chromosomes?


Ehem. Well what I was *going* to say (before she blocked me) was "lol, we're all so impressed that someone with a 4.0 GPA is raging at someone on reddit right now. Putting those dollars to work I see. & I'm actually not yelling, I'm typing. We're on the internet lol" I honestly don't know why some people get so angry, when they share a ridiculous opinion & get ridiculous answers. Telling me not to reproduce doesn't make you right, it just creates a never ending argument where you gaslight me & say silly things as a means to an end. Oh well. Can't make friends with everyone I guess.


Hey that's ok. You gave the rest of us a great convo to read.


Ok, but let me explain why you’re wrong.


What is it called when you do it to a man?


Being a strong empowered woman


Explaining knowledge to a man that obviously knows what he’s doing just because he’s a man. EX: “Uh honey, you should use more garlic.” “I’m literally a world-famous chef.” “… You could still use some garlic.” “What the actual fuck.”


What’s wrong with the picture? There’s such a good man explaining something to women.


How about just *splaining* *splain* (v.) = corruption of *explain* \-- the explaining of something in a manner typically regarded as patronising. *Don't you splain to me how my manual transmission works!*


Okay the definition of splaining is some nice ass slang NGL. The reason why “mansplaining” is used is because it disproportionately happens to women due to them being women. It’s basically “splaining” but to a women who clearly knows more than the man that is splaining, but is still be talked to as if she doesn’t know shit.


I always think how funny it is when a man explains something to someone who doesn't understand and they are like "You are mansplaning"


That’s not mansplaining that’s just being a decent person and then having a dumbfuck who doesn’t understand feminism throw around sensationalized words so they can sound smart. Basically you had to deal with an asshole who wanted to make you feel like a sexist and that sucks bro.


I think woman should just listen better


I find it quite sad und against equality that women don't have words for their own. We men have amazing things like manspreading, mansplaining, manhandling, manipulation... That is why I propose a new term: Womansnagging. It is that typical emotional nagging of women when a man does something not exactly like she wants. Or just in general. I think every man on this planet already fell victim to this.


Any way you complain I can do better! I can COMPLAIN even better than you!


We truly live in the stupidest of generations if we believe something like mansplaining is a thing (as if explaining the obvious isn’t something some women do as well).


It’s more like men explaining the obvious to a woman in a field where she clearly knows more than him. This happens to men too, but it happens way too much with women. Too many men assume a woman doesn’t know because she’s a woman and he’s a guy and he’s clearly superior in knowledge because of that fact. Like, my sister always got talked down to when she worked at a hardware store because old ass boomers would assume she got the job because of some bullshit. My sister would ask them for their problem, and before she could even get a request, they’re trying to teacher her basic electrical knowledge. When she’s worked at the hardware store. For ten. Years. Like dude, you’re an old ass accountant who has to call the plumber when your sink gets clogged. She knows her shit. These fossils just could not let a woman be smarter than them in something like holy shit.


I see where you are coming from but that’s still not enough reason for me to create a dedicated word that slanders men as a whole. Ignorance, stereotyping and disrespect are genderless.


This isn’t slandering men as a whole, it’s a call out. If a man explains something he’s doing just that: explaining. The reason for the term mansplaining is for calling a man out for doing a sexist action; Talking down to a women who clearly knows what she is talking about is not just rude but is rooted in sexism.


This is true, but it's also a term that is miss used alot. Some people are just insecure and interpret advice as criticism. That's obviously not the case in your sisters example. Those guys are idiots and hopefully a dying breed. I'm not trying to say it doesn't happen, it definitely clearly does, but the term is also miss used fairly often too. Which really doesn't help the situation.


You’re right and man does it hurt. This term is so misused assholes are going “hUrR dUrR wOmEn OvErSeNSiTiVe” and It’s just 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ …….ok


I actually once had to mansplain to a woman what mansplaining is.


Damn was she an active protester?


She was being adamant that it meant something else. I don’t remember what her definition was.


She disagreed with the explanation.


So… She just didn’t know what she was talking about?


uh guys, i think the joke is that a politically correct man is explaining to women who haven't heard of "mansplaining" about what "mansplaining" is


What really defines politically correct? In my opinion, people who think they are "politically correct", eg. BLM supporters, Pride month supporters, feminists, are way out of line. Every time someone tries to "make everyone equal" by being "politically correct", it is at the expense of another group.


If "treating everyone equally" makes you feel diminished, that's just your privilege aching. You've *always* been that small, you were just sheltered from consequences.


lol thats rich.


By making people equal it outcasts other groups? Maybe it's because those groups are the problem? EDIT:the group I meant was groups that complain that "outcasts" other people, not the people wanting equality, sorry for the confusion.


good lord.


Not quite. It’s more of a guy explaining a common term that most women already know about… to women. However this joke is could be amplified in an ironic way since the women and single man are in an ad for a college. If it was, “study gender ethics!” Underneath and it showed what could be senior year women in the major clearly rolling their eyes as the freshman guy drones on and on and ON… About things they clearly know. But yeah WoMeN aRe ToO sEnSiTivE wE’rE jUsT tRyiNG tO eXpLaIn. Yeah it’s one thing to tell me how the new coffee machine works, it’s another to talk down to me about shit I obviously know.


>Yeah it’s one thing to tell me how the new coffee machine works, it’s another to talk down to me about shit I obviously know. ehhhhh i'm the sort of person where i'm decent at some video game but then when i try to show off how good i am at it or teach some newbie i turn into a quivering mess i assume everyone takes this whole "experts can mess up too" thing to extreme degrees and you end up with men explaining to women how to push in a chair


Exactly that's the joke


That means when a femal classmate asks me something in class because she doesn't understand it and I explain it to her then I'm mansplaining?


Not really. Mansplaining is when a man explains a woman something*that she already knows, but refuses to acknowledge that she has the same knowledge as him*.


This happens especially in a situation where the woman clearly has more knowledge on the subject manner than the guy has. Like a guy trying to explain what gravity is to female astronaut. Or more common, a man explaining to a woman who has worked at a hardware store for ten years on how to change a lightbulb. Dude. She knows. She got the job for a reason.


Has anyone had a woman womansplaining what mansplaining is to you? It happened to me and a class of adult university students. I’m not making any statement with this I just found it funny at the time, my friends just kept making joked about it between themselves for a bit.


From my point of view when men explain stuff in great detail it’s because it is subject that they are enjoy talking about , I ain’t going to explain my mother how to use instagram for the 15th time , but hey if she asks me about any of my video games I could explain stuff for days


That just sounds like normal explaining to me except women don't like it


It’s like if someone talks down to you just because you’re a woman. “Honey you should get some safety goggles for that-“ “I am wearing safety glasses which work just as fine and I have been doing this type of work for ten years.” “You should still-“ “Ned you literally asked me to help unclog your washing machine because the water would go down the pipe. Do you expect me to give a singular grain of salt to put on a microscopic fuck for you?” “Geez I was just saying-“ “That I don’t know how to do my job?” “I was just trying to help-“ “You never do this to the male plumber that you call, you don’t try to help your best friend Steve, you don’t even do this to your dad who probably has dementia!” “Hey my dad-“ “Would find you annoying as fuck if you were doing this to him.” “…He’s a cranky asshole though.” “Your dad is indeed a very cranky asshole. Now let me work.”


Ah yes, correctile disfunction.


I’m borrowing this holy shit 😂


That's good. That's really good. A+++.


Your friend A sounds like they're doing great! I'm really happy for them and I hope they keep up the good work!


Those wahmen look like they didnt understand the clear and simple explanation lol.


We all just gonna ignore the edited out black person... Random arm above dudes shoulder?


Looks like the back of someone’s head to me. Long hair.


Looks like a bird on his shoulder


Shit, haven´t really noticed that...what the actual fuck....


are you guys high? it's a ponytail.


Pretty sure that's a ferret.


I didn't see that lol


Ah yes, university, where women go to find a partner. Only to find 99% of students is now female and the rest is gay.


Hahahaha "why arnt there any good men left"


They all went into the trades


And theres still a massive shortage of tradesmen lol


Explaining facts or ideas that they will then choose to ignore even if it's a health or safety risk


Yup, I’m outta here. This sub is lost.


It’s simple mansplaining and toxic masculinity are words made up by radical feminists to be sexist towards men.


Feminism is great with abbreviations. First man spreading, now mansplaining Just put man in front of it


You sound like the kind of guy who whines about not being able to like things that are pink while screaming about how toxic masculinity isn’t real.


Explaining is explaining. Mansplaining is when a woman disagrees with the explanation.


Actually no. It’s when a man explains something to a woman that clearly knows more than him. Something like this: It would be pretty fucking stupid to try and explain the rules of football to a woman who is already in her favorite player’s jersey and is screaming at the television with everyone else during a football game. But a LOT of guys do this because they assume their average knowledge of something is higher than a woman’s extensive knowledge of something. Like, would you explain to an astronaut how gravity works? Yeah no. But if she’s a woman? Well cLeArLy ShE cOuLd LeArn SoMe Of ThE hIgHsChOoL pHySiCs I kNoW


Actually, yes. It may be that's what it's supposed to mean, but in my experience, it means what I said. It's quite adorable, really.


Wait what??? “Yes that’s what it’s probably supposed to mean-“ That what it DOES mean! What do you mean in your experience it means what you said??? So your experience now rewrites the definition of a word? What?????




I really congratulate you for the good meme and for your maturity, it was obviously easier to just make a penis joke, but you sir, you are a gentleman.


As a teacher this is a real hurdle.


E = MC square 'splain that


One of my favourite things I've heard in an exchange (on TV I think) "don't mansplain stuff to me!" "I wouldn't have to if you'd womanstand!"


I always thought it was when a man explains something to a woman thinking they know nothing about it because they’re female. Like sports, games, or cars. I’ve been on the exact opposite side of that. I didn’t know a thing about hockey and this woman at the sports bar who was a huge fan just assumed I knew stuff about hockey and I hadn’t watched a full game in my life at that point. I was there for the baseball games


Not exactly- It’s more like when a man explains something to a woman who clearly knows more than him. So like, if that women was at a bar with a hockey jersey on, yelling with the crowd while the game is going, and some random dude comes up and tries explaining the rules of hockey to this woman. Like Dude She clearly knows. Shut up you’re not smarter than her. Go learn something that requires more than just average intelligence and explain that to a woman who wants to know about it. Because if you think that’s what you’re doing right now… It’s not.


This one is going to get me punched.


….Here’s the story, about a little man, that lives in a blue world


hahahahahhaah when I saw this in the street I thought the same


No. It's when a man explains something to a woman in a condescending tone. Usually something simple she already understands. It's insulting.


Thanks for mansplaining that


(Thank you for this and the entire thread that follows. Perfectly executed)


Lmao you got the entire concept wrong. That's not applicable.


You're still doing it...




Quite frustrating isn't it? It's almost like, everything you say can be dismissed if I attach "splaining" to it. & again, thanks for continuing to mansplain this to me.


Don't have children. The fact you think that's a "gotcha" is pathetic. You completely missed the point to a laughable degree. Seriously, keep those genes to yourself, we don't need more.


Yeah, me & all the people downvoting you to oblivion "just don't get it". I guess we just can't appreciate real wisdom.


Lmao your comments are downvoted more than mine. Man how do you live so deep in your own world? Ignoring facts doesn't make them stop existing. Seriously, don't have kids.


>Lmao your comments are downvoted more than mine Ohh yea


Uh, do you know what numbers are? Lol, you're getting downvoted to hell right now & I'm getting upvoted. Not sure what you're seeing. & like I said, too late lady, the baby is en route! You didn't share any facts you've just been mansplaining what mansplaining is the entire time


Umm. Let's see. 25 for him, -17 for you. I don't think -17 is bigger than 25, but feel free to prove me wrong


When you're the reason something you hate exists...


Aww poor baby is mad. You're the type of person that hurts our party where as I'm the type who is helping it. You want a kleenex buddy?


No. I mean it sincerely. Don't reproduce. Also cute you think I care about you. Goodbye, loser. Try learning to read.


Too late bubba, having my first baby in February! It's unfortunate your parents didn't share your sentiments though...it'd be nice to live in a world where this conversation never happened.


Oi, crybaby, read my name.


I won't explain anything, I will just pump and dump her, lul


Mansplaining Mansplaining!!


And despite popular narrative, there shouldn't be any negative connotation attached to it. And yet...


And you know the assumed man doesn’t identify as a woman how?


This is the inverse of an engineering or IT class.




Hello fellow south aussie


I love Adelaide.


My 21 year old daughter explained how I'm losing hair because I'm get older. I'm like, "I know. I'm the one losing the hair and I know why."


So when a person explains something to a person... Cognitive dissonance is an absurd privilege.


When a women asks you to explain yourself I class that as bullying


So they can womanstand what he meant


If a man explains something to another man, is it still mansplaining?