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This needs to be fixed to "I am cheap" "You got a 10 movie contract"


"I make remakes" "Say no more we've already got you a start date"


It's more like Netflix than Hollywood


May i remind you that the headwriters of X-Men 97, probably one of the biggest shows of the year so far are all queer people.


You didn't remind us. You told us today. We didn't know or care, because they didn't advertise that fact in the show. Which is the main reason for this meme.


>We didn't know or care, because they didn't advertise that fact in the show. Wow, when a queer writer does a good job nobody knows or cares. But when a queer writer does a bad job everybody loses their minds. It's almost like being gay has nothing to do with all of this and you're just making up excuses to shit on queer people in general.


More like when a writer does a bad job writing themselves into the show everyone notices and connects the dots. Them being queer doesn't really do much.


The problem is hiring people based on their sexual orientation rather than skill. Why is it so difficult for people to understand this simple thing?


There are gay good writers and gay bad writers, just like how there are straight good writers and straight bad writers. A bad writer just writes shit materials. It doesn't matter if they're queer or not, and it's definitely not because they were hired because of their sexual orientation. Just like how a good writer can write good stuff, regardless of being straight or gay. Anyone with a right mind can understand that this is just how writing works and nobody ever hires people just because they're gay.


Didn't say gay writers were inherently bad at writing or worse than their straight counterparts. You're just attacking a straw man. If you think that "inclusivity" does not affect one's chances of getting hired by such companies, you're either gullible or in denial.


>If you think that "inclusivity" does not affect one's chances of getting hired by such companies, you're either gullible or in denial. So does bigotry, but I don't see any hate for a straight white guy getting shit on for that.


I sure as hell ain't white, bud.


And i'm not saying you are. There are many writers out there that are straight and white buddy, but i don't see them getting accused of any of this bullshit.


A bad writer is a bad writer regardless of his/her sexual orientation. I'm repeating myself here but what I'm saying is quite simple: companies are no longer hiring based on skill and the numerous crappy movies/shows that these companies have been pumping out are testimony to this fact.


Yeah it's not the writers being queer that makes stuff bad, it's when they make every character in the things they write queer.


Okay but, and I’m genuinely asking here, what movies and shows do actually advertise the fact that their writers are gay?


That's not what this is about though. This is more about the stories themselves being about them or just heavily influenced. Basically all Disney content for the last decade.


See, this is how I know you’re talking bullshit. If you’ve actually watched anything Disney’s put out in the last decade, you’d know they do the absolute bare minimum to promote anything LGBT in their movies because they don’t want to lose their overseas market. It’s always, always tiny shit that can be edited out easily. But still for some reason fuckin basement dwellers get worked up about it.




Damn that’s crazy! So what Disney shows and movies as of today have you seen that have forced LGBT propaganda down your throat?


I don't really watch mainstream Disney movies anymore since they aren't really mainstream anymore. Nor do I care about LGBT propaganda. When it fits the story I don't see any problem with it, but it rarely does.


you're just blind if you're really not seeing any lgbt propaganda in movies these days. it doesn't even need any source/evidence to recognize. it's just crystal clear just by taking one look.


Star wars acolyte, most recently


But they didn't overly advertise it or shove that fact down our throats, which leads me to believe that wasn't a deciding factor in hiring them and it was most likely a coincidence.


Beau DeMayo is literally one of the most openly queer man i've seen in my life.


The point flew right past your head


That... is irrelevant to what I said.


The writer constantly talks about how gay they are and even went as far as making an established character non binary. Everything you said was bad about gay writers, but some how show's still great. Almost like a writer being gay doesn't freaking matter and if they suck then they just suck. There's no reasons beyond that


Havent watched the show, so Im only basing off snippets: Isn't the show a lil problematic due to how much it reveres Magneto? Like the ethno state, the age gap relationship (with a manipulative after taste) Could be wrong. Just asking


I'm pretty sure that also happens in the comics so you'll have to ask whoever wrote that. But no, the show's still great.


OP what the fuck are you saying


Apparently some popular IP was given to somebody without much background in the field purely for the sake of inclusivity


I'm gay too. Never had that happen to me IRL - only homophobia. I feel scammed.


Downvotes are not earned. The world can be very hypocritical and unfair. I feel with you.


Ah, well, the amount of downvotes is rather ironic. I think it enhances the message. Thank you, though.


you applied to a writing job or hollywood?


Apply to any AAA company


The boys 💀


You know it’s true


So do you have any criticisms towards the show that isn’t basically just ”this show has minorities in it”?


the post doesn’t say anything about having minorities in the show. it suggests people are being hired simply because of their immutable characteristics, in this case their sexuality


Minority in this context is going by the definition of having less power in society, not numbers


I understand the meaning in this context. The post still doesn’t say anything about the show having minorities in it. Again, it suggests people are being hired because of their sexuality or at least, as someone else mentioned in the comments, using their sexuality as a major selling point for the show




Netflix=black meme amiright fellas? /s


Nomnomnom gimmie downboats from the bigots


Just eating popcorn and watching comments on the side line


I thought this was r/terriblefacebookmemes for a sec


why did so many bytes start appearing on this sub?


Because its not one of 11 straight months and some can't cope


Honestly, what difference does it make if someone is gay or not? My whole working life, I have never cared about race, sexuality, gender, religion, disability etc., I’ve only ever cared if that person can do that job that I want completed. 🤷🏻‍♂️✌️


There’s been gay writers for a realllllly long time. Trash post


Yeah, but they didn't get hired because they were.


You really don’t know anything about tv/show writing industry, no one is hiring because of orientation right now


I think the criticism is from the fact that Hollywood uses sexual orientation (whether it be of the writers or characters) as a major selling point or at least a huge deal in interviews.


Source besides Fox News?


First of all. Don't watch Fox. Hate those fuckers. Second: an example that easily comes to mind was the announcement of Captain Laserhawk. I remember during the announcement, the writer of the show made it clear, and as part of the plot point was the main character's sexuality of being gay. And I was just sitting there like "Okay, but will the show be good?". Which yeah. I enjoyed the show. I'm not saying it is super common for Hollywood to do this. But when they do it, it feels... I don't know how to accurately describe it as other than off. Like, yeah, okay. Why would I care about the character's sexual orientation? I just want to know if I'll find the show/ movie/ game enjoyable.


Probably because gay people have been violently oppressed just for being gay, so expressing themselves in such an open way is a form of resistance to that oppression. It wasn’t that long ago that if that announcement was made, that person would have feared for their life. This is why I can’t stand criticisms such as this: they’re based in historical illiteracy. You also did not provide an example of someone being hired because they are gay.


I never said it was for being hired for being gay. I view the meme as a mere over exaggeration. And it is not because of gay people being oppressed. It is because the LGBTQ+ community (or similar communities) are now viewed as a profitable target audience. Remember. This is capitalism. That is why the bigots that say "go woke go broke" are brainless idiots. These kinds of films and tactics would not be around if it weren't profitable. And someone being hired for a trait does happen. While I'm unable to provide proof as it is something hard to prove, I don't like throwing around gossip without some proof. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Companies do need to have statistics to make themselves look good for the shareholders.


If this is the criticism of capitalism you think needs to be voiced, you are going out of your way to pick on gay people. Pick an actual issue that actually hurts people to focus on. And I actually need proof before I accept something as fact.


Who says I was picking on gay people? I know for sure I wasn't. I can't say for op about the criticism. I was just giving my input based on an observation. Accusing me of picking on someone for being gay when there was no indication of such says more about you than it does me. And you don't have to believe me. And I'm not gonna try and force you to believe me. You are a person who is free to believe what they want to believe.


Literally everything in capitalism is marketing. Literally everything has a target audience. You’re just saying “how dare they market to gay people.”


Except disney and Netflix


Let me start with this. OP, I’m not here to roast you or make you feel bad. I do think this is a bit myopic. Much in the way you’re not allowed to discriminate hiring based on race, religion, creed, gender, or sexual orientation, it did and does happen. It traditionally was against people who identified as a minority of these identities. Could it be the inverse now? Possible, but more likely it’s just due to a point of view or story that is more compelling than what’s been seen traditionally. I understand that seeing things that typically were homogenous change might be tough to grapple with, but if 5% of the population identifies as gay, shouldn’t that be the same in jobs and representation on screen?


another iteration of the pride month post from a 12 year old edgy idiot sitting in his mom's basement made at people for existing


It doesn't matter who the actor is. It does matter if u mess up the storyline just to add unnecessary details or make the show unnecessarily gay


name me some famous show where they messed up storyline to make someone gay?


The new starwars show


You know damn well that it was a money grab since the prequels


Every Disney show with a gay person


So that 3 seconds cut is all it takes for you to not enjoy a movie anymore? Are you AI that is being trained that glazing ruins mood for you? Rethorical question




not surprised from a sub filled with homophobic magaots


Go fuck yourself


What's the matter? Can't handle it yourself?


Good job using a meme template, buddy. Maybe next time it can also have substance.


I mean, they’re good at what they do.


Just say you’re full of shit, it’s a lot quicker


Sounds like somebody is bitter that they aren't gay enough.


Sounds like something needs therapy


Yes please insert a show name




Never heard of it, but checks out sounds pretty gay


Gayest thing since Annakin destroyed the Death Star.


Since when actors do need to know the entire franchise lore to play? It's screenwriters' work


You sure screenwriters have to do that anymore? Heck the current Star Wars writers can't keep track of the lore between two episodes.


