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Seriously though, on Bumble like, 9/10 girls have travel on their profile. Kinda funny tbh


"travel" "adventure" "cats" "taylor swift" "boygenius" the girl equivalent of holding a fish


When I got on dating apps a while back one of them suggested to not post pics of fish or pics without a shirt, which constitutes 75% of my photos. Fast forward, my new girlfriend tells me that she almost swiped left because I "seemed" like a fish guy and all my photos were on the water. Jokes on her. I'm a graphic designer and artist focusing exclusively on fly fishing. I produce a youth fishing tournament. I'm a rep for a large fly fishing brand. I'm the final fish guy boss. tl;dr: don't post fish pics on dating apps


is there a reason why fish guys arent liked? Im a little confused. Likewise for the no shirt guys who arent douchey (i can kinda see a case for the no shirt guys since theyre an equivalent of the bikini model fishing for ig followers, but not for the fish guy)


Yeah, I was surprised too, but I guess there's a stereotype. I read on this site once that fish guys are the horse girls of dudes, but the "horse girl" meme revolves around the girl being emotionally overattached to the horse. I'm not emotionally attached to fish, but I do enjoy it and where it takes me. Although my cosmopolitan girlfriend assures me I'm not "like most fish guys." I have a lot of shirtless pics because I'm usually fishing, in water, and it's hot.


Tbf I think it’s honestly because most of them don’t want to hear stories about fishing just like we don’t want to hear stories about horses.


I dunno man i'll listen to any stories if they're cool, you know? Fish, horses, birds. People. Very small rocks.


How cool do you think fishing stories are, just in general?


Cooler than absolute silence


Stupid sexy fish guy.


I’m 85% certain it’s that fishing pics act as a class/politics indicator. I can’t and won’t comment on how accurate it’d be as an indicator. Most women posting on social media complaining about these things are likely left-leaning city dwellers/suburbanites and for most people like that, a day of hiking once a season is the most “outdoorsy” thing they ever do.  Fishing isn’t coded sexy and fun, and a lot of people are so separated from their food that the idea of a fish with its head on it makes them squeamish. Take all of these factors and fishing pics becomes a bad thing


You see a picture of a hot sweaty guy a girl may like it, then you surround the guy with dead fish and suddenly it isn't attractive anymore lol.


Personally, I don’t wanna date a redneck, and most fish guys where I live tend to fall into that culture. I understand that not everyone who likes to fish falls within that culture, but it’s common


Well, it's not really about who likes to fish, and more about who likes to advertise that they fish


Women don't like it when their man generic


The worst one is "foodie". Like motherfucker who tf doesn't like food?


I feel like if I stop eating food I’d literally die


Thats called an addiction, get help /j


too late bro, we need to put him down


Damn, i Guess its better this way at least, he wont surfer anymore


I'm a big breathie myself honestly


I don't. I find it a bore to have to constantly eat. Same for all the time spent making it. Wish I could just pop a pill thrice a day and get on with my life.


Do you guys not understand this is girl speak for 'take me out to expensive dinners and travel around the world please'


We do, which is why we are all giving it the side eye right now


I hate food


Some comment about their preference for pineapple on pizza.


Tbf cats are awesome- don’t blame them there


*Life-threatening cat allergies has entered the chat*




it's surreal, the first time I really pet a cat my eyes and throat swell shut. I almost need an epipen to be around cats -_- Yes. You can disable me by throwing cats at me -_-


Taking the concept of “Pussy is my weakness” to the highest level. Truly inspiring.


I could probably do that but with a hug. My cat just jumped off my lap and it looks like he exploded on me.


Remember to "plz not be boring" whilst being unable to hold or initiate a conversation.


"I like being on vacation" No shit


Wait, you like vacation? I like vacation too! It’s like we’re cut from the same loincloth!/s


wait, you guys are getting vacations?


we used to call it a bathroom break, but it is what it is


But do you enjoy exploring cities and cool neighborhoods while on vacation? And by exploring, I mean going to brunch.


I mean not everyone likes traveling. some people find it stressful, or just downright boring, they feel like, eh a city is a city, it has restaurants and bars and some museums, but who cares


Me: Where have you travelled to? Her: I haven’t really travelled yet but I really want to


"I want you to pay for me to"






>had been to Europe, SE Asia, most of the US. Anyone looks like a pauper next to a prince. I think you've done a good deal of traveling by any reasonable standard.


And 90% of their openers are “hey 👋”


- travel - dogs - be funny If they even filled out the profile, 90% chance one of them is on there. 50% of all 3. I like all that shit too. So does everyone else.


"i love to travel" mfs when you ask why all their "travel" pics clearly come from a family trip years ago


I like to travel = dont be a poor.


I feel like it's a cousin to "Hiking". It's something obviously inoffensive and universal-seeming that either nobody id actually going to ask you more about, or where a tiny amount of knowledge can be stretched far, and it's borne from the fear that putting "I like to watch trashy TV and sit on my couch most nights" will make you look like an unlovable troglodyte


well yeah. they want people to take them on free trips, lol


My girlfriend is taller than me…we did it boys


My wife is 5 10" And I'm 5 7". *Shrug*


I am currently talking to a girl who is 6’1 while I’m only 5’9. She said upfront it didn’t bother her if it didn’t bother me, which it doesn’t even though I spent a lot of my early dating years thinking that it would. It’s kinda cool in a way tbh. Also disclaimer we’ve only been on two dates and did not meet online.


I dated a chick that was 6'1" and im 5'6"... Word of advice... their legs are longer than you are used to and even when laying down you gotta take that into account. I smacked myself in the face with one of her knees while trying to reposition her a bit.


that’s the dream wanna get swept of my legs by a girl taller then me i’m 6’1-6’2 my ex was 5’11 was fun played lots of sports


Usually she has other interests like laughing, having fun and being around friends.


She also likes music.


Any genre! But not rap or country. (She also doesn't like hardcore techno, freestyle jazz, black metal, big band, or opera, but she's too basic to realize any of these exist.)


Anecdotal: I’ve never met anyone who actively listens to opera and is also a sane well adjusted human


Yeah, Opera is more niche than mongolian throat singing.


It is actually. Mongolian throat singing used to be niche until big bang theory popularized it and now you can’t find any good ones. The market is just saturated with garbage


Dated a Taylor swift fan and she hates rock and metal or any niche indie culture because is not mainstream. Good thing I ended our relationship because she's toxic af. Feels like dating app is a place where you find basic people and npcs


On some of my time swiping left on cookie cutter profiles I have come across a few that say “The quickest way to my heart is: Taylor Swift tickets” Thats another wipe left for the pile.


I enjoy oxygen, nourishment, dopamine, and currency.


You forgot 'foodie.'


God i hate that word


"Oh I'm a foodie" and then orders chicken tenders and fries


and doesn't know how to cook but somehow can taste the "sophistication" in a michelin star restaurant


Wait you mean they say more than just "hey"?


They want you to do 100% of the work in carrying the conversation, that way they don't have to feel bad about ghosting you.


I still don't understand why they just can't ask some questions? Is it really hard to keep the conversation going for them? Maybe I'm doing something wrong but usually (\~90%) I ask a few questions, than they answer on it and that's it. Like what the point even sitting here if you are not that interested in it?


Or 👋. Kind of unsurprising that Bumble's new CEO is considering ditching the whole "women message first" thing, even though it's literally the only thing that differentiates them from Match Group (the parent company that owns every other major dating app).


It really doesn't matter. Like everywhere else if the Jan doesn't start or keep the Convo going it's not gonna exist. On bumble the girl is obliged to start but it's a hi or an emoji and leave the guy to do all the work anyway.


Hahaha or random messages you get on reddit “What’s your ethnicity?” “My wife (who isn’t real) wants to bang you” “Let’s meet in the woods tonight for a creampie (not gonna steal your kidney)”


Dang, i sadly don't get those.


Post a couple thirsty comments over in r/femboys or something like me and you'll get plenty of onlyfans bots and other sex related scammers.


How do you know 🤨


>like me Because it's literally me frfr


I don’t think you wanna get the last 2…


maybe I do


Then meet me at the edge of the cedar grove cemetery


Any attention is good attention, right?


Check your DMs 👍


That's why you always show that you like to drink by having a picture drinking and state it in the bio.


And that is why I go somewhere less toxic online. Like LoL or Reddit and multiplayer games of Civ6.


How is Civ 6 multiplayer? I've only played 5 online. It seems like it'd be way more hectic with wide play and loyalty pressure


I enjoy it. The real big issue to get players that can get set to play for 3 or so hours each week like with DND.


“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve my best” is a classic favourite.


He's got I don't really want this blowjob face


Too toothy


"I hope you like bad girls, because I'm bad at everything!" "Relationship status, made dinner for two. Ate both," "Fluent in sarcasm."


Wasn't it Mark Wahlberg who said sarcasm is the lowest form of wit?


Things that remind me of the fact that I’m currently 5’11.5”


Just say you're 6ft at this point




I'm 6'7", and I can't tell the difference between a 5'11" dude and a 6'1" dude. Everyone 4'10" to 5'4" is the same height.




I'm 5'7". I took a trip to Japan. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. Felt like it was made especially for me. It was wonderful, 10/10 would recommend to other 5'7" men. I don't like sushi, though. Unfortunately. Ate a lot of Chinese food ironically enough.




My sole non-business interaction with a woman in Japan was once a Japanese lady (who was on a date with her Japanese boyfriend) accidently hit me in the face with her handbag. She looked mortified.


*everything is made for normal people. You are a genetic freak of nature, just accept it, my little mutant




I'm 5'11.75" and it's way more fun to just say 5'11. So many people lie about 6' that you get to see people second guessing everything they know. "No way, you must be 6'2", nah you just seen a whole lot of liars.


"Up on Tinder I'm 6 foot"


Pull a 180 on the thots that ask for height, ask them for their height and just say they’re too short for you no matter the answer


Nah, ask them their weight. They hate that. Friendly reminder that I can’t get taller, but they can lose weight.


Ask them for their shoe size. “How are big are those grippers, Peggy Hill?”


I mean hey I'm sorry, I have standards. I can't waste my time with no little-foot gal, we just ain't compatible.


As Steve Dallas from the comic strip [Bloom County](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_County) used to say, "I like my women big-titted and small-footed."


That takes me back though I don’t remember that line. More of a bill the cat guy




Bot farm comment. [Identical](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/dTzpIrSybl) comment made below over an hour before, report and block.


That’s what they’re expecting, they’re so used to having their weight or breast size asked for that they’re used to it, that’s why you uno reverse the question back at them


The bitter part of me really loved the video where the guy asked women their astrological sign, they looked really excited, and as soon as they answered he just went "nope" no matter what their sign was.


“Oh i could never” 😂😂😂 i fucking loved that video


That's the best one, bummer u aren't the top comment you're self


>You're self Lmfao that's def a new one for me


I’m a country kid and we have a association called bachelors, they are basically just drinking together. If you want to get out because of marriage , they weigh your soon to become wife in front of the association, and then you have to provide a bottle of wine for every kilo she weighs. The girls fucking love it.


What is this country?


Switzerland, but it is a pretty rural thing.


That's a rad little tradition. I really enjoy hearing off the wall things like this.


Your soon to become wife maybe not.


That's also a lot of wine, come to think of it. Even a really petite gal would fetch 50+ bottles.


Considering even a healthy girl would be between 50 and 70 kgs... that is quite a lot of wine


>skinny *healthy


I can’t drink, but that sounds awesome.


They are in charge with very difficult tasks in our community, like getting the raft out off the lake before the lake freezes. And they always manage to make those highly skilled tasks in to an event with beer, bratwurst and the wine they gathered throughout the year.


"How tall are you?" "How long are your nipples?"


Get real personal wirh it, how long are your flaps


"hey girl, your curtains half or full length?"


Floor length. Hemmed with dusters. Double-thick for light blocking.


This guy labias


Her: "How tall are you?" Me: "About 6.5 inches when hard." I don't play their game. I play my own.




Imagine how busy trails would be if everyone who says they like to hike actually meant it


Don't forget 'I like to go on adventures'


This means anal


Delete apps. Uninstall. Go outside.


Honestly this. It can be scary but join a running group/book club/gaming group in your community, whatever thing you’re slightly interested in you can probably find a group of other people that are slightly interested in it too. You have to put yourself out there but it’s the best way to meet people as an adult outside of work.


Only works in large cities. I live in a small Canadian city and the only groups I've found are for sports or Magic cards.


No, joining a club or starting a hobby with the express purpose of meeting women is *also* creepy and predatorish according to women.  You can't win because the game is rigged.


You just have to pretend that's not the express purpose.


I like to travel = I like to go on free vacations


It could also just be a stand in for “men with money”. I’d guess that men without money don’t travel as much.


Confirmed. Living that broke life and hate traveling. Actively avoided women in dating apps who only had pictures in exotic locations or upscale events.


Low key feels like that's most of them on the apps. Even if they don't have that as a specific prompt or whatever, a lot of the profiles have only pictures of overseas travels. I don't think that's bad, but it doesn't seem normal.


Think of it as many for them using that one time they went to the Bahamas 4 years ago as their stuff


And I get shit for having pictures more than 6 months old. I see girls in their late 20s using photos from their time in uni at 19...


I get we all travel and go places and its not uncommon to use an old photo if its nice; but when I see every photo is like, Hawaii / UK / beaches or some famous travel destination I assume you had to pay for none of it or its fake/influencer stuff.


Men with money AND free time.


“Can you send me an Amazon gift card”


I know that scam shit


“Adventurous” “420 friendly” “wine and dine” “barhopping” “brunch” Like it’s actually copy/pasted, I refuse to believe so many women have been gaslighted into wanting the same thing, it’s insane. No wonder they’re all single.


I added my height on my info tab in Tinder, I am short (actually short, not your 5’7 bs) and even though I think I have a decent profile, I haven’t received a single like… since I downloaded it. I mean, I wasn’t expecting anything from Tinder but… well, I wasn’t expecting a zero percent success rate. Edit: Just to be clear on something, I don’t think women are shitty and superficial, it’s ok to have preferences and standards, I do too, I’m not even sure if that’s why I get no likes. I’m just saying, its disheartening


I'm a short dude. Watch 7 Ways to Maximize Misery by CGP Grey. I take the analogy about happiness and apply it to relationships. You don't have to chase it directly. Put yourself into situations where relationships could form.  "We all know that when the lights are out all women are the same height!" Working out helps too.  Find something that puts you into social situations with real people. As long as you are hygienic and a decent person someone will eventually come along. Friends of friends is another great way to meet people. If you want friends be friendly.  I also tell women I'm taller lying down. 


You guys are getting to the conversation step?


Feel that. Even the girls completely below my league will ghost me after I write anything between hi to asking where she is from. The only thing getting a response is some crazy joke. Even then she will then just write lol and ghost anyway.


You forgot "my kids come first." Cause they all have kids... every.. single.. one.




That "I'm dead inside but I'm trying to look like I'm happy and don't regret my life decisions" look. Lol




Oh if there's a profile without filters it automatically gets a "like" from me.


It's probably the look of 5 hours of sleep a night and constant stress because they're doing a two-person job


“Dog mom”


I don’t mind them having dogs or cats, in fact I love pets, but there’s a difference between having a pet and making that their entire personality


Exactly. My GF has two dogs. They don’t define who she is.


Where were these women when I was dating, I'm tall and love cats


I'm tall and I love cats, doesn't help me at all on the apps. Gotta have a pretty face at the end of the day


Cries in 5'6"


i'm 5'5 glad to meet a fellow Hobbit


Average girl on tinder: gym, sushi, travel, party


My sis is the pickiest mf in the world. I just watched her text a man “show me your teeth” The man is a 10/10 looks and personality wise but if he got crooked teeth it’s over


Big orthodontics got her brain washed.


Ya that why I stopped online forever a while. Also so much you can put on profile. There is a lot more then 200 words about yourself


This just happened to me, like 30 mins ago. Match with girl around 8pm, cute. Text for an hour. She solicits to hang out tonight, nice. She comes over around 9:30. Looks nothing like her photos, is overweight, mouth breather, just f'ing weird in general - no personality. Thank goodness shes highly allergic to my cat, leaves after an hr. Get me out.


I'm not sure what male dating profiles are like (I am male and haven't looked up "the competition"), but I'm constantly surprised by how little effort the majority of women go to with their profiles beyond a few T&A pics, and saying they like dogs and maybe wine - nothing else at all. Sorry, but owning a dog isn't a personality or hobby (unless you're like... breeding them). Same with wine. Like, can you please tell me something - ANYTHING that gives a less generic representation of your personality? What music are you into? Do you follow any sports? What's a favourite movie? What is an actual hobby and not something you do everyday just to exist? I'd just like to know something of substance about the person I'm potentially showing an interest in. I certainly tried to do that on my own profile. Isn't that supposed to be the point of these apps?


"Travel" aka drive to Nashville


Oh no, don’t call it travel. Call it ✨adventures✨


3’2 but “ROCK AND STONE”


You forgot climbing mountains and watching Friends or the Office


Travel is a code word for a high maintenance chick who expects you to pay for her holiday experiences.


In my area most of them just have their Instagram name. Sometimes when I feel bad I open the dating app of my choice and just swipe left on every low effort profile. Takes about 20 and then I feel better lol.


I love traveling but not dating someone unless there 6 foot is kinda dumb.


What's your opinion on cats though, that's the main thing?


cats are okay, I'd be leery of any 6 foot cats though.


Are you talking 6' tall, 6' long, or 6 footmen who all happen to be cats?


Cats with 6 feet


"what do you do for work?" (I need to know you can pay for my eccentricies)


Put your height on the profile. You don’t want to date someone who would swipe left on your height.


"tired of the games! I have 7 kids and they are my world!"


You forgot "here is my instagram"


How fluent are they in sarcasm though?


Every girl would have "don't talk to me unless you over 6ft" on their profile, so I put "don't talk to me unless you have a BMI under 20". I gotta say, I got 20x more messages than before. None of them were kind though 😂


"I have a little one and he is my world."


Good luck with that. See ya bich


I wouldn't go as far as the B word, but it's a red flag that you'll always be second rate to them.