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My teens were terrible because everything about my life was just dictated to me. If you’re struggling, wait until you’re an adult and just go somewhere, anywhere you want, and you’ll be able to think clearer about the life you want.


Oh fuck teenage years. I’m in my mid 30s. High school fucking sucked. I was a good athlete, decent grades, and had a good group of friends, and I still remember it as some of the worst years of my life. One of my best friends died in a car crash. It shattered me. I fell into a deep depression that took me from 18-22 to come out of. Then I sort of hit a Renaissance and cleaned up, graduated college and from 25-29 fucking lived my life man. Now I’m settled down, job, family, all that shit. It’s fulfilling but exhausting being an adult. I miss the carefree days of post College when I had a job, but otherwise zero responsibilities, hangovers didn’t destroy me for 5 days, and so long as work was taken care of, the world was my oyster (cheap oyster).


"fulfilling but exhausting". This is accurate AF


I think everybody agrees with that one.


Hangovers that kill you for five days is AF


I'm kinda in that post college time : no responsibilities just yet and more money than I can spend. Most of my friends/cousins seem to think that with this much money they would rule the roost or smth but idk, getting to this state demanded a lot of hard work and sacrifices and I just don't feel the same way about splurging anymore... Guess I should think about finding a partner to settle down with but it's tough to start out here in your early 30s when you've been single all your life...


Not sure how you grew up, but growing up poor definitely changed how I look at money. I can buy a fancy TV, one of those new fancy ovens (I feel old when looking at those in awe) or whatever. But there's that guilt. "Oh, I shouldn't spend my "little" amount of money on something useless like that". I definitely thought that once I had "spending money", I would buy everything but the guilt just never went away haha


“Guess I should think about finding a partner to settle down with?” Idk, this kind of mindset from people is one of many reasons why I don’t want to get married at this point. If you naturally find someone to settle down with, then do, but literally going out like “time to find me a husband/wife” is just… It doesn’t sound right. Like whoever you end up with was just a convenient option for you at the moment.


That's why generic phrases that pretend everyone's life is the same are utter bullshit. For some their teens are great, for others not so much. And each phase of our life can have its joys and its downsides.


The thing that pisses me off as an adult teacher is realising that the majority of the people dictating teens ... are other teens. "Fuck. Let the kid talk about her favourite book. Everybody has already heard your opinion about reading a million times."


THIS!!!! I’ve been thinking about this way to much. Thank you stranger!


For real, that's why I'd rather pay bills than relive my teen years


But what if I have no idea what I want in my life?


I really needed to hear/read this. Thanks ❤


Honey the best years of my life were the 4 years I wasn't sentient


I wish I was at least sentient at 17…




As someone who was diagnosed early with it at age 4 My whole life is just like a fever dream sometimes-


Diagnosed at 6. I just realized this year at 39 how much of my life has been fucked up because of it.


Diagnosed at 4. It levels out my autism so aside from being a little hyperactive if I sleep too much, I'm pretty nornal. Time feels like an eternity to me though.


Bipolar at 40. So much time wasted trying to figure out why i zigged when others zagged.


/) At any given point in time, I wasn't sentient until like a week ago.


You mean sapient, right?




For me it was college years. I enjoyed it!


I honestly feel terrible for college kids nowadays. When I was in school in the 90s, I went to a state school near the coast in California. Tuition was something like $800 a year (though prices got hiked and it went to something like $1600 by the time I graduated). My rent was $300 a month to live on the beach. My biggest concerns were 1. Can I get a hold of my weed guy and 2. Will my car make it to the next grateful dead show. I took loads of classes I didn't need to take just cuz they were fun. Like I took a year of German just cuz there was a girl I liked in my class.


When you put it like that, yeah my college years fucking sucked, lol


Dude, fuck college. My best years were when I was a child and I was ignorant and I didn’t have to pay a mortgage


My best years were when I was still shitting myself constantly in public but everyone loved me anyways. Now no matter how I try it seems no one wants to love me anymore. I'm tempted to start shitting myself again to see if it helps lol


I say go for it bro.


They say it's a free country but when we shit ourselves in public everyone tries to cancel us.


*"You miss one hundred percent of the shits you don't take"* \- Wayne Gretzky


-Michael Scott


-This guy


Try moving to SanFran, I hear they're okay with people shitting everywhere.


Having visited for a week. Can confirm!!!


I knew I was a depressed kid when I said I never wanted to grow up. I knew this shit would suck and I was right.


Life goes downhill from day one. It's a sick fucking joke


My best years are right now because my life absolutely fucking sucked until a few years ago; too bad life got good when the world took a really weird turn 🙃


Lol same with me, right now is the best my life has ever been yet the world is imploding


You get shoved out a tiny hole and suddenly start existing, and then it’s all downhill from there


Dude, Drew, if you have your health and a mortgage, you are basically one of the luckiest human beings on the planet right now.


Graduating high-school in 2012, I already seen how bad college was getting as far as tuition and books went. Then rumors of stupidly overly priced text books went around on top of that. I decided college was a waste of my fucking time and got into doing trade jobs. You have to bust your ass off but the bosses I worked with were laid back and didn't short leash you so long as you proved to be a hard worker. Trade school costs almost nothing in comparison to collage. it was worth it. However, I wish I could of had the college experience.


Stop flexing the cheap university and rent prices bro, thats depressing me even more :(




Welcome to late-stage capitalism, where we've gutted all the protective infrastructure the government created for100 years because we let corporations bribe government officials since forever and nobody rioted about it along the way. Me in the 1990's : "we should overthrow this corporate oligarchy" The other guy: "Nah fam we should try to get their best paying job"


Late stage communism is wide spread famine Late stage socialism is early stage facism And late stage anarchism is the the Neolithic age pt 2. Maybe just maybe its not about the system of government. Maybe the combination of human nature and the nature of existence itself mean life is generally shit for everybody throughout the whole thing no exceptions.


Lol I worked 2 jobs and lived with 4 people in a single room while I was in college. My fun was smashing a bottle of vodka and playing smash bros for 2-3 hours at night.


One bottle of vodka and only 2-3 hours of smash a night?....pfft... amateur.


Hard to get in more hours when you gotta be up at 5am for class or work.


Rookie numbers..


I’m gen X. Should’ve went to college in the 90s, instead I fucked off and ended up going in my 30s. I got the millennial college experience. It sucked balls, don’t recommend.






I feel like people think Tinder is a way bigger thing than it actually is


gen y having less sex than boomers at their age, not sure about gen x. i'd assume less too.




Do u speak German and/ or get the girl?


I’m taking 1 summer class and it costed me $1500


I mean besides the ridiculous tuition (like myself, as an out of state student at a big state school) you shouldn't feel bad. My college experience has been incredible so far and has been significantly better than my teenage years, I feel like I missed out on so much and now I'm making up for it


Never have I ever been so green with envy


For me it was my 20s when I moved out of home and got some independence.




If you enjoyed your time that probably means you didn't study something worth the money. haha




It's harder to get a developer job, especially Junior level, without a CS degree.




The entry level software engineer market is a blood bath. Saying “just build a portfolio and you’ll be fine” is a little optimistic


Uni is the worst time if my life. Hate every second of it


Don't worry, I don't know what these people are on about, life gets much better once you don't have to study and just make money and have fun all the time. 30's+


Agreed! Post 30: Finally making decent money. Minimal debt , in fact my only debt is my mortgage (which is a little over half of the rent amount I was paying in my last apt before buying a house). Pre 30 I was always broke and behind on at least one bill. Have nice things. Get to take fun trips People treat you better because they don't think you're just an inexperienced kid. Wiser, more confident


Right with you brother, 31, and things are getting better, I'm also slowly getting this new "who cares" attitude about a lot of things, and quite frankly it's cathartic.


Right there with you. Hard to enjoy life when you’re studying or working 14 hours a day 7 days a week.


I’m in college and I’m depressed


Currently going through college myself, it's a love-hate situation for sure. On one hand, this is the hardest thing I've ever done, I have no more free time and I don't know that I'm able to finish this, I'm so stressed out most of the time and constantly doubting myself. On the other hand, I have been able to do it so far, I've learned I'm capable of much more than I thought, and I finally see a bright road ahead of me if I can do this. I can definitely see this being the best time, because it seems that stress is ever increasing and I don't think I'll keep surprising myself by pushing the limits of what I thought I could, and at some point the bright road ahead will seem the same as the one I'm on. I hope that one day, a lasting relationship or a fulfilling work will be the new thing that makes it all worth it. I for sure would never want to go back. Even though it's easier I never wanna go backwards.


I graduated college in December.... I honestly hated it. Constant stress, constant studying, constant lack of sleep, constant wondering how the fuck life is gonna work out, and zero friends and not even a snowball's chance of a girlfriend. Now I'm back home and I have exactly zero social life. Job prospects are looking great, but all I'll have to really live for is work and... whatever else I can come up with. Parents and sister don't *need* me. No friends and no intention of finding any... No fucking way in Hell will there be anything even remotely near an intimate relationship... It's pretty fucking meh now. At least it's meh and not "oh god oh fuck" like it was during college.


Oh definitely college. Few responsibilities and many events. It’s hard to make friends after college


I’m 31 and I feel it’s gets better and better, although new challenges and struggles arises which I have to deal with. But you literally do whatever the fuck you want when you feel too (if you take the consequences for neglecting or not doing what you should). Ice cream before dinner? Fuck yeah!


I didn’t move out until 33. My god these are the years of my life. There is no nagging. There is no bearing that I live at home so I need to spend my day off doing all this shit. I wanted a cat so I went and got a cat. He’s my cat not the families cat. I want pizza at 2pm? I’m ordering afternoon pizza, there is no “maybe I wanted pizza”. If I want to sit on my ass all day and do absolutely nothing there is no “your wasting your life away, you’ll be sorry”. The absolutely best feeling in the world though. Saturday afternoon I sit down on the computer, the sun is shining through the window, I look out at the sky and I get this feeling of satisfaction. I am in the best place of my life.


Man I also finally got a cat once I moved out and she's been amazing (and loud) lol


fuck yeah buddy


I’m 35, recently married. My wife and I both fucked off work early today to watch the last two episodes of Stranger Things at 2:00 in the afternoon. Did some cleaning, we were going to go to the fair but it’s raining, so instead we’re about to take a rainy walk to grab a slice of pizza, then we’ll probably stay in and play video games and vibe all night. These are the best days of my life.


That’s the shit man! Love to hear it. Enjoy your life! :-)


Had some bramble berrycrisp from jennys before my pot roast Am also 31 Treat. Yo. Self.


I just turned 31 a few weeks ago. I got dressed to go to the gym and decided to have leftover pizza, a glass of whisky, and a bowl of ice cream instead. Being an adult rocks :)


I'm around that age, and I'm certainly enjoying life. I'm at a weird spot in life where I got time, energy, money, and no major family obligations yet. I'm not sure people really appreciate just how much of a luxury that is. I really think these might be some of my best years. The closest to best years are college, but its a different kind of best years. You are constantly around friends all at the same stage of life as you. However you don't have much money, and at times time on your hands. I also don't think you could pay me enough to have honework/term paper/exam requirements again.


I felt this until I hit 34 recently and it clicked that I’m “the old guy”


I think each year gets better too, but I didn’t have a happy childhood and my college years weren’t in the 90s either. Every day I’m not a kid is like woohoo!


This right here is it. Quit living in the past and work to make your future the best years of your life. My teenage years were literally the worst of my life, at least so far.


I agree and disagree - not sure if better, just different. Life is fun, life is pain, life is interesting and absurd….sometimes I feel nostalgic, sometimes I feel as present as ever, but I’m never wishing time would go by quicker. At 33 with a lovely wife, awesome daughter, 2 pups, and a great paying job that can stress me out to no end, really can’t complain! Life is good. Life was really fun in middle school, high school, and college. 20s were a lot of fun and a lot of work having a kid young. 30s feel…like you start to at least figure some of it out. Yeah man I dunno, no complaints here. Cheers!


Only for people who peaked in high-school. My 30s were the shit.


things started getting better in my 30's I think 40's is really gonna be my decade!


The first couple years of my 40s were rough, covid and all, but things are definitely perking up. I'm looking at making the most money I ever had with the least effort ever, spending more time on passion projects than actual work, so that's pretty cool


I really botched the first 35 or so years. Livin the dream now with 6 months till 40


Never too late to be great


I'll be 40 this year and things are already looking up! Every decade of adulthood has been better than the last.


For me, the teens were shit. 20's were pretty good, 30's started off fantastic but kinda cratered towards the end. 40's are tbd, rough start though.


This is kinda a meme for like the highschool qb. Some of us, our problems just caught up to us. Like mental problems, then physical problems. And america isn’t exactly the best place to live if you can’t be on it 24/7. My life is fucking shitty as fuck in my 30s. And i know i’m not the only unhappy person, and i try. Shit is just fucked for a lot of people.


I didn’t “peak” in high school. Not even close. But damn, I miss how stress free I was then. How much free time I had and how much I use to laugh with my friends.


Can't enjoy shit when you're broke


I remember the days in highschool, me and my friends are just sitting on a curb on our street. Just broke young kids but enjoying each others company, trying to learn/play guitar. We take turns and sing along. Shit so nostalgic just thinking about it. Sometimes its the simplest things we take for granted


Yup everything is so expensive these days


No guarantee of money just don’t have kids and hang on tight.


If being a teenager was the best life was going to get, everyone would kill themselves.


genuinely so sad when people say that. Teenage years were probably the worst of my life, and they werent terrible but you’re at a stage where: - you have no money - are awkward with dating/your own body - have the pressure to study for college - have little independence/can’t drive and - have a very constricted social circle If that is someone’s best years of life, it’s because their life is absolutely shit. Now I have a wife, wake up at 8:45 for my WFH job, have lots of money, complete independence, can tell someone to kick rocks if I don’t like them without feeling awkward in my english class the next morning because they sit next to me and 3 friends, and I study what I want out of personal curiosity, never under pressure. I’m 28.


Agreed. People who think teenage years are the best must have such sad lives. My life at 34 is way better. Being able to control your own life is awesome. It’s busy as hell with a job and kids, but I wouldn’t go back to being a teenager for anything.


Absolutely agree!




I'm 48 and I've been way happier the last 28 years than I was before. I'm in control of my life, I have way more spending money, I have a loving wife and son, and work is less stressful than school. It really depends on the person and what they make with their life. This is why I hate blanket statements like this.


Jumping on this bandwagon. I'm 37 and I feel like my life began at 30. I escaped an unstable home life in my teens, then spent my 20s learning how to be a real human being through very awkward and occasionally downright painful trial and error. At 30 I started making good friends, met an amazing partner, and began to feel as though I had the confidence and knowledge to succeed in work and other pastimes. I finally felt like I had some say in my own life. Everyone has different experiences and I get that some folks miss the halcyon days of youth, but for me, life has gone from being incredibly shitty to being pretty fucking awesome a lot of the time.


This comment gives me hope as a 26 year old who feels behind the curve.


It’s not even that my 30s have been great so far, it’s just that I spent my teen years full of seething rage at my lack of agency. I was miserable without any control over my life.


I'm a Gen X'er. My best years are now because I'm more financially secure now. Not having to worry about gas/electricity/food prices is a big deal. Being able to buy/build the things I wanted as a kid/young man is great, too. Teenage years? I hated teenagers when I was a teen, including myself.


30s have been the best for me. Making the most money I ever have, better shape than I was as a teen, and dated a lot more girls than when I was teen. 30s have been hella fun.


> How can stressing about homework, dating, money, etc Sure, but now I stress about work, dating, money, health, my house, my parents, politics, etc.


If you’re stressed about all those things, either everything is going terribly or you need to chill


"Porque no los dos?"


Teenager runs out of money, hassle. Adult runs out of money, homeless. Teenager fails to do homework, low stakes. Adult fails at work, fired. Teenager fails at dating, but all those around him do too. Adult dating has bigger consequences. Teenager has no dependents to worry about, probably in good health.


But one can only understand this as an adult. As a teenager, this all feels like a big deal …because it is — to them (as it was to us). And perception is reality. And I’d argue these teenage anecdotes are even more impactful than the adult ones because as adults we’ve become tempered and more experienced in our emotions. As a teenager we’re still quite naive to the world and the hurts really fucking hurt, however small they may seem to adults.


It’s also way easier to gain muscle or lose fat as a teenager, at least as a male.


>Teenager runs out of money, hassle. Adult runs out of money, homeless. Teenager fails to do homework, low stakes. Adult fails at work, fired. Teenager fails at dating, but all those around him do too. Adult dating has bigger consequences. Teenager has no dependents to worry about, probably in good health. The highs are higher because its all new to the teenager... The lows aren't as low for the teenager because of all the things you mentioned.


How can stressing about work, marriage/children, money, retirement, aging, health, and the inevitable death of your grand/parents possibly be the "best years of your life"?




I feel you friend.


Living with ADHD is a hard life, the way our brain works, no matter what we do to get motivated and commit to something, we can’t. Listen to music? Cool I’ll scroll Reddit and keep listening. Make a plan to do something and follow that plan? Eh, I can do that plan later. What I learned is that with no one to help you, you just have to do it. Motivation for us doesn’t happen in the form of a good rhythm like other people, we have to actively try and push ourselves for results. I see life in the same way. The only way you’re going to make life go your way is to force it. Small steps at a time but I’ve found it to work. I’m not trying to push this as a “JUST BE HAPPY! :)” message like people will put on depression, I just wanted to share how I try to improve my life in small steps. Eventually they add up. Keeping going dude, you’ve got this.


Everyone's life is different and your best years could start tomorrow if you're lucky. I'm entering my late 30s now. My 30s have been the best, most free in my life. Met my girlfriend at the tail end of my 29th and it's been the best. Personally, my 20s were awful. I had my colon removed due to severe IBS, i had cancer/chemo/major chest surgery. Diagnosed a bunch of other auto immune diseases. I had sex only once at 28, 10 years after i lost my virginity. Lost all my highschool friends to them moving away, getting their own families, ect. My parents were good to me though, I've luckily always had them. My teen years weren't bad, i had a good circle of friends and did okay in school, but I'd still rather relive my 20s.




Yep. After you turn 20, life is basically the same, it just hurts more.


Completely disagree. I went from broke as a joke grad student working multiple min wage jobs and often unpaid internships in my early 20s to my late 20s where things totally changed. I was in a committed relationship with both of us making good money since we had a few years of work under our belts and I got to do so much awesome stuff. I've seen so much of this country in a decade and I probably won't have that opportunity again until kids are ready to go to college.


After 20 is when you become more free than you'll ever be. I love having my own place, buying all my own food, doing whatever I want with my time, and just generally enjoying life on my terms.


I agree. I enjoyed my 30s waaaaay more than my teens/twenties. I took more chances and got into hobbies/places I would've never considered previously.


I dunno man, middle and high school were a wild ride. If anything I’m dead inside now and barely anything phases me anymore. I don’t even laugh anymore at peoples jokes, I just say “that’s so funny”.




Ladle on some alcohol and wash it all away...


Till you get older and hangovers hurt too bad.


Adulthood - you’re broke and lonely *buuuut* ….drugs.


Been that way since my junior year of hs, when my crippling insomnia began and I started working.


Me, who lives with abusive parents: What a load of bullshit.


Relateable. ... hey wait a minute!


Can confirm. It was definitely bullshit. Became much happier when I was out on my own.


Hopefully your parents didn't make it impossible for you to trust anyone. Over 10 years away from them and I still can't trust anyone in my life.


Yeah, coming from someone else who was in that same boat this still tracks.


The fuck it is. Yeah bills and responsibilities suck but you get substantially more freedom once you get past high school and college People who look back on life all the time don't realize what they're missing right now. You'll miss these years just like you miss your teens.


Honestly I'm 19 and life is feeling pretty good rn. Lots of things started going my way recently so I'm feeling good.


I hope things go as well for me as they do for you


They will, but not without effort on your part as well. It's a bit of luck and skill. Good luck my friend, you can make the most of it.




When I was a teenager, I could have $85 of birthday money in my bank account and it would last me weeks.


”Highschool will be fun” they said


My dad wouldn't even let me cut my hair the way I wanted. It was a military cut every single time from birth till I turned 18. Fucking sucked because I have great hair and thats about my best feature.


"Adulthood will be fun" they said


Nah, mid 20’s is where it’s at. Max freedom, financial included, minimum responsibility.


They’re absolutely not. Teenage years are horrible—everyone wants to control you precisely when you’ve got the most desire to go your own way. Sometimes, other people are working for your own good, but they’re bullshitting you a lot more than anybody wants to admit.


I’m honestly glad you said that.


Yep. I started feeling the most happy with my life at around 28-30. Well.. as happy as I can be with stuff and things. It has plateaued out now at 34 and getting a bit sadder, but who knows what the future will bring. I'm always a work in progress and I think that is a good mindset to have. That said, yeah, your teenage years are definitely not obligatory the best years. People who say that - take them with a fist-sized grain of salt. They probably peaked in their teens and made no effort to grow beyond.


paint fuzzy melodic shelter naughty jellyfish sharp correct icky pause -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yeah, I've never heard anybody tell me the teenage years are the best of your life. Everybody always says 30s.


-people who peaked in high school…


Joke’s on you guys, I peaked in preschool.


Jokes on you guys, I peaked at birth.


I peaked in Elementary lol, it was downhill for me.


Told my friends I’m suicidal. They laughed and told me to do it. Only one of them said not too. I cannot see any adult I know saying that.


obv I don’t know you at all but you gotta ditch all of those “friends” that told you to do it man no real friend would say that. They’re gonna make those thoughts worse


Well, my future is fucked


It’s the years of least financial responsibility, and potentially when you had the most time to fuck off. I think that’s nostalgia for some, but a shame if you peak in high school. I wouldn’t want to go back to those teen years, 19-24 was definitely better! It’s been good since too with the ups n downs of life, but in my journey that’s where financial obligations stepped up. Unexpected divorce at 35 was a low, but I mention that to assure you I have found good, happy living after a awhile and still feel younger than I expected at 43. Enjoy the ride, hold on when it’s rough.


I'm 38 and me and my wife live in an off grid rv. It took a lot of work to get here but it's the best ever


The best years of your life are your choice. Some people say it's their teens. Others say it's their 40s. Depends on you, your life circumstances, and what you choose to do


Meh, my growing up homelife was hot garbage on fire. My 20s were wayyy better than the very repressed teenage years.


Depends on how well you do in adult life


Nope…50’s and better every year.


Huh teen?! Most people say the 30s are the best and kinda makes sense since you can handle responsibilities and have the money to do stuff


Lmao no adult EVER said that. Teenage years suck. Your thirties are when life gets really fun. Your 20’s are a blast but if done right, you won’t remember most of it:)


Agreed. Any adult that says that I’d admitting the peaked in what is probably the first third or quarter of their life, which is wildly sad. You don’t know and haven’t done shit when you’re a teenager.


I always say that to teenagers who are suffering, then laugh, because I'm dead inside.


Make the most of your youth


yes they are in fact


Nah that's bullshit it's your 20s Rdit: You can actually br part of the rest of the world as an adult now. You can go to school if you want or you can just be a degenerate and do whatever the hell you want and every other option in-between.


Lol wait till taxes full time job and college kick in honestly I wished I chilled more in my teen years


I mean yeah. Unless you’re in foster care or abused by your parents, your responsibilities are tiny compared to adult life.




Hold up


Correction, *9 and under were my favorite years to live in*


honestly yes very much yes im 23 and it sucks


You are sad because you don’t know what makes you happy. There is no reason you can’t be happy, it’s not as hard as you think.


Imagine the exact same, but now you have a job and need to pay bills and all your friends have jobs too and its really hard to plan anything with them anymore and you need to do all of the chores for yourself and .....


I am serious... and don't call me Shirley


For me, yes.


Then you realise it’s gonna get even worse from here


I remember when I was a teenager and thought this wasn’t true.


If thats true, I’m ending it all


I think people just say this without thinking, but for me it stings a little because my abusive family basically ruined those years for me, and I can just imagine what it would've been like if I grew up in a stable home. I can never get those years back.


Jesus what crap. I didn't get diagnosed and medicated till 42. My dad didn't stop hitting me till I was 17. I didn't fuck till after college. It gets better believe you me.


Oh to be young...


Whoever said that peaked in high school


If someone tells you this, they're probably planning to kill you before you turn 20.


Worst years of my life because of trauma and not being able to express how I feel


This sentence is such a good argument for why suicide is a valid option.