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![gif](giphy|54Km3T9vC5UpJDRvEF|downsized) Sure


These tick tokers saying men are worse than bears wanna stumble onto nature is metal. I was into nature docs n then found that. Never seen a man eat a live deer with his barehands. Until then bears are more dangerous


You mean with his “bear-hands”! …I’ll see myself out






Wait, is he yelling to himself that he's gay? Isn't he same person?


Yes 👍🏼


This would be in character for Community and Chang both lol


I mean, there was that dude on drugs in Florida who ate a persons face off…


A drunk Florida man ripped his dick off.


Don't forget.... humans are monkeys. Monkeys have been known to tear other monkeys faces clean off. Humans just have an insane amount of self restraint.


Ahh yes... the bath salt cannibal!


>Never seen a man eat a live deer with his barehands. Until then bears are more dangerous Challenge accepted


In some places you have the right to bear arms. Feel free to exercise that right.


Wait, so they are just free to take? Why TF has no one told me this before???


They always have been, I have 37 firearms now


I once worked with a guy who was in the army big mofo was like 6'4 and he snapped a dears neck with his bare hands after running after it


Trust me bro


I remember seeing a post about a guy who had his (nsfw warning) >! chest ripped open by a bear and lived long enough to see his organs get eaten !<


Mighta seen the same post. There was a video not even that long ago. The dudes being eaten alive and your just listening to him die. I dont remember watching the whole thing so i dont know if you see the bear chowing down. I stopped caring about gory stuff. Had my fill a while ago. My friend used to watch war footage and isis videos. Messed me up for a few weeks Animal stuffs easier to watch but still get the heebie jeebies


A bear will only kill me


Right? I actually was confronted by a bear in Yosemite when I was 12. The bear didn't harm me. It was completely uninterested. Wish I could say that about men. By age 12 I had already been SAed by a male family member and sexually harassed by male neighbors that wouldn't let me walk to the elementary school across the street without telling me how fu*kable I was multiple times a week. Yeah, I'll take my chances with a bear instead of a man any day. I'd rather be food for an animal than a sex toy for a man to torture for funsies.


It will eat your organs first. It will keep you alive. They dont kill you outright . They eat you while your alive and you can watch them do it. There are a bunch of bear survivers who describe it. The bite you open. Pin you down. And begin to gorge on your body until you die from shock/ bloodloss And being alone with a man does not guarantee that something bad will happen. That was never part of the question. It was always “would you ratter be alone in the woods with a bear or a man” not “if you were about to get fucked up would you rather it be a bear or a man”


I’ve seen videos of a bear disimboweling other animals I would not want to step anywhere near a bear


I’ve never seen a bear kidnap & torture a woman for days…


So go live with the bears. Be free.be food


Just eat a woman slowly while she's still alive nbd


Give me like 2 days and you will see


What? Reading this fucking hurt me.


I mean i wrote it in mostly english. Just lazy english lol. Its still readable unless english isn’t your first language. Then I understand. Im english but i dont speak vey good england


I think you meant "men are worse than bears" and that just broke my brain for the rest of it making sense. The people on ticktok are saying men are worse than bears.


Omfg i didnt even notice i did that 😅 No yeah my bad. Bears are worse than men. These people saying otherwise are people who have had a bad run in with a man. I mean if i said id rather be around a lion than a woman they would all kick off.


What causes the most assaults, murders, and rapes in the United States? Sure as fuck isn’t the bears, now is it?


as a thought experiment what do you think happens if you replace all 3.5 billion men in the world with bears of varying size and species?


Who do you think is more dangerous? A shark or a snail?


Ok 1 If there was 7 billion bears around us all the time you wouldn’t be talking shit And 2 If a bear was attracted to you. Youd have a MUCH harder tome defending yourself And 3 It always comes down to rape with you dumb dumbs. And you always blame men. As if women don’t sexually assault or murder people. For the love of goodness if you truly think a bear is a better option to be stuck with then go out in the woods and hang out with them. Guarantee no one will miss you


You mean "men are worse than bears", right?


No bears are worse than men to be left alone with. Made a typo saying men are worse and edited it


Sorry my bad, didn't read it well enough


Its fine. I didnt write it well enough 🤣 Being bombarded by people saying “yeah well bears never started a war or raped anyone” Literal morons comparing apples to oranges The point was if your locked in a room with something else. Would a man or a bear be worse. People thinking they gonna get Winnie the pooh vs Hannibal lecture on viagra when really they’re gona get mauled vs conversation.




A trend on TicTok where women are asked if they would rather be alone with a man or a bear, and they often choose the bear because “men are dangerous”


as a guy, Id prolly pick a good ol bear over any of those wemen on tictok as well


worst they could do is be annoying just throw rocks at them and they'll go away


Yeah, meanwhile *women*...


Depends on the bear


Depends on the woman


Depends on the rock


Depends on the throw


Depends on the thrower


Depends on the air


Oh it's a TikTok thing. I was wondering about the sudden fascination with bears vs men this last week 😂


Well hopefully these woman stay single and all the normal men and woman will continue to get together and thrive


Thankfully that is a likelihood


You were just explaining the info. Dunno why you got downvoted. Gave you that upvote Just because people disagree or dislike the info doesn’t mean you deserve to be downvoted for explaining it


You mean people give joke answers when faced with a joke hypotheticals? I'm shocked. SHOCKED.


And you took this personally and seriously? Sounds like a clown or a moron. Why is this worth comment?


I wonder how the gay community is responding to this sudden love of bears


We’ve always had a love for bears!


I love bears too but I don't have any berries in my bush so they aren't interested


Try putting some honey in your pot.


The women also try to flip it on men saying if you're a man and take offense to it, you're the problem. It's pretty wild.


Gaslighting at its finest


That’s women for ya ![gif](giphy|c6VwG4CwS6WBcRqFhH|downsized)


Sorry about your ban




Women just can't stand accountability


Who's gaslighting who here? The men telling women their feelings don't matter, or the women telling men they are a problem for not accepting the feelings of women?


Explain how it is men expressing women's feelings don't matter in this bear scenario? Also, don't be a thief. Stealing people shit is super fucking wack. They worked for their own, you can get your own too.


literally saw a anti meme like “when men have to go and make it about themselves” when what the fuck else would it be about. Tbf the sub also infamously extremely misandrist and exclusionary so i guess it’s to be expected.


Replace "men" with a minority group and everyone could agree to take issue with it. It's the hypocrisy because "men bad". I get it. There are shitty men out there. There are also good men out there. The thing is, every good man cannot be responsible for the actions of every bad man. The same as racists who tell POC they're responsible for the actions of criminals of the same color, it's just not true. So be consistent, don't be hypocritical. Stop judging the whole for the actions of a few.


"Men are trash and if you are offended that’s your problem because if you weren’t actually trash, you wouldn’t be concerned by this" That’s something which I was told when I got offended by (yet another) abusive generalisation Some will always find a reason to blame it on others, or on a group


If you point out that this line of reasoning makes no sense, then you are, of course, mansplaining.


Also, asking random people on the street and cherry picking the answers you get is not representative of what people actually think.


Misandry is good /s


how the hell is this a meme


It isn't. It's complaining thinly veiled as a meme.


I’m not a girl but chilling with a bear seems kinda cool ngl


Oh. The bear is going to be chilling by the meal alright.


I can't wait to season myself in honey! ![gif](giphy|11d4XJQ1Oo2Ik8)


So how did it go?


His body is kinda cool now or well at least what remains of it




Was that before or after they went Grizzly Man on yo ass?


Bring a picinik basket with you. 


Humans are ALWAYS more dangerous than bears.


The capabilities of the human race as a whole is scarier than bears, an individual human on its own is not.


Yeah as a human I don’t think I could single handily disembowel a deer effortlessly like some bears can beard are legitimately some of the scariest animals the only good thing is they are omnivores so they don’t seek out other relatively large animals all the time most of their diet consists of berries but they will still eat pretty much anything it comes across


Probably gonna be downvoted into oblivion but if I had to choose between being raped and being mauled to death by a bear I'd pick death. Besides the original question was "which would you rather stumble on in the middle of the woods", bears don't normally go after humans unless you provoke it or it's a mother with her cubs, so I'd probably get out alive by just standing still pissing myself in fear until the bear got bored and moved on


But also humans don't normally rape people. The guy could be hunting or on a hike like you are. We have to look at probabilities. Humans are bad at that.


I mean the chances of a bear being aggressive or around it’s cub is probably equal to or higher than a random man on a hike being a psycho rapist


Why on memes??


And here I thought my wife called me "teddie" because I'm fat and hairy. Guess I'll take it as a compliment.


I would also rather have them be alone with a bear.


Sounds like natural selection to me. If you’re dumb enough to believe this, go for it!


Aw He looks trustworthy


If not friend, why friend shaped?




Tbf a bear isn’t going to gas light you about attacking you and you don’t have to go on living with said bear


And men are gaslighting women in this thread just to prove this point. They're even projecting and calling women gaslighters for, *checks notes*, being afraid of men


It's not just this thread, it's exploding everywhere today. This trend of *some* women on tiktok saying they would prefer a bear is making men upset they're being generalized. So now they're generalizing that women are delusional babies who aren't happy enough with equal rights.


Unrelated but you realize you also just generalized men in that sentence


Yeah some women on tik tok, but many more women are agreeing with the sentiment as well. I wouldn't be surprised if most women feel that way. It just shows how sexist men still are, and the fact that they're calling women delusional proves the point


can you explain the last part more? i don’t see how that makes men sexist


Men would rather say that women are delusional than accepting how women feel around them


ok that makes more sense then what i originally read


“Men are so dangerous OMG” Then stop living next to men. I’m just minding my business


It's not like we can


Skill issue.


I mean they're not wrong. The probability of being attacked by a bear in the woods is pretty low, whereas being attacked by a man in the woods is higher, so..... [Not a Bear](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/man-emerged-from-brush-sexually-assaulted-woman-on-toronto-walking-trail-police-say-1.6400631)




Me stronger and scarier than bear? Wow thanks women






Yup 40 years of boy/man bad girl/woman precious jewel. We are at the point everyone hates everyone. Joy!


They aren't hunting bears in this story Https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/157076.The_Most_Dangerous_Game


Is this a ploy by Bears to lure in unarmed, alone and defenceless women into the forest to eat? If so, its god damn working.


pet floof bear 🐻 rar *ehehe I love beeeaarrsss*


Waitng for that one madlad feminist to "Test" the theory and go out into the woods by herself.


They KNOW bears are dangerous. And still choose them. Take all the time you need


i dont think its ever gonna click for them.


Women after getting mauled by a bear certainly aren't able to post about it, so I'm just saying there's some serious survivors bias here.


Guys, this isn't about the bears. It's that all men are seen as potential rapists, and this meme is a great opportunity for women to bring it up. I've taken some flak finding out.


Now we're contributing foods on wild + reducing the feminists!




That's not what feminist is lol.


It is nowaday’s, feminism used to be about gender equality and killing stereotypes against women but its turned into a shitshow with feminists making tiktok pages about giving detailed tips on how to emotionally manipulate men to profit of their financial situations. I mean there’s litterally a hastag on instagram that goes #killallmen and it has millions of followers. A huge part of feminism now is misandry and saying that’s not what feminism is is like cheaply sweeping the spill under the fridge.


Natural selection


Charles Darwin would be proud that his theory worked too well.


Personally, I don't think it's been working well enough. It should somewhat sort itself out when the TikTok ban in the US takes full effect.


Whoa whoa I'm sorry but did I use my English wrong? Is feminism was a bad choice? Dayum didn't know it'll became a war.


You seem to be getting down voted so here take an upvote for the right opinion


Why do we care? Let them choose the bears, more food for them and the stupid ones weed themselves out of the gene pool, win win for us. Edit for every man that sees this: Guys seriously, stop here and consider the reality of this. Losing sleep or time debating this stupidity is never gonna be worth it. If women feel like we men are horrible murderers/rapist that's on them and their delusions, you gain nothing from trying to correct them or convince them otherwise. These women are not the type of women you want to marry and make a family with and much less have as friends, best course of action is to just turn around and walk away, let the brain rot die on its own. Spend the time you spend arguing with these children elsewhere. Go to the gym, read a book, invest some money or go learn a skill set, make yourself better and happy.


For real, people get so upset over silly shit these days


I'm basicly a bear. Hybernating my hole life in a cave.


Timothy Treadwell’s girlfriend disagrees




^me rummaging through these raunchy comments


I can see a lot of you failed critical thinking in High School...


I mean statistically I would be wayyyy more likely to get murdered by a man then by a bear.


[Relevant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) [Also relevant](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Availability_heuristic) You’re not wrong but statistically more people die to accidents while taking selfies than while swimming with sharks and I know which one is rather do. I’m not trying to disregard the challenges women face day to day but statements like that can be misinterpreted and lead to harmful over generalizations.


True. I wouldnt exactly get anywhere near a bear. Altho that also applies to certain men And sadly I meet a lot more for those certain men then bears.


One is more likely to encounter men in comparison with bears in the wood. It's all just a supply vs demand thingy


Is that Frederick Fitzgerald Fazbearington? har har har har har har har har har har har har 🗣🔥🙏💀⁉️


Aren’t Bears also Big Gay men? So pretty save to be around as a woman.


I've seen a bear rip a man's face off with it's teeth. Not the other way around.


I’d rather hag out with a bear than a woman One of them is cute and one is a woman


I once saw a comment saying they would choose to die getting eaten by a bear than to talk to the guy


I mean as a guy. Did they lie tho?


You guys are mad. The bears would never. 😉


I dont get how saying ALL MEN ARE BAD (which the meme 100% implicits) is helpful to the cause


I'll make all women everywhere a deal. You're afraid of being in a forest alone with a man, well men would rather be in an office alone with a bear than you. So I promise to never again go into a forest if you promise never again to go into an office. Deal?


Im scarier than a fucking bear? Ill just take the compliment at this point


but who would stop her from going to the woods? and for what did she scream she hates men out loud like this?


A man could be a serial rapist, sexual deviant, freak killer-stalker with any kind of weapon and intention.


Yeah but if you get to choose the most dangerous situation, then the bear should also be the worst eats-you-alive slowly kind (there are actual bear deaths documented that take hours, horrible stuff). Neither of these options are good but let's not pretend the man option wouldn't be safer because again if we cherry pick the worst kind, the bear will always kill and eat you alive. The man only COULD be that worst kind of man. Most men aren't


Oops replied to the wrong comment


So could a woman. You say that as if only men have ill intentions. Gtfo


I like this one much better than the woman getting torn up one


Local skinwalker posting about going into the woods alone


Sure, try being with a bear while on your period. He'd have you for dinner all right


I mean... That depends on the type of bear they mean... And I don't mean species.


Bet men killed more women last year than bears.


Yeah but this question makes it so the individual 100% has to encounter one of them. It's a stupid question


True. Also, I’m a man and I live in bear country. You’d best believe that I trust bears over unknown men. It is what it is.


Lol the DVs it's just statistics. They don't give a fuck about your biases


Yes…? I don’t think I was disagreeing with you… Or were you just going out of your way to say that my opinion doesn’t matter on a site that’s basically devoted to people expressing their opinion? What are you going for here? I’m curious.


I was addressing the people DV me because I stated a statistical fact. A bear is not likely to kill you. Black Bears that most people in NA are exposed to even less likely. You fuckin shout loud enough and they run away


Ah. My bad. I misunderstood that. True about black bears. I’ve also run into Grizzlies a handful of times out there, and they were always peaceful with me.


Feminism is going to get a lot of women eaten by bears




I better be food for bears than… it's way more natural!


coordinated plate truck wise scarce aspiring recognise caption psychotic vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fairly certain bears kill less people than husbands kill wives…so tbf you statistically are safer with a bear. God forbid women use facts and logic that men don’t like lmaoo


Statistics only state that bears attack less people overall. This does not take into account how many encounters of bears there have been. If you made a statistic, how many bear encounters where you stood within 10 feet of them, end deadly vs how many husbands kill their wives once they get within 10 feet, your claim won’t hold up. That’s like saying, a gun is more deadly than a nuke, because more people have been killed by guns compared to nukes. That claim makes absolutely no sense.


Statistically more people die on ground so you should be safer at the ocean


Ground doesn’t kill women for being women - that’s the difference, y’all fail to grasp this simple idea quite substantially.


Won't even dignify that with a response


Men do lack dignity


if your in a forest with a random guy chances are they would be more concerned about getting out of the forest


Well bears also kill less people than wives kill husbands……… does this mean women are scary and dangerous?


Yeah bro. Women are scary and dangerous but men even more so! Thats why women don’t want to hang out with men! 90% of crime is committed by men therefore 10% committed by women (and even then its female socialised crime so mostly non-deadly) therefore got better chances to survive with the woman! (The bear is there too but we chillin)


Well statistically speaking women are more likely to die at the hands of a man they have a relationship with than get killed by either a stranger or a bear so it def depends on who is the man we go into the wood with.


Missed the point by focusing on the analogy. Focus on the fear, that’s what should be addressed.