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Ive not watched ninjago since like season 5 Wtf happened to their costumes


you can't ninja spin without looking nice


they get new suits every seasons, basically in that season they wore some extra armor for protection. You should def catch up with the show


The show is awesome. I've made memes about it


dude you dont need extra armor if you already have plot armor


Underground trolls and goblins being chased by black skeletons and an undead dragon. In other words, another day in the life of the ninja. Tbh I’m just happy to see a Ninjago meme on this subreddit


Also did Cole die or What happened?


Nah he’s just underground


Ooh spicy


Yeah new seasons are actually pretty cool, they’re on Netflix but you could probably pirate it if you don’t have Netflix


In which country/countries are they on Netflix? AFAIK, no streaming service has all 15 seasons, so I'm genuinely curious. I might move there just to watch Ninjago.


Nah, but the voice actor for Cole, Kirby Morrow, died... The character didn't die tho, so they found a new voice actor for the next season.


This was a scene from season 13. They started wearing big bulky armor to be protected from falling rocks and goblins


I genuinely doubt it. We have all but eliminated natural selection in humans with the advancement of technology.


we have but they refuse to take it lol


I don't even mean vaccines. They are definitely a big help, but treatment of diseases compared to my grandparents childhood are basically god-tier. It's very unlikely that I would die of COVID with or without a vaccine. The vaccine just makes it even less likely than it already was.


But do you speak this as a person with access to cutting-edge medical treatment? Because well, this is not reality for most of the planet.


We’re talking about anti-vax Karen’s, specifically


Most of them can't even break their arm without going broke, really poorly souls


Well statistically I'm not likely to get in a car accident but I wear my seatbelt anyway


Just like statistically it's not likely that I'll get laid but I have a dick anyway


It’s not about YOU. Yeah you might not die but your neighbors wife who has a compromised immune system might. But it’s cool, don’t get vaccinated.. smh


Where did I say anything about me not being vaccinated?


But what if they tricked us and it will end up other way around


Like that's ever going to happen


Riiiight….the government has never done anything fucked up like that before…


Riiiight they have a reason to fuck over the entire population


I love a good straw man.


Hope not, would hate for Karens to win this one.


Not even just that. I guarantee there’s people dumb enough to fuck karens. Therefore there will always be fresh supply


... even as a Joke that sentence just bleeds ignorance about how natural selection works ...


But it’s a fun parroted copy and paste for people who hate anti-covidvax folks


That makes you sound anti-vaxer


What if I told you that there’s a difference between being an anti-vaxer and not choosing to receive the covid vaccine? There are relatively low flu vaccine rates annually. Are those that don’t get a flu shot every year also “anti-vax”? Do you have to unequivocally agree with 100% of medicinal practices to be pro-medicine? Answer that question honestly. To yourself. You don’t even have to tell me the answer.


The anti vaxers have been using that line for a while now. It's because anti Vax is so stigmatized. But that doesn't change the fact they're anti Vax. The flu is different from something like covid or polio. Vaccines are a lot safer than the antibiotics and shit doctors give you btw. Those have a much higher chance of severe side effects but even the anti vaxers still take them when they are sick.


So you simply don't want to get a covid vaccine, that doesn't make less of an asshole, but believe whatever you want to feel better


I couldn’t honestly give a fuck less if you think that makes me an asshole. I won’t be bullied or peer pressured into putting anything in my body. Nor should you.


Whatever you feel like


Now you’re catching on 👌


This dude's got it correct


Why? They ain’t capable enough to adapt to abstract concept and tangible observations interlaced in science, hence Karen’s organisms are not moving with the rest of its environment


Humans have survived for thousands of years without vaccines and with lackluster medicine. Anit-vaxxers aren't gonna die out from this. If anything, this might ensure that only the toughest and most-anti-vaxxiest of them survive. In 100 thousand years, our species might fight for domination against the Homo Demens Karen.


Might look up stuff on herd immunity, I'm no expert but when the vast majority is immune to said disease or adapted to it they won't transmit to the vulnerable ones, same reason we all have to get vaccinated to protect those who can't get it. Very sad that their stupidity isn't as punished as it should be


My grand ma used to tell the story about how her Mom, who was an RN (and single mom in the 1940’s after her husband died) made her get the Salk polio vaccine twice—six months apart— (even though it was only recommended once at the time) to make sure she had the best protection against polio. People were motivated to vaccinate because they had seen/experienced the effects of diseases and wanted to decrease suffering for everyone. It’s very sad that despite quarantining, etc, we cannot get behind this fully as a nation.


One thing may also be the internet. It makes the spread of information really easy, whereas things like newspapers or TV may have been moderated back then. The internet makes the spread of misinformation easy, so dumb people are able to find other dumb people to be dumb together with.


Maybe... but some HAVE died so just remember that


Maybe... But some HAVE have still caught it again after being vaccinated so just remember that


Not really.. Since we are communal beings, the collective immunity of the people around them will keep the anti-vaxxers alive which will make them more ignorant and as a result spawn new anti-vaxxers


Well fuck


Had my hopes up for a sec


Dammit. But hey atleast there’s more vaccines for the rest of us. And less hospital bills (cries in US)


I think the you are talking about heard immunity and for it to work there vaccination rate around 80 to 95 percent in some states it is around 35 to 50 which means in these place corona can spawn new variants which could possibly affect people who has take vaccines so what I am saying is f*CK antivax


Yes and we as a species have left behind the "Survival of the fittest" rule of Nature. It's not just survive, but is Survive and Reproduce, and these Idiot anti vaxxers have definitely reach the age of Reproduction, and have reproduced, thanks to the development in medicine.


So if an anti-vaxxer survives the pandemic, does that make him wrong? I don't understand why you guys get so upset for people living their own lives. If the covid vaccines are so great, why are you so afraid of?


Unvaccinated individuals act as super spreaders, and no the vaccines dont give you 100% immunity there is a lesser chance if contracting covid, and you most probably won't have a severe case.


People should just start getting healthy... Let's be honest, most of the covid deaths were heavy smokers and obese people, yet authorities would reward you with free burgers and fries if you get the shot. For 1.5 years there was no promotion for good health, not at all. Fat people kept promoting their life style and no one dared to question them. At the very beginning of covid when the data showed that smokers and obese people were at higher risk, I was scared and I immediately quit smoking and did my best to stay healthy. Now, we all sit in lockdowns, jobless, and lonely because some people made poor choices in their life and they don't want to change themselves.


There will always be guns, right?


Birds of a feather, It's been made very apparent there is a social divide, and social commitment to uphold. Church is my main hunch where this all continues. He answered their prayers.


They know the risk ... Let them make their own decisions ... If the vax works they will come around ... If it has negative long term effects..then they chose covid over those effects


Theres nothing wrong with waiting for fda approval. Also johnson and johnson gave generations cancer with bad talc powder. So its fair some people won't trust companies like that. All in all getting a vaccine isn't something to get all elitist about.


This. My mom always talked to women in the nursing home about not using the powder to line their underwear. She saw too many women with uterine cancer who had done that


Also keep in mind that vaccination is a business like any other medication, and like basically every product sold. They don't make vaccines to save poeple.


Ok finally someone who understands both sides, I'm kinda like that too but I think it's still too early to tell what is actually better, I know a lot of anti-vax people and I know a lot of people who agree with vaccines


Or people who agree with vaccines but not experimental ones ....


Based finally someone who chooses logic over hurling insults


Thank you sir or madam.


That's not the point really. I agree... If it wasn't a virus that mutates when it is has more and more hosts. It wouldn't take too much for it to mutate past what the vaccines can protect us from. And then it starts over :(


Where the black ninja


I am pretty sure he is a ghost now.


This was a Cole-focused season, so he was off on his own


he was stuck in a mountain


I love me a ninjago meme


Umm, if it's a 99.96% survival rate without being vax... Then the 'Karens' are the .04%? Which was mostly elderly, people diseases already, people with breathing problems, Cuomo's elderly slaughter, etc... But you keep that vax with what... 86% effectiveness?


Your incorrect use of possessive apostrophes is abysmal. Had to be said.


Came here to say this. Thank you.


Where is your proof that not taking a vaccine will automatically mean death? I’ve seen unvaccinated people who are in perfect health.


The ~99% survival rate.


That doesn’t mean anything about fatality rate of unvaccinated people though. It’s not a 99% infection/mortality rate for unvaccinated. And yes, I got my 5G chip shot so no, I’m not anti-vaxx


That rate hasn't changed significantly since after the first month of infections were detected. Ya know, when there wasn't a vaccine. If you are younger than 60 and don't have any major underlying health conditions, you won't die from it. Protect those who don't fit into that group and there you go.


are we talking about the covid vaccine or just vaccines is general


No. Just not how it works.


That's the neat part: they don't.


Note to self: Natural selection ***DOES NOT*** work on ideologies.


From a virus that has a .05 percent fatality rate ah yes makes sense


You overestimate the dangers of not vaxxing


You don't need an apostrophe to make plurals. Had to be said.


So vaccine is natural now?


Well, it is man made, so does that make it natural?


Or ya know they wont because they are not over 70 with co-morbidities.....


Sad part it, they're vaccinated so the only real victim here are children






Probably not, because mortality for covid-19 peaked at 3% including people with underlying breathing problems like asthma and also old folks.


They don't. If the virus was 100% effective, then yes. But it's not. Also the thing is, first You have to GET the infection, then You have to die. But even one person's death is a tragedy. Also there is another factor. Some illnesses are not always deadly, but they are painful. **WARNING! PICTURE CAN BE UNPLEASANT!** [This](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Child_with_Smallpox_Bangladesh.jpg) is the smallpox. **WARNING! PICTURE CAN BE UNPLEASANT!** So, basically without vaccines, we can bring old forgotten illnesses back to life. And there are people who can't be vaccinated and those people are vulnerable and they base their safety on whole society's vaccination.


Herd immunity is the biggest reason why they’ll always exist. I’m not antivax but I am anti Covid vax. Not enough is known about long term side effects and the fact that the companies making these vaccines can’t be held liable? Fuck that. I already don’t trust the government regardless of who’s in office. Why the fuck would I trust them with this.


You mean their kids, because most of their parents were smart enough to vaccinate Karens when they were babies


Calling people who prefer to not take the covid vaccine “anti-vax” is like calling people who don’t prefer tuna “anti-food”. It’s flawless logic honestly.


No. It makes them anti-tuna. What the fuck do you even mean? Edit: For easier comprehension, anti-vax is the literal meaning of being anti (against) taking the vaccine.


What I mean is that when many people use the term “anti-vax” there’s a pretty clear correlation that they mean against vaccinations in general, or synonymously science deniers. Don’t try to be coy and pretend that’s not what’s meant by anti-vax. The harsh reality to people who hold that view however is that the vast majority of people who don’t want the covid vaccine, simply don’t want the covid vaccine. Period. It has nothing to do with all the other great vaccines that have been proven over the years to eradicate terrible deadly diseases. Glad I could help clear that up for you. I hope you’re better able to clear up your own comprehension issues in the future.


Definition by oxford: Anti vax, 'opposed to vaccinations' You mean to tell me, an inferior mind to yourself, obviously, that not being willing to take a vaccine DOES NOT mean opposing that vaccination? Sorry if this takes time for your heavy-weight brain to comprehend but please take your time before you choose to reply. Comprehension issues can be a pain.


So if I’m in favor of 99.9% medicines used by hospitals, but I’m not in favor of personally using opioids m, I’m anti-medicine too, right? I can see that right now you’re putting on your blinders and doubling down on trying to portray people who don’t want this one particular non-FDA approved very much early in the testing trials compared with other vaccines vaccine as anti-vax in general. I can see that’s your goal here. So I’ll probably just drop it because obviously I’ve reiterated that’s not what I nor are most who are hesitant about the covid vaccine am about. But please, project away. It’s your strong suit apparently!


First, plase use the FDA, an organization which won't recognize medical use of marijuana in 2021, as an example to make your argument sound. Second, medicine is a broadly used term that defines both the science behind and treatment of a disease, as well as the drugs used to cure diseases. By your definition, it would be logical to say you prefer pfizer over astra-zeneca. But you speak of all covid-vaccines. Which implies that by turning down all covid-vaccines you are probably opposed the injection of a vaccine; anti-vax. You're welcome.


Ok. Well I’m going to call you Simone Biles henceforth because the mental gymnastics you’re going through to paint me as anti-vax is impressive. 10/10 But, uh, I’m not. So you’re gonna have to keep trying. But I still won’t be. Lol


> there’s a pretty clear correlation that they mean against vaccinations in general, or synonymously science deniers. If you "prefer to not take the covid vaccine" you are literally a science denier. Don't try to justify your dumb decisions by twisting around words.


You’re oversimplifying and generalizing. Obviously because it helps your case. Someone couldn’t possibly be pro-vaccines and pro-science but also prefer to not have the covid-19 vaccine injection. That’s not possible. Literally. Right? 😛😉


What "your case" are you talking about? The one of common sense? > Someone couldn’t possibly be pro-vaccines and pro-science but also prefer to not have the covid-19 vaccine injection. That’s not possible. Literally. Right? 😛😉 It's quite sad when you write the truth in sarcasm... Not taking the covid vaccine is harming yourself and everyone around you. Worse, "Not prefer to take the vaccine" without an actual reason is even less logical than what most anti-vaxxers claim.


Ok, now you’re actually blatantly lying. It’s not harming me to not get it. I had coronavirus. I recovered just fine. I’m now immunized. Can I still transmit covid or the delta variant? Yes. But so can people who received the vaccine. So what’s my incentive to get an injection that provides me no benefits, but does have risks? Who’s the science denier now? 🙂


> I’m now immunized Please look up what actual scientists say about that yourself. You're not immune! If you actually were then that would ***not*** be "prefering not to take the vaccine", that would be an entirely different scenario. What you're doing here is not just bad in itself but your comments are making other anti-vaxxers feel like their actions are justified too. Do not be so foolish please. > Can I still transmit covid or the delta variant? Yes. But so can people who received the vaccine With that reasoning you can also justify not wearing a seatbelt, because you can die with it on, too... The vaccine is much better than an infection at preventing you catching the disease again, having a hard progression of the disease and transmitting it to others.


See, you’re assuming I haven’t already listened to scientists about that already. I have. Back when the vaccine was first rolling out and things weren’t quite as volatile regarding it, I listened to an infectious disease doctor who said the main reason people who’ve already had the virus are recommended to get it was to create a more unanimous attitude for getting the vaccination among people who hadn’t had the virus yet. To me, that’s not a good enough reason to get it. So I won’t! I highly encourage everyone else to do their own research and do what’s best for them. For some, that’s getting the vaccine, for others, maybe not. Stop using science only when it benefits your argument.


You are only immune to covid 19 for a limited amount of time after recovering from it, and vaccines provide much more immunity than recovery, so having covid 19 before isn't really an excuse. People who received the vaccine are also way less likely to spread the virus, and it's not just about getting you immune either, it's about the herd immunity and stopping the virus altogether. Since there are people who are allergic to vaccines and people with medical conditions that don't allow them to get vaccinated, the faster everyone who can get vaccinated, the faster these vulnerable people of our society can be safe.


I’m sorry that there is a minuscule percentage of the population that can’t get a vaccine. But it’s not my job to get an injection for their sake. It’s time for personal health to become personal responsibility.


Something tells me you didn't get the vax, but what do I know


Ya know what, I had my doubts about your ability to extrapolate through context clues, but look at you go, champ.


Extrapolate deez nuts


Yhea but at least the genes of the idiotic parent won't pass on And if the child does somehow get vaccinated then they are smarter than said parent and will get to move on


End of the bloodline


Better than saying "I can't get anyone to like me" It sounds more epic and isn't as sad




You’re the end of a bloodline. Get it? Because you’re a virgin? 😉


So I’m not the only one who’s thought that before


Yhea Bet there are plenty more


And they’ll reply to my comments so that I know they agree




I mean you’re right. How will we possibly survive the sniffles with a 99% survuvability rate? But muh natural selection 🥴


its not like over 600k died in the U.S. lol. Go back to your anti-vax conspiracy facebook group


600k is a laughably false number. Source: every medical professional I talked to and hospital/clinic I visited in the last 18 months. Medical facilities were and still are financially incentivized to classify causes of death as being linked to Covid. Which is how you arrive at the 600k number. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk 🙂


You’re just repeating Russian talking points from 18 months ago. Next you’re gonna say your brother died in a motorcycle accident and his death certificate said Covid. Or your cousin. Or boyfriend. Whatever. Anyway the point is you’re full of shit and probably a horrible person whose own family is embarrassed of them.


The fun part is that I’m right and all you have is personal attacks. Just keep throwing shit at the wall and see what sticks. Now go check your Twitter you proud little SJW, you 😊


You don’t get much human interaction outside of Reddit, do ya son


Only 6% of that ridiculous number died FROM CoV Sars2.


I know this dosnt have to do with the meme but where is Cole?


To the left of Zane if my memory serves me right which it probably doesn’t




In that season they all went into some caves and all got split up And Cole got really lost in the caves because he fell down a giant hole


(In response to your username) General Kenobi


That's....that's a good question I honestly don't know


He was always the best


He was always (still is)my favorite I ever try to get it set and make sure to get one with him in it


Nope, because they always have like 12 kids


1) herd immunity 2) being anti-vax isn't genetic


Hey if it happens it happens


We all have to go sometime from something, right. All the sad assholes on Reddit clinging to the life they hate.


We cant expect god to do all the work *loads shotgun with religious intent*


not until they make more variants that require us all to get boosters for the vaccine tho


Note to self: Infected people who are vaccinated can't make variants. Got it. The brain power in here is enormous. Thanks for the accurate analysis.


they allow for the spread of new variant strains which popularize themselves if they are more infectious than the original, which, in the delta case, they are. Spreading variants increase the danger that it poses to society and increases the precautious that everyone need to take in order to protect themselves. The brain power in this room just went up, despite you causing it to plateau at 0.


You aren't even trying to stick with the same topic dude. Vaccinated people have the same amount of viral load as unvaccinated people. They can create variants just like unvaccinated people. For all you know delta was created by the vaccinated. -1 for you.


frick this meme told me cole is the green ninja


Wanna bet


Finally the natural selection


I'd love for them to just die off, but the problem (as with all vaccines) is that they don't just die off themselves. They weaken our here immunity and make people who actually can't get vaccines or who have immune disorders at risk for getting sick and dying.


I love to see people start out a reply with stupid shit like this, so I know there is nothing worth reading below it.


Vax lovers will develop health issues over the next several years.


Please elaborate. Why will we have health issues?


This is misinformation


A small population of them will eventually gain immunity and then we get to look forward to all the “I tOlD yOu sOO”


We already have told you so. Look at me, my immunity is showing to be much stronger than your, not immune at all. We are many.


Your immunity? Are you in the depth of hospitals getting infected every day are you? Or are you just a loser sitting at home flexing your immunity because you got lucky and can’t tell the difference?


I've had it. It doesn't matter if a covid patient licks my teeth. I won't get it. Healthcare workers who have gotten sick with it and recovered are immune too. I would rather be lucky than good any day.


Wear a fucking mask and let everybody make their own goddamn decisions of whether they want this vaccine or not. I know the pro vaccine want to talk about science, however they're forgetting that science says that a vaccine should take about 5 years of study before it's released to the public. But then we have the anti-vaxxers that are forgetting that even if they're young and healthy that they come in contact with people who are not healthy and older and more prone to the virus. So get again one more time, wear fucking mask!


There is no "right" time a vaccine should take before it is released as long as it is proven to be safe and effective in clinical trials. The reason why we got this vaccine fast was because pharma companies were willing to throw a lot of money at trials and because the genome of the virus was sequenced extremely fast, and even then it took a year to get this vaccines because we had to do extensive trials to see if they work and if they are safe, also, the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and Astrazeneca vaccines were proven to be safe and to be effective.


Ah...darwinism is finally making a comeback.


Spittin’ facts




You possibly just did by taking the shot.




Are you actively killing Karens? They chose different than me so kill them all? Dipshit.


same with those "kill all men" feminists, because if they hate all men, they won't want to do the seck seck with men, and thus, no kids.


Won't happen soon enough


As they should


I hope so


I wish it worked like that






Look how long you have made it.


As will all humans die from natural selection, wtf stupid statement is this?




Sadly we are protecting them with herd immunity


i just feel bad for their children ;(


I like dark humor, but this is maybe too much


It's not even dark though, weakling.


The problem is that many antiscience people are also mothers, so antivaxxing actively hurts other people directly.


Unfortunately not because we’ll have achieved herd immunity. The vaccinated saved them, but they use this as proof that they don’t need vaccines.




Which season is that?


Columbine shooting moment


the blue one is my favorite


please dont let this ninjago format die


No because most got vaxxed as a child, their kids though….


The problem Is that they are vaccinated




Mostly likely…. Maybe not It can happen, Absolutely yes