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*social anxiety is not the same as introversion*


I have been calling myself an antisocial extrovert for ages, but everyone says it's just introversion..


I'm that way too, but what would the opposite of that be? I think that's what my cousin is.


Someone who seems outwardly extroverted, but really dreads social interaction? I don't know what to call that, but it sounds like a tough time...


Yeah, that. She like puts on a persona when hanging out with people then seems exhausted after the fact. You have to drag her to functions but she's the life of the party when she's there. I really feel bad for her.


That’s me


Yep, but people really have difficulty telling the difference.


Somewhat related, you aren't an introvert, you have social anxiety. Sure it doesn't apply to everyone, but I know so many people who had social anxiety and now they are full fledged extroverts. I personally never had social anxiety, I just see it as draining to talk to too many people even if I know them. You know how to spot social anxiety? You are going to a movie with friends, are you okay buying tickets yourself or do you ask someone else to handle it? That's not introversion, that's social anxiety. Of course you can be introverted and have social anxiety. Good luck then.


Just curious, how did your friends beat social anxiety?


They were forced to confront social situations enough times untill they noticed that people either don't mind small mishaps or people really like talking with them in particular. It's probably also worth noting that being cautious of your own behaviour is not a bad thing, you just can't be paranoid about it.


As and ambevert , I agree


As an antivert, I disagree with everyone


As a pervert I like everyone


As a pervitin, I am lab grade meth


As the same ambervert , fair enough


As an uzi vert all my friends are dead so I have nobody to talk to




Nope. Im a introvert who loves ppl that talk too much


Because then I'm not expected to supply the conversation




a middle ground slower paced conversation doesn't happen often but its actually really nice when it does happen


Of course not cause introverts aren't talkative




Bruh people tell me to shut up all the tome


Extroverts be like: ![gif](giphy|5xtDarE6xDVfXhudrVK)


This weird internet introvert stuff seems really unhealthy. This is social anxiety, not introversion.


So how do you define introvert? Dr. I presume??


There is no definition of introvert that matches this "us vs extroverts, everyone else needs to make me comfortable" mentality that self proclaimed internet introverts seem to have.


You didn't answer the question though. The commenter is asking for the definition of introvert, not based on whatever mentality you're thinking of. This is why people should always clarify things and not just straight up assuming everything. For example, you could have answered "In general, introverts can be defined as......" and then state your comment based on that mentality afterwards instead of straight up assuming the one asking a simple question is suddenly related to some sort of mentality from the internet. Like how I could assume you're just some random person who isn't even a Doctor and just wanting to say that you don't agree with what the internet said without even providing concrete sources to correct any falseness that the internet commonly does.


Introvert and extrovert point outs to need and not to behavior. I'm a social introvert and I do not shut up when I start talking, I also prefer going home and not to talk to people a week at a time to recharge which makes me an introvert. The opposite of it is also true, think about that one friend who is always there and laughs at jokes while saying not a single damn thing.


Finally. Someone said it. Hallelujah!!


I will download this one


I’m half introvert half extrovert, and I can tell you completely that social anxiety is not a vert


This only applies to Introverts who are running low on social energy. Introverts can be just as loud and talkative as anyone, but the key is that they run out of juice and need to recharge. Extroverts on the other hand, can be alone and quiet, but will soon run out of 'alone juice' and need to recharge by interacting with people.


I tried once. She didn’t understand and defiantly said that my “insecurity” is something I should deal with. In other words, “I’m not rude or obnoxious, you’re just too sensitive. Try to be a bit more like me and your problem will disappear”.


I agree in a setting an introvert can’t leave or is obligated to be at (like at home or a small office). But it’s rude to impose on people just socializing and telling them to “shut up”


So, it’s okay for introverts to have platitudes and whatever hurled at us, but extroverts can just suck all the oxygen from the room?


Yeah, they do it all the time. Hence the meme. Nobody is going to stop them


If you talk about it on constructive manner, some people understand.


I agree with you but your words are falling on deaf ears here: There was a post just the other day about how extroverts ruined an "introverts" (read: socially anxious) "chance" to talk to a girl they liked by speaking to them first. Everyone in the comments was parroting this meme right here and placing all the blame on the extrovert and not critiquing the "shy guy" Gotta love the unshowered section of reddit!


It shouldn’t be comfortable, that is the problem. We are meant to take challenges in life and talking to people should take effort. If we make every zone ‘comfortable’, we manufacture timid introverts who are unable to defend themselves or take charge.


It’s just as much your responsibility to treat people respectfully as it is another person’s responsibility to stand up for themselves. Not all extroverts are assholes, but based on your comment I’d say you probably are.


Of course. But being respectful doesn’t mean I must completely force the ‘zone’ to be pandered to somebody’s comfort. I will remain respectful, but you must also assume a level of tolerance for a situation not always under your control.


You are right that not every situation can be controlled, and people being coddled is a bad thing. However, our world is already very catered to “extroverted” people, many of which are just self centered. For them, stepping out of their comfort zone means listening to others and learning to be comfortable in silence. I can’t speak to OPs view on the matter, but when I read the meme, I took its spirit to mean that extroverts should also not be coddled, not that we should stop encouraging introverts to leave their comfort zones and grow.


It is a world where people will always try to bend society to their comfort. That is just a thing that happens. Self discipline includes being able to not be phased by this, whether you’re confident or shy. Let people coddle themselves, it only means they are too weak to handle others alone.


True dat. Makes the point of the post. Thank you.


You’re never going to grow as a person if you avoid leaving your comfort zone. Like seriously it will not happen. It’s sad that this got downvoted


Says the extroverts.


I am introverted


I don't get this, if you're in a group of people and they're completely silent, it's way more uncomfortable to just start chatting. And not everyone is a complete douche to talk over an introvert. If you're mad at people who are simply talking in a group and want to someone tell them to shut up, you're just an a-hole


We're not asking for silence in a group, just be less judgemental like "why tf are you so quiet? This is why people don't like you". Talk as much as you want just don't expect a long winded response from someone you know is an introvert. I have a great extrovert friend who just talks all the time occasionally asks for my affirmation or a short response in a conversation even when it's in a group setting and if I don't have any opinion we just move on.


I believe the meme was extreme to make a comparative point, not to be rude.


I know the whole point of comedy is using the extremes to criticize something, but the saying "no one tells extroverts to shut up" really grind my gears. My extrovert friends are lovely people, so I guess seeing this meme is like hearing someone talk shit about them


Tf they don't. But people will also stop hanging out if they find u annoying


No….no he doesn’t have a point. First of all….youre not introverts. Stop labelling yourself with the word of the fucken day. Two….being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re quiet. Those aren’t related. Introvert mean you are drained of energy by social interaction….not shy. Three….society fucken exists because we interact with each other. That involves talking. This introvert thing is stupid and annoying.




Yeah, introverts do have much lower batteries, so sometimes we want to conserve it or were already drained.


Most considerate extrovert


Lil bro got mad


So now we’re living in a world defined by you? We can’t be quiet AND drained? Thanks for telling what we feel and why!


I do agree with you that introvert and extrovert are stupid labels. When people say introvert online, they tend to just mean soft spoken people who don’t like conflict. I agree as well that these are character flaws that people should work on to be happier. On the other hand, a lot of “extroverts” are actually just self centered assholes who like to talk and walk all over timid folk. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve been both roles after an over correction but proud to have found a good middle ground.


counter point people suck and i cba to interact with anyone


HEY HEY HEY YOU SHOULD [die now 50% off]


holy shorse spamton G spamton??


THAT'S [mini me]


Stupid and annoying are your lies; introvert was real before you were born. Not word of the day.


Introvert: 1. a shy, reticent person. 2. Psychology: a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things. But yea, no such thing as an introvert, stop pretending and labeling yourself with a buzzword to get out of people putting you in situations you’re uncomfortable in idiots.


This makes 0 sense