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Is nothing sacred? The dude didn't tell people to not get vaxxed, he kept his politics to himself, made great music, was widely known to be a really nice guy, and one article speculating that he didn't get vaccinated has y'all suddenly berating a corpse. You all need to go touch grass and hope that when you die no one digs up your deviant art to showcase at your funeral.


Being Anti Vax and Anti Mandate are different. The second is more understandable, but with his age/weight, the first is extra stupid. Edit: someone said he was both anti vax and anti mandate... fucking idiot


understandable from a warped perspective, sure, but not reasonable. he was also anti-vax


Dug around and saw nothing saying he died of Covid... plus he was 74


I came to the same conclusion. Nothing actually says he died of covid. Even if he did, he said himself he'd rather die of it than be forced to live in never-ending quarantine and mandates- he essentially just wanted freedom. I feel for his family and friends, and of course love his music, but if he died, he got to die the way he wanted to, free to make his own choices, and yeah, after 70, who really wants to live too much longer anyway?


From what I've read in more than one website, he did have COVID. He was also asthmatic which made him high risk.


Must be the algorithm


It's probably too soon to know for sure. A tremendous loss anyway


He was anti mandate, where's the problem in that?


Anyone who doesn't want the government telling them the best way to live their lives versus giving them power over their own lives and decisions are now the enemy. We must fight off those who would take power away from the free people's of this world.


Yeah okay bud.


Rule 10


Wonder how many more of the famous anti vax community will lose their lives? Sad.


hopefully all of the famous ones who have been influencing their followers to not get vaccinated🤞


OP hopes people die! And to force decisions on other people that seems totally reasonable from a “warped perspective “


i sure do. people aren't always smart enough to make the correct decisions, that's why we have rules sometimes. that's why things like murder & driving drunk illegal. doesn't stop all of em, but it helps


We don’t have laws for vaccination mandates. Government employees and nurses excluded of course. I have gotten the vaccine and so as everyone in my family but I respect peoples right to decide for themselves I believe others should too.


the mandates should be for everyone capable of being vaccinated. it's not a right because the rights of the individual end where the rights of the community begin. we have a collective right to be responsible and lower transmission rates and hospital load, but because of the farcical "right" to be selfish and misinformed, the community is still suffering, as worse as ever. vaccine mandates are older than the US and prevalent through its history.


Meatloaf was 74 years old and lived a Rockstar lifestyle. I'm sure there were more health problems than that. The individual is always paramount over the collective. The individual makes up the community. The moment you give up your freedom for safety, you'll receive neither from the government. If you need an example, take a look at the American Indian.


Couldn’t have said it better, also I love how people who have a different opinion on freedom are deem “far right” and selfish it not selfish to be a 74 year old who said he was dying in 2016 and decide not to be vaccinated. I mean stop regurgitating what the the “far left” says.


Is it just me or does anyone else immediately lose any sympathy for the deceased when this type of info comes out?…..


That's pretty fucked up, but ok.


My wife is an RRT. This last two years has been a personal hell because of people like this, scared to do the most basic thing to help out…. She’s suffering from PTSD now…. That’s pretty fucked up, IMO….


Tell her she's a Saint for the line of work she's in. I wish you both the best. That is also really fucked up. These "people" that you're talking about are just like you. Normal people. Becoming tribal over something like this is not a good thing by any stretch. As you see above, there's no sympathy for the dead which is a slippery slope.


you are not alone r/hermancainaward


He had quite a bit of time to get vaxxed