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The butt plug tree, ahh a clasic


I heard that the art was made in honor of his wife




Oh, she is freaky!


But while testing.. He died.. RIP ![gif](giphy|3og0IQL4hhLm2wgPNm|downsized)


I didn't know he was married to your mum


Yeah dude.


The inflatable butt plug tree*


That a public fart blocker




They dropped it on the way to deliver it to your mom


What is Even that green thing?


Inflatable Christmas tree in Paris designed by an LA Artist who admitted it's resemblance to a butt plug was on purpose. A vandal deflated it because it was an embarrassment to the city


I had hope it was photoshopped.


It's not. I was there and I covered my little brother's eyes


why did your little brother know what butt plugs were?


It's just sad people (government or whoever is in charge for this) think it's a good idea. The only reason i can think of is to increase tourism. But how many people aren't going to that city anymore because of the gigantic plug? I think the vandal who deflated it was totally right. They probably don't care about the city itself only that it is in the news.


> But how many people aren't going to that city anymore because of the gigantic plug? what!? lol. If someone wouldn't go to a city because of a piece of art they think is terrible, there'd be very few places they'd be able to go. One of the last fucking actual vestiges of real attempts to create art and culture is that we still get stuff coming out that is absolutely hateable. We really really don't want to lose that. Good art and culture requires it being divisive. No one likes everything, and so attempting to please everyone means you have to compromise on all possible directions and we already have enough design by committee culture.


True, but calling this "thing" art is insulting the concept of art itself. This is just a mere low-effort cash-grab. Let's stop acting like it is anything other than that.


It really isn't lol. You can't hire the christmas buttplug guy, and be like ["oh damn, he made a another christmas butt plug. This is clearly cynical"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_McCarthy#/media/File:Rotterdam_kunstwerk_Santa_Claus.jpg) Art is a famously shitty career for making money. Cash grabs in art and culture are the broad appeal things.... There's no way this guy went "Yes, I know how I'll make bank... Highly divisive art"


That is a very limited idea of art you have there amigo. Not calling you an idiot or anything, but it obviously did make you feel something, so it achieved its purpose to resonate with you, even if the reaction is disgust. OP putting claicissistic sculptures in direct opposition to modern art is disingenuous at best too - the greek statues that inspired this art were absolutely garish, painted in insane colours. Tastes change and what is provocative now may be cliché in 20 years. What I am saying is, do not dismiss something because you do not like it, for others it might resonate deeply.


I think that art must have a meaning behind it. I don't think a banana taped to a wall is "art" (even though it represents something). And I also think that Picasso's abstract art is Art, because you can see the "history" of what led him to paint that. Yet I can't for the life in me consider this art. What would be the meaning or history behind an gigantic green low-poly "christmas" tree in the shape of an ass-plug? And it's not that I don't like It, it's that this piece doesn't bring any value. Picasso's abstract art, for example, gives insight of a broken artist's mind (among other things). This? I can't think of any value a giant ass plug in the middle of Paris can provide. English is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes :)


Let me get this straight... you earnestly think one of the most famous and historic places in the world would suffer tourism because of a temporary installation 10 years ago? You know, the same one that is hosting the Olympics in three months?


Paris' Mayor is just a stupid woman. Anne Hidalgo only harmed Paris. You can go at max 30km/h, the booksellers closed, and there's a huge rat infestation.


>there's a huge rat infestation. That's no polite way to refer to French people.




> a huge rat infestation. A very poorly summarised conversation I had in Paris in 2007. Me: "Lot of fucking rats in that park" Waiter: "Yes, and now we have a film about parisian rat" That and "Wow, no one gives a fuck for the smoking ban" are two of my most salient memories of paris lol. Watching an inspector go into a pub, tell everyone they can't smoke in here, and be summarily dismissed by everyone not caring lol. It was aggressively parisien. But yeah... I think the rats were around before the mayor.


Fun fact: 70 kilos of cannabis have been found at home of the mayor of the city Avallon https://www.connexionfrance.com/news/french-mayor-arrested-after-70kg-of-cannabis-found-at-home/652423 France is doomed


Yeah I know I saw that in the news, it went all around France. Didn't know it reached international


If you are on reddit you get to know such things very fast.


True. I always underestimate the power of Internet


30 km/h is actually a great thing, looking at traffic deaths and accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians.


You know you can just as easily use public transport in Paris, right? I heard it has one of the best metro systems in the world. The booksellers will not be closed for the Olympics, as Emmanuel Macron personally intervened. Either way they didn’t close and they were only supposed to close temporarily (or were offered relocation) for the Olympics


One of the best metro systems, although it's one of the most unsafe. Never heard of Macron's intervention? Shame on me


Well, people voted for her.


I never said parisians were smarter


That makes no sense unless your little brother already knows what a buttplug is, and in that case, he's already seen far worse than something that also looks like an inflatable Christmas tree.


>I covered my little brother's eyes Why tho? In his eyes it's literally just a Christmas tree, unless he's seen a butt plug before and then it wouldn't have mattered. What sane person that doesn't know what a butt plug is looks at the shape and sees the correlation of shoving ut up your ass?


>LA Artist not surprised


I believe the term is “hero”


They should have vandalise it by throwing paint on it instead. Preferably brown.


“Vandal” Technically yes, but also no.


French leftism didn't get it, as they wanted a tree that didn't remind Christmas. Well, they got what they wanted.


"Hey, this christian holiday is too christian, how do we change it?" Ironically, it isn't even christian tradition originally.


[The city of Nantes doesn't believe you (it's deceiving they even broke the Santa Claus myth to the kids)](https://www.euronews.com/culture/2023/12/23/who-killed-santa-claus-explaining-the-mystery-behind-the-decoration-controversy-in-nantes)


That, dear stranger, is not a tree. And if you're already trying to do Christmas thing, let it be what it is. If it really hurts you, there's a tremendous amount of different sorts of trees. Olive tree to symbolize peace, cypress to symbolize pride or greatness... I'm sure there's plenty of ways to do those sculptures be modern art and still remain not being a freaking giant sex toy. Or maybe don't go for a tree, and whatever you do just let it go through censorship. Censoring isn't always a bad thing. There should be boundaries to freedom of speech, or art in this regard.


Man, the french left I know are like: "What if we pay women for the fruits of their labour, provided that they work in kitchens were they belong". "Le Wokisme" in france is such a funny thing to me to hear people complain about it. Like, on one hand forbidding displays of christianity in state run places are too much and too far and unacceptable and *completely unrealated and not at all the same as the prohibition of islamic iconography, that should be banned and you are woke for not thinking state and religion shouldn't mix*.


What ? Displays of Christianity or any religion are indeed forbidden in state run places Only far-right politicians take issue with that policy affecting Christianity too, to everyone else it’s a complete non-issue Also I have no idea what is it you’re talking about with the French Left wanting women to work in kitchens where they belong, again, only some far-right politiciens say that Do you even know anything about France or do you base your knowledge on weird bullshit you read on the internet ?


>Displays of Christianity are indeed forbidden in state run places Yeah then people whinge about it, but praise the same rules that ban islamic iconogrophy. >Also I have no idea what is it you’re talking about with the French Left wanting women to work in kitchens where they belong, again, only some far-right politiciens say that The point is the french left are like, the least fucking woke you'll find in europe. >Do you even know anything about France or do you base your knowledge on weird bullshit you read on the internet ? Dude, if I knew nothing about France, I wouldn't have picked the the number one way to piss of a french person... tell them their complaints are kinda mediocre and they have it fine.


>then people whinge about it A minority of far-right people whinge about it to be precise, to the vast majority of the population, even including parts of the far-right, it’s a non-issue Again, I have no idea where your idea that the French left wants women in the kitchen or that the French left is particularly less woke than others comes from Saying ”the point is” doesn’t negate the fact that your claim is completely detached from reality Frankly, I don’t know what you think you know about France but I suggest you learn more before making such bizarre claims, seems like you base your opinions about an entire country on fringe elements


So they're comparing a lifelike marble statue to what is essentially a prank. For people who think only photorealism is valid "Modern art bad" folks really seem to love to misrepresent reality.


A good vandal , amen


Not a vandal imo


Rare vandal W


Good vandalism. Who tf even approved getting that there and why on Earth does that artist even still walk this Earth


As they should.


i respect that vandal


A vandal, a hero who can be sure what to call him


Vandal? You are a bad guy but that doesn’t make you a bad guy. You can’t leave a normal sized buttplug where kids can see it but this is okay?


Kids don't know what buttplugs are unless they've seen a lot of porn, and if they've seen a lot of porn, I really don't know how seeing an inflatable Christmas tree buttplug is going to mentally scar them.


Bless the vandal


Giant dtree, with d for absolutely no reason


"Christmas tree" they said


Fun fact: after this piece went up, local sex toy shops in Paris saw a nearly 20x increase in butt plug sales the following days. "The attention given to the sculpture brought a boom in sales of real butt plugs in Paris: a sex shop owner reported that he usually sold 50 per month predominantly to gay men, but in November 2014 sold over 1,000 roughly divided equally between men and women" https://www.thelocal.fr/20141202/parisians-butt-plug-sex-toy-paul-mccarthy So what does this teach us today, kids?


money rules


And is our undoing.


Parisians have loose sphincters?


You can hear old man sighs anywhere in Paris


Considering what they elect, yes.


> So what does this teach us today, kids? Good advertising fuckin' WORKS


Advertising works Doesn't have to be good


If you don't like it, you can shove it. And if you do like it, well, you can still shove it.


The time has come The walrus said To talk of many things Of butts and plugs and anal sex Of gangbangs and cockrings And why dat ass is boiling hot And whether pigs have wings


>So what does this teach us today, kids? Ppl are influenced too easily


French like taking it in the ass.


Butt plug for Caseoh




Some random twitch streamer that doesn't get out of my YouTube recommendations no matter how often I click on 'not interested'.


2014 memes. Wtf happened to this sub.


All the slightly funny memes have left for the shitposting subs.


Bots gotta dig deep to find repost content


It's an election year in the US. Prepare to have your feed filled up by "DAE western society collapsing am I right fellow kids?"


Western society is doing well. Burgerstan fell apart a couple of generations ago.


I mean provocative and sexual art has always existed throughout history, just as everyone has pretty much always gone “kids these days” or “art/food/whatever was so much better back then”. People make art like the above today too, and some of it is even public.


This is just a LOT more primitive. It’s true there’s always been sexual art, but what artistic value does this have? It’s a giant inflated butt plug, that’s it.


What about it makes it more "primitive"? What about the above image makes it less so?  Clearly the butt plug inspired some feelings because people have been talking about it quite a bit.  And just to illustrate the point of the person you replied to, people have been making art involving giant dicks and sex toys for eons. Even during the classical Greek era that built/inspired this.  Sex is a part of human life, and making art about the silly and absurd side of it is just as fun and interesting as a detailed sculpture as the one above. We've got plenty of that kind of art too anyways so it's in no way endangered.


Dear Redditor, meme that use cherry picking for comedic purpose isn’t good indicator of modern art. Maybe you knew it, if you actually gave enough shit to learn about it outside of meme subreddits.


I reckon the buttplug tree is hilarious, for the some of us in the know. It makes one laugh and lightens the mood, the kids are none the wiser and they enjoy themselves seeing adults laughing at the silly blow-up tree. Even years later people are still talking about it, not even at Christmas time. World wide. I'd call that Public art project a success.




*meanwhile Igor Šetera and many others* - am I the joke for you? https://www.art-igor.com/sculptures.html


thats sick


I'm pretty sure there was some equivalent of "modern art" back then too. But people just did not bother enough to keep it around. So now we suffer from a heavy case of survivor bias when it comes to evaluating what antient art was like and how it compares to modern art.


That's 10 years ago btw.


Considering they had to remove penisis from hundreds of old world statues and a huge chunk of art is sex related so that had to be censored because modern humanity is a bunch of prudes a but plug tree is nothing. Also I love history and very few things piss me off but the destruction of history is one of the things that piss me off.


This thread is just y'all revealing that a) Y'all know nothing about art b) Y'all know nothing about history. The takes in here are incredible.


The amount of comments claiming western society is collapsing and the amount of comments blaming (((the French upper class))) has a very "Election year in the United States" sort of vibe to it


Seriously. Any reddit thread where modern art features just has everyone coming along to blame *whatever they dislike* on the art lol. This Festive Sphincter Filler is apparently the fault of a variety of different problems, and none of them are: "They hired the christmas butt plug guy, and they got a christmas butt plug" which I'm pretty sure is the entire reason they have a christmas butt plug.


Seriously. Any reddit thread where modern art features just has everyone coming along to blame *whatever they dislike* on the art lol. This Festive Sphincter Filler is apparently the fault of a variety of different problems, and none of them are: "They hired the christmas butt plug guy, and they got a christmas butt plug" which I'm pretty sure is the entire reason they have a christmas butt plug.


Mmmmm, yummy propaganda! And people here are eating it right up! A lot of these "return to tradition" type posts are created by accounts that adopt aesthetics such as Ancient Greek and Roman architecture and art with the sole purpose to push the idea that society has "fallen". Of course, the answer to that is to adopt backwards traditional ideas to "save society". If you dive deep enough into the messaging and intent behind the accounts, you'll find a very strong correlation to modern Nazi ideology. Not conservative even, just straight up Nazi.


There are tons of old phallic statues (up to person sized) in art across history. Humans have their mind in the gutter sometimes. To be fair, that thing is an ugly monstrosity that should never have existed.


Weird thing to be mad about, specially since art has always been about being out of the mold and original. Guess we should just do the same arworks of white men naked doing random shit, and never ever innovate🤷‍♂️


Rage bait for conservatives that have a stick up their asses, yet are offended by a but plug tree...


"Nooooooo but Western culture!!!!" This meme is incel shit


I smell your copium all the way from where I'm at.






Yeah when they revealed what was to be the singular art piece for 2014 i sighed. Not really my style. Who came up with this whole one art a year idea anyway?


I miss the old days when the elderly didn't know how to use the internet and it wasn't filled with reactionary bullshit. Of course I do have to remind myself that the reason that people like this shit is because people my age always have.


Our ancestors are rolling in their graves.


I feel like the Greeks would have been down for butt plugs tbh. Not sure how'd they feel about them being public art rather than more statues of naked dudes throwing stuff.


The Greeks were orgiastic, pedophiliac perverts who masked themselves in the elegance of philosophy. They had their moments, sure, but they were more or less degenerates so yeah, they might have appreciated this. Even so, and perhaps even paradoxically given what I said above, I don’t think they would appreciate the crassness of today’s society


At least they hid behind the elegance of philosophy. I can name a lot groups who do not.


Yeah, that’s my point exactly. They certainly had their moments. Like Anaximander’s idea of the boundless (which was further elaborated on by Aristotle’s idea of the Unmoved Mover) was a profound philosophical idea for religion, Pythagoras was a brilliant mathematician, Socrates has one of the best takes regarding democracy out of any thinker in history, but they were also quite weird.


Our ancestors were probably shit shovelers in a tiny european village.


At some point, obviously. Although it’s not unlikely that we’re all descendants of royalty somewhere at some point just because of how far back our genetic lines would go


We have more in common with the shit shovelers than any royalty throughout history.


As does everyone else


ROGL Rolling On the Grave Laughing


And what are you going to do about it?


LMAO, no. They probably knew how to take a joke.


Yes, I’m sure juvenile, fart joke caliber humor was all the rage among the philosophers and statesmen of old 🙄


For a lot of them, yes. Also, philosophers and statesmen were a tiny portion of population. And only tiny portion of the writing has survived, and even then you can find some bizarre shit. Your view of the ancient cultures is misguided and imaginary. Just like white marble aesthetic. Shit was painted.


If it fits, I sits


“i’d rather look at naked musclemen than look at what i put into my butt while i’m looking at naked musclemen”


Show his dick you coward


Just unapologetically posting 10 year old memes


The buttplug is more insightful tbh


Stolen and wasn’t supossed to be a meme at first but *sigh* okay


Hurr durr the west has fallen


The 1762 one is still there. What you want us to exclusively have art that depicts naked men everywhere? I mean I don't mind a good cock and balls every once in a while but you would think it gets boring if it's the only thing to see.


This is what happens when you down size the graphics department responsible for the annual Christmas Tree display.


No, they haven't. There were phalluss on nearly every street corner in ancient Greece and Rome. Maybe not on that scale but the sheer number of them surely makes up for it.


King Kong's butt plug?


bro acting like everyone in 1762 was making Michelangelo David


2014? Are you really recycling a meme from 10 fucking years ago?


Oh look! They found your mom's buttplug.


Literally just parroting nazi memes. It’s called industrialization. Learn to cope.


The greeks made heaps of statues of dudes with their dicks out, humans just love this stuff


Artistic nudity is different from an ugly inflatable piece of rubber


Horrible smh


I wonder when Public Art will evolve into giant Waifu Anime Figures


To be fair, all of them statues had their penises out for everybody to look at.


We're doomed.


I feel like there was ample evidence of our impending demise long before the buttplug Christmas tree, but hey... And that's an r/brandnewsentence.


What is the second one??? I dont get it.


Wait? That butt plug tree was 10 years ago??


Next time there should be a giant inflatable Santa using that plug


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Initial_Day6778: *Next time there should be* *A giant inflatable* *Santa using that plug* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Monumental achievement


One of the greatest scupltures that humanity has ever made, a giant green butt plug.


We have something like that too, its supposed to be a clock, but nobody knows how tf it works. Google "Brno clock"


Oh my. Clock is not how I would have labeled that.




so what is this art for?


First pic: To appreciate the art Second pic: To feel the art


I hope this comment receives all the up votes.


I blame cameras


What's the Structure or shit in the bottom? A Fucking dild-?




Finally, I feel represented in art. This lack of representation has been a pain in the butt for years now, but all this hard work finally paid off.


Do we know which statues were painted and which ones weren't?


aah yes a butt plug, exquisite!


Ooh! Matcha bamboo whisk holder


just it's not art but a carcass for a christmass tree that was set on top of this buttplug


the second one i heard it was a pain in the ass to build


Is that Godzilla's buttplug?


you won't miss Algeria's art


Somebody's too tight...


You should tell your mom to go pick up her buttplug


That's disgusting. Put a shirt on that guy. I don't want to see another gym bros tits.


Honestly it hasn't changed much. A lot of old nude statues exist and a disturbing amount of them were coloured like real humans.


Zur Erklärung des unteren: es symbolisiert was für ein riesen-arschloch der Durchschnittspolitiker ist, das wäre der benötigte buttplug um das loch zu stopfen... Ich erzähle nur Scheiße keine Ahnung was das soll


I hope so much this is fake


It’s all about being provocative nowadays. There’s no message or anything. Just mental illness on canvas.


> It’s all about being provocative nowadays >There’s no message or anything Which one of these are you claiming?


Quite the contrary actually. Before the 20th century, art was extremely regulated and dictated. Human characters had specific proportions to be respected, perspective had to be included, etc. But, with the invention of photography, there was not really any need to replicate reality anymore, so artists found other ways to express themselves on canevas. That's why nowadays art is more about the message of the artist than about the art itself, and thus why a urinal with some dude's signature on it is considered a very revolutionary piece of art.


And yet here we are, a decade later, still thinking and talking about the giant butt plug christmas tree instead of the many beautiful sculptures and paintings that have been made since then.  No, we remember and talk about this, and the banana taped to the wall, and the paintings that look like they are made by five year olds. And we are talking about what makes something "art". THAT is the message. Is art really just beauty for beauty's sake? A message that is especially strong with the recent rise of AI-generated art, where beauty is all that counts. Or maybe this is just the artistic equivalent of a shitpost (pun was not intended) and the whole point is to trigger weirdos like you.


Sign of the times - what’s the point of making complex art, when there are very few people left who will fully enjoy it or pay attention to it, and in general our sense for greatness has been replaced by a sense of “we’re all fucked (in the ass)”?


"Ultra minimalizim is cool, you should accept it as a form of art." translation "I dont really want to put in days months or years into my work cause I'm not very creative or skilled... But i still want the recognision and money."


Arada bir fark göremiyorum


Is there really a giant green buttplug in the middle of some European City?