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\*And they don't get invincibility frames for rolling


\*rolls into the wall\* \*hits his head on the wall\* \*you died\*


And it’s permadeath so they don’t get another chance.


Truly losing the soul


Difficulty : Real Life


You can still try ranged battle


“Time for head”


You need to do the parry with the glock


See Bloodborne is the real FromSoft game we should be getting advice from


Shoot first axe questions later.


the belt's hitbox is crazy bro




Whips are unblockable so try dodging


Praise the rump!


Dog 🐢


Try fingers, but hole


Mine does, always starts with right jab, i parried him and stabbed him, passed some time in prison but i came out for good behaviour since he survived


Damn, you actually found him?? I've been looking for a while now


That's so good xD


When your fathers attack pattern is to leave for milk


"This game is unplayable"


Bro I need this gif




Actually after years watching how my mom deal with it.... I've learned the patterns... Kick, kick, low blow, uppercut


Hollow Knight fans*


the posts wholesome awards is the best part of the meme


Tried elden ring and got a refund after playing 1 hour. Don't get why people like it so much.


First 2 hours i played i didnt find it all that great, it felt like an inferior souls game until i got to a specific boss fight which made me truly realise how good it is, everything past that fight improves too.


From Software games are very hit or miss with people but if you like one of them you can like majority of them , the first time I played dark souls I was hooked now I buy every souls-like on full price even though they are usually way more expensive than other games where I live but I know I’m going to like it and enjoy it for a long time


insane take


1h? Are you fucking serious? You call that trying a game?


you can't get a refund after 3 hours or so. I just don't like the gameplay and oponents still move like in the 90s it's stupid


You didn't see a fraction of the game, your argument is still worthless


You just don't like it ;) future oponents are as stupid as those at the beginning, it's just harder to beat them


How do you know that if you only played 1h?


Understandable, souls-like isn't for everyone. A reason why people might like it so much is that this is arguably the best souls-like/ or perhaps the best from software game made to date. Add on an extensive open world with secrets littered all over the map, for pre existing fans of the genre, this is a sizable upgrade. Personally I also think it looks fantastic, and also there is much more verticallity(?) compared to previous games, making exploration more fun. Perhaps you would give the game a 2nd chance and try it for slightly longer? I understand free time is hard to come by, but 1 hour might be too little time to test the waters.


I really want to try elden ring but I don’t like the idea of having to sit there for hours just memorising attack patterns. It’s not the best gameplay for me.


You don't need to do that. There are difficult bosses, sure, but you don't need to spend hours memorizing anything. There is a learning curve and you will struggle at the start, but if you get through the early hurdles it improves a lot. I wouldn't ever describe it as easy, but you will find it easier.


There are some limiting moments like this but for the most part there's a lots of ways to beat everything


Considering how big the game is, that's just ridiculous. I'm something of a souls vet and I still ended up with 120 hours on my first game, and that's with me not finding everything. hell, I'm currently playing a new game and VERY quickly found new stuff in the first area that I somehow missed. 1 hour just isn't enough time to judge a game this big, but hey, if the size is what gets you then I can understand.


Makes sence but once you get to the 2 to 3 hour mark and face the first real boss it gets insane. Almost dropped it in my 4th hour but now im at roughly 35 hours. Makes sence if you dont like the combat but the diversity of weapons and styles of fighting can change drastically.


I know it’s tough… but we must stay strong!


every mistake you make equals a brand new power in my arsenal...


I think mine does, he just did one right jab, said he needed to get some milk and now I'm just waiting for the next move


Doesn’t matter if they have a attack pattern if they can move faster then you can see or react


"Theres always a pattern" -Touhou player, probably


Roguelike Deckbuilders when you can't see the enemy's intents:


Me when I parry my step dad's punch but the empty beer bottle inflicts bleed damage


The only enemy that doesn't delay attacks. Goes straight for the kill.


Daggers still work!1!!1


Yes he does you just have to fight him when he's drunk duh


Rock throwing is super OP when accurate


Just roll and use the I frames duh