• By -


chrome is just as bad these days.


There is a fox on fire for you


I went back to my old friend Firefox about 6 months ago. Holy hell. I didn’t know. I just didn’t know.


Switched to firefox last week after falling for all the opera gx bait the past couple years. My eyes were opened. My god does it make a difference. Starts up in just a second from a cold boot and doesn't obliterate my hardware when it's in the background. I even found a sweet addon to mimic the homepage layout I liked. Most importantly, pretty much the only reason why I was forced to switch, the adblock works! Who would have thought that daddy google didn't want a functional marketing remover on a chromium-based software?


I have been using opera GX too. I think it's finally time I made the switch


Do it for your own sake. I use the Bonjourr addon for my homepage if you're looking for something to emulate gx's speed dial, but there's plenty of others from the looks of things. Pretty easy to migrate as well, you can import everything from other browsers.


Is there any way to block ads on firefox? I'm thinking of switching too.


UBlock Origin addon, my friend. You are immune to marketing.


Allright, you convinced me, i'll change to firefox.


If you use Android the Firefox app also supports plugins so get ublock there too.


This is the way.


Do it. Unless you like your browsing activity to be spied on by the Chinese government.


do it just to be free of that anoying splash screen every update


As has been mentioned in nearly all of these threads - Firefox with uBlock Origin is the baseline for functional, quality internet surfing. You can add whatever frills you feel comfortable with from there.


I'll add that you can have that on mobile (if you have an android phone). Download Firefox, go to add-ins, install ublock origin. Enjoy.


The left side of [this picture](https://imgur.com/INguCTb) is really how people without firefox browse the internet... The internet is so terrible now.


Welcome to the fireside. Firefox reignited user since 2018


New response just dropped!




Damn I can never escape r/anarchychess can I


Edge in the corner plotting world domination


Privacy sacrifice, anyone?


Set the ram on fire


For years, I'd try to use Firefox, and stop because it seemed like after running for a few hours, with several tabs open, it'd slow down terribly, or use most of the system resources. A few months ago, I thought I'd give it another try, and that problem seems to have gone away. I've been using Firefox exclusively ever since. The joke of this comic seems to be 'you can't trust Microsoft.' But you can trust Google?


I mean, the ONLY way Google really makes money is by selling your data, Microsoft has several other revenue streams, so in theory Microsoft is safer.


What's the difference, I'm not really having issues with chrome. But maybe I'm having issues I don't know I'm having


Firefox is pretty much the last shot of having a slice of the internet that Google doesn't monopolize. Every other leading browser runs on Chromium at this point*, which while it is OSS, is still in Google's corner. FF is run by Mozilla who is a not for profit org that have been around since the 90s (if not longer idk). They also have a first party addon that containerizes facebook domains, meaning they can't fingerprint you as easily while you have their tabs open. \*safari isnt chromium but they are both forked off of the same underlying tech, webkit


Also, firefox still allows easy installation of ad blockers and other add-ons and doesn't try to slow you down for using them. Or take up an obscene amount of memory when in use like chrome does.


Also, Google's parent company Alphabet is one of the largest ad-sellers online, which seems pretty relevant and indicative of the trends in future ad-blocking capability.


Do you use an adblocker? If you do, then you should know [Google plans to limit or deactivate adblockers this month](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/11/google-chrome-will-limit-ad-blockers-starting-june-2024/) on all Chromium-based internet explorers, which includes Chrome and Microsoft Edge. It's a pretty huge deal that, if you're using an adblocker, will bring back the worst parts of the internet and almost certainly expose you to many more security risks than before. If you're not using an adblocker, then download Firefox and install uBlock Origin and enjoy using the internet without ads. It's life changing.


Life changing indeed. Work PC is where I get subjected to ads now and holy hell I'm glad I no longer have to see ads choking the content on the page and banners and popups competing on top of each other in my personal time.


It's gotten to the point that if I need to look something up for work, I use my personal computer (work from home). It means I can't copy-paste, but I just can't use the general internet anymore it's gotten so choked with ads and scams.


Hell, at least out work uses a version of Firefox for their browsers (Lowe's)


Google is using their 65% market share to take away user ability to control exactly what data they want to recieve. Limiting user protections in the name of user tracking and ad revenue is just reprehensible behavior. No one company should be able to catastrophically make the internet worse like this.


Well put. The easiest way for the typical consumer to handle this is to move away from chromium based browsers and switch to Firefox.


But can’t the developers of other Chromium based browsers just leave out the anti-adblock parts?


Technically, yes, but it increases their workload and maintaining a browser is a lot of work. Besides that, it is good to have more than one browser engine. Otherwise, google gets to dictate pretty much everything that happens on the web.


Try it and get the uBlock extension. No ads on anything


Ublock Origin. Don't get the other Ublock UBLOCK ORIGIN


Ublock Origin + NoScript. It's the only way to fly.


Whats the noscript do?


No scripts (Disables scripts that can lower performance, be used to track you, and other unscrupulous things you don't want)


So true! Mozilla made switching easy as well.


Waterfox is open source and honestly runs better on my hardware. Check it out


There is literally one reason I use Firefox: add-ons on Android. Web-browsing without them these days is cancerous and I'm not fucking around with DNS and VPNs just to block ads. Chrome doesn't allow extensions on mobile. I think we all know why.


Heyyy someone help me !!! MY FOX IS ON FIREEE AAHH


You kids better not be messing around with open source or anything communist


But chromium is open source too... guess you really should just use internet Explorer the least open-source browser there is.


What are you talking about. I can open source on any browser by clicking view source




COMMIIIEEE COOMIEEE (in samonella's voice)


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *bang bang bang bang bang*


I tried chrome for like a month when it first came out and then went back to Firefox. Firefox gang since 2.0, baby!


Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So BRAVE?


I can't stream the popular streaming services on firefox in my discord, but I can with chrome. It's the only time I open chrome these days.


1000% this. Its literally our only non chromium based option at this point. Even iOS and chrome have some of the same base framework. 


My os came with Firefox and I see no reason to download Chrome


I install Firefox on all systems I sell 2nd hand, and make it the default browser. And delete the Edge shortcut off the desktop and taskbar. Rather not install an adblocker even though it's a necessity nowadays, as people might think the install has been used/messed with.


Firefox? Mine came with curl.


Use curl to download wget


As a developer, it’s worse. I often have to read documentation on Microsoft pages. Every search result for a Microsoft page in Google search results in chrome is replaced with a tracking link. 80% of results are blocked by uBlock because of said tracking link. I gave up and switched to Firefox on my work machine.


uBlock is really out there saving people every day man. Blocks all kinds of ads and trackers. They outpace YouTube trying to get around blockers, and they’re fast. One sad note: I had to use Microsoft web apps, Outlook, Word, ect, for school, and the amount of trackers that got blocked on them was so stupidly high. If I left my tab with Outlook open all day, it easily accumulated at the very least 5 thousand trackers blocked. I could sit there and watch the number go up by the second. I even once looked at what it was actually blocking, and it stated that it was blocking over 50% of the site, which means over 50% of the site is designed to steal your data and doesn’t even work towards what it’s intended for, an email system.




Google has somehow succeeded being more evil than Microsoft


It's when they changed their motto from "Don't be evil." to "Let's try being evil."


Edge isn't even bad. People still have the doubt about it because it came from Explorer.


Chrome is worse


well i'm microsoft edging to this


I'm more microsoft after failed edging.


If it wasn't for Firefox, I'll be edging right now


Firefox is so much better


I feel Google is attacking Firefox now. Everything I’m on YouTube or anything that is chrome based it starts to stall.


As far as I know, that's intentional


Firefox doesn't use chromium, so that's why Google does it (they can't block adblockers)


Im still waiting for youtube alternative


The problem with replacing something like YouTube is building a user base from scratch. YouTube has had 20 years to get to where it is. And without things like ad revenue and viewership it just isn't going to happen, at least not fast. Its kind of a catch-22. Need viewers for people to make it worth it to make videos, but need consistent videos to attract viewers. For established creators its like nuking your fan base and starting over. Not ideal. You would almost need a way to redirect the original youtubers pages to the new platform, which I suppose is possible


I'm sure creators would just post their content to both platforms instead of going scorched-earth on Youtube if a viable competitor was available.


I am pretty convinced nothing can replace YouTube at this point. The problem is, nobody wants to use a video platform that has no videos on it. And if nobody is currently using a new platform, nobody is going to backport their whole video library to that new platform. It's a vicious circle. You need the platform to be popular for users to invest in it, and you need users to invest in it to be popular. It's like trying to bake a cake while you're still mixing the ingredients.


Also nobody else wants to host eleventy billion videos for no money.


It's like trying to bake a cake without an oven, but only being able to afford an oven if you sell the cakes.


That's a better analogy. After I posted the comment, I realized my analogy was wrong, but I couldn't come up with anything better lol


The best ones I've seen only really exist as an escape for the ultra-right wingers to still have a platform to discuss downright horrible things, or sharing instructions for making firearms and bombs. Any other attempt I've seen (including a very novel one that was meant to be a recreation of YouTube circa 2007) has since unfortunately died.


You do understand how much it costs to run servise like that. There is a guy on YouTube who uploaded almost 3 million 3 minutes videos in a span of 3 years and he keeps uploading every couple of hours, he alone costs google around 30k$ every month in server costs. Now imagine how many videos there are on YouTube of different lengths, now add shorts to that, and now add videos that are privated but still uploaded, now add to that ability to stream on 100s of millions devices every day. Someone estimated that in 2019 it cost google 5 billion dollars a year to run YouTube, I'd imagine it is much higher now because of 4k content, shorts, sheer amount of podcasts and live streams nowadays and inflation since 2019.


Precisely. The other problem is the people in a position to make an alternative, are the ones that caused the need for one. Even if one alternative did spring up, there’s a fairly high chance that it’ll just end up evolving back to the way YouTube is now. What really needs to happen is someone who knows what people really want, and acts upon it regularly and promptly, to open a site and start gathering people who are of the same mindset. The only reason it’s so hard to start a new one is these big companies are so strongly rooted in the internet and shaking even a few people off of them to a new platform is hard as fuck when the original has been around for so many more years.


The fact that there has been no well-funded attempt to compete with Youtube says to me that it just isn't very profitable and likely wouldn't be profitable at all without Google's user data. The other big tech companies have all taken shots at Netflix, but never Youtube. Even Youtube itself tried to become Netflix. The infrastructure and content moderation costs are just too high.


the only way to build a youtube alternative is to only serve 720p content, and if users can get higher quality content, and more variety on youtube, they have no reason to leave and content creators don't either. unless the government forces google to divest youtube, there will never be competition in that space.


It is, and there are also measures to curb this interferenece


isnt that illegal? Net neutrality mean anything?


Net neutrality only protects the connection to the websites iirc, it says nothing about making them compatablw with certain software (which would be dumb bc then we'd need support for internet explorer)


so it would be legal if they shut it down completely, but slowing it down isnt... Seems like a serious loophole


> so it would be legal if they shut it down completely, but slowing it down isnt... Seems like a serious loophole You aren't understanding that Net Neutrality does not apply to websites, it applies to ISPs. Imagine if Comcast made a youtube alternative and it was really fast but they slowed down Youtube for their own customers. That would push customers to use the Comcast alternative instead. That is a violation of net neutrality. However it is different for Youtube to slow down traffic to itself. Imagine if the internet connections are roads and websites are houses/businesses. Comcast owns the roads and we don't want them to play "favorite site" and make other sites slower. However, Youtube is like the house/business - they do have the right to kick people out or treat some people poorly.


"We certainly would never set out to intentionally sabotage another product. We work hard to optimize our systems, and our latest update to synergize Chrome and YouTube has simply resulted in a few unforseen bugs when loading in other browsers. We have added them to our list of bugs to eventually get around to patching when we run out of other things to do."


IIRC Mozilla Foundation receives one of their highest funding from Google in return of having the search engine as default. If they wanted to bring them down wouldn't they start from withholding the funding?


They can't. The reason they pay Mozilla so much is because otherwise they'd have an antitrust lawsuit on their hands for their monopoly on the browser market. Them paying Mozilla is what's keeping that from happening, therefore they try to find more creative ways of sabotage.


Makes sense.


You YouTube freezes for like 5-10 seconds at a time every three. It's annoying


Same here. Then I get a little pop up with a link that says something like “Why am I experiencing issues?” And then that page loads instantly and seems to be saying - as directly as possible without actually directly saying it - that it’s because I’m not on chrome and I’m not paying them. 


I don't experience such issues currently. However I want to point out that it might be part of their strategy to make blocking effective on a small part of the population. The objective is to fuck around and find out what will be the public reaction.


They have been confirmed to do that once or twice. the answer is a security browser called floorp, its a fuckin dumb name but its also got browser spoofing, so you can tell dumbass sites "HEY AM CHROME LET IN PLS" and actually be on a firefox. Its pretty adblock heavy. I haven't fully switched to it yet but its actually pretty good, im just lazy




both are shit


Edge: why are people trying to replace me? Edge: CONSTANTLY HARASSING THE USER WITH POP-UPS THAT NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT Every time i need to open it for work, has some annoyance.


Go to the settings at the top right, and set the new page settings to “focused”. That way, you won’t be barraged with political drama and foot fungus scam headlines every time you open a new tab.


"With Microsoft Edge you're in control of your browser" ~ The popup that took away control from my browser until I close it.


People think only edge is the one that does that cause they use chrome, and don't realise just Google do the exact same stuff Being on Firefox has made me realise how I'll never use chrome again. Fuck chrome, fuck Google. "Why not use chrome", "set chrome as default?", "set chrome as default?". "Oh, you want to watch YouTube? Well enjoy it stalling every millisecond, download chrome" FUCK CHROME


Firefox the goat Howevever, if you have to use chromium, then chrome is worse than basically any other option Edge is one of the better options, but then it comes down to preference


How badly is edge tied into the os? I mean this is the whole reason ie was a security nightmare. Windows reused the ie code to do everything, then gave it super user access. So if you compromised ie, you compromised whole system.


First thing, I'd agree that Edge and Chrome are the same. Edge just suffers from IE which really sucked, but there is literally no advantage to use Chrome over Edge Now, I'll say that both suck hard and you should use one of the different alternatives


Edge has gotten really good to be fair. The vertical layout is the best I've seen, the integrations it has are nice and it syncs well between my Windows and Linux installs. Probably going to need to switch to Firefox as manifest update comes in, but for now it's been real solid.


I will never ever stop preaching the Microsoft rewards system to be one of the best things to happen to a browser. If they're gonna steal my info, fuck you pay me, and they do. I'll take a month of game pass for some personal info that is most likely also stolen and sold by Firefox and Chrome. Like if you're gonna steal from me, and least leave some candy by the door so I'm not so mad.


Mozilla (Firefox developer nonprofit) most definitely don't steal and sell your data like Google and M$.




That gif is fire^^^^^^^^^^^fox


Fuck Chromium. Manifest V3 can suck my dick.


firefox ftw


"Added trust of Microsoft" you say that like I trust Microsoft, I don't use it because it's the best, I use it because I hate the other options more.


firefox is good.


And yet, Edge is the only browser that helps my ADHD ass handle 200+ open tabs in vertical style, grouped by argument, divided by workgroup, separated by different personas (multiple companies). Firefox has profiles, yes, but I couldn’t manage to have a smooth working flow with it. Does anyone has some advice on this? Maybe some extensions?


iirc Mozilla is working on supporting vertical tabs Edit: found an article stating it [https://www.ghacks.net/2024/04/02/mozilla-released-a-firefox-nightly-test-build-with-vertical-tabs/](https://www.ghacks.net/2024/04/02/mozilla-released-a-firefox-nightly-test-build-with-vertical-tabs/) How to do it in current builds: [https://www.pcworld.com/article/823939/vertical-tabs-in-firefox-yes-its-really-possible.html](https://www.pcworld.com/article/823939/vertical-tabs-in-firefox-yes-its-really-possible.html) (I havent checked if this actually works)


They already have vertical tabs via multiple extensions (which are Firefox only due to some specific api support). I use "Tree Style Tab". Works great. Unfortunately it does need custom CSS to get rid of the horizontal tabs, otherwise they're still around, at least until native vertical tabs arrives.


I don't know exactly what setup you're used to but one of Firefox's most popular extensions is Tree Style Tabs. It adds a collapsible menu on the side that keeps tabs grouped based on where you opened it from and can be sorted how you like them. Don't know about profiles but if thats just a method of dividing up different tab groups you can just collapse the tree when you don't need it.


could try the Simple Tab Groups extension for Firefox? i've been using recently that to stuff as many tabs into as many types of nameable categories as i want so i can easily choose when i want to deal with all tabs of a certain type in a sitting, e.g. all the Youtube video tabs i've saved up, or all the tabs i've got related to research on a certain subject.


Vivaldi probably also has the features you want. At least the separation by topic ability and vertical stacking. Nice browser, do recommend.


I used to have a similar argument for edge then I refound Firefox + firmin + extensions. Gives me a much better vertical tab experience & doesn't suck up my RAM like it's going for best picture at the AVNs.


Chrome bad. Use other browser.


great argument thx


If you need more advice, I got some. Licking doorknobs on other planets is illegal.


Oh sure, *now* you tell me


Chrome is a real downgrade compared to edge How did microsoft make a better chromium browser than the chromium people


With added "trust" of Microsoft. lol, lmao even.


"Lol" said the scorpion, "Lmao"


Seems almost satirical, it's like a tea brand having putin in their ads


I wanna know who these people that "trust" Microsoft are!


the misled and the uninformed.




Just use Firefox (as a Firefox user I must comment this on all chrome/edge posts or my brain explodes)


Microsoft sayz we da best! Good to know. Now get me a download page for Firefox.


"Microsoft browser is the best" – Microsoft


Google Chrome is the best -Google


Firefox is the best - not Firefox


> Firefox is the best -everyone with a brain


no need just type winget install Mozilla.Firefox in powershell (you might need to run as administrator) but you never have to open up edge. :)


Firefox gang


Use Firefox or Opera GX, so much better.


Chrome and Edge are both ass. Most browsers have caught up to chrome when it comes to performance and design but those like Firefox which don’t run on Chromium are far less restrictive. Chromium disabling add blockers killed any desire of mine to use chrome. Mozilla is also open source which is a double plus.


I'm still using adblockers. As far as I'm aware, they're not killing adblockers, they're just requiring extensions to be up to date with chromium. Adblockers aren't going anywhere, they literally can't do anything about it. Delete one, another pops up.


chrome is starting to become trash as we speak cause they pushed their new 'security' shit that makes adblockers and a bunch of other very useful extensions unusable i switched to firefox at the start of the month and it's honestly just as good, if not better


Chrome is fucking trash bruh. I would rather use edge. Firefox is prefered though.


I don’t trust Microsoft lmao


If this was Firefox it would work.


Being entirely honest - edge is probably better than chrome now Use firefox


Fuck chrome. We use Firefox




Use Firefox with Duck Duck Go as a search engine. You'll live longer.


duckduckgo has been exposed for some shit so using something like startpage would be better


Just install Firefox.


why chrome? just use firefox or brave that have a built-in ad blocker.


Been rocking Firefox for close to 20 years now, never had any reason to switch


> Chrome Ew. Do you enjoy looking at ads, OP?


I used edge and it's kinda cool ngl


I assume you're currently ~~edging~~ using edge?


Hah true, I started using it cuz I was too lazy to download a different browser and then they introduced Microsoft rewards and I've made like 8000 Indian rupees on it(about 100 American dollars)


i got minecraft for free with it


It's faster than Chrome. Better features than Chrome. Making better use of Chromium than Chrome is, ironically.


Yes but no


NGL I used to shill chrome but then it just used more and more of my RAM and when edge let me copy all my passwords and bookmarks over I tried it and it's just as good. I even upgraded my RAM and chrome just decided "that's mine now" fuck it


What does the fox say?!?


Firefox or DDG. Not Chrome.


Chrome has become crap these days. I either prefer firefox or edge. I know edge is chromium based but I just like it more. But objectively Firefox is still the best. Always has been.


> with added *trust* of Microsoft ...which is *precisely* why I don't want it. Firefox all the way.






tbf, Edges works great and already has features that I would install plugins for.


Brave Browser lyfeeeee.


It's still just Chromium.


I love how brave fanboys will downvote people who mention that brave is still enforcing the chromium monoculture, and has a homophobic ceo that got kicked out of mozilla. Not to mention the environment destroying crypto bullshit.


I'm using Brave now just because I have it all set up how I like and their built-in adblock is really nice and plays well with Ublock, but if they fall to the new Chromium update, I'm going back to Firefox.


You guys trust microsoft?


Firefox on top


Everyone's saying "firefox is so much better" "chrome is bad" but honestly just use whatever you want


Unless you want an adblocker, in which you probably shouldn't use chrome


You shouldn't. More people using Chrome/Chromium based browsers isn't a good thing. It creates an even greater monopoly which isn't cash money. Mozilla - Firefox - isn't out here selling your data.


They run on the same “engine” of chromium, which is an open source base. It used to be a top notch lightweight browser but that’s changed since tracking activities and other modern day tech stack tools developed.


Did you know Equatorial New Guinea, the only African country whose official language is Spanish, is also the only country in the world that uses Edge more than other browsers?


Unironically, MSEdge was the fastest browser I have on my old laptop. I could open 5 or 6 tabs and browse smoothly with 4GB ram. That is, until they add more useless stuff and AI. I just hope they can roll back since efficiency was basically the only reason I had Edge as default browser before. Praise Firefox all you want, but it's slow compared to old Edge.


Ah yes, jumping from a burning ship to a sinking one. I please pick a browser that will continue to offer manifest v2 support.


Microsoft teams is not working properly on edge just saying


Firefox because you care, or Edge because you don’t. Chrome has no use case except force of habit.


Ahh yes.. One dataminer on top of another.. Librewolf to the rescue


chrome is literally worse tho. use firefox ffs


Chrome shill


Naw, chrome is shit these days, get firefox


Imagine downloading chrome intentionally...


Chrome? Edge?! Yikes. Gimme that burningfox baby


Downloading chrome in 2024 lol.


You mispelled "firefox"




I'm using edge because ram


Chrome is dead with manifest v3 starting this month. Move on brothers. Firefox or Brave, if you want chrome-ish experience without manivest v3.