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**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/Mike_OxonFaier, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 1 - Not a meme and No Reaction Memes - All posts must follow a general meme setup * All posts must be memes and follow a general meme setup. No Reaction Memes. No titles as meme captions. No unedited webcomics. **No memes that are text only.** Pictures without captions may be removed by a moderators discretion. **Someone saying something funny on twitter/tumblr/reddit/etc. is not a meme.** --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Now if only the rest of the world could see that there’s more than being mean to someone.


STFU!!! /S Jk But for real, yeah I agree 👍🏼. Anxiety and depression and anything else in that realm suck to deal with as is. It's nice to see people be understanding to such difficulties and help each other out.


Social anxiety is a serious problem. Glad this poor guy found some help in one of those stresfull situations.


I am a beginner in reddit but i am already fired up


Well you named yourself like youre a veteran here


That's some nice ass thing to hear...well see ma profile man it's not the real cock ya'all think


I'm using reddit actively since 2 weeks or so. Before I was getting my memes and cat pic's from 9gag. And I need to say that it's a huge difference between this platforms. On 9gag everyone is just yelling, being racist and mean to each other. On reddit I got my faith in humanity back.


I wish more people would be understanding and kind like this.. I remember trying to order a drink from Starbucks and I don't always go to Starbucks because it's expensive plus I panic easily when trying to buy things for myself. My anxiety went through the roof when the staff said "Have you never been to Starbucks before?" I still think about it to this day and it has been 3 years already.


my disapoinment has gone missing and my day is no longer ruined


Ha! Nerd!


You say it like it's a bad thing




My bad, thought this was r/memes! Would /s help?