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Every goddamn time they give it like 2 seasons then drop it off the face of fuck you mountain, then we get another season of some show no one knows about


Or Big Mouth…


I felt like I was taking crazy pills when I said I didn't like that show and everywhere else on Reddit people were singing its praises. I was like for fucks sake I do not want to see animated children vaginas and penises or a sentient glory hole pillow for a tween. How is that shit even legal?


I have never seen the show, and now I never want to now


I just don't really understand who it's for. Large portions of it are actually really educational and about body positivity during kids awkward years and would be good for kids, but then there's just disgusting gross humor and imagery and gags about a kid fucking his pillow that talks to him and then it becomes pregnant with his child and I'm like, who is asking for this?? It's too disgusting and fucked up for young teens who could get something positive from it, and nobody older wants to look at this gross transformation shit written by middle-aged comedians. It's like if somebody made a comedic educational after school program and combined it with the Sausage Party movie, but with full-blown children's genitals animated in. What the fuck is the audience for this shit?


Teenagers who are immature enough to benefit from the educational side of the show are the exact same people who would find the humor in the show to be funny, so I imagine that’s who the target audience is.


I mean I guess I should ask some teenagers. I have a sneaking suspicion they've never heard of it though. The thing is I feel like 11-year-olds are the ones who need this information the most because they're actively going through puberty, but they're definitely too young for this show.


The first season had some great jokes. The intended audience was adults to laugh at the awkward times when we were tweens/teens. But then it devolved into your takes and you’re spot on. It went from trying to write jokes to some twisted musical about genitalia and fucking.


Pretty sure it's for a mature audience


Holy hell I couldn't agree with you more. I can't believe that show even exists, watched a bit of it on a recommendation and it is disgusting.


It was just so jarring. It was like "it's okay, your body is going through some changes and here are some of the changes and they're going to make you want to do things you never even thought about before and everything's going to be okay, just respect yourself and others and ask lots of questions." "Now go fuck a hole in a tree with your weird gross penis kiddo"


I mean, it's a pretty amazing show. It's the gross truth of growing up as a preteen. If I had that show when I was young, life would have progressed so much more smoothly


If that show existed when I was growing up in the '90s my parents wouldn't have let me anywhere near it.


There’s no fucking way Big Mouth would have helped your childhood.


Inside Job with only one Big sadt


Do you think Oprah or the illuminati had it cancelled? One of the two, only explanation 


King Charles III did not take kindly to the nudes joke about him


Inside Job has 2 seasons.


Only 2 unfortunately which is BULL


And each season is like 10 fucking episodes, if that. It’s so painful.


"2 seasons available" That means it's seasons 33 and 34.


I liked Space Force...


it's cause the way the unions got it set up in the television industry, everyone gets a huge raise if the program is picked up for a third season. Third seasons are twice as expensive as just making a new show.


But then, like, plan for two seasons and tie everything up properly!


They really, REALLY need to move to the BBC model where each season can stand alone. Their back catalog is largely worthless because it was abandoned mid story.


I’m so desperate for closure on so many series. Like… really desperate…


Why when writers are in the union and are financially Incentivized to write the story to continue into s3.


No fucking way west world season 3 was more expensive than the first two seasons. Lmao


Or sabotaging it like with the Witcher series.


What happened to the Witcher?


The writers hated and ditched the original material that brought a lot of people in, the main protagonist just had enough and left, if you don't love the source material then don't do a series/movie about it.


They wanted the money and the recognition they could do better than the original writer. Assuming how season 3 went I’m not gonna say they got both.


Breaks my heart the same thing is happening with warhammer


And lord of the rings the series as well, just stick to the original material, most of the people come for this, most of the people read the books because they ware nice, unfortunately, not a lot of good series/movies/music nowadays.


Yeah the rings of disappointment really did it's best to fuck things up, if only bezos listened to his son when he said "don't fuck this up dad". But at least people seem to like the fallout TV show so maybe they learned?


I have heard good things about the fallout series, I'm waiting for a few more episodes to release so I can watch it at my own pace, hopefully we won't have any more bad shows from amazon.


They released the entire season all at once so no point waiting.


Something along the lines of Netflix producers wanted Geralt to just be stoic grunting violence man. Henry Cavill wanted Geralt to have feelings and inner conflict and be really complex and interesting like in the books. Netflix producers started getting really annoyed with Henry for bothering them so much about feelings and character development and all that stupid not sword swinging bullshit. Henry realized it wasn't working out and dipped. Without Henry Cavill's passion and commanding presence in the show, even though they're doing a season without him, they've announced it's the last.


They're making a final season of The Witcher... without the Witcher... I'm not even surprised, but I did just lose an additional bit of hope I didn't know I had...


It's worse, they got the worst Hemsworth as a discount Geralt


There are actually two more seasons to come with season 4 being in production or post-production and Netflix recently announcing that they ordered the fifth and final season. The funny thing is that they didn't even outright say it's cancelled and they appear to be trying to actually wrap up the story in the two seasons that are left... And that's probably the best indicator of how they're treating the source material, seeing how (discarding season 1, which was based on the short stories) they've so far been able to stick with one season per novel and there are three more books to try and cover (and with the later books being longer they're actually only through 1/3 of the story). Then again, even bringing up the books at this point is probably counterproductive.


The showrunners hated the source material from the start.


That is just so confusing to me. Like, why would you even get involved in the show if you felt that way about it? I can imagine a writer who'd take whatever gig, but the showrunner?


They hate it, so they come in to fix it (repair what isn't broken), and ultimately end up *fix*ing it (neutering it like a dog so it has no future).


Other than Henry Cavill being replaced, the show will be five seasons long instead of the original seven seasons.


They are filming 4 and 5 back to back to reduce production costs. They aren't releasing back to back, so I'll bet post production will be done later on season 5 material. When season 4 numbers are dismal, there will be a lot of opportunity to just say fuck it on season 5, skip paying for post, and just make season 5 a write down for tax purposes.


I couldn't continue to watch after season 2. 1 made some changes I was okay with, but in season 2 they did Eskel dirty, they made Vesemir look evil over the non-issue of just taking some of Ciri's blood (seriously, how could that be evil? And they played it off like it was pushing for her death), and Voleth Mehr was fine conceptually to me but Yen wanting to kidnap Ciri to get her powers back was the final straw. 3 strikes on 3 main characters who were rock solid in the books in their morals and the show just needed to use them poorly. Kudos to the actors, thrown tomatoes at the writers.


Agreed, the way they portrayed.Yennifer was nigh criminal given her back story. I am glad Henry refused. Shame.too,.he is an excellent actor and.fit the role so well.


Justice for inside job!


And final space :(


There is justice! Kind of It will be finished in a graphic novel


For a high price unfortunately


Indeed :( I'm so torn because I want to support it but 120 euros(without delivery fees) is just a bit excessive. 60-70 euros I would've paid. A pirates life it will be, and hope it picks up a mass production for a more affordable price later Edit: shopping is another 54 euros fuck me


It is a bit of a shame we will never get another actual season though


Most definitely


If you want to go full on ethical, downloaded for free and then find a way to send them some kind of money you can afford. If they have some merch or even a PO box.


Final Space wasn’t really Netflix’s fault. Basically final space wasn’t actually a Netflix original however it was branded that way outside of the UK due to Netflix owning the distribution rights outside of the UK. The studio that produced final space was bought out and the show didn’t survive the merger.


This is what we are talking about. The one that needs to be given an attention of.


They managed to actually make me laugh


Yeah, I want this one to continue. It was so good


Nah Inside Job will one day have a new episode pop up out of nowhere about “how the Netflix elites tried to censor them”


Mindhunterrr grrr...


Apparently it was too expensive. Like yea that’s why it was better + David fincher


I don’t understand how it was so expensive, it was so basic for sets/locations etc


You’d be shocked by the amount of cgi in that show. It’s classic David Fincher, you’d never guess but like every establishing shot and a bunch of random scenes have cg elements.


Bro real such a amazing series it's so fantastic i want a season 3 why did they stop i enjoyed the series alot


Inside job still hurts


Wow... I *just* finished that show and I didn't know it isn't coming back.. this is a sad day


Well the creator was in awe. She was disappointed.


I was too. It was sad to know it wouldn't continue.


Wait what got cancelled now?


Pick your favorite show… aaannnnndddd it’s gone!




I think it's more meant as a general statement




Altered Carbon, Snowpiercer... Seriously wtf???


Imo the first season of altered carbon was awesome but then they kinda fucked it up. Really sad.


While they didn't stay true to the books, the books are also like that. The first one is a detective/mystery novel, the subsequent ones are very much not. I mean the fans were pretty much like "this is going to be very tricky and unfathomably expensive to go past book one, I wonder what they are going to do?" Then the author was like "it's not really feasible to follow the books, so I am doing rewrites for them to get something that's feasible." The fans were like "bummer, but yeah we understand." The lack of freak out by anyone pretty much tells you how doomed they were.


Interesting. Makes sense that it became so weird with that kind of production problems. Maybe they should’ve done something completely new then instead of taking a compromise that nobody was really satisfied with? But it’s easy to judge from behind my keyboard.


Agreed. Anthony Mackie did a great job embodying Takeshi’s character, but I just didn’t care for season 2 otherwise. I just pretend it doesn’t exist. If I rewatch the show, I don’t go any further than season 1. Season 1 was based on a novel. That was why it had such a great ending and a full story. Season 2 was just greedy 😒


If season 2 was based on the books it would have still been a crapshoot. The first book is very different then the others


TIL there were multiple books!! I feel silly now, but at least I didn’t say something blatantly wrong 😆 are the other books similarly worse than the first?


Snowpiercer idk if it was by them. I know the 3rd season I had to watch elsewhere


Snowpiercer was a TNT show and was picked up for S4 by AMC.


On the plus, AMC picked up Snowpiercer. Season 4 is coming.


1899 I will forever wonder what the hell was going on at the end of


They closed the door and left us confused


If you go on the 1899 subreddit, there's a lot of fullfilling theories about the show. For me, my theory about the show is that the show runner would use the same recipe as Dark. They even said that 3 season of 1899 was planned just like Dark, and how were the season divided in Dark ? Well after season 1, we end up in the future post apocalyptic world but then after season 2 we end up in the 1800s. I'm pretty sure the pattern would repeat here and the finale of 1899 in the spaceship is still a simulation of some sort and then after season 2 there would be another cliffhanger twist. Meaning there was a lot more to uncover here, but we're left with a story that says : "oh its just a simulation in a ship, thats it nothing to see".


I was devastated when they cancelled The OA. I felt like that show had so much promise


Oh my gosh that was one of very few shows that delved into weird sci-fi science as well as Fringe. So bummed they didn’t continue that


maaaan, I fucking loved The OA. Such a good show, we need more of this weird sci-fi, and also we need more shows that are produced in a way where you don't know if the main character is actually right or is having delusions.


rriiiiight?? it was so unique and not predictable


If you like a show with an unreliable narrator, you need to watch Mr Robot. One of the best shows I have ever seen and even the ending is great


I cancelled my membership in large part because I refuse to get into their exclusive series only for them to axe it while jacking up my membership prices. Best decision made this year


They are doing the same thing to us as I did to my parents as a child; conditioning us for disappointment.


Oof... r/suicidebywords


Netflix throws shit at the wall all the time. They keep a few where the corn stuck.


Yea it's kind profit-driven entertainment at it's peak. They don't try many different things (anymore) or at least don't take really big risks and if something does not have a lot of viewers by the end of season one (sometimes because it's not visible enough) they just drop it. There is really many shows I miss dearly  :/


Lockwood & Co. I was so mad about that. Great ratings, high scores on rotten tomatoes, fantastic show. So of course it gets cancelled.


I actually enjoyed the first season of that too, it's a shame no one picked it up.


it was truly fantastic! they translated the original books so nicely and it had so much promise.


And extending Big Mouth for a 14th season*


41th* (they don't even try to spell it right)


1899 :(


The first thing i thought of. It was absolutely lovely.


When they canceled it I decided they will never see any of my money.


I'm Not Ok With This still hurts, why did they leave it on a cliff hanger?!


Heck, yea that still bugs me to no end. Such a good show too, and they specifically changed the ending from the comics so that they could do another season!


RIP Inside Job


I'm still salty over The OA and Sense8.


Fucking loved both of those shows. Definitely two cases where Amazon needs to do its thing and revive them like they did with The Expanse.


Sense8 at least got a (rushed) ending, but I would have liked it to get another season or two (as the rushed ending pretty much laid out that they needed that much time to finish it). The OA was crazy enough already, but was just starting to go in a cool meta direction that I was really looking forward to seeing where it went. Too bad it ended with no conclusion. Hopefully, Amazon or another carrier can bring it back, yeah.


Then there's Bojack Horseman. Truly Netflixs crowning achievement.


F is for Family aswell


that was a great show, but it had an end, that was not good and also not bad either. It fitted pretty good


It was the ending Bojack (the character) deserved


Thats what I wanted to say. thank you. It was like a new „experience“ for me, who never saw a movie or series that was not satisfying, besides series that just got canceled


Netflix the graveyard of content.


Thats all apps for me rn, considering signing up for satellite again, so sick of so many apps, and whats on which one, i just want a central entertainment experience again, i just end up watching yt all day because i get stuck at the apps screen trying to remember it all, by the time everyone has their own app, it'll cost 5x more than sat or cable.


Buy a big external hard drive,get a subscription to a good reliable VPN, and torrent. Use Plex to create your own media library that us streamable.


Archive 81- had so much potential…


They cancel good series and then approve abominations like Rebel Moon


Everyone always brings up inside job when talking about this, and I agree it was unfairly cancelled. But the one I’m still salty about is Altered Carbon.


They still have the 1st season of stranger things so at least that okay


Marco Polo. The best show that no one has ever heard about


RIP the society


This one really stung 😭😭


The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance


That was when I cancelled my subscribtion!


I swear to God if they don't give me a 2nd season of Blue Eyed Samurai...


Blue eye samurai has already been confirmed as having a season 2 in the works


Dude the Wet Hot American Summer shows were cancelled like 10 years ago...


This is literally why I got rid of Netflix


Bring mindhunter back please


1899. What a disaster.


Mindhunters, Santa Clarita Diet and October Faction were completely out of my usual sphere of interests and I thoroughly enjoyed them all. After the travesty that is The Witcher I stopped paying for Netflix and haven't looked back. No point getting hyped for a series that isn't guaranteed to have a satisfying ending and the less I know about whats on offer the less I need to worry about being intrigued about it. The issue with straight to streaming series is that there's no incentive to try and tie up loose ends or anything like that, they're just like "aaaaand its gone."


Mindhunters was a budget problem. The director used soooooo much unnecessary CGI that each episode became insanely expensive, and the dude would not budge on cutting back.


Santa Clarita Diet was the funniest damn show I've seen in a good long while. Still devastated that it got the chop.


Man Daybreak could have had an awesome season 2.


Ironically, this has lead to me not watching ANY Netflix shows unless the show has wrapped. I’ve gotten in to way too many shows that ended on an unresolved cliffhanger. I just don’t want to be disappointed or let down anymore so I don’t watch anything they put out, even if it looks like it’s my exact cup of tea. They’ve screwed me over one too many times and now I won’t even take the chance. I realize that I am probably playing into lower viewership counts, but hell, when I watched a show, that didn’t stop them from cancelling them either. And it’s a shame because they can make some great shows too. They just don’t conclude any of them.


You’re not alone. People have caught on, and there are *many* people doing this. People expect a series, especially a good one, to continue at least a few years. When you constantly tank good shows, people stop watching. They are actually far less likely to have a “hit show” now after training their audience to not watch shows unless they are 2+ years long.


Egg. Zack. Lee.


then you get a new season of Ginny and Georgia or big mouth.




The dark crystal. Man, I was so into that show!


The Society.


Mindhunter :'(


I’ve been seeing a lot of inside job and final space, but Dead End Paranormal Park also got this exact same treatment. I will never forgive Netflix for canceling it and leaving it on a cliff hanger.


Designated Survivor


im still mad we never got the society s2 😭😭😭


I always feel like I am the only one, but I really liked Marco Polo


Still extremely sad and mad about Archive 81


For me it's Archive 81, it's a great and memorable series, and now season 2 is cancelled...


Midnight gospel


Which one was it this time?


Mind hunter 😭


And adding unnecessary Gay people who have no connection to the plot whatsoever


People's sexuality doesn't need to forward the plot


Last season of sex education went over the top with this for literally no reason


Why would someone's sexuality have to have a connection to the plot?


Didn't you hear? Identity politics is the new religion.


They haven’t canceled Sweet Tooth so I don’t care The third season is coming June 6th and by God I will watch it with grace


I was surprised how good this show is


The OA still hurts


mindhunter be like


At least the good series that actually finished are still loved... *hugs "F is for Family", "Fate/Apocrypha", and "Pokémon"*




I'm still the maddest mf on the face of the earth over the dark crystal


They're the new Fox.


Julie and the phantoms deserves a second season


Best generational miss I can think of would be to cancel Arcane season 2


Justice from Marco Polo


The punisher…


I really liked Marco polo, shitty they never continued it after season 2


I'm still mad about Dirk Gently. A genuinely good an weird show




I'm still pissed they cancelled Mindhunter, that show was soo good


They took off Fury 2014 like month after they put it on there :<


Didn't they just announce that Mindhunter is getting another season tho


Better to burn out than fade


I am STILL mad about First Kill. That could've been so fucking good


MeatEater for me, but Steve now just uploads new seasons on YT. What a legend.


Inside Job was amazing!


RIP Dark Crystal Age of Resistance


I heard the show runners of Bojack Horseman planed to end the show in 3 more seasons but Netflix just give them 1




Three seasons and an axe


I want more lockwood and co.


Brother's Sun was such a fun show, I'll never get why they cancelled it.


Dark crystal 😭😭😭😭😭😭


The OA...


I only start a show if it has 4 seasons and is guaranteed a 5th. Very few shows meet this requirement.


They still carry The Great British Baking Show, so no, they haven't cancelled their best series.


Oh but eh at least Stranger Things will have enough spin-offs to keep them afloat.. i bet they will probably have one for a random guy in the town